HUD’s community ommitmen t ... x’s working i n our neighborhoo d rbc six HI D jobs I’ve completed during the p to \ n havt helped my business enough that I was able to add a fifth employee. HUD bandies repair bids fairly, and their equal pottumty policy really works.” Calvin Jackson, contractor "Last year 1 helped more than a dozen area families buy their first home through III I). I've always found the HUD people to be extremely cooperative, and all of my clients have received their bid decisions within live days." — Danielle Tranlong, real estate sales agent W e weren't looking for a home because we didn't think we had enough money saved to buy the size of home we wanted. A friend told us about a HUD home she knew of in the neighborhood. We called a real estate agent, submitted an offer, and in just eight weeks we were moved in." — Cynthia W Francisco Dominguez “So far, I’ve purchased three properties from HUD, partly to supplement my income and partly for retirement. Fixing up HUD homes for rental property or eventual resale is definitely a good, long-term investment. I’ve talked with a number of other people who have done it, and they've never regretted it.” — Roger Crow, construction worker a HUD department of housing AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT The people at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development salute the history of minority achievement and support the future of equal opportunity in all of life’s endeavors. ft* » • ......... . • 4» 0 «* * , - A ir