1 * * V «• * * * « r v r » ’»»’ , •» » '• • • w * » * * < Page 10, Portland Observer, August 3, 1988 P rofessional S ervices D irectory P h o n e 288-0033 — T o Place Y o u r A d Ad Rates: 5 Lines • 1 Week - $7.50 4 Weeks - $25.00(add $2.50 Per Line) Deadline: 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves the right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) AUTO REPAIR Eddie’s Auto Repair 625 N.E. K illin g s w o rth “Low Rates, W hile You W ait Portland, O regon 281-7591 BEAUTY/BARBER SUPPLIES CATERING D’Jon Enterprise CHURCH ORGANIZATION FASHION CONSULTANTS RESTAURANT Bethel A.M.E. Church Debonaire Production The Long Goodbye Mrs. C ’s Wigs Reasonable rates fo r large or small groups. Please call evenings between 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. in Portland 281-9703 5828 N.E. 8th Ave. Portland, O regon 97211 285-9583 CONTRACTING-GENERAL Fashion Consultants P.O. Box 12088 Portland, O regon 97212 284-7188 Franklin’s Ready Ribs Silco Construction Co. Hours: 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. 445 N.E. K illin g s w o rth Portland, Oregon Call for Information 284-1634 8614 N. C raw ford Portland, O regon 97203 286-8155 Wholesale & Retail Beautician A Student Discounts (B etty Cabine, Proprietor) Tues.-Sat. 11:30 a.m .-6:00 p.m. 707 N.E. F rem ont • P ortland 281-6525 Muffler & Brake Service Most C a rs/L ig h t Trucks — Complete Brake Jobs — H ours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. • Mon.-Sat. 4525 N.E. U nion • P ortland 281-4010 Unity of Love Beauty Salon 6720 N.E. U nion Ave. Portland, O regon 97211 283-5440 Live Music 300 N.W. 10th St. Portland, Oregon 227-1991 Cleo’s Uniquely Yours! Ethnic Cusine Southern Style 3041 N. W illia m s • Portland 284-7150 Boutique & Nail Salon 517 N.E. K illin g s w o rth (One blk. East o f Union A ve.) 281-5966 or 281-5728 Franklin’s Ready Ribs Dale Ramsey Construction 445 N.E. K illin g s w o rth Portland, O regon 284-1634 P.O. Box 1082 C orvallis, Oregon 97339 (503) 753-2012 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 2 UNIT SECRETARY BOYS & GIRLS AID SOCIETY INTAKE COUNSELOR COORDINATOR FOR PREGNANCY COUNSELING 37-1/2 Hours Per Week T his p ro fessiona l c lin ic a l p o sition m ay require som e evening & weekends. Salary $17 - 20k D.O.E. & B enefits. P re g n a n c y In ta k e C o u n s e lo r C o o rd in a to r has prim ary responsi­ b ility fo r developing, providing a n d /o r co o rd in a tin g , assuring in­ take service; in c lu d in g c lin ic a l services, educational p u b lic rela­ tio n s a ctivitie s. V o lu n te e r devel­ o p m e n t co o rd in a tio n & super­ vision, c o m m u n ity netw orking, in­ fo rm a tio n & referral in Portland area. Education: MS Degree Required MSW Preferred 4 *•. > ' -> * .»*•■ ¿i * • j ; ’«••• Z 4 ',<<• \.r« <’A> E x p e rie n c e : M u s t be fa m ilia r w ith issues around unplanned p re g n a n cy in c lu d in g a d o p tio n choice, have a b ility to m ake accu­ rate unbiased assessm ent & pro­ vide su p p o rt to young w om en in crisis. S olid c lin ic a l experience w ith a dolesce nt and young w o­ men. R equires a b ility to e stablish rapport w ith young w om en essen­ tial. F a m ilia rity w ith data c o lle c tio n procedure helpful. P o sitio n re­ quires a b ility to keep accurate records. Som e w ork w ith volun­ teers and p u b lic speaking re­ quired. In te re st a p p lic a n ts apply w ith: Atten.: V ickie S elander M on.-Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Resum e OK 2301 N.W. G lisan Portland, OR 97210 INSURANCE < ’ » S • . .» » ? ,4- ; : ' ‘ ?•* !• BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD OF OREGON B iue C ross and B lue S hield of O regon is c u rre n tly accepting a p p lic a tio n s fo r the fo llo w in g p o s itio n s : TYPOGRAPHER »M 4 ••• •O . V *•; .- ,. • <>».**»► « * * *, *• • ♦ * * * • J ► V * > ft fi X » •» A A . * - « » • ► * • • ■ « A * f * * 1 f * . » • » f *. » » S /.» » I 5 • A-A * A- A K-X * * -, ' - : >■ « Ws