w • « « < • ► ♦ I l > » < » • * • • • * * » • JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CLARK COUNTY GRANT-FUNDED POSITIONS ELIGIBILITY SERVICES SUPERVISOR (X7012) BAKER BRANCH ADULT & FAMILY SERVICES DIVISION (AFS) Salary: ($1,739-$2.217/monthly) Excellent Benefit Package State of Oregon, AFS needs energetic and innovative per­ sons with excellent manage- m ent/supervisory skills to be an E ligibility Services Supervisor in our BAKER BRANCH office in Baker, Oregon. The person fill­ ing this position w ill be respon­ sible for first-line supervision of staff providing delivery of ser­ vices in the Public Assistance Programs. QUALIFICATIONS You m ust have tw o years experience: • Managing, supervising, or leading other people; OR • Determining client e ligibility for financial and other public assistance; OR, • Providing advice and counsel to applicants/clients in obtain­ ing and m aintaining public as­ sistance or other social serv­ ices; OR, • Providing job preparation/job search/job placement to clients of a social service agency or o th e r e m p lo y m e n t s e rv ic e agency; OR • Providing any or all of these elements. IN ADDITION, you must have a Bachelor's degree or three more years of responsible experience. Obtain a State of Oregon Ap­ plication (PD100) and Announce­ ment #00880540 from Person­ nel Center, 775 Court Street, Salem, Oregon 97310 or from the Baker Branch, 1768 Auburn Street, Baker, Oregon 97814. ELIGIBILITY SERVICES SUPERVISOR (X7012) ALBANY AND LEBANON BRANCHES ADULT & FAMILY SERVICES DIVISION (AFS) Salary: ($1,739-$2,217/monthly) Excellent Benefit Package .1 * .n ' * ♦ •. f ; * í “ A ‘ '■*4 V . V. : ; V. t,;.> V j> ?*v ■• •»1 State of Oregon, Adult and Fami­ ly Services currently has vacan­ cies in the ALBANY and LEBAN­ ON branch offices as ELIGIBIL­ ITY SERVICES SUPERVISORS. If selected, you w ill be responsi­ ble for first-line supervision of staff providing delivery of ser­ vices in the Public Assistance Programs. QUALIFICATIONS You m ust have tw o years experience: • M anaging, supervising, or leading other people; OR • Determining client e ligibility for financial and other public assistance; OR, • Providing advice and counsel to applicants/clients in obtain­ ing and maintaining public as­ sistance or other social serv­ ices; OR, • Providing job preparation/job search/job placement to clients of a social service agency or o th e r e m p lo y m e n t s e rv ic e agency; OR • Providing any or all of these elements. IN ADDITION, you must have a Bachelor’s degree or three more years of responsible experience. State of Oregon Application (PD100) and A nnouncem ent #00880525 can be obtained from the following offices: Per­ sonnel Center, 775 Court Street, Salem, Oregon 97310 or the Al­ bany Branch Office, 1400 S.E. Queen, Suite 101, Albany, Ore­ gon 97321, or the Lebanon Branch Office, 450 Market Drive, Lebanon, Oregon, 97355. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE ANNOUNCEMENT. •t< «5 H*;? $ té s iZ* «C-? S3* & NATURE’S 3449 N.E. 24th Portland, OR 97212 MENTAL HEALTH FULL-TIME FAMILY THERAPIST One (1) out-patient, one (1) day treatment; MSW prior family ex­ perience required. Send resume by 8/19 to: CCMH, 6329 N.E. Union Ave., Portland, OR 97211. Atten.: Personnel Dept. An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer HELP WANTED TELEMARKETING Men • Women • Students 20 (twenty) immediate positions to work local advertising promo­ tions taking orders over the phone. Up to $4.00 to $8.00 per hour. 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. shifts. No experience necessary. We train. Apply at: Business Sampler Advertising 4520 S.E. Belmont, Suite 300 or Call 230-0540 MEDICAL GE Government Services, Tongue Point Job Corps Center, is solic- titing hourly rate quotations for the provision of: MEDICAL MENTAL HEALTH OPTOMETRY & DENTAL SERVICES To the Tongue Point Job Corps Center for the period October 1, 1988 through September 30,1989. The Center is a vocational train­ ing facility operated by GE Gov­ ernment Services .under contract to the Department of Labor for a planned average of 510 corps members between the ages of 16 and 25 years. If interested in submitting a quote, please call or write the Center at the address noted be­ low for additional information. GE Government Services Springdale Site 31224 E. Crown Point Hwy. Troutdale, Oregon 97060 Attn: Mary Cohorst, Site Manager (503) 695-2245 TEACHER ASSISTANT II (Temporary, Part-Time - 28 Hrs / Wk.) Salary: $5.84-$7.10/hourly The individual selected for this position will be