-, ■ . ■>' »«w* • ím » * r* Page 6, Portland Observer, April 13, 1988 RELIGION SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK Ephesians 2 God Hears and Answers First Annua| Gospel Music Workshop Offered by Mary L. Kupferle There are times when things seem to go wrong, when feelings of hopelessness arise, when the heart seems totally empty, and the mind confused — even dis­ believing. Then, more than ever, it is important to spend time in giv­ ing praise and thanksgiving to the Father and to keep on pouring out this thankfulness in words such as: “ Father, thank You for hearing and answering — always!” A friend wrote: “ At a time of great loss in my life, there were times — even days — when it seemed I could not handle or cope with anything. Finally, in desperation, I grasped hold of the idea that God does answer prayer, that God is a responsibe presence and power that cares for me. I began thanking God, in spite of all the continuing challenges. I gave thanks again and again. I shut the door to nagging fears and doubts by decreeing: God hears and answers my prayers! Thank You, God! As a result, the clouds began to lift and a response from deep within came: 'Your greatest good has just begun to unfold.' Within a short time this was revealed to be true, and in a far better way than I could have imagined m yself!” In challening times — when you feel alone or overwhelming by obstacles, people, places or things — remember again the there is an ever-responding presence of good at hand! Call upon and give thanks for that presence and power of God, re­ membering that this is exactly what Jesus did when the fullness of His faith was sought by so many who needed encourage­ ment and support. This is the kind of attitude Jesus evidence as He stood be- fore the tomb of Him beloved friend Lazarus. It is the manner Jesus showed to the mourning and d isb e lie v in g m inds and hearts around Him. As He looked on and spoke the words, "Father, I thank Thee. Thou hast heard me" (John 11:41), He was making a sweeping a ffirm a tio n of His agreement with the Creator. He was accepting the presence w ith­ in as totally responsive life, know­ ing that God responds always. Jesus focused consistently upon life and healing, love and peace, and upon an everpresent responsive God as the source of it all. Jesus saw responsive life where everyone else saw only lack and disease. He looked past the limitation surrounding Him, knowing that the power of God’s goodness was there ready to res­ pond He called it forth in Lazarus and in a multitude of persons, places, and occasions — time after time. And the elements of wholeness and well-being hon­ ored His call of faith in a never- failing response. Jesus’ words, “ Lazarus, come out” (John 11.43), were spoken in the loud, cleartonesof conviction that the Father answers always. So powerfully was Jesus' atten­ tion given to thanksgiving for God that nothing could have hindered the m iracle resulting! Jesus openly praised and worked with God, knowing that results could tell the story better than any words of explanation. Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church will be sponsoring the First Annual Gospel Music Work­ shop April 13-16 at the Church located at 635 N. Killingsworth Court. Pastor Johnny Pack, IV, stated that the Church "wanted to highlight our own” in selecting two local accomplished musi­ cians. The Workshop will be con­ ducted by Mrs. Lorene V. Wilder and Rev. Robert E. Houston, Sr., who both serve on the Music Staff of the Church. On Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. will be a special Mini-Workshop for all Choir directors of music. The Mass Choir Workshop begins im­ mediately at 7:30 p.m. On Thursday and Friday at 6:30 p.m. there will be a special Mini- Workshop for all children and youth between the ages of 3 and 16. The Mass Choir Workshop be­ gins immediately at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. W ilder is a native of Camden, Arkansas. She has resid­ ed in Portland over 30 years. Dur­ On Saturday, April 16th at 7:30 p.m. the Choir will be in full con­ cert at the Church. There will be special musical guests at this concert. ing her residency in Portland she has been the musician for several churches