t f + 1 i i * * * * * I * ► *•< « » * + #**♦' * J S * ’■* * + * r « r * * * * * * * * * * ' July 27, 1988, Portland Observer, Page 5 “ Cliche ling characters, nor were their accomplishments flawless, both reached out of their limitations to meet the needs of the age with something extraordinary which bucked the expectations of the establishment. FDR tapped into an economic and political ferment Part I of II Parts during the war years to generate a project, called the American Cen­ tury, for the development of the Third World as a groundwork of by Sam Kahl strategic stability. The American Century was aborted by FDR’s untimely death. Later, Japan would profit handsomely by adopting he Democratic Convention, packaged for prime time and well aspects of the American Century, John Kennedy spearheaded the staged: did it produce a vehicle for addressing the needs of our time? With politics, as with many things in life, there is usually more Apollo space program to put an American on the moon and the in­ vestment tax-credit program to modernize plant and equipment of than meets the eye. U.S. manufacturing. The combination generated an economic boom What are the prospects of the Dukakis-Bentson ticket actually not enjoyed in twenty years since. Aiso, Kennedy took the political delivering that which the present times cry out for? I speak of actual risk of endorsing Dr. Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights needs, as distinct from the perceived needs of the candidates, their patrons and their constituency. To size up the prospects will require a movement. ! Sometimes life will generate extraordinary human beings, profile of some complexity. One ingredient of that profile is the com­ whose authority comes not from the office they may wear, but from plexity of the candidates themselves - their inner drives, ambitions, the truth they bear. It is an authority that comes from wdhin, commitments, self-conscious identities and possible resources lying developed from a humility that is in touch with humanity’s historical dormant within them. Other ingredients include the political destiny in the universe. Such in our time have been the character of machines and social institutions that work for and against them, the France’s Charles DeGaulle and Catholicism’s Pope John Paul II. objective laws of the universe which determine the consequences of More often, if we are to have anything extraordinary, life will produce human decisions in the form of events beyond the control of it, sometimes for just a moment, out of that which is otherwise individual persons and the nature of what public and private interests mediocre. In some respects, the process is something like the way a perceive to be their self-interests. All these ingredients form a composer will produce a beautiful symphony, full of growth and process, in part shaped by individuals, in part shaping individuals. development, out of components which are rather ordinary; Under Such a process is always undergoing a dynamics of change and extraordinary conditions of power and responsibility, to meet the transformation. challenges of a crisis, a leader or even an entire people may be Michael Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen, like George Bush, are momentarily transformed to accomplish that which they would never establishment candidates. I mean to say that they are not just hacks have thought to accomplish under ordinary circumstances. Such is of a political establishment; they have the stamp of approval of a the nature of former French President Valery Giscard D'Estaing and patrician class that dominates and too often dictates U.S. policy­ former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. Like actors who thrive making through both parties. If this were not true, the nominees while on stage, they were heroic, in the classical sense of the word, would not have gotten as far as they did. However, this is not the final while they were in office. Now, as ex-officeholders, perhaps word on the matter. bewildered by defeat, like has-been actors looking for parts, Giscard Life often takes on new and unexpected twists and turns. Both and Schmidt today are content to be lap-dogs of the establishment Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) and John Kennedy were establishment powermakers. candidates such as I have described. Yet, though they were not ster- Atlanta: 5 5 A New Era, Or More Of The Same T by Danny Bell liche is a tight group of proven professionals composed of leader Michael Cooper, accoustic and electric woodwind (Saxaphone), I keyboard and background vocals. Randy also serves as band director. Linn Russell drums. Rosalyn Johnson lead vocals. | Although Cliche as a unit has only been around 6 months, their show reflects the crowd pleasing talent of these veteran performers. I I was particularity impressed with their energy and technical execution, I when they performed at Juleps for Dick Bogles victory party. However Ion balance they appeared a lot more restrained and less comfortable at Mary's Place when I caught them there in April. This is Michael’s first stint as a bandleader. 