responsible for assisting in the planning and con­ ducting of daily activities of the classroom under the supervision of the Teacher. Individualized child activities, maintenance of a safe and orderly physical environ­ ment are just a few of the varied responsibilities. Additionally, this individual will assist in providing opportunities for parents to ex­ perie nce e d u ca tio n in the classroom. An AA degree in Early Childhood Education or Child Development Associate AND one (1) year con­ sistent paid experience with groups of children 3 to 5 years of age in a preschool program. At least 21 years old. Able to relate well to children and to adults from varying cultural, educa­ tio n a l, and s o c io -e co n o m ic backgrounds. Demonstrate fluent verbal and written command of the English language. Must have in itia l h e a lth e x a m in a tio n , periodic check-up and must be free of communicable disease. Must have dependable, available automobile with valid driver’s license and insurance. Obtain Food Handler’s Card and Red Cross First Aid Certificate. Agree to submit to fingerprinting and to a background investigation of criminal history. Attend all ap­ propriate staff meetings and train­ ing sessions. TEACHER ASSISTANT I (Temporary Part-Time - 28 Hrs/Wk.) Salary: $4.35-$5.29/Hourly The individual selected for this position will assist in implemen­ ting classroom activities under the supervision of the teacher. The individual will also observe, record, and report on child behavior; assist meals; prepare activities, supplies and environ­ ment; and maintain safety and cleanliness of the center. Completed 12 (twelve) grades or equivalent. One (1) year consis­ tent paid experience with groups of children 3 to 5 years of age in a preschool program. At least 18 years old. Ability to relate to preschool children and to adults from varying cultural, educational and s o c io -e c o n o m ic b a c k ­ grounds. Committed to furthering education, willingness to learn, Early C h ild h o o d E d u ca tio n credits at a college or university. Recent participation in work­ shops, training sessions, or semi­ nars emphasizing the develop­ ment and education of the preschool child. MASTER TEACHER (Temporary, 28-40 Hrs./Wk.) Salary: $9.28-$11.28/hourly The individual selected for this position will be responsible for planning and conducting daily ac­ tivities of the classroom for handi­ capped and/or non-handicapped children. In addition, this individual is responsible for the planning and monitoring the implementation of lEP's for program handicapped children. Individualized child ac­ tivities, staff supervisor, main­ tenance of a safe and orderly physical environment and acting as a liaison with school and com­ munity agencies are just a few of the varied responsibilities. Addi­ tionally, this individual will extend the educational program into the child’s home and provide oppor­ tunities for parents to experience education in the classroom. B achelor’s Degree (M aster’s Preferred) in Early Childhood/ Special Education. Special Ed­ ucation Endorsement required. A minimum of two years experience working with handicapped 3 - 5 year olds in a group setting. At least 2 years experience supervis­ ing adults. Must be at least 21 years old. Able to relate well to children and to adults from varying cultural, educational and socio-economic backgrounds. Demonstrate fluent verbal and written command of the English language. Must have in it ia l h e a lth e x a m in a tio n , periodic check-up and must be free of communicable disease. Must have dependable, available automobile, with valid driver’s license and insurance. Must sub­ mit to fingerprinting and to a background in ve stig a tio n of criminal history. Obtain Food Handler’s Card and Red Cross propriate staff meetings and train­ dual will be free of violations which have resulted in personal ing sessions. injury, have a valid Washington SPEECH PATHOLOGIST Driver’s License with Intermed­ (Temp. Part-Time - 30-35 Hrs./Wk.) iate Endorsement, have a First Salary: $10.35-$12.58/hourly Aid Card, CPR, automobile and The individual selected for this auto insurance. Experience work­ position will be responsible fo r ing with young children is highly Screening of all enrolled children desirable. Valid Food Handler’s for speech, language and/or hear­ Permit, knowledge of preparation ing problem s; id e n tific a tio n and service of food, ability to through diagnostic testing of lan­ maintain required records. Agree guage, and/or hearing difficulties, to fingerprinting and