»•M*»“'#» * * • «• W*V *’< Page 16, Portland Observer, June 1, 1988 _______ - — ENROLL N O W — IN AN EXCITING CAREER! I* HAIR DESIGN ★ FACIAL TECHNOLOGY ★ MANCURING 1988-89 Financial Aid Grants Available Now! S cholarships Are Available KAISER PERMANENTE ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A REWARDING CAREER IN HEALTH CARE? Kaiser Permanent© offers a work environment with a variety of work settings and career opportunities for persons interested in the health care field. Whether you like working with patients, operating computers, or working in an office setting, oppor­ tunities exist in health care and a t Kaiser Permanente. We have three Personnel Offices to serve you. Office hours: T h u rc d n v 9 A .M . to 12:30 P.M. weekdays, closed Thursday. KAISER SUNNYSIDE MEDICAL CENTER C a ll T h e Salons In Y o u r A re a A n d D isco ver T h e N u m e ro u s Job O p p o rtu n itie s ! How Many Students Drop Out of School Before Graduating? BESS KAISER MEDICAL CENTER REGIONAL OFFICE 2820 N. Emerson Portland, Oregon 97217 Room 110 3600 N Interstate Ave. Portland, Oregon 97227 Registered Nurses Physical Therapists Public Health Nurses Radiologic Technologists LPN s & Clinic Assistants Dental Hygienists Dental Assistants Analyst Programmer Clerical Do not like school • Learning d iffic u lty / low grades • P regnancy/ m a n a g e - E co n o m ic n e e d /e m p lo y m eet - H isto ry of fa ilu re .n school Pushed o u t/ra is e d standards co u ld not be m et • Burned o u t/try m g to o hard to succeed • Poor re la tio n s h ip s w ith te a ch e rs/p e e rs • hom e support fo r e d u c a tio n - Lack o f sup p o rtive relationships • , ; * *» .• • ». . - ,» S .* : • / •*- LaE m ^ d ro pped ou, o , high sch o o l - c a u s e -h not like school. Over 25 percent of the fem ales le ft because -V • <» r. V *• : X Supply Center Building 10180 SE Sunnyside Rd. Clackamas, Oregon 97015 RNs-ICU/PCU Pediatrics/Nursery FOR M ORE IN F O R M A T IO N A N D A C O M PLETE LISTINGi OFJ3PENI POSITIONS C O N TA C T YOUR N EAR EST EM PLO YEE R ELATIO N S O FFIC E. Equal O pportunity E m ployer/H andicapped Hired ^d ey becam e p re g n a n t 4 k- Don't Be Puzzle ■; V- 'z - w M The pieces are falling into place. Education and ambition are a perfect fit, brining career goals into perspective. You're ready for the corporate climb. But where do you start? !•:.-•<• ''¡tí • • ¿ <4 V / ■':! d fi». • ■ •. ’ij- *:í^< " J * \< \ : ». •-> '■•-Z" t*v»î ;■-• -»■.-T;. .* ■■'.jy • 5 ' 7 •/ ¿ c 1 . ?• $ 0 ÍJ * > 2 / . *A * ¿ V ’* a r- — ■ •.» I-;. •% • , - • *•> •*.. ' i'A r r .- .w . . , ».¿4 4.1 : ‘ . . . . . . . . ,