April 13, 1988, Portland Observer, Page 5 ENTERTAINMENT Teens & Company Auditions for ’88-’89 Season A u d itio n s are now be in g scheduled for the 1988-1989 sea­ son of Teens & Company, a teen­ age threatre group. Auditions will be held beginning on Saturday, April 23 through Tuesday, April 26. Call Planned Parenthood at 775-3918 for schedule, location and to make an audition appoint­ ment. The Teens & Company cast create and perform original scripts on issues concerning todays youth. Training in drama, movement, voice and content will take place this summer beginning in June The performance season is September '88 through May '89. All performances w ill be paid $250. Cast members must be cur­ rent high school students and be able to provide their own transpor­ tation. Teens & Company is spon­ sored by Planned Parenthood of the Columbia/Willamette, Theat­ re Workshop, a City Arts program of the Portland Bureau of Parks and Recreation and Multnomah County Department of Human Services. Take Your Secretary to Lunch The Sternwheeler “ Columbia Gorge” and KKRZ Radio (Z-100) have announced a very unique promotion for Secretary’s Day, April 27, 1988. The cruise will board at 11:30 a.m. and depart at noon for a two hour cruise of the Portland Water­ front. The Sternwheeler boarding location is SW Front & Stark Ave­ nue, directly adjacent to the Bat­ tleship Oregon's ship's mast in Waterfront Park. Z-100’s Connie Breeze w ill broadcast live from the Stern­ wheeler during the cruise. Pas­ sengers w ill be treated to a fashion show by Jebe Fashions and a delicious luncheon served by the caterer aboard the Stern­ wheeler, O’Callahans. Each sec­ retary w ill receive a com plim en­ tary carnation. Reservations are required for your cruise tickets, and can be made by calling the Sternwheeler office at 223-3928. EBONY Fashion Fair .... Key largc T 31 NW FIRST 293-9919 NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT i~/a. j / m m ■ Tuesday. April 19th BOYS NEXT DOOR ursday, April 14th snapperheads (day. Apr»' ' 51h i Wednesday April 20t BROS OF THE BALA KRAZY 8 s r ,.,r cRQ — 6-7pm STREET CORNER SINGERS Sponsored by iatufday. April 16th JOHN KOONCE ¡unday, April 17th PORTLAND CHAPTER THE LINKS, INC. FRIDAY A p ril 22. 1988 8:30 p.m. RED LION JANTZEN BEACH Portland, Oregon jazzy FM 09.1 BENEFITING L in k s E d u c a t io n a l Casting Call Talent Warehouse is screening local talent for over 20 speaking roles in Kameo Production’s fea­ ture film, "Second Chance." This is a rare opportunity for local ta­ lent to tap a $5.5 m illion dollar budget. We are seeking both SAG and non-union members for a vari­ ety of roles, ranging from a mus­ cular teen gang leader to a stately, white haired, senior matron. Cheryl Honey, Casting Coordi­ nator forTalent Warehouse, is do­ ing her best to promote Oregon actors for these parts. She wants to screen as many people as pos­ sible, experienced or not, to in­ crease changes of finding just the right person for the part. In order to get a shot at this many speak­ ing roles, Cheryl took the job on The 30th Annual & S c h o la r s h ip F u n d spec. To apply, pick up a Casting Form and review the Character Breakdown at Talent Warehouse, 925 NW 19th in Portland. Bring a recent picture, resume and the completed Casting Form at time of screening. SAG members will be screened s ta rtin g M onda y, A p ril 4th through Friday, April 9th. Women at 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and men, 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Call backs w ill be held the week of April 12th. For daily instructions call the Talent W arehouse Hot Line, 778-7194. This is a grand opportunity for Oregon. Let’s work together to show ’em “ our stuff.” PORTLAND OBSERVER "The Eyes and Ears of the Community" 288 0033 T ic k e t s : $ 2 0 .0 0 Ticket prices inc lude one year subscription to EBONY or six months to |ET. TICKETS MAY BE PURCHASED AT: MRS. C'S WIGS 707 N.E. FREMONT PHONE: 281-6525 HOUSE OF SOUND 3606 N. WILLIAMS AVENUE-PHONE: 281-3502 1988 Ebony Fashion Fair “ Fashion Sizzle” The 30th Annual Ebony Fashion Fair w ill appear in Portland at the Red Lion Motor Inn, Jantzen Beach, on Fri­ day, A pril 22, at 8:30 p.m. This famed traveling fashion show is produced by Ebony Magazine and is sponsored by the Portland Chapter of Links, Incorporated for the benefit of Links’ Education and Scholarship Fund. Mrs. Eunice W. Johnson, producer and director of the show, personally selects fashions from the exclusive col­ lections of fames deisgners such as Frank Composto, Bill Blass, Bob Mackie, Giorgio Sant’ Angelo, Fabrice, Patrick Kelly and Bruce Oldfield. Mrs. Johnson is m eticulous and thorough in purchas­ ing the most spectacular fashions available for Ebony Fashion Fair audiences. MT HOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE Wholesale Pricing On Groceries Gone Public Did you know that for almost 30 years you could have bought some of your groceries at wholesale prices? The Bee Company, for over 30 years, has offered the public weekly smpments of name-brand groceries at genuine wholesale prices. You'll find canned and packaged goods, pet foods, as well as frozen and close-dated deli products on the shelves. The best feature is that you do not have to buy by the case. You buy just what you want to buy, just the amount you need. Located at 800 N. Killingsworth, just east of I-5, they are open Monday through Saturday 9:30 am to 6:00 pm. Isn t it about time you save on your grocery bill? PHONE 283-3171 T h iy’ll Tell You M l About It Hair Elegance Designers For the Whole Family Leisure C u r l.......... $60°°; Relaxers . $25°° and up your ability think more clearly! P U R IF IC A T IO N A n Illu s tr a te d A n s w e r to D ru g s is b rim m in g w ith hard facts on the lingering e ffe cts of drugs, alcohol and chem icals It gives you the answer to m aintain mg m ental sharpness despite having had these substances no m atter h o w long ago or h o w m u c h ’ This brilliant book gives you the results o f years o f research in easy to understand detail $13 00 ¡'.F R E E !'. A ll A b o u t R a d ia tio n , by L Ron H ubbard and a m edical d octor W h a t is ra d ia tio n ’ H ow does it a ffe ct u s? H o w can you p ro te ct your self? Get the tru th behind the headlines the honest fa cts w ith o u t all the hysteria A ll A b o u t R a d ia tio n is an honest appraisal o f w h a t the p o te n tia l e ffe t ts o f radiation are on your health Buy and rear! A ll A b o u t R a d ia tio n Make Over with Relaxer and Trim Children Discounted with Family Special $20 00 YES crJ I WOULD LIKE TO GFT 284-2374 603 N.E. Killingsworth $20 $13 All About Radiation Purification Illustrated Name Address State/Zip City Order your copy today from: Dianetics Center PORTLAND OBSERVER 109 S W SALM ON STREET PORTLAND, OREGON 97205 (5031 228 0116 „ u n a.a.lab l» o .d .. I.o m B .,d q . P u b l.c .t.o n . M e H l« d o rtt.C d ld h o d S t> d d l Cd*«««** 1«S »» C »l *11 •.» *.*• • • • • ,« » d D I*IW 1 1 C S . . a i.a d a m a ,» and a » ,... ta rtin n ln q v C an la, and „ „«ail W ith ,1« pa.m taaion Pnntad m i l S A The Eyes and Ears of the Community’’ C« W U I Leila McBride, 1988 Miss Black America, will appear with the Coors Bill Pickett Invitational Rodeo throughout several cities nationally. 288-0033 a ma,» ,.« n .d l>, ,1.« V