. ■ . ■; J . ' ■ ■ '- . , S < ‘ .' .-• ; »<1 g^>< 0' « : ' - Í 0 ' í ★ CANNED & PACKAG ED FOODS ★ M U C H , M U C H M O R E! “í-r 4? D o n ’t pay su p erm arket prices! S hop here first! No m em b ersh ip costs! No co u p o n s needed! Serving P ortland fo r o ve r 30 years! The Bee Company, Inc. y* » ■ FOOD FOOD Mon-Sat ★ 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. STAMPS STAMPS 800 N. Killingsworth WELCOMED WELCOMED 283-3171 Portland, OR 97201 H U N D R E D S O F W IG S (Ä a: W s s fc ídrt .T- A.S.K. SC IEN C E C EN TER «»»»«»' (A .S .K . - A L B E R T A S C IE N C E F O R K ID S ) BETTY CABINE PROPRIETOR TUIS-SAT 11 i 3O-6 i OO •y OREGON MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY N A O M I S IM S • B O R N F R E E • M IC H A E L W E E K S ANO OTHER NAME BRANDS 4 9 1 9 N .E . 8 T H A V E N U E EVERYTHWG FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY WIGS UNIQUE HAIR ORNAMENTS HAIR BEADS & BEAUTY SUPPLES MRS. C’S EBONY ESSENCE COSMETICS BEAUTICIAN ZURI COSMETICS & STUDENT (5 0 3 ) 2 8 4 - 0 8 3 7 SUMMER SESSIONS: DISCOUNTS 281-6525 GROUP I GROUP II 'H FFRSf ■ KWHS WHERE: . IT j n l / Q / C ••• p * wp WHEN: St Andrews Community School 4919 N.E. 9th (9th & Alberta) (503) 284-0837 (503) 222-2828 Mondays through Thursdays, 1:00-4:00 p.m. Registration w i be held on Monday, July 25th thru Friday, July 29th, 1988 between the hours of 2:00-7:00 p.m.; A Saturday. July 30th, 1988 from 1:00 4:00 p.m. RAGIN’ CAJUN MARKET 2428 N.E. BROADWAY • PO R TLAN D . OR 97232 M ON. - FRI. 10-6 P.M. SAT 9-7 P.M. Register Here To Win A FREE $5 00 G ill Certilicale June 13th - 17th (2:00 - 7:00 P.M.) im p o rta n t scie n ce p rin cip le s w h ile d o in g special a ctivitie s. 223 2056 ————————n OUR SELECTION OE PACKAGED MIXES MEATS AND SPICES LET YOU PREPARE DELICIOUS MEALS FROM GUMBO AND JA M B A LA YA TO HOT AN D SPICY C H IC K E N WHY SH )P A N YW H ERE ELSE al students who Ive North ol Atoerta Street The OM SI A.S.K. C enter is a fa m ily-o rie n te d s c ie n c e /fu n ce n te r th a t strive s to help urban yo u th and th e ir parents develop a healthy, non-threatening view o f science. It e x is ts to enhance kid s' understa n d in g of how prevalent and im p o rta n t science is in o u r everyday life. B ut m o st im p o rta n tly, th e A.S.K. C enter show s the tu n in learning 1605 N fc 7th You ca n g e t g re a t lo o k in g c o p ie s w ith o u t even le a vin g y o u r desk. J u s t c a ll K in k o ’s W e p ic k up y o u r c n g m a ls and d e liv e r c ris p , c le a r c o p ie s rig h t Io y o u i d o o r — w ith in hours. Q u a lity c o p ie s — K in k o s d e liv e rs (Grades K-5) meets Wednesdays & Thursdays, 1:00 - 4:00 P M O M S I P R E S E N T S : T H E O M S I A .S .K . C E N T E R OPEN 7 DAYS liPf \ (Grades K-5) meets Mondays & Tuesdays. 1 00 - 4:00 P M NOTE: Group I is lor 284-2129 i CM), S W SESSION «1 (JUNE 27th THRU JULY 21st, 1988) SESSION «2 (AUGUST 1st THRU AUGUST 26th, 1988) NOTE: Group I is for al students who live South ot Alberta Street 100% HUMAN HAF :0R BRAIDING & WEAVWG DELIVERED! Q uality Service Provided On A Sliding Fee Scale r •74 i • • . . -.J FOR YOUR EVERCHANGING LIFESTYLES Quality Copies - H /je /i «T. - * • yv'.Tv.'“ « P.j W H O L E S A L E & R E T A IL STUDENT (Including: Num bers, A lphabet W ith Jingles, Reading. W riting Safety, C olor, Shapes, Etc.) Learn Spanish U nderstand R espect f ’ ** * MRS C’S WIGS 7th & FREMONT (707 N.E. FREMONT) Children Receive: Hot Meals Teaching Basic Studies - ’ ».*• . «• W E W IL L B E A T A N Y B O D Y ’S P R IC E O N : ( A m e ric a n H e art A ssociation in Oregon 2121 S W Broadway O ther h ig h lig h ts o f the d in n e r in clu d e m u sic provided by Ron S teen's Trio, fe a tu rin g S hirley N anette, and The S treet C orner Singers. The keynote address w ill be delivered by Urban League’s new President, Useni Perkins. T icke ts fo r the d in n e r are $30.00 each o r $300.00 per table. For fu rth e r inform ation, please call 280-2600. Vi T L ACTIVITIES The above resources can cross over p re c in c t ju ris d ic tio n s to fu n c tio n in any co m b in a tio n of Shirley Nanette M cLaren, w ho are cu rre n tly in the Secure Intensive T reatm ent Pro­ gram, w orking w ith these yo u th s on changin g th e ir d e lin q u e n t life ­ style s. H aving th e m ta ke a re a listic look at th e ir lives. i'*’ . FOR WHOM: Generally tor children in kindergarten through 12th grade from North and Northeast Portland 15% OFF ANY PURCHASE W ITH THIS COUPON Expires Aug 4. 1988 FEE: Club fee $8 00 for each 4 week summer session (based on ability to pay). FORMAT: A fun-filled atmosphere of science-oriented activities We will do simple experiments in the areas of chemistry, physics, astronomy, electronics and engineering Once a week we will have a tutorial session. ACTWmES: Field trips will be held frequently to places such as OMSI. the Zoo. Washington Observatory. Squaw Creek, Oregon Cascades. Bonneville Dam. Marine Science Center (Newport), the Oregon Coast and the Portland Airport. SPECIAL SERVICES Science Clubs in computers (Apple/IBM); family mathematics, OFFERED: engineering and astronomy. CONTACT Jerry Watson Carolyn McCarthy PERSONS: Roberta Fox Dr McKinley Burt Cottrell B White. Jr Elaine Patton-Harrison Franklin Brown A ffilia te d w ith AM A Head Start I i ■ T í , ; - " ’ T ''" '? . V 4