¡"n i * ' Page 6, Portland Observer, July 13, 1988 SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK RELIGION PSALM S: Chapter 125 One Day A t A Time" Seminar at Unity Church Children of Alcoholics. ev. Joseph W olpert w ill Rev. W olpert says that the co n d u c t a sem inar fo r members of 12-step programs, promises of these programs are based on upon unerring spiritual h e a lth care p ro fe s s io n a ls , laws. “ They are not simply c o u n s e lo rs , e d u ca to rs, and hopes for the future, but are clergy at the Unity Church of guarantees...” Portland on July 17th from 1.30 Rev. W olpert w ill be guest to 4:30 p m. speaker at Sunday services at The seminar w ill give an in- 9:15 and 11:00 A.M. on July 17th. depth look at the spiritual prin­ Everyone is welcome to attend. ciples implied in the 12-step pro­ A love offering w ill be collected. gram of recovery in Alcoholics For more inform ation any in­ Anonymous, Narcotics Anony­ terested person may call Unity mous, ALANON, NARANON, Church of Portland at 234-7441. Overeaters Anonymous, Emo­ tional Health Anonymous, Adult R Rev. Willie B. Smith - Pastor - 1st AM E Zion Church 1st A M E Zion- Love at first sight Besaw’s HUNGRY? •The Place To G o’ ALL NIGHT LONG F o r Early Mornings', Late N ight Breakfasts, — A fte r H ours — Opened 24 Hours by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears Rev Willie B. Smith, born in Shreveport, Louisiana, came to Portland Oregon in 1987 to fill the position of pastor of the 1st AME Zion Church, located at 4304 N. Vancouver Avenue. Rev. Smith was appointed to 1st AME Zion by the Rt. Rev. Herman L Anderson, presiding prelate of the 9th Episcopal District of the AME Zion Church. Although Rev. Smith had never been to Portland before, he has taken to the city and its climate like a duck to water. When asked how he got placed here, his response was, The Bishop made the choice. You see, the policy of the Methodist Church is that there must be compatibility between the church and . the pastor.” Rev Smith is a very articulate conversationalist. He s also a very proud father and husband. He beams as he shares information con- | cerning his wife and children. His wife, Rhonda Jo (Harrison) Smith, was born in M ississip p i, “ by-way of Ohio” , as he states it. She grew up in Ohio and then came to Pasadena, California to attend school. That’s how they met. A big smile came across his face. Looking at the two standing together, you would never figure that their children were all grown up. There are four Smith siblings. San­ dra Smith Golden, 29, married and has 4 children of her own. She lives here in Portland. Grace Smith Scott, 22, married and has V/z (“ maybe %th is closer to correct, says Rev. Smith ) children. She lives in Altadena, California. Then, there are two boys: Mark, 21, who lives in Pasadena (married) and Raguel Akili, 18, a student at the Portland Community College Sylvania Campus. Rev. Smith is one of 12 children. Mr. Vernon Smith (now deceased), didn’t marry until he was 50 years young. When he did marry, he mar­ ried Matty Smith, who was a very beautiful 13 year old Seminole In­ dian maiden. . . . . Rev Smith did not begin his ministry as a Methodist minister. In fact he was born a Baptist and even organized the South Phoenix Baptist Church in Phoenix, Arizona in April of 1958. He then left Arizona in 1968 and went to California where he entered the Methodist ministry. He was appointed to the Shiloe AME Zion Church of Monrovia, California. He was there for 21/z years until he was appointed to the 1st AME Zion Church of Pasadena, California in 1971. in 1978, he became the pastor of the St. Peters Methodist Church in Los Angeles, California. Bit by bit, inch by inch, and mile by mile he was gradually making his way to the Northwest. Next stop—Oregon. When Rev Smith arrived at his new church, he found that it was truly a new home; but not a NEW church. Last year 1st AME Zion celebrated its 125th Anniversary—making it the oldest black con­ gregation in the Northwest. It was founded in 1862. “ I feel so hum­ ble by sharing in that rich history. Right now, we’re preparing for the 130th anniversary which will culminate in 1992. , says Rev. Smi . 