18 years ago he attended Vortex and that experience served as a profound catalyst to motivate him to pursue a career in music. Michael has played with and studied under Thara Memory as a member of the local 1970’s band I The Gangsters. He also played extensively with Greg Smith well- Iknown local singer who very active in Portland in the late 1970s. (w orking with Greg gave Michael a chance to earn a living and an I opportunity to hone his craftsmanship. These experiences are paying off now, in as much that there is a distinct lack of demand for Funk, R&B bands in the Portland area. Yet with the business savy he has ac- cumulated playing with other successful bands has enable Cliche to | stay a working band. Since their inception the band has played as a opening act for Cool “ R” at the Red Lion Lounge downtown. Say No To Drugs concert ¡Hoover Park Newberg, Oregon - Mary’s Place, and on two occassions ¡for commissioner Dick Bogle at his fundraiser held at the Museum of Advertising, and at his victory party at Juleps. I Michael after playing 18 years or more is now experiencing a different facet of the show biz industry, as a band leader he is the ¡central business person for the band, the band is dependent on him to (provide leadership and to keep the band working. Michael last com­ ment to me is that he finds being the leader challenging and inspiring. (Hang in there brother you have some exceptional talent in the (members of Cliche and deserve to go places1^ ^ ^ i C <6 Ett Vt. •iM-J 'i' .* ’ÿ ï Í, ï 'ï : .. .«r -• r lV-.< .U-, YOUR FULL SERVICE PRINTER 2928 N.E. BROADWAY • PORTLAND, OREGON 97232 I I Brochures Business Cards I Flyers Letterheads In-House Graphics Camera-Ready-Ads Typesetting Service Invitations Announcements I Community Beauticians Provide Service to CSD A new project, launched ap­ proximately three months ago, by Linda Thompson of Children Serv­ ice Division and Lonnie Jenkins, Unity of Love Beauty Salon is pro­ viding a much needed service to the Multnomah County Children Service Division. These local beauticians, in ad­ dition to Ms. Lonnie Jenkins, are Pearl Hall - Tiffany II; Alzena DeDeleueaux - Lovely Lady; Bar­ bara McCord - Whips & Waves; Janet Hart - RSJ; and Geneva Be A Decorator America’s fastest growing interior design company, is now offering opportunities in Oregon. • Complete training • Primary or secondary income potential • Flexible hours • Low investment A overhead Knauls - Marey’s Barber Shop. Please contact - Linda Thomp­ son -238-7599. e* and more z P R I N T I N G As chancellor of the New York City school system, Dr. Richard R. Green meets the challenge of running the largest school system in the country. THE TASTE OF CHINA •zfS HUNAN • SZECHUAN • CANTONESE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK The Home Team is on your side. Mon-Thur & Sunday 1 100am 10 30 pm Fri and Sat 11 00 a m 11 30 p m The O rie n t - For Take-Out Orders - Chinese Rest ör Lounge Phone: 282-5811 1025 N.E. 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You can have your curl removed and then wear it straight for 6 m o n th s ... then go back to the curl, or you can remove it today and put it back in three days after. 6720 N.E. Union • Portland, Oregon (503) 283-5440 If you think the cost of buying a home is out of your reach, then you should reach for the phone and call a member of The Home Team. That’s your local real estate agent, and he or she can show you a great selection of value-priced III I) homes throughout Oregon and S.W. Washington. In fact. HUD has an affordable home available right now in the area you want to live. For a preview of currently-available HUI) properties, cheek our listings ad HOURS: Thursday thru Saturday - 8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. Children Receive: Hot Meals Teaching Basic Studies - (Including: Numbers, Alphabet, With Jingles, Reading, Writing, Safety, Color, Shapes, Etc.) Learn Spanish Understand Respect High Q uality Service Provided On A Sliding Fee Scale RAGIN’ CAJUN MARKET 2428 N.E. BROADWAY • PORTLAND, OR 97232 MON. - FRI. 10-6 P.M. SAT 9-7 P M. OUR SELECTION OF PACKAGED MIXES MEATS AND SPICES. LET YOU PREPARE DELICIOUS MEALS FROM GUMBO ANO JAMBALAYA TO HOT AND SPICY CHICKEN - WHY SHOP ANYWHERE ELSE Register Here To Win A FREE $500 Gift Certificate 15% OFF ANY PURCHASE WITH THIS COUPON Expires Aug. 4. 1988 Affiliated with AMA Head Start ............ . ......... ♦ : . • •*. in the real estate classified section of your Friday or Sunday Oregonian. Then call any real estate agent. We want you to come home a winner. HUD and your real estate a g e n t. . . W ere The Home Team." HUD DEPARTMENT OF MOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT ir