« « » » * • * * Page 8, Portjand Observer, July 6, 1988 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INSURANCE LOANS & FINANCING MONEY TO LEND/ CONTRACTS & M O R T G A G E S /R E A L ESTATES BUILDING MATERIALS Parker Pole Building Kits. Quality counts with 24x36x10; $1,947, 24x48x10; $2,382, 30x60x10; $3,295, 40x60x10; $4,095. Other sizes, labor and financing. Call 1-800-331-0155. NEED MONEY? Equity loans on all types of real estate, easy quali­ fying! Rapid funding! We buy contracts. Call now! Toll-free, 1 800-922-4422, Oregon Land Mortgage. BUILDING-MATERIALS Pole Building Kits. 24x36x10, 1,925; 24x48x12, $2,600; 30x60x12, $3,571; 40x60x12, $4,384. Financ­ ing, labor, delivery, other sizes available. Free brochures. (503) 263-6953; 1-800-872-0070. OR40703. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES NEW to Oregon the Tahoe 12 wide. Park Model RV 396 square feet of style & value. Park Place RV. The Saving Place. Hwy-18 S.E. Dayton By-Pass. (503) 864-2111. BANKRUPTCY $75, stops bill collectors, lawsuits and garnishments. Divorce, $65, no court appearances. Complete preparation of all legal docu­ ments. Paralegals. Legal Alter­ natives, 1-800-445-6985, (503) 255-7435. ___________ _____ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MISC. FOR SALE 1000 SUNBEDS, toning tables; Suna-Wolff tanning beds. Slen- der-Quest passive exercisers. Call for free color catalogue. Save to 50%. 1 800-228-6292. ADOPTION An infertile couple with loving, long-term marriage searches for baby to adopt. Our hearts and family await. All medical, legal, pregnancy related expenses paid. Call our Portland attorney collect at (503) 222-2474. __________ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FULL service glass business for sale beautiful San Juan Islands, Washington. Well established. Great husband/wife or family operation. Gross sales over $200,000. Call (206) 378-2922 or write P.O. Box 1254, Friday Har­ bor, WA 98250. HELP WANTED A WONDERFUL fa m ily ex­ perience. European, Scandinavian high school exchange students arriving in August. Become a host family for American Intercultural S tu d e n t E xch a n g e . C a ll 1-800-SIBLING. _____________ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY COUNTRY store & home. Great family operation near golf course in the heart of the Columbia Gorge. Call Glenn Taylor & Associates at (503) 386-3444. JOBS in Australia BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $11,500 to $60,000. Immediate openings for men & women. Con­ s tr u c tio n , m a n u fa c tu rin g , s e c re ta ria l w o rk , n u rs e s , engineering, sales. Hundreds of Jobs listed in nearly every oc c u p a tio n . C a ll now ! (206) 736-7000, ext. 100-A. Fee. OPEN a ladies/childrens apparel or one price ($9.99) shoe store. First quality name brands only. In­ vestment starting at $14,750 in­ cludes opening inventory, fix­ tures, supplies and training. Call Ed Brandt, The Fashion Concept, at (214) 634-7000. HELP WANTED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $850.00 gross part-time handling Hormel, Campbell’s food pro­ ducts. No selling. Service com­ mercial accounts. National cen sus show gross $3,400.00 per month. You need $8,000.00- $16,000.00 cash. Ca 1-800-327-6828. $38K INVESTMENT. Body and skin toning salons, 35 year in­ dustry, existing company’s gross­ ing $160K yearly. Excellent for multilocation, absentee owners, turn key, complete training. Call (206) 885-9144 or 1 -800-451 -9272. T ACCOUNTING MANAGER Mental health center seeks an ac­ counting manager with financial, bookkeeping and purchasing background. Must be know l­ edgeable in computer accounting system, forecast revenues, ex- peditures and prepare' annual budget for review by the ex­ ecutive director. College degree and 3 or more years experience in accounting, budget analysis and finance accounting. Excellent benefits, salary depending on ex­ perience. Resume to: Blue Cross And Blue Shield Of Oregon Experience with group therapy re­ quired for residential treatment program. Requires 3 yeais experi­ ence as CD counselor. Responsi­ bilities include group therapy ses­ sions, maintenance of client records, consultation with other staff. Salary commensurate with experience for this 1/2 time posi­ tion. Request application & posi­ tion information from: Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for the following positions: Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon 0245 S.W. Bancroft Portland, OR 97201 Atten: Rodney R. Harry 5019 N. Williams Portland, OR 97217 (503) 249-0066 Do not send resume. Position may close anytime after 7/12/88. Equal Opportunity Employer/ Minorities Encouraged To Apply State Juvenile Services Comm. COMPUTER PROGRAMMER Provide computer assistance and reports. Participate in systems d e v e lo p m e n t, a p p lic a tio n programming, operations. Must have demonstrable programming experience in universal lan­ guages such as Fortran, Pacal, etc. and m icrocom puter ex­ perience. A minimum three years experience in computer program- ming/systems analysis with DEC experience and/or ADMINS pro­ gramming and data processing is preferred. Knowledge of accoun­ ting principles and practices a plus. Starting salary - $24,192 to $26,376. This is a temporary posi­ tion for 6 months with possibility of perm anent a p p o in tm e n t. Please send detailed resume to: PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION 1120 S.W. Fifth Ave., Suite 1102 Portland, Oregon 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The Lesbian Community Project seeks Executive Director. Re­ sponsible for overall manage­ ment, coordination of volunteers, staff support for projects, com­ mittees and board, maintain fi­ nancial records, coalition build­ ing, newsletter, fundraising. Must be able to support LCP’s commit­ ment to diversity. Send resume and cover letter to P.O. Box 5931, Portland, OR 97228 by July 22. For more inform ation, Call (503) 223-9079. IRAs Still A Good Investment Grill Our Experts W ith Your Food Safety Questions THE POWER OF TAX-DEFERRED COMPOUNDING IN AN IRA $2,000 Annual Contribution* CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY SENIOR COUNSELOR $259,290 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR We will be accepting applications through August 1, 1988. If you have any questions about the hir­ ing process please contact Jeff M illig a n , A c tin g E xe cu tive Director, 373-1283. EARN EXCELLENT MONEY a t HOME — Assembly Work — Jewelry • Toys • Others Call 1-619-565-1657, Ext. T3026OR (24 Hours) Major non-profit organization has immediate opening for Fund- rasier, concentrating on business community. Responsibilities in­ clude volunteer management, mail and telemarketing contact and direct fundraising. Can­ didates must have 2 years fun­ draising experience or equivalent. Salary to $16,500, depending on experience plus fu ll benefit package. Send resume by July 15th to: Atten.: Anne Clarke United Way/Columbia Willamette 718 W. Burnside Portland, OR 97209 (503) 228-9131 Equal Opportunity Employer HOTEL Portland Hilton Now accepting applications for: DESK CLERK F/T SECRETARY F/T HOUSEKEEPERS FT/PT Apply direct: 921 S.W. 6th Ave. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Mon.-Thurs. Equal Opportunity Employer MINORITY AIDS TASK FORCE .. JL T-ü-U J J ' Call the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline for food safety facts A puhhc service u l this pu b lica tio n >'ir«l the U S D epartm ent u l A g riculture Keeping Records, Files And Searches Legal The liest time for employers to defend themselves against wrongful discharge suits is before they hire anyone, ex­ perts in the law field say One of an employer s best safe­ guards against legal liability in cases where employees file wrongful discharge claims is a signed employment applica­ tion. OVERVIEW OF GOVERNMENT LOAN PROGRAMS FOR UNDERGRADUATES Based On Need9 Type of Loan Current Interest Rates GSL $54 750 8-10% NO PLUS/SLS $20.000 91-day T-bill rate ♦ 375 points VES 5% VES Carl 0 Perkins S 9.000 Source Love/oy s Gt/»de /o Financial Aid Portland Jantzen Beach Vancouver Salem Successful candidate must be an RN currently licensed in the State of Oregon with 3-5 years hospital experience, and have additional experience in utilization review, PSRO & quality assurance. Back­ ground in psychiatric & sub­ stance abuse treatment as well as hospital & professional audit ex­ perience is also beneficial. Good communication skills a must. LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1956 Equal Opportunity Employer MULTNOMAH COUNTY MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYST ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN ASSISTANT Your knowledge of medical ter­ minology, ICD-CPT coding, CRT skills, and experience in a doctor’s office or hospital setting may qualify you for a position as a Medical Claims Analyst. Apply now for positions to begin on August 15,1988. $11.00 per hour, installs and removes mobile radios, electronic sirens, lights bars and other elec­ tronic equipment; troubleshoots and repairs equipment of various facilities; requires two years of experience or one year of experi­ ence and a related associate’s de­ gree; apply by July 15,1988. Applications are being accepted for a swing shift & a day shift Press Operator. Qualified appli­ cants must have at least 2 years work experience on the AB Dick ITEK, Ryobi, or M ultilith offset duplicating equipment for pro­ duction of single & multi color printing, and be able to lift up to 50 lbs. Completion of a graphic arts program could be in lieu of 1 year experience. TYPOGRAPHER Typographer candidates will have 6 months experience operating Compugraphic MCS Powerview of 1 year on MCS composition equipment with working knowl­ edge of Power Page preferred, or 2 years experience on other com­ position equipment with working knowledge of semi-automatic pagination preferred. A typing speed of 60 wpm is required. Position is on swing shift. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em­ ployee benefits package and competitive salaries. Flex-time work hours available. For addi­ tional information on job open­ ings please call our Job Informa­ tion Number of 225-5402, or apply in person to: Blue Cross And Blue Shield Of Oregon MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR 281-0681 - MANICURIST NEEDED - - ASSEMBLY WORK — Jewelry • Toys • Others Call 1-619-565-1657 Ext. T3026OR — 24 Hours Call 281-5966 281-5728 Classified Order Form Portland Observer P.O. Box 3137, Portland, OR 97208 (503) 288-1756 Date _ Phone Address Ad Reads: Needed to manage day treatment program for emotionally disturb­ ed boys and girls ages 6-12. Mas­ ter’s Degree with a minimum of 3 years Post graduate clinical ex­ perience in child oriented resi- dental or day treatment programs. Major tasks include; supervise assigned treatment programs; in­ cluding family therapy and behav­ ioral programming. Responsible for the overall treatment direction of individual cases. Supervise family counselors, unit super­ visors, treatment coordinators, and other assigned program staff. Function as a member of the management team, develops and manages program budget, exer­ cises executive leadership. We are located 15 miles East of Portland; semi-rural area at the Columbia Gorge Gateway. Salary negotiable. E xcellent fringe benefits. Send letter and vita to: Atten.: Dennis Billingsley, PhD. Edgefield Children’s Center, Inc. 2408 S.W. Halsey Street Troutdale, Oregon 97060-1097 Equal Opportunity Employer How Many Weeks ________ Yes Total Paid 1 Col. x 1 ”-$5. 1 Col. x 2 ” -$10 2 Col. x 2 ”-$20 FINANCIAL TECHNICIAN $9.67 per hour; performs property tax accounting activities such as verifying deposits, researching credit balances, calculating taxes and interest and dealing with the public; requires one year of re­ lated experience; apply by July 15,1988. ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER - Bridge $15.02 per hour; design and pre­ pare contract documents for bridge repair and rehabilitation; administration bridge construc­ tion projects including inspection and administration of consultant services; requires BS in civil or structural engineering and two years of experience or Oregon registration; apply by July 22, 1988. Where To Apply: Multnomah County Employee Services Room 1430 1120 S.W. Fifth Ave. Portland, OR 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer INSTRUCTOR NURSING/CLINICAL FACILITY “ Adjunct Faculty Position” Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing with emphasis on Medi­ cal-Surgical Nursing is required. Master’s Degree in nursing with same emphasis is preferred. Can­ didates must have at least 3 years of recent work experience in med­ ical-surgical field. Oregon license is required. Duties will consist of providing clinical supervision for A.D.N. stu­ dents. Salary $16.75 per hour please send resume and letter of intent to: Director of Personnel Services Portland Community College 12000 S.W. 49th St. Portland, OR 97219 Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer Institution MENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST III Case manager for adult CCMI clients. Ability to relate to minori­ ty population. Masters degree in mental health field with supervise practicum or bachelors degree & 2 years exper. or any equivalent combination of exper & training. Comprehensive salary & benefits. Resume to Rodney R. Harry, Per­ sonnel Officer, N/NE Community Mental Health Center, 5019 N Williams, Portland, OR 97217. Closes 6/13/88. (503) 249-0066 Minorities encouraged to apply per week. A t$ . Line Art & Half-Tones (Additional $7 50 charge) 226-6281 285-1415 690-8410 585-6147 EXCELLENT BENEFITS ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT SECRETARY Mess. Maximum Amount Of Loan Call For An Appointment: Equal Opportunity Employer New nail salon in N.E. metrol area. 6 openings. No experience| necessary. Commission only. Name Temporary Services Positions Part-Time: FOR INFORMATION CALL Washington. DC 44 7 3 3 3 3 EARN EXCELLENT MONEY AT HOME MANPOWER RN professional to conduct re­ views for precertification program including precertification, second opinion, discharge planning and benefit extension reviews. (Health Background Helpful) - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - 10 0 0 a m -4 0 0 p m Eastern Time Following certain guide­ lines can help employers avoid the potentially huge fi­ nancial liability created by wrongful discharge claims. For instance; Establish clear, written work rules and indi­ cate that infractions can lead to discipline and discharge. Candidly state the reasons for the dismissal in the discharge notes. For other helpful tips, write to Employment Guide, Bureau of National Affairs, 1231 25th St., NW. Dept. NAPS, S-514, Washington, DC 20037. PRECERTIFICATION COORDINATOR Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir. 100 S.W. Market Portland, Oregon 97201 1 -8 0 0 -5 3 5 -4 5 5 5 S27 2 5 9 $ 3 1,828 LONG/SHORT TERM INDUSTRIAL JOBS AVAILABLE OWN CAR & HOME PHONE REQUIRED CALL FOR APPOINTMENT PRESS OPERATOR FUNDRAISER Northeast Health Resource Center J Taxable Growth (1988 33% marginal tax bracket) LABORORS No ____ $. PO RTLAND OBSERVER “ The Eyes and Ears of the Com m unity” 288-0033 2 Col, x 4’ -<30/per week M M