to a criminal according to W.A.C. and Program background history check. S ta n d a rd s and g u id e lin e s ; TEACHER scheduling and planning therapy (Temporary, Part-Time - sessions to meet the special 28 Hrs./Wk.) needs of these children, making The individual selected for this plans and documenting progress position will be responsible for of each child; relating each planning and conducting daily ac­ child’s progress to teachers and tivities of the classroom under parents on a regular basis and the supervision of the Education providing them with ideas and/or C o o rd in a to r a n d /o r Head educational materials to assist Teacher. Individualized child ac­ child; referral of children in need tivities, staff supervision, main­ of further diagnostic testing or tenance of a safe and orderly medical examinations to the physical environment, and acting Health Coordinator, maintenance as a liaison with school and com­ of necessary records and con­ munity agencies are just a few of fidentiality. the varied responsibilities. Addi­ B.A. or B.S. in Speech Pathology tionally, this individual will extend and Audiology from an accredited the educational program into the university or college. E.S.A. cer­ child’s home and provide oppor­ tified for the State of Washington. tunities for parents to experience Certified Communication Disor­ education in the classroom. ders Specialist, or eligible for A Bachelor’s Degree in education, such certification. At least one preferred Early Childhood focus year experience in working with AND one (1) year consistent paid children. Initial health examina­ experience with groups of child­ tion; be free of communicable ren 3 to 5 years of age in a pre­ disease. Capable of establishing school program, including super­ rapport with all teachers and staff. vision of adults and classroom Available auto, automobile in­ planning/management. At least surance and valid driver’s license. 21 years old. Able to relate well to Must be able to relate well to children and to adults from vary­ children and adults from varying ing cultural, educational and educational, cultural, and socio­ socio-econom ic backgrounds. Demonstrate fluent verbal and economic backgrounds. written command of the English DRIVER language. Must have initial health (Temp., Part-Time - 24-30 Hrs./Wk.) examination, periodic check-up Salary: $5.19-$6.31/hourly and must be free of com ­ The Individual selected for this municable disease. Must have a v a ila b le position will be responsible for d e p e n d a b le , transporting children between automobile, with valid driver’s home and classroom daily under license and insurance. Must sub­ the supervision of the Support mit to fingerprinting and to a Services Manager. This individual background in ve stig a tio n of will also perform daily vehicle in­ criminal history. Obtain Food spection, maintain public rela­ Handler’s Card and Red Cross tions with clients; maintain nec­ First Aid Certificate. Attend all ap­ essary vehicle and trip records, propriate staff meetings and train­ and assure the safe operation of ing sessions. his/her vehicle. In addition, will Head Start of Clark County assist in the delivery, preparation, operates under the direction of service and clean-up of meals for the Economic Opportunity Com­ program children and adults. mittee of Clark County, Inc., a At least 21 years old and physical­ non-profit corporation providing ly able to carry out all assigned services to children, handicapped responsbilities. Initial health ex­ and low-income families in Clark amination and found free of com­ County, WA. Its offices are municable disease. This indivi- located at 3405 N.E. 52nd Street, Vancouver, WA 98661. Application Deadline: Wednesday, August 17, 1988 at 4:00 P.M. Application Procedure: Application Form and Position Announcement are available at: HEAD START ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 3405 N.E. 52nd Street • Vancouver, WA 98661 • (206) 694-3377 Between 9:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. - Weekdays A complete application file consists of: EOC Application Form, Resume, and letters of recommendation. In addition, each individual must submit a written statement supporting his/her application. This may be in the form of a cover letter. RECEPTIONIST R e s p o n s ib le fo r g re e tin g patient, general clerical duties; typing, patient billing and collections. Assist with coordination of volunteer program and fundraising activities. Requires pre­ vious receptionist and general ex­ perience, good typing skills, excellent comm unication and organizational skills. Medical terminology a must and ability to work in a high activity environ­ ment with busy telephones. Tho Salary to $1.000. a month. RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT COORDINATOR F r n n n m ir P n m m iM o o rtf f 'l a r L P n iin tu lr»/» ic an F n n a l ftn r m r tu n ifu E m n ln u a r onH e K a ll n n t H ic n r im in a t o a SUB-BIDS REQUESTED SUB-BIDS REQUESTED COVELL HALL FIRE ESCAPE COVELL HALL ALTERATIONS • GILL COLISEUM OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OSU GUILD COLISEUM EXTERIOR RESTORATION BID DATE: Responsible fo r coordination of volunteer program and fund develop­ ment efforts, to include staff/volunteer supervision, fundraising, grant writing. Requires two (2) years related experi­ ence in a health care environment; dem­ onstrate ability to work independently and strong organizational skills. Col­ lege level course work in business preferred. O n n n r fiin itu August 16, 1988 at 2:00 P.M. Dale Ramsey Construction Co. P.O. Box 1082 • Corvallis, OR 97330 (503) 753-2012 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub-contractors and women and minority business enterprises. BID DATE: August 16, 1988 at 2:15 P.M. Blumenstein-Dean Construction Co. P.O. Box 100 Stanton, OR 97383 (503) 769-4294 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub-contractors and women and minority business enterprises. Salary to $1,333. a month. Mail cover letter, resume to: SUB-BIDS REQUESTED N fc C P H OREGON FOREST HIGHWAY PROJECT FH60-1(1) POWERS AGNES ROAD BID DATE: August 24, 1988 at 2:00 P.M. Tide Water Contractor, Inc. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SCIENCE 6 BUILDING BID DATE: August 16, 1988 at 4:00 P.M. WILDISH BUILDING CO. 1956 Brookings, Oregon 97415 (503) 469-5341 P.O. Box 7428 Eugene, Oregon 97401 (503) 485-1700 We are an equal opportunity employer requesting quotation from qualified DBE. WBE & Suppliers. We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub-contractors and women and minority business enterprises. MARION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS SUB-BIDS REQUESTED SUB-BIDS REQUESTED REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SCIENCE VI FACILITY • EUGENE, OREGON Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution Phase 7 Equal Opportunity Employer r-- • •« . » \ * “ / y > ¿«fey Has permanent part-tim e/full- time cashier positions at $4.50 to start. Must be familiar with natu­ ral food. Apply directly at: First Aid Certificate. Attend all ap- accept suggestions and follow directions accurately. Must have in it ia l h e a lth e x a m in a tio n , periodic check-up and be free of communicable disease. Must have dependable, available auto­ mobile, with valid driver’s license and insurance. Obtain Food Handler’s Card and Red Cross First Aid Certificate. Attend all ap­ propriate staff meetings and train­ ing sessions. PORTLAND OBSERVER NURSE PRACTITIONER COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC 5311 N. Vancouver Avenue Portland, Oregon 97217 Application Deadline: August 27, 1988 “ The Eyes and Ears of the Com m unity" Equal Opportunity Employer 288-0033 Marion County Public Works will accept letters of qualification from consulting engineers not to exceed four pages in length, through August 26, 1988, regarding development of a facility plan required for submission to Department of Environmental Quality. The project con­ sists of an entirely new sewer collection and treatment system for Brooks, a community of 340, 3 miles north of Salem, Oregon. Qualifica­ tions of the consultants will be rated and the five most qualified, invited To submit proposals. The consultant will be selected using a process of competitive negotiation. Rating by the Public Works Department will be based on the following criteria: Prior experience and references, organization of letter, scope of services available, qualifications of personnel and knowledge of project history. BID DATE: August 23, 1988 at 3:00 P.M. Robinson Construction Co. 7320 S.W. Hunziker Road Suite 300 • Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639-8021 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub contractors and women and minority business enterprises. BID DATE: August 18. 1988 at 3:00 P.M. McCormack/Emerick Construction P.O. Box 66100 Portland, OR 97266 (503) 777-5531 FAX 771-2933 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub contractors and women and minority business enterprises. ‘ £ “1 .J i i'js I, > • * * A”.■ ” . Jf’-