in the area along with playing for various Gospel and recording artists including Willa gress for lifelong achievement in the Portland area. Mrs. Wilder also is an accomplished sing- er/songwriter and is the organizer of the Wilder Ensemble. Dorsey and the Wilder Ward Sing­ ers. Along with playing for Fellow­ ship she also plays for Bethel Rev. Houston is a native of Portland, Oregon. He is currently completing his Bachelor's De­ gree at United Theological Semi­ nary in Theology. Rev. Houston is known throughout the nation as a preacher/musician and has play­ ed since the age of 17. His com bi­ nation of talents has allowed him to travel through the nation and has been involved with the musi­ cal presentations of the Youth Conventions of the General Bap­ tist Convention of the Northwest and the National Baptist Conven­ tion of America, Inc. Rev. Houston is currently involved at Fellow­ ship as the Administrative Assi­ stant to Pastor Johnny Pack, IV, and plays for the Mass Choir. A.M E. Church. She is the 1988 recipient of the S.Q. Broadous Award presented by the Portland District Sunday School, Baptist Training Union and Ushers Con- This workshop is open to the general public. A lb in a M in isterial A llian ce 285 0493 A Public Service of the Portland Observer Let your prayers now, dear friend, be filled with renewed, revitalized faith in your Father’s responding power. Know again and again that God hears and answers — always! n Gospel M u sic a l J L 4 t h Annui. For The Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation “ The End of Your Search For a Truly Friendly Church “Dr. Martin Luther Kinç, . Jr. and „ The Expansion of the American Revolution" Z IO N S P IR IT U A L B A P T IS T C H U R C H Rev. Wilburn Richardson, Pastor 5029 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, OR 97211 •Choose Ye This Day Whom Ye Shall Serve: As For Me And My House, We Will Serve The Lord. Joshua 24.15 If You Need Prayer Call 283-1026 (Home) Friday, April 15th Allen Temple CME Church 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue (comer of 8th & Skidmore) 12:00 noon Saturday “Great Hall” Koinonia House MARANATHA CHURCH R ev. J a m e s L . R evel 2 8 7 -0 2 6 1 • Former Director of Non-violent Direct Action SC LC • Founder of The Non-violent Human and Community Resear, h and Development Institute • Director of Students fo r Education and Economit Development tS E E D I Psalm 34:3 Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor P .S .U . Bring Your Friends Free Will Offering To Benefit The Portland Sickle Cell Anemia I oundation "James Bevel.. probably the greatest mind in the country far dealing w ith Young Peo­ ple 'The Birmingham Movement was blessed by the fire and excitement brought to it by.. Jim Bevel." Hosea Dr. M a rfin Luther King, Jr. W illiam s "Thev announced this important meeting, and said James Bevel would be speaking that night. James Bevel did speak and everything he said, sou know, made sense." "Z was inspired by Jesus. Malcolm X. James Bevel and Marlin Luther King. Jr. " Rev. Jesse I.. Jackson Bevel w as in Mississippi for three sears in the middle o f every conflict M ayor 6 P.M. 4222 N.E. 12 th >m < .iliii-n KI. k k Studies I'• p.irtmcnt. ( ampos M inistrv. 1’ulitK .il S, teme I i r t m e n t ’NEW PATIENT SPECIAL y* , C .■& This certificate entitles each new patient with: E X A M , B IT E -W IN G X-RAYS, R O U TIN E C LEA N IN G F " $35.00 n 'Z Singers in Concert $40.00 OFF NEW DENTURES • Free Denture Cleaning • No Charge Consultation • Reime N Repairs while von n ail • Preventive Family Dentistry • Special Attention to Children and (¡um Disease Edward E. Ward, DMD The Jubilee Singers w ill per- Iform in concert, April 17, 1988 at ¡500 p.m. at Mt. Olivet Baptist IChurch, 116 N.E. Schuyler. A •reception w ill follow in the Lower Auditorium. HOURS: M-F 7AM-7PM SATURDAY HAM 5PM - • r * .* * • • > ’ .«• 1 ’ — Make a Decision — “ Inquire about the services we offer’’ Cox Funeral Home, Inc. 24 Hr. Service Convenient, affordable dental care for your family. 610 SW Alder. Suite 1008 • 228-3009 Or Edward E. Ward “ Before You Must’ ’ 281-4891 We are interested in your problems. Expires March 31, 1988 - a .«.* • • *♦ ,» * Tí 4 ; •’? i ■-. .• S 't , ” • ■ ' ‘ 4