1st AME Zion Church was formally accepted into the Ecumemca Ministries of Oregon in February of 1988. 1st AME serves on al boards in the organization. “ I don’t know just what it is but the congregation and I are having a wonderful time with each other. God has made this possible. “ Where there is groaning there is no growth. You can look forwar to a long pastorageship where you have compatibility..and..l foresee a long and lasting relationship with the 1st AME Church of Portland, Oregon.” , “ The congregation itself is experiencing the dynamics of a com­ mitted life as we join with the Christian Community in celebrating the Resurrected Christ.’’ ___________ Letter to the Editor July 7, 1988 Your article on New Hope Baptist Church brought many happy memories. Many names I knew casually. In 1952 we started day care in our house on NE Rodney. Among our students were Rev. & Mrs. Newtons sons. As we became acquainted Mother and I visited New Hope. We felt led of God to join with Rev. Newton in the work at New Hope They picked us up Sunday mornings. I was privileged to help by teaching a Sunday School class and working with the evening youth group and then in the summer conducted a Vacation Bible Rev. Newton served as the first President of our Board of Directors when we were incorporated as a Center. As the Church grew Bro. Newton had to resign from the Board, as the Center grew my involve­ ment in the Church was reduced to attendance. We were still Christ­ ian friends and his children attended our school. Thank you for a good article. (For many good articles.) Lovingly in Christ, Evelyn Collins O Life’s Weaving Skin Deep Beauty and Barber Supply Skin D eep Beauty A n d Barber Supplies • We Sell To The Public • H'e Carry M ost O f The Products For Beau tv Care A n d Pleasure • We Will Stock Your Order To Your Satisfaction! _ Remember, Beauty Is Only Skin D eep !!! 1761 N.E. Dekum • Portland, Oregon 97211 • 283-5573 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FUNERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS KATHERINE H. OSWALD 8/21/07—7/8/88 80 Funeral services will be held at Trinity Episcopal Church Chapel 147 N.W. 19th Avenue at 11:00 a.m. July 13, 1988. The wife of Jacob Oswald and mother of Stephen and David Oswald. Burial at the W illa m e te N a tio n a l Cemetary. The Little Chapel of the Chimes Funeral Director. OTIS COLE CLIFTON 7/28/22—7/7/88 65 Funeral services will be held at The Little Chapel of the Chimes- Killingsworth. 430 N. Killings- worth at 11:00 a.m. July 11, 1988. The husband of Joan Clifton. Burial at the Little Chapel of the Chimes M emorial S cattering Gardens. The Little Chapel of the Chimes Funeral Director. ELIZABETH ABRAM 6/29/11—7/10/88 A lb in a M in is te ria l A llia n c e 285-0493 77 Funeral services will be held at Mt. Sinai C.O.G.I.C. on Northeast 10th and Beech Streets. The mother of Mrs. Minnie Min- niweather. Mrs. Abram died on route to Columbus, Mississippi on the Am-Trak train in Mon­ mouth, Illinois. Burial at Sunset Hills Cemetary. Vann and Vann Funeral Directors. \ Public Service of the Portiand-ObserW Tuesday YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT 84 N.E K illin g s w o rth • 281 0499 “ A warm spirit of fellowship always” tA * Oft P'rOThti Bible Band 7 30 p m Th ursd ay Choir Rehearsal 7 00p m Sun day S u n d a y S choo l 9 15am M o rn in g T h e A r k o f S a fe ty C h u rc h o f G o d in C h r is t , '¡•Ji.CTO Bishop UV Mosoc DC 7t».-. - W o rs h ip Y PW W 11 1 5 a m . 6 30 p m Evangelistic W o rs h ip T u es d a y Friday 8 00 p m N o o n D ay Prayer Jesus Loves You! Jr tke. BiUe Friday M ToUoU’ pCQCC With V oil men. it holiness T Allen Temple CME Church 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue without which no won shall see the LOVt) (comer of 8th & Skidmore) " T h e Pastor S peaks' 7 30 p m . S a tu rd a y M o rn in g Prayer 9 0 0 a m. Snowvrof Bt— rigs. h m e tw StndBy momrg UH» A M SatKvr KAAR 148UAM O « Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor Psalm 34:3 JURISDICTION #1 HEADQUARTER’S CHURCH GREATER SOLID ROCK C.O.G.I.C. 1705 N.E. DEKUM • PORTLAND, OR 97211 Phone: (503) 283-1524 The Christ Memorial Church PASTOR & BISHOP The REV. A.R. HOPKINS will sponsor a CAR WASH CAKE WALK RUMMAGE SALE BAKE SALE BAR-B-Q on JULY 23, 1988 9:00AM - 3:00PM School. Recently a man stopped by to say he had received Christ as Savior at that Vacation Bible School. Rev. Green is a member of Albina M inisterial Alliance and Chairs the Methodist M inisters n Sunday, July 24, 1988 Fellowship. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, 5828 N.E. 8th Avenue, Portland, Oregon w ill honor it ’s pastor, Rev. Milton My life is but a weaving Between my God and me; Green, with an Appreciation 1 may not choose the colors, Celebration, as the end of his He knows what they should be first year of service draws near. For He can view the pattern The celebration w ill begin Upon the upper side, with the 11:00 A.M. W orship Ser­ vice. Afternoon Service starts at While 1 can see it only On this, the under side. 4:00 P.M.-6:00 P.M. Our many friends though out the com ­ Sometimes He weaveth sorrow, munity are invited to come and Which seemeth strange to me; join in the celebration. But I will trust his judgement, Rev. M ilton Green, his wife And work on faithfully; Mrs. Essie Green and daughter ’Tis He who fills the shuttle. Karen came to Bethel from He knows just what is best; G re g g T a b e rn a c le A .M .E . So 1 shall weave in earnest Church, Kansas City, Missouri. And leave with Him the rest. Rev. Green earned a Bachelor At last, when life is ended, of Arts Degree in Elementary With Him I shall abide, Education from Harris Teachers Then I may view the pattern College, a Master of Arts Degree Upon the upper side; in Elementary A dm inistration Then 1 shall know the reason from W ashington University, St. Why pain with joy entwined, Louis and a Master of Divinity Was woven in the fabric Degree from Eden Theological Of life that God designed. Seminary. APPRECIATION CELEBRATION 1552 N. Killingsworth Street Portland, OR 97217 These functions w ill be held on the parking lots of the church and are provided to help support the com munity programs (Jesus Against Drugs & Alcohol, J.A.D.A., Christ Memorial Clothes Closet, and Emergency Assistance) offered by the Christ Memorial Church. CHURCHES IN DISTRICT McKINNEY TEMPLE ELDER: E C. SUELL 1737 N.E. ALBERTA ST. PORTLAND, OR 97211 CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH ELDER: R.L. TATE 1552 N. KILLINGSWORTH ST. PORTLAND, OR 97217 BETHEL TEMPLE SUPT.: A. SHANKLE 1545 SOUTH BROOKLYN AVE. EUGENE, OR 97403 ST. LUKE MEMORIAL ELDER: L. ADAMS 2700 N.E. SUMNER ST. PORTLAND, OR 97211 |GREATER PEACE SUPT.: E. WILSON 4009 N. MISSOURI ST. PORTLAND, OR 97227 | FREE WILL CHURCH FOR ALL NATIONS ELDER: IHURMAN HOLMES 420 MARKET ST KLAMATH LALLS, OR 97603 WILLIAMS TEMPLE ELDER: M. WALKER 241 N.E. HANCOCK PORTLAND, OR 97212 NAZARENE C.O.G.I.C. SUPT.: L. DOTSEY 9119 N. DRUMMOND ST. PORTLAND, OR 97217 LIGHT HOUSE C.O.G.I.C. ELDER: T. MOORE 1123 N.E. FREMONT PORTLAND, OR 97211 CORNERSTONE COMM. CHURCH SUPT.: B E. JOHNSON 2216 N.E. KILI INGSWORTH ST. PORTLAND, OR 97211 La GRANDE C.O.G.I.C ELDER: I D. LOWE 1303 T STREET La GRANDE, OR 97850 SALEM MISSION C.O.G.I.C. SUPT.: A. SHANKLE 4308 HILL ROSE ST. SALEM, OR 97309 “ JULY 11-17, 1988 • STATE CONVOCATION’’ CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST