Page 4, Portland Observer, July 13, 1988 HEALTH-SPECIAL; A ID S A N D T E E N A G E R S A ID S A N D ADOLESCENTS seropositive, which indicates exposure to HIV. OVERVIEW Acquired Immunodeficiency Syn­ drome (AIDS) is now an epidemic in the United States, and all sectors of society are being affected. Many public health officials believe that teenagers, because of their exper­ imentation with sex and drugs, are at increasingly high risk of becoming infected with the Human Immunode­ ficiency Virus (HIV) that causes AIDS. S ch o o l h e a lth e d u ca tio n p rogram s m u st begin to e d u ca te th e nation's Of recruits aged 21-25, 2.5 per 1000 have been found to be seropositive TEENS AT RISK Sexual Activity Current Status of AIDS in the United States • As of December 14,1987,48,574 cases of AIDS in the United States had been reported to the Centers for Disease Control • The number of AIDS cases involv­ ing heterosexuals is increasing 100% every six months. • In New York City, AIDS is now the leading cause of death for women aged 25-34, and the fourth leading cause of death for women 15-24. • An estimated 1-1.5 million Amer­ icans are currently infected with the virus that causes AIDS. • It is estimated that by 1991: Heterosexual transmission will account for more than 9% of new AIDS cases in the U.S. The cumulative number of AIDS cases in the U.S. will total over 270,000. The cumulative number of AIDS- related deaths in the U.S. will total over 179,000. AIDS and HIV Infection Among Teenagers and Young Adults tercourse. Not all teenagers are heterosexual, tiv ity probably does not involve behaviors th a t can tra n sm it H IV , some • Four in ten fem ales become pregnant before they turn twenty years old. More than one in every ten teenage women get pregnant each year. peers, and th e y also e d u ca te th e ir sib­ • Ten to tw e n ty-fo u r-ye a r-o ld s accounted for 62.5% of gonorrhea cases and 40% of syphilis cases in 1985. lings and p a re n ts. M any young people already have been a ffe c te d personally by A ID S . T hey m ay have parents, oth e r fam ily m em bers, • Of those teen women who use contraception, only 22% use the condom, while 78% use methods which are not as effective in preventing transmission of the virus that causes AIDS or other STDs. • Each year, one in seven teenag­ ers contracts a sexually transmit­ ted disease. M ost cases in young adults w e re tra n ­ sm itte d by sexual behaviors or in­ travenous ( IV ) drug use. The incidence o f HIV infection among the nation's teenagers is not know n, how ever, existing seroprevalence data incficate cause fo r concern. Since O c­ N a tu ro p a th ic m edicine is a w h o l- istic s y s te m o f m edicine th a t w o rk s w ith and enhances th e innate p o w e r o f th e body to heal its e lf. The th e ra ­ pies used g e n tly s tim u la te th is healing process, so th a t th e body can re sto re th e h ealthy balance it na tu ra lly seeks. These na tu ra l th e ra p ie s include n u tri­ tio n , bota n ica l m edicines (herbs and as general p ra c titio n e rs , and th e re fo re tre a t m o st a cu te and chronic illnesses in persons o f all age groups. T h e y use m odern diagnostic techniques includ­ ing all la b o ra to ry se rvice s, and w o rk w ith o th e r health ca re p ra c titio n e rs in th e best in te re st o f th e pa tie n t. N a tu ro p a th ic d o c to rs are fu lly licen­ m edicines w h ic h aim to tre a t th e underlying cause o f disease. C oun­ ced as physicians, and m any insurance policies w ill co ve r th e ir s e rv ic e s . D r. S uzanne S copes is a n a tu ro ­ p a th ic physician p ra cticin g in S o u th ­ seling on h e a lth y living habits, including east P ortland. S he specialized in n u tri­ die t, e xe rcise and s tre ss m anage­ m e n t, is an in te g ra l p a rt o f learning tio n , b otanical and hom eopathic m edi­ cine, w ith a fo cu s on p re ve n tive m edi­ herbal e x tra c ts ), and hom eopathic h o w to s ta y w e ll, th e goal o f preven­ cine and w o m e n 's health care. tiv e m edicine. N a tu ro p a th ic physicians are tra in e d Crone Magic L a V crn c le w Owner • • (»**///«•*.