m P a g e 8, P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r, A u g u s t 3. 1988 Golden Wedding Anniversary March Against Drugs he ch ild re n of Mr. and Mrs. Thadus S pencer celebrated the F iftie th Anniversary o f their pa re n t’s m arriage on Saturday, the 16th of July, 1988 at seven p.m. It was held at the Rafters near the S ellw ood Bridge, in the S outh Room, 220 S outheast Spo­ kane Street in Portland, Oregon. Everyone w ho attended the cele­ bration came, saw and thorough ly enjoyed them selves. W hen you th in k o f 50 years living w ith the same person, there is a bond th a t could never be broken, a oneness of purpose that does not happen in every mar­ riage. For Thaddeus and Marie Spencer, th e ir 50 year odyssey Rev. Roy L. Tate began in 1938 in a tow n called “ Behold how good and how pleasant H olt, Alabam a where Mr. Spencer, it is f o r brethren to dwell together in a native of Akron, Alabam a, had u n itv .” Psalm 133: 1 com e to live w ith his aunt. There rugs and A lc o h o l are m ajor he m et his best friend and com pa­ causes o f crim e, p ro s titu ­ nion for life, M arie Thom pson. tion, gang activity, d eaths and It was not love at firs t s ig h t but a m eeting of the m inds. It was in o ther form s o f crim in a l behavior. the cards that alm ost everyday N eighbo rh oods are being stolen Thaddeus w o u ld com e w alking away from law a b iding citizens and the c rim in a l fa c tio n s are tak­ by, s it down, and have a nice chat ing over. W e su p p o rt law e n fo rce ­ w ith Marie w h ile she sat on the porch of her house. They could m ent as it a tte m p ts to «^radicate also be found dow n at the local these types of environm ents, but eating place liste n in g to the Rock organizations w ith in the c o m m u ­ C ola and dancing the n ig h t away. n ity m ust also c o n fro n t th e s itu a ­ It was not long a fte r that Thad­ tio n and "w in o u r n eighb orhoods deus decided M arie was the girl back.” fo r him. No, he never asked for J.A.D.A. (Jesus A g a in s t Drugs her hand. He ju s t sort of to o k it for and A lcohol) is a Christian based granted that it was his anyway. outreach program of the C hrist On July 16, 1938 w ith marriage M em orial C hurch. Founded by Rev. Roy L. Tate. The purpose of license in hand, they took o ff to J.A.D.A. is to m eet the s p iritual the local ch u rch and said those very fam ous and im portant tw o and physical needs of abusers and help them overcom e th e ir ad­ w ords: I DO! Thus began the reason fo r this d ic tio n s , also to provide an a lte r­ story, as Thaddeus and Marie n ative life s ty le fo r th e m is ­ S pencer celebrate th e ir G olden d irected and guide people in to a W edding Anniversary. F ifty Years s e lf-s u ffic e n t and stabilized life. J.A.D.A. is s p onsoring a m arch o f marriage, 12 children, 32 grand­ children, and 7 great-grandchild­ on Saturday, A ugust 13, 1988 b eginn ing at 12:00 N oon. W e w ill ren later they are s till bonded start at the U.S. Bank on U nion togethe r by those vows. D uring W o rld W ar II, Sgt. Avenue and K illin g s w o rth and Spencer of the U.S. Arm y was sta­ m arch to A lberta Park w here we tio n e d in A fric a and Italy, serving w ill c o n clu d e w ith a rally and hear his co u n try by driving supply rem arks from various speakers. tru cks to the fro n t lines. Then in The them e of the m arch is, “ W hen people use dope, the c o m ­ June, 1943 the fa m ily m oved to m u n ity has no future or hope.” the P acific N orthw est, to Port­ land, Oregon, to start a new life, W e w ill be jo in e d by M ayor Bud Clark and o th e r c ity o ffic ia ls , local and raise th e ir 12 children. Thaddeus and Marie and church businesses, churches, schools, going, God fearing people w ho neighborhood a sso cia tio n s, local did w hatever they could to make o ffic ia ls , and the J.A.D.A. sure that th e ir kids had what the W e are asking you to jo in us in G ood Lord was able to provide, the cause. You may w alk, ride, run and provide he did, fo r 50 long or ride in a bus. and hard but som ehow w onderful For m ore info rm a tio n , contact: years. C hrist M em orial C hurch o f God in C O N G R A T U L A T IO N S ! M ay C hrist, 1552 N orth K illin g s w o rth God co n tin u e to bless and keep St., P ortland, OR 97217, (503) 286-9624 you. T D f ?* •* ,t* :: V 5 <>•.- 'V?' » •-<’• •» * \ V. uv 5 C> /•A1 • *’ ♦ * ’.w» Message To The Albina Community songs from the M ount O livet Bap­ tis t C h u rch ’s J u b ile e Singers by M argaret J. Isaacs (who sang before th e ir pastor unday, July 24, 1988 marked he A lbina C o m m u n ity has been sensitized by su ffe rin g and spoke) “ W e shall be ju s t like a statem ent in the history of has asked the q u e stio n , “ W hy us?" “ W hy m ust we suffer the B ethel A frican M e th o d is H t im — W hen we see J e s u s " increased crim e, p ro s titu tio n , drugs, gangs.” “ W hy does everything w hich w as led by Leneld D. H am ­ Episcopal C hurch. The Reverend hurt so m uch?” There are no easy answ ers. We fail w hen we try to m ond. The m essage o f the even­ and Mrs. M ilto n G reen’s firs t give answ ers because the pleadings of those in agony are not for ing was brought by the Rev. Dr. A n n ive rsa ry w ith the ch u rc h answ ers or understanding, but for relief from anguish. For the Jam es M artin, pastor o f the was honored. A lbina C om m unity reality in life is pain. If there is any feeling that all M ount O livet B aptist C hurch. The them e of the occasion people share, it is pain. If there is anyth in g w h ic h begs that we C o m m issio n e r D ick Bogle and was, "A Charge to Keep I Have.” explain it, it is pain. U nless our answ ers co n ta in s so m e th in g that his lovely w ife, Rev. John H. The scrip tu re was taken from I brings ease from d istress, we m erely m ake the pain worse. The Jackson and his b e a u tifu l spouse T im othy 5:17 — “ ... Let the elders problem s of the N ortheast Area are as old as S odom and G om orrah and several o ther guest were that rule w ell be counted w orthy and the pain for som e is to o great to bear. M urdered relatives, raped recognized. of d ouble honor, e specially they daughters, entire fa m ilie s addicted to drugs. Prey fo r all, w ith in and Since his arrival here in O c to ­ w ho labor in the w ord and w ith o u t the C om m unity. Som e cry o u t as Isaiah the prophet who ber of 1987, Pastor Green has d o c trin e ." pleaded m ost e loque ntly w hen he turned to G od and said, dem onstrated to his m em bers the The m em bers o f the Bethel I f You would but tear open the heavens and come down. true m eaning o f "W e m ust w ork C hurch had nothing but good to So that mountains would quake ... When you did wonders the w ork of H im that sent us w hile express about their pastor and we dared not hope fo r, You came down it is day, fo r n ig h t co m e th and no friend, Rev. Green. The program man can w ork.” (It should be (Isaiah 64: 1, 3; Hebrew 63: 19, 64: 1) co n tin u e d w ith songs from the noted that Pastor Green has Some hold God responsible fo r the ills of the C om m unity, but Bethel A M E ’s com bined choirs, show n his m em bers that days are gain little and lose so m uch when God is blam ed fo r the problem s, Drill T e am not long enough and every man pressures and pain we a llow ed and in som e instances, condoned can co n tin u e to w ork at night.) w ith our participation . A lb in a not only has a pain problem but an S e e k H elp Under Rev. G reen’s guidance, idenity problem as w ell. C o m m u n ity th in kin g m ust be realigned. by M attie Ann C allier-Spears ___ the church adopted the them e P ositive im ages, counsel w ith know ledge, com passion m ust be evi­ "G ro w in g in Grace and K now l­ dent if we w ould change the ugly im age of the C om m unity. Pain The aw ard-w inning Stars and edge," the em phasis as prom ised expresses the idea o f "m o vin g convulsively, stru g g lin g , tw itch in g , S tripes D rill Team, based at the is in the area of W o rsh ip and je rkin g .” A lbina, like the beautifu l b u tte rfu ly w ith its m ulti-colored S alvation A rm y M oore Street Preaching, Evangelism , C hristian appearance was firs t an ugly grub. N ow is the tim e fo r the tra n sfo r­ C o m m u n ity Center, is asking the G iving and C h ristian Education. m ation of the A lbina C o m m u n ity by extrem e convulsion s, pain and h e lp o f the c o m m u n ity . On Program s and obje ctive s are be­ struggle, if we w ould transform ourselves from ugly grub to A ugust 20th, 1988, the d rill team ing met, the G ospel is being beautiful b u tterfly. S om ethings, and perhaps som e persons, m ust has been invited to co m pete and Preached, the sick and shut-ins die before the tra n sfo rm a tio n from pain to glory occurs. Perhaps pa rticip a te in the “ P acific Na­ are being visited, the H oly S pirit som e of us w ill be m artyrs, m urdered because o f our b eliefs that tional E x ib itio n ” in Vancouver, is co n tin u a lly fillin g and m oving change m ust com e, that children m ust be saved, that crim inal B ritish C olum bia, Canada. There in the church and its m em bers, elem ents m ust be eradicated from o u r C om m unity; but-death is not w ill be 44 nations co m p e tin g (in­ souls are being saved and lives the end, it is ju s t the o th e r side. As a w idow of a slain m issionary in c lu d in g Russia). are being healed. There is a Q uito, Ecuador wrote: The d rill team q u a lifie d fo r en­ Prayer Breakfast each m onth — try because o f th e ir 1st place This is not death — i t ’s glory; open to the public, a M em bership achievem ent in Everett, W ashing­ It isn’t dark— i t ’s light; T raining Class, B ible S tudy each ton on the 4th of July. They receiv­ It isn't stumbling, groping, o r even fa ith — i t ’s sight; W ednesday at noon and at 6:30 ed the highly acclaim ed HENRY This isn’t grief— i t ’s having my last tear wiped away; p.m. The Sunday S chool is grow ­ • M. JA C K S O N ’S YOUTH IN AC ­ It is sunrise— the morning o f my eternal day; ing, V acation B ible S chool was TION AW ARD. Just recently, on This isn’t praying— i t ’s speaking face to face, and i t ’s held, a C lass Leaders C ouncil the 30th of July, the d rill team glimpsing at all the wonders o f his grace; was organized along w ith the m arched away w ith the “ Grand This is the end o f all pleading f o r strength to bear P resident's C ouncil and The Sons M a rsh a ll’s T rophy” in the W est my pain, not even p a in ’s dark memory w ill ever live again; of Allen. Rev. Green began the H ow did 1 bear the earth life before I came up higher? Linn Festival. C larion N ew sletter, there is a There w ill be 25 girls and 4 before ! knew this rapture o f meeting face to face Blood Pressure C lin ic , and a local adults traveling together. They with the one who sought me, saved me, and kept me by His grace? church E conom ic D evelopm ent need the sum of $1,500.00 to This is not death— i t ’s glory.’ Program have all been e s ta b lis h ­ cover th e ir expenses of: meals, V\le m ust see the A lbina C o m m u n ity as a thing in itself. ed. lo d g in g (fo r one n ig h t) and S ickness in the absence of health. Death in the absence of life. Mrs. Essie Green is the chair­ transportatio n. Chaos in the absence of order. A ccid e n ts in the absence o f proper person of the Bethel AM E Plaza, Please send all c o n trib u tio n s to perform ance. There is a severe lapse in the way that th in g s o ught to Inc., S enior Service Program, A d­ the: be. Evil, pain, cruelty, in ju stice , hatred, strife, and sickness as well visory Board. Rev. Green, Mrs. as death exist because of the c h o ice s we have made. Therefore, SALVATION ARMY Green, and their daugh ter Karen, A lbina m ust change our th in kin g , let the pain we now endure lead c/o The Stars and Stripes Drill Team we SALUTE you and your undying us in to the know ledge of God and man and how the tw o interact. 5335 N. W illiam s • Portland service in the “ fie ld of F aith." O ur pain is the o ccasion fo r us to look up and see God, le ttin g us Call: F o llo w in g the fin a l remarks, Rev. James or Gloria Richardson know that he does care and that he is w illin g to enter in to our s u ffe r­ everybody was invited to fe l­ (503) 249-0514 ing ... le ttin g us know that the su ffe rin g we endure w ill lead up past low ship w ith Bethel and partake th is vile experience in to a safe, G od-centered, G od-seeking, livable Let the g irls know that you, the of the d e lic io u s b u ffe t that was com m u n ity. Our pain has helped us to focus o u tsid e of ourselves, co m m u n ity, are proud of th e ir prepared and w a itin g in the m u lti­ determ ined to fin d the s o lu tio n s to our problem s. W e cannot a cco m p lish m e n ts by sending in purpose room area. choose w hether or not we w ill e n tire ly eradicate the pain, but we your c o n trib u tio n s, TODAY! The The program is over, the food can choose w hether we w ill a llow problem s to defeat us. The god­ am ounts of $5, $10. $20, or even has been eaten; but, Rev. G reen’s fearing people of the A lbina C o m m u n ity w ill look w ith in and am ong $100 w ill be greatly appreciated. w ork is not ended. He has to m eet them selves fo r the so lu tio n to o ur c o m m u n ity problem s. We w ill ’ The nam es of the c o n trib u to rs the challenges o f the m onths change from w ith in the causes of the sickness, w h ich the band-aid w ill be published in the PORT­ ahead. s o lu tio n from w ith o u t the c o m m u n ity has be unable to cure. The LAND OBSERVER each w eek un- May God rich ly bless Rev. A lbina C o m m u n ity has been sp iritu a lly passive fo r a tim e, but w ill the am ount has been reached. Green. May He S trengthen him be passive no longer. Strangers to pain we are not; We w ill cope and May God bless your effo rts! and keep him in H is care. we w ill be victorious. by M attie Ann Callier-Spears MM MB MB MB —• «M i A re Y o u R eady T o L ove? Day Care YOUR CHOICE S'i.b SM UC KER’S FRESH PA CK JM*,». 2-1/2 Year Olds - Learning Shapes TRY OUR DIFFERENCE • Breakfast Mon-rri 6:30 am 6:00 pm • Hot Lunches •Snack" W ITH A N A M E LIKE S M U C K E R ’S, IT H A S T O BE G O O D CaU 1 4 Year Olds - Making Cookies r- Grace Collins , Memorial Center PORTLAND. OREGON 97211 (503) 287-9321 ,4 5 EACH E n joy these fin e w in e s fro m th e C o lu m b ia V a lle y STRAWBERRY PRESERVES James Car Wash & Detailing Shop ' *> F*f 7 5 0 ML BOTTLE FRESH-FROM-THE-FIELD Buff & Wax Hand Wax Shoe Shine Available • -5 t 3 Years - W riting ABC s to 11 yrs. Love. “ W e've got to do it N O W !” 2415 N.E. ALBERTA ST. • Johannisberg Riesling • Chenin Blanc • Blush Children 6 wks. 128 N.E. Russell St. Y •'■»,. Produced a n d Bottled in G ra n d v ie w , W a s h in g to n 'Latch Key Program ’ •rs; » , í 3\» t - I • Kindergarten • Pre-School L im p o rta n t lesson fo r us B lack folks. The m ost pow erful p o litic a l a c tio n Black people can take is to { w ork in concert. And being in harm ony depends on learning to Love ourselves. "T hen w e ’ll understand the nature and pow er o f Love Then we can begin to Love and c herish one another as men and women, parents and children), sisters and brothers. We ve got to • Hand Car Wash • Carpet Shampoo • Steam Clean Engine “ W A S H IN G T O N D IS C O V E R Y " 1 9 8 6 V IN T A G E W IN E * w “ Since 1952" 281-6930 ¿»S-z ~ SPECIAL PURCHASE Memorial Center -v i k '.’ í - í í ~ il the wine cellar Grace Collins J u s t Love and be Loved. It sounds so sim ple. So natural. Like E breathing ,or ju s t being w ho we are. The need to give and receive f Love is basic to our lives. It's the one th in g that co n n e cts us to one expression of G o d ’s Love. L Are you ready to Love? W e m iss m any o p p o rtu n itie s fo r Love C because w e d o n ’t like “ the package.” W ould you recognize a Love- I E m ate if he w ere short, fat or poor? The last th in g we w om en w ant is £ to be accepted o r rejected based on looks or w ealth. Do you give Ì E others the same co n sid e ra tio n you w ish fo r yourself? W e are all a ttra cte d to secure, independent people w ho are fo cu se d on th e ir m ission. The caring responsive, responsible peo­ ple we w ant in our lives are attracted to us w hen we ourselves becom e that kind of person, when we develop th a t re la tio n sh ip w ith ourselves. W hen you are Loving and caring fo r Y ourself, you becom e a pow erful m agnet a ttra c tin g the best o f everything. To give and receive Love you m ust throw open the doors of y o u r heart, create a space for Love by le ttin g go of past anger, by fo rg ivin g anyone w ho has ever hurt you — parents, friends, Lovers. W e are the — c u lm in a tio n of our past experiences. Anchor yourself w ith Love and be a source of peace wherever you are. Unhappy people bring th e ir unhappiness w ith them w herever they go, but you take the high road! Love! That s such an a » S T C another and to the universe. Like everything else in nature, we are an vÇr* r ,- - . 1st Anniversary Celebrated KIENOW'S THE FRIENDLIEST STORES IN TOWN HOURS SINCE 1908 W E RE5ERVE — Day Care 5 Year Olds - Reading First Grade Books W EEKDAYS 8 a m to 9 pm SUNDAYS 9 :3 0 a m to 7 pm THE R IG H T T O L IM IT Q U A N T IT IE S SPECIALS GOOD AUGUST 2nd THROUGH 6th, 1988 *-£ V ? " * L. - ft.. -W« kz* * » •K * V •*,*’* \ '• ’\ ‘7. * a ft * * * * • • • • • 1 . ' ’v . •WJ