Page 8, Portland Observer. April 6, 1988 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INSURANCE INSTRUCTOR REAL ESTATE DATA PROCESSING PROGRAMMER or PROGRAMMER/ ANALYST Immediate opening for Pro­ grammer or Programmer/ Analyst to work on large scale enhancements to on­ line claim s processing sys­ tem. Candidate w ill work with user & EDPS personnel perform in g analysis, de­ sign, coding, testing & im­ plementation activities. A p p lic a n t m ust have a minimum of 1-2 years ex­ perience in the following areas: • CICS • VSAM • COBOL • OS/JCL • TSO/ISPF Good oral & written com­ munication skills a must. G RO W TH O P P O R T U N I­ TIES A V A IL A B L E FOR TECHNICALLY SKILLED & MOTIVATED INDIVIDUAL. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an ex­ cellent employee benefits package, fle x-tim e work h o u rs, and c o m p e titiv e salary. Please apply in per­ son or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 4M!*.858 A Master's degree in Business, Fi­ nance or Real Estate, or a Doctor of Jurisprudence, or a Bachelor's degree in Business with addition­ al licenses or certification in the real estate industry is required. Degree must be from an accedi- ted institution. Possession of li­ censes in real estate sales and/or brokerage, appraisals, or mem­ bership in the Oregon Bar Asso­ ciation is desirable. E d u c a tio n /C e rtific a tio n : Two years exper­ ience in real estate sales, broker­ age or appraisal, or three years in the practice of law with an empha­ sis on real estate matters is re­ quired. One year of teaching ex­ perience is required. Experience: Starting salary - $23,500 - $25,500 Salary range - $23,500 - $37,500. Excellent benefit package. Please send resume and letter of application prior to May 20, 1988 to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting ap­ plications for a: MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYST Your knowledge of medical ter­ minology, ICD-CPT coding, CRT s k ills , and e xp e rie n ce in a doctor's office or hospital set­ ting may qualify you for a posi­ tion as a Medical Claims Analyst. Apply now for positions to being on April 25, 1988. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em­ ployee benefits package and com petitive salaries. Flex-time work hours available for Medical Claims Analyst postion. For ad­ ditional information on job open­ ings, please call our Job Informa­ tion Number of 225-5402, or apply in person to: Director of Personnel Services Portland Community College 12000 S.W. 49th Avenue Portland, OR 97219 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Women and minorities encouraged to apply. Equal Opportunity Employer HELP WANTED LIBRARIAN II -Full time, temporary (6-12 mo.) cataloger with State Library. Em­ phasis on retrospective catalog­ ing of documents. MLS plus 1 year experience, preferably OCLC. $1574 - $1998. Send resumes by April 19. Merrialyce Kasner Oregon State Library Salem, OR 97310 Equal Opportunity Employer EDUCATION ENJOY children? Study at na­ tionally recognized nanny train­ ing school. Free nationw ide placement, incredible demand. Contact NNI, 2100 N.E. Broad­ way, Suite 3F, Portland, OR 97232. (503) 284-1240, call col­ lect. BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD OF OREGON BUILDING MATERIALS POLE BUILDING KITS: 24x36x10, $1925; 24x48x12, $2600; 30x60x12, $3571; 40x60x12, $4384. Financing, labor, delivery, other sizes available. Free bro­ chures. (503) 263-6953; 1-800-872- 0070. OR40703. LOSERS wanted! To try new fat absorber. I lost 47 pounds in 60 days. No drugs. No exercise. Doctor recommended. Recent cable broadcast. Amy, (303) 989-8311. Fee. PICKUPS 450 TOPS, $260 up: Aluminum, plastic, steel, wood. Famous brands. Buy discount. Free price list. Phone free, 1-800-452-9113, 9-5:00, seven days. Totem Mfg, Salem, OR. PROGRAM EXECUTIVE D (X0034) SOUTHERN AND WESTERN ASSISTANT REGION MANAGER ADULT AND FAMILY SERVICES DIVISION(AFS) SALARY ($32,388-541,388-ANNUALLY) Excellent Benefit Package LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE INSTRUCTOR Scenic & Lighting Designer Performing Arts Application and job description are available at: S ta te o f O re g o n , AFS, is recruiting for two Program Ex­ ecutive D positions, ASSISTANT REGION MANAGERS in our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN REGION offices in Medford and Salem, Oregon. The persons fill­ ing these p o s itio n s w ill be responsible for assisting the region managers in management of the Southern and Western Regions of AFS. We are especial­ ly looking for creative and in­ novative a p p licants w ith ex­ c e lle n t c o m m u n ic a tio n and management skills. Personnel Services Lane Community College 4000 E. 30th Avenue Eugene, OR 97405 LCC application must be post­ marked no later than May 20, 1988. Telephone (503) 726-2211. QUALIFICATIONS: You must have: five years of steadily increas­ ing management responsibility. Your background must have af­ forded you the knowledge and abilities outlined in the question­ naire attached to the announce­ ment #OC880206(Western) and OC880207 (Southern). In addition, you must have a Bachelor’s degree preferably in Business or Public Adm inistra­ tion, or three additional years of pertinent experience. An Affirm ative Action/ Equal Employment Institution LABOR REPRESENTATIVE The Oregon Public Employees Union, SEIU Local 503, repre­ senting over 17,000 public em­ ployees, seeks applicants for field representative positions. Positions include internal and external organizing, ne g o tia ­ tions and contract adm inistra­ tion. All serious applicants must be com m itted to developing rank and file empowerment. Pay and benefits are good. Salary level w ill vary based on experience. Monthly range $1827 - $3120. Hours are long, work is hard. Resumes due no later than April 15, 1988. Send to: TO APPLY: Obtain a State of Oregon applica­ tion (PD100) and the announce­ m ents) at the Personnel Center, 775 Court NE, Salem, Oregon 97310. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE AN NOUNCEMENT. Sub­ mit your State of Oregon applica­ tion (PD100) and attachments to: HOMES FOR SALE Personnel Services Section 516 Public Service Building Salem, Oregon 97310 GOVERNMENT seized homes from $1.00, you repair. Also pro­ perties for back taxes. For com­ plete details and foreclosure list call: (615) 822-2771, ext. 355. Indicate the announcement num­ ber and the position applied for in the boxes provided on the appli­ cation. A p p lic a tio n s m ust be p o s t­ marked by April 15,1988, to be ac­ cepted. Giles Gibson Field Services Director OPEU P.O. Box 12159 Salem, OR 97309 Phone (503) 581-1505 Equal Opportunity Employer MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Supervisory and technical posi­ tion overseeing the maintenance and repair of transit vehicles. Must have demonstrated suc­ cessful experience in vehicle m aintenance (pre ferab ly bus maintenance or diesel engine fleets); considerable knowledge of the maintenance and repair of diesel powered vehicles; ability to effectively supervise skilled and sem i-skilled maintenance personnel; and possess, or a b ili­ ty to obtain, a valid Oregon Driver’s License. Annual salary range: $25,975 - $33,827. Submit application by April 29,1988 to: An Equal Opportunity Employer INSURANCE ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Measure your rent against this chart: 4*41 No matter how you stack it, renting simply can't measure up to the advantages of buying a HUD home. Positions available in the Port­ land and Lincoln City areas. Because HUD offers homes with a low 3% down payment. FHA Mortgage Insur­ ance. And the investment opportunity of buying property that’s priced to be an out­ standing value. We have an exc flexible benefits program and highly competitive salary commensurate with exp. Qualified applicants should sub­ mit their resume and salary re­ quirements to: Plus, consider this: Over 12 years time, $350 in monthly rent adds up to more than $50,000. Many HUD homes cost less. To find out more, check our ad in the real estate classified section of your Friday or Sunