June l, 1988, Portland Observer, Page 1 / Gentle-Treatment Model Search Finalists, Cross-Section of Black American Women B rooklyn, NY is home fo r s p irin g jo u rn a lis ts , an tw enty-three year old M iriam accountant, a vocational Shelton who is working as a re­ nurse, an honor student, an ad­ c e p tio n is t w h ile w o rking on ministrative assistant. These are c o m p le tin g a degree in among the finalists in the Sixth communications. Annual Gentle-Treatment Model From Tampa, FL, twenty-four Search. These women, ranging in year old Debra Cutler is working age from 20 to 29, are a real cross on completing a degree in jour­ se c tio n of A m erican Black nalism. She already has a degree women, they are students, pro­ in English and has had articles fessionals, wives and mothers. appear in the local press. All of them mailed in their Twenty year old Sherry Walker photos in the hope of being of Philadelphia, PA is working as among the (7) seven finalists from an accounting clerk while she is whom the grand prize winner will working to complete her degree be chosen at a gala finale on June in accounting. 8,1988. Although twenty-three year old At that C hicago event the Judith Haye-Manigault was born seven women will have an oppor­ in Panama, for the past 10 years tunity to appear before celebrity she has called Brooklyn, New judges which this year will in­ York home. Since she was in high clude Ultra Star spokesperson school, Judith has been active in Michael Jordan of the Chicago making her dream of being a pro­ Bulls. fessional model and actress a The women also span the U.S. reality. She is a free lance model in terms of hometowns and cities. for local colleges and fashion This distribution is an indica­ shows. In addition to making it tion of the wide-spread appeal of big in the fashion world, the the Gentle-Treatment product young woman wants to have her line and of its popularity with own skin care line. women around the nation. Clearly, all of these young wo­ Twenty-nine year old Wanda men are ambitious and are involv­ Smith-Crowder of Texas City, TX ed in their communities. They are is the mother of a three-year-old typical of many Black women daughter and works as a voca­ who are on their way to the top tional nurse in the area of pedia- and looking their best as they tics. She still finds time in her climb the career ladder thanks to busy schedule to enjoy cultural Gentle-Treatment hair products. events with her husband. This year marks the sixth year For twenty-two year old Sharon that Johnson Products Co., Inc. Swainson of Fairfax, VA a career has sponsored the G entle- in broadcast journalism is her Treatment Model Search which goal. Currently the young woman began in 1982 as a means of offer­ is working on a BA degree in com­ ing Black women who have never munications and has hosted a modeled the opportunity to enter cable TV show on a local station the field. During the history of the and also works as a TV floor pro­ contest more than 30,000 women d u ctio n manager. She comes have entered from throughout the from a family of (7) seven. United States and its territories. Nina Alvarez is a twenty-nine Some of those lucky winners year old resident of New Orleans, have appeared on the cover of I LA and the mother of a young son magazines such as Essence and and a daughter. Currently she is Black Elegance and have been the working on completing two de­ subject on numerous print ads grees, one in business and the and feature stories as well. other in secretarial skills. A > Debra Cutler Tampa, Florida Miriam Shelton Brooklyn, New York Some have even gone on to modeling careers with top agen­ cies. The Chicago-based John­ son Products Co., Inc. is one of the oldest and largest manufac­ turers of Black hair care products, the G entle-Treatment relaxer Wanda Smith-Crowder Texas City, Texas Judy Haye Brooklyn, New York Nina Alvarez New Orleans, Louisiana Sharon Swainson Fairfax, Virginia Sherry Walker Philadelphia, Pennsylvania $5,000 cash prize and other bene­ fits as well. Johnson Products Co., Inc. has kept up with the modern Black woman and the talents of this year's fin a lis ts in the Model Search are clear evidence that product is the company's leading retail seller. Over the years the Model Search has attracted in­ creasing numbers of contestants, and this year the winner will receive not only a shot at a big time modeling career, but also a J PC products are a part of the daily lives of many of those wo­ men around the nation and in many walks of life. This year’s Model Search is being coordinated by Chicago based Chase M arke ting and Communications, Inc. Of COME JOIN THE CORRECTIONS TEAM L V ol c< W omen/Minority Business Enterprise Program -• .. V It Is the policy of the Clark County Public Transportation Benefit Area Authority (dba C-TRAN) to encourage » ^ v a n ^ e d * ^ ° T7 ^ e" X n S T — fion (DOT) Rule 49. .2 3 Z Î directives of the Urban Mass Transportation Admin,s.rauon y (UMTA) Office of Civil Rights. -Z y X T 7 7 V / The overall goal of C-TRAN's DBE/WBE Program is to insure that DBE^ BE'S are given lire maximum opportunity to participate in all projects. Specifically, TRAN is securing a minimum of 12^. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise par- tó p a tio n and 2»/» W omen.Owned Business Enterprise participation ,n all procurement opportunities. . WHERE YOU WILL FIND YOUR CHALLENGE IN HELPING US TO MEET OURS For information on job opportunities contact: Oregon Department of Corrections Personnel Section 378-2497 in Salem A n A fitr m a ftv e A c fto n / T q u a / O p p o H trm fv F m p lo v 'f The C-TRAN Executive Director is responsible DBE/WBE Program in accordance with policy directives o nR F/W B E Directors. The Procurement and Grants Manager, a so acting as th e D M Program Coordinator, is responsible tor monitoring the D P ’ snrinu Proeram compliance with federal and state guidelines, and soliciting DBE/WBE participa,ion in all procurements. All Departmental Directors assume responsibility for DBE/WBE Program compliance within their department. In addition to the routine purchase o f transit coach and facility maintenance supplies. C I ran R curremly parn’ipa.ing in conslruclion of a 3-btoelt Trans,, Center in Van- couver Future major projects include cons,rue,Ion of a smaller Trans,, Center and two Park and Ride Lots. DBE/WBE’s arc welcome and encouraged to apply lor C- TRAN certification in order to facilitate participation in any present and luture con­ tracting opportunities. Mr. Leslie R W hite, Executive Director C TR A N P.O Box 2529 Vancouver, Washington 98668