Page 22, Portland Observer, June 1, 1988 3301 N.E. SANDY BV 239-0838 “ It’s your future, NcCtiwioi F ou it plan it wisely’ TRAINING FOR TRUE PROFESSIONALS CAREERS A H E A D S S GDW/IRD WADSWORTH IhSTITUTE f O R HAIR DESIGN National Forests of the Pacific Northwest Region (Oregon and Washington) have excellent career opportunities in: Social and Natural Resources Business Administration Civil Engineering Ask when classes start Contact Ms. Anderson perform ^ r T s S P E R F 0 R M E ° nB/ n q l , W If you are college bound and interested in pursuing a career with the Forest Service you may be eligible lor tuition assistance paid by the Forest Service through the Cooperative Education (work/study) Program. The Forest Service also has clerical positions available in the Portland area. For more information contact Mary Albertson, (503) 221-2225 or Norma Gant, (503) 221-3655. Ä » A .L .B L E FOR THOSE W »O Q »»U FV -------- Higher Education Guide - . - __ .•___ l ^ r t i t u t o r t f The following list o f books will be helpful fo r anyone entering an institute o f higher education. * A g h a ssi, M a rjo rie E w ing . G etting Good Grades: How to Succeed in College. E n g le w o o d C liffs : P re n tice -H a ll, 1980. . .. c w B e ckh a m , Barry, Ed. The Black S tudent s G uide to Colleges. B e c k h a m H o u s e P u b lish e rs, Inc., 1984. * B re chn er, Irv. The C ollege Survival Kit. N ew Y ork: B a n ta m B ooks, 1975. * G uide to Four-Year Colleges. P e te rs o n ’s G u id e Inc., 1984. * G raduate & Professional Pro­ grams. P e te rs o n 's G u id e Inc., 1984. * H u d so n , H erm an, Ed. How to Make It in College: A Survival C o u rs e . B lo o m in g to n . A fro - A m e ric a n A rts In s titu te , Indiana Un * e O s g o o d ?Judy. The F reshm an’ s Handbook. N e w York: A rc o 1981. * Caring for the Land and Serving People Pauk, W a lte r How to Study in College. B o s to n : H o u g h to n M ifflin C ° ; 1^ c h , D ale P. How You Can Get S traight A ’ s in C ollege by Beating th e S v s te m . H o u s to n : T he L a rksd a le Press, 1981. * * SAT Preparation fo r C ollege Entrance. N ew Y ork: A rc o P u b lis h in g USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region C ° ; 19T8he C ollege Blue Book. N ew Y ork: M a c M illa n P u b lis h in g Co., Inc. 1983. * -A--« LOOKING FOR A CHALLENGING .. FULFILLING CAREER WITH EXCELLENT SALARY AND BENEFITS? INTERESTED IN MAKING A POSITIVE CHANGE IN YOUR COMMUNITY? - " .i. Vt] '• y ..'•i î :5í THESE FOLKS CAN CURE YOUR JOB HUNTING JITTERS Portland Police Bureau k’ .< Can Offer You The Opportunity! •« * J« June 20th Through July 1st, 19881 At The City of Portland Will Be Accepting Applications For Police Officers Portland Police Bureau S3 >’ 4 ‘ T ii* ■ : y ; U ?** * r . 'f ¿ /i V. •» t A »> i s < 111 S.W. 2nd, Room 1542 or The Bureau of Personnel Services 1220 S.W. 5th, Room 100 Portland, Oregon io T ^ T D c b T T Marlm. Christina Cain, Sue Parr. David Nemo, and Spence Benfield Uptight. Fear of the unknown. That's probably how you feel when you answer a help wanted ad. You haven't any idea who'll be on the other end of the phone, reading your resumé or sitting down with you in an interview. MINORITIES AND WOMEN ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY Interested Parties Should Call Officer Carolyn Crawford Or Officer David Yamasaki At (503) 796-3200 rai? fc»*>3r T 'A M -s O -s— 4 Job hunting can give the jitters to anyone. We've all been there and remember how it feels. k W ? •4 i • A v3 y . . ': » ’4 ) «•» r * «* -* ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ We do a lot of "Help Wanted" advertising in this paper. So, we thought it might be nice to intro­ duce you to the folks at FDC who are on the other end of those ads. It might not completely cure your job hunting jitters. But, at least you'll know we care. ■ Portland Development Commission The Portland Building 1120 S.W. Fifth Avenue Portland, OR 97204