* f itiffo • itim i l< < t »//« s • /4Ö5 \ / M O W * I > Portland, OR 97232 (503) 249-0444 • NO A P P O IN T M E N T N EC E SS A R Y • FAST D ENTAL REPAIRS DR. JEFFREY BRADY, dentist 8EMLER BUILDING S W 3RD & YAMHILL MEDICAL AND OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS FAMILY PRACTICE MINOR EMERGENCIES OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE On Site Laboratory, X-Ray and Physical Therapy. £ 2 2 8 -7 5 4 5 CASH DISCOUNTS I PARKING adolescent population. A b o u t 1 percent of high school seniors report th e y have used heroin, and use is higher among youth w h o have quit school. A conser­ vative estim ate suggests 200,000 teens have used IV drugs. Teenagers also m ay be sharing needes fo r reasons other th a n IV drug use. M a n y teenage girls pierce each o th e r's ears and th e sam e n e e d e m a y be used by several girls a t a session, ta to p in g , th o u g h s ig n ific a n tly less fr e ­ quent th a n ear pie rcin g m a y involve th e sharing o f ta to o needles. Som e te e n a g e a th le te s m a y illegally o b ta in ste ro id s fo r hom e injections. m etropolitan area, it is 1 in 100; in N e w Y o rk C ity, it is 1 in 50. S eropositivity rates fo r young people are highest in the M id d e A tla n tic, Pacific, and S outh ajdshotlme » A tla n tic states. M any A m e rica n teenagers engage in sexual activities th a t can tra n sm it HIV. Timely, accurate, confidential information M o st A m ericans begin having sexual in­ tercouse as adolescents. N ationw ide, 10am-9pm Monday-Friday Noon-6pm Saturday and Sunday se . T h e a ve ra g e age o f fir s t in te r co u rse throughout the country is around 16, and in som e com m unities, it m ay be as low as 12. M a n y teenagers are not p ro te c t­ ing them selves against pregnancy or sexually tra n sm itte d ciseases. O n e in lO Convenient Hours Fight The Fear | With Facts 223-AIDS in Portland 1-800-777-AtDS toll-free In Oregon A p in t project o f the Oregon State H ealth Diviswn and Cascade AIDS Project 105 N. T ra in in g a n d P la c o m o n t S e rv ic e We offer a full range ot health care services fur children and adults: • Immunizations • Diagnosis & I reatment of Illnesses • Prenatal Care E p ile p s y F o u n d a tio n o t A m e ric a • W IC • Family Planning • Management ot Chronic Diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, emphysema and arthntis. Sliding Fee Scale NORI II P O R T L A N D III AL I II CENTER 8912 North Woolsev Ave I or an appointment, please call 11. ,ilth Care 248-5104 c ommunitv Health Nurse 248-5055 WIC 248-5.101 M U LTN O M A H COUNTY DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES HEALTH DIVISION Killingsworth . ' P H ' M ’ I'W IT * iS 51 « V 5 I 5 Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 1 7 t . 'V EPILEPSY D oe sn't have to be an e m p lo y m e n t h a n d ic a p If you have epllopay and would like fre-e em ploym ent a s s is ta n c e C A LL TAPS • 228-7651 NORI III AST HEALTH CENTER 5129 NF Union Avenue lo r an appointment, pleasecall Adult Care 248-1111 Babv/Child Care ........... 248-3535 t ommunitv Health Nurse 248-5055 WIC 248-3434 2 8 5 -3 3 2 3 ' Wt THE DENTAL CENTER SAMUEL J. BROWN, JR., D.D.S. (503) 282-7543 BOOKER T. LEWIS JR., D.D.S. (503) 281-3010 2 2 0 9 N .E . K illin g s w o rth S t. P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 1 1 Mon. Tues. Thurs. 9AM - 12 PM & 2 - 5PM ROYCE, SW ANSON & T H O M A S A TTO R N EYS A T LAW W O R K E R S ’ C O M P E N S A T IO N P E R S O N A L IN J U R Y Physician Referral Network D eluxe set o f upper and lo w e r d e n tu re s 695-3737 TO TA L $395 QUALITY WORK AT AFFORDABLE PRICES prostitution each y e a r. Drug use represents another poten­ tial source o f HIV infection in the Two locations conveniently located in your community. Im m ed iate Dentures Quality Fifing«, Crowns, Partials - estim ated 125,000 to 200,000 teenage men and w o m e n become involved in teenage girls become pregnant each Monday-Friday 9:00 a m. -6:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. ■ ■■ A bout 1 million teenagers run a w a y each year and an estim ated 187,500 "W e Care A b o u t Your H e a lth " HOURS And Have Your Teeth Extracted! cities, th e incidence o f infection among these young m en and w o m e n is m uch higher. In th e W ashington, D .C . d rls in high schools have had intercour­ FOR Y O U R P E R S O N A L Diabetic Screening, from 12:00 p.m. -2:00 daily. Quality Dentures have been seropositive. In certain major one-half th e boys and one-third o f the HEALTHCARE Free: Blood Pressure and GO TO rountinely has te ste d civilian applicants fo r HIV as part o f their preinduction m e tica l evaluation. For every 1,000 recruits te ste d fo r exposure to H IV, 1.5 PORTLAND OBSERVER C O N C E R N S & F A M IL Y N E E D S CNA/Homemakers-immediate opening avail­ able, all shifts. Provide quality in-home ser­ vices to the elderly, handicaped and families of our community. Apply at Metropolitan Family Services. Equal Opportunity Employer tober 1985, th e U .S . D ept. o f Defense “ The Eyes and Ears of the Com m unity" 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 rape victim s are adolescent fem ales. runaw ays are involved in illegal activities fe c te d w ith th e v iru s as te e n a g e rs. B y: D r. S uzanne S c o p e s - - p e rce n t o f all te e n s c u rre n tly are being abused, and m ore th a n one-half o f all such as drug use, prostitution, solicitation, and drug tra ffic k in g . A n 20s, m any o f w h o m no doubt w e re in­ Naturopathic Medicine source o f transm ission. It is d ifficu lt to e s tim a te th e num ber o f te e n s w h o are sexually abused. One study found 3 have been in fe c te d . Young people are at an increasingly high risk o f con tra ctin g HIV and been diagnosed w ith A ID S . H o w e v e r, o n e -fifth o f people w ith A ID S are in their M in o r ity A ID S P ro g ra m of it undoubtedly does. Sexual abuse is another potential te a c h e r, or frie n d s w h o are, w ill or becoming ill w ith A ID S . A s o f D ecem ­ ber 1987, only 200 U .S . teenagers had M s . L a u r e tta S la u g h te r - N e w D ir e c t o r - S ta t e o f O r e g o n sey h s titu te estim ates fo u r in 10 teen duce panic surrounding th e disease. T e e n a g e rs a re fo rm in g life tim e and sexual behaviors. T e enagers are th e m ajor so u rce o f h e a lth -re la te d in fo rm a tio n fo r th e ir • Nearly one-half — 5 to 10 million — of all people treated for sexually transmitted diseases (STSs) are younger than 25. and some teens experim ent w ith same sex and opposite sex partners. The K in ­ males have experim ented w ith same sex partners. Though m ost o f this a c­ • One in six sexually active high school girls has had at least four different sexual partners. Sexually Transmitted Diseases against HIV infection during sexual in­ A ID S , and e d u ca tio n u rg e n tly is need­ ed to c o u n te r m isin fo rm a tio n and re ­ h e a lth habits, and need in fo rm a tio n to guide th e ir de velopm ent o f ad u lt health CARE GIVERS WANTED USE YOUR DENTAL INSURANCE o f c o n ta c tin g th e H um an Im m uno­ d e fic ie n c y V iru s (H IV ) th a t causes A ID S because th e y engage in risky 6.5 million males — eight of every ten by age 20. • As of December 14, 1987, 200 cases of AIDS among teenagers aged 13-19 were reported to the Drug Use Centers for Disease Control. Of • In a 1986 study conducted for the these, 45% are White, 33.5% are National Institute on Drug Abuse, Black, 19% are Hispanic, and 1.1% of U.S. high school seniors 2.5% are of other races. reported that they have used • Over one-fifth of people with AIDS heroin. are aged 20-29. Because of the • Nearly 30% of all students will long latency period for the virus, drop out before high school gra­ many of these people were prob­ duation, and youth who have ably infected as teenagers. dropped out of high school have • Since October 1985, the United higher rates of I.V. drug use than States Army has routinely tested those in school. applicants for HIV exposure. • A conservative estimate is that Of recruits aged 17-20, 0.6 per 200,000 American teens have 1000 have been found to be used I.V. drugs. • ( r y \h il\ t in t i those w h o use co ntraception use con­ doms, th e only existing protection T e enagers are exposed to a barrage o f m is in fo rm a tio n about se xu a lity and 5 million females — seven of every ten by age 20. sexually active teens use contraception regularly, and less than one-quarter of ado lesce n ts abo u t A ID S . Teenagers rte e d th is in fo rm a tio n because: Thousands o f te e n a g e rs are a t risk sexual behaviors, d ru g use, or bo th . • In the United States today, 11.5 million teenagers between 13 and 19 years of age have had sexual intercourse: year. One in seven teens c o n tra cts a S T D annually. Only o ne-third of T H E W A L D O B U IL D IN* G M I C HA n . D S U IT E 300 DOUGLAS A 215 SW W A S H IN G T O N S T R E E T RAYMOND r P O R T L A N D , O R E G O N 7720» (695-DR.DR.) 503-223 -5222 A free service of the C lark County Medical Society and Southwest Washington Hospitals I * > e • » • *, • • > M * M M -* * J» * - • r * « e ‘.4W < # **•** * icfefcs ROYCE SW ANSON THOMAS