I August 3, 1988, Portland Observer, Page 7 > IN MEMORY OF... Expressions & Remembrance: Iman Sheik Na’eem Muhammad May 23, 1941 - July 24, 1988 The Fulfilling Merits Of Education ‘ 7 July 24th, the day God chose to bring me to this life is the same day he chose to take Brother Naeem to have life with him. A sunburst o f energy, that warmed you like a solarium. Always keeping the candle lit o f greatly needed unity. Check-mating his moves for yours, mine, ours. He was there as a reminder o f just how much we need each other. His way was paved with anthro-pocentric roads. Never converting people to his way, just conveying. He is taking some o f us with him, and leaving some o f him with us. The words he wrote lives in our hearts, endlessly. W ith us also, sons that have chosen Islam as their shield against adversity, daughters o f special concern. Brother Naeem the alarm clock, to check us from over sleeping. The catalyst to have us rethink our position, regarding a proper use o f time. M y son Alan Yusufs words, “ Allah chose him to be on the honor roll o f eternal happines.” A ll praise is due to Allah, as he is the sole master o f the universe and all things happen by the will o f the most high. M y family salutes you, Imam Naeem l. Muhammad, fo r your deeds and intentions I understand, you my brother were a whole lotta man. Keedah I. Fardhan Los Angeles, CA Iman Sheik Na'eem Muhammad and son Bismillah Irr Rahman Irr Rahim He will be rhissed but his actions and words live on, especially his his article is in memory of last Kutbah given on the day of Iman Sheik Na'eem Muham­ his passing, Eid ul Adha. He ex­ mad born of May 23,1941, passed pounded on the virtues of Hajj, July 24, 1988. Imam Muhammad and reminded us that those was the leader of the Muslim among us who might have more Community in Portland, Oregon materially or intellectually than since July, 1987. He is an Imam another Believer, not think of that will be remembered for his themselves as superior. He asked kindness to all. He was a true us to be patient with those who friend and the first Imam in are still growing in intellect, but Portland to de mystify the Office might be strong in the Faith. He of Imam. He was accessible to all asked us to show love and re­ Believers, not just to a select few. spect for each other for Allah's He truly made an attempt to know sake and not to allow ourselves to his Urn,..at and encouraged us to be divided by personality con­ do our best and strive for ex­ flicts, intolerance, or impatience cellence in all our doings. Imam with each other. Brother Na'eem, Muhammad showed genuine vho is usually soft spoken, on the concern for all. May Allah have day of Eid ul Adha, spoke in a mercy upon him for he has in­ strong, clear voice. It was as if spired this Community to grow by Allah had strengthened him leaps and bounds. especially for this day. AI Hamdulillah T His message went straight to the heart of everyone within the sound of his voice, Believer, non- Believer, bystander, even the ani­ mals in the park seemed to stand at attention during the delivery of his Kutbah. Linder his leadership our young people blossomed and began to really understand the Deen of Al­ lslam. He addressed our young people directly during several Kut- bahs, this made them feel includ­ ed in the Ummat as he was able to communicate with them on their own level. Imam Na'eem treated everyone with respect and equality. May Allah grant him paradise, In- shallah, as he was a most humble servant. As:Salaam-Alaikum mittment to, and their parents understanding of the value of an education. ’ve just finished a very reward­ These students are some of the ing and meaningful year as a teacher. My year began with an hardest working and courteous students I've had an opportunity assignment as a fourth grade to work with. They are from teacher at Woodstock Elementary Southeast Asia and Mexico and school in southeast Portland. The countries in Central America. If rewarding and meaningful ele­ they continue to approach educa­ ments were the interests and the tion with the same kind of involvement of the staff and the enthusiasm they can’t help but parents. succeed. During open house the parent The third, and by no means the or parents of every student in my last significant episode that class was present. If there was a helped to make my year so grati­ problem with a student in any fying was when my brothers Jim way, I could send a note home or and Joe and I took a trip back to call on the phone and I would get the small town we were born in an immediate response. I saw and began our quest for an educa­ teachers on a daily basis interac­ tion. The things that have always ting with students in a positive been obvious to me are that in and constructive manner. They order for children to be suc­ were concerned about how stu­ cessful in school and life doesn't dents conducted themselves and have anything to do with the kind stressed being respectful and of building students attend courteous. This to me is what school in or the newness of the school is all about. books. The main ingredients are the committment parents, teach­ The parents of the students in ers and students are willing to my class were represented 100% m ake to e d u c a tio n a l when it came time for parent- excellence. teacher conferences. The second phase of my year came about ' saw parents, students and when I was assigned as a fifth teachers doing this at Woodstock and sixth grade teacher with the and the Summer Migrant Pro­ Migrant Summer School Program gram. I know these are the ingre­ at Rigler school for the second dients that were given to me and year. The students attending my brothers and the many suc­ school in this program aren't re­ cessful people we encountered at quired to attend summer school. the school reunion of Norris High They attend because of their com- School in Commerce, Texas, on July 1, through July 4. by Curley Massey I Become aware o f your guides or past lives through hypnotherapy. A Iso past life psychic readings. FOOD IDEAS (West Slope Area) A Decorator • Complete training • Primary or secondary income potential • Flexible hours • Low investment A overhead C a ll N o w (503) 620-3399 Decorating Don r or Early Mornings', L ite Night Breakfasts, — A fter Hours — (503) 292-3955 PO RTLAND OBSERVER Opened 24 Hours 'The Eyes and Ears of the Community" ft. Be America’s fastest growing interior design company, is now offering opportunities in Oregon. Besaw’s ‘The Place To G o ’ S e lf - C o n tr o l C e n te r Sister Na'lmah Shamsud-Din I would like to give thanks to the wonderful Black teachers and residents of my hometown for your tender loving care. The school I attended was segre­ gated. All of the students and teachers were Black, but we all had one common goal. We never expected to be treated fairly, and we didn’t expect that being treated unfairly would stop us. America lived up to it’s reputation and we lived up to our expecta­ tions. Segregation was set-up to harm and not help us. Instead, our common sense shielded us and created a cultural advantage. The teachers at Norris High School taught us that self-reliance is much stronger than racism. Rac­ ism depends on people who are non-reliant in order to survive. I have had the priviledge all of my life watching dignified and com­ petent Blacks deal with racism. I know common sense is not very common, but students who at­ tended Norris High School have it the cultural advantage gave it to us. 288-0033 Making The M ost Of Cheese If you're a “big cheese' w hen it com es to th e foods you p repare and serve, here s a ta sty idea: to sav o r the lull flavor ot your favorite cheese, remove it from th e re­ frigerator about half an hour before you serve or cook it Q u ich e H ollandaise 4 5 0 g r a m s (1 6 oz.) H ollan d Im p o rted MI I,I) ( l O l ’I)A c h e e s e S u ffic ie n t p a str y for 1 I, (9 -in ch ) p ie cru st or fr o z e n p ie s h e ll I m ed iu m ca n p in k or red salm on 3 eggs 125 ml (4 oz.) w h ip p in g crea m 1 /2 ca n slic e d p in e a p p le (5 slic e s) C h o p p ed p a r sle y D rain sa lm o n and rem ove b o n es. D rain p in e a p p le and ch o p fin e ly . In larg e m ixin g b ow l c o m b in e e g g s and w h ip ­ p in g c rea m . Mix in salm on, p in e a p p le , cu b e d m ild G ouda c h e e s e and p a rsley . P repare p astry sh e ll, p u n ch a few h o le s in bottom . Spoon sa lm on /ch eese m ix tu r e in p a str v /sh e ll. B ake in p r e h e a te d o v e n 220 ( (425 l‘ • 45-50 m in u te s, u n til gold en b row n. For a iree b rochure w ith serving and recipe ideas u sing fine cheeses from H olland, w rite: H olland C heese Im porters A ssociation. 47 ( b le n t W ay. R utherford. N J 07070. Joseph Priestley not only discover­ ed oxygen in 1774, he also discover­ ed the w a y to m ake soda w a te r There's only one way to come out ahead of the pack. The Home Team has great moves. SICKLE CELL ANEMIA VICTIMS such as Tonia and Tyra Perkins of Atlanta may soon conquer the disease, thanks to Kentucky Fried Chicken s announcement of two research grants by the Colonel Sander s Memorial Endowment Fund aiding gene therapy research. PORTLAND OBSERVER "The Eyes and Ears of the C om m unity” 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 * I 1 LEE OWEN STONE C o o p e r a tiv e P re sch o o l 120 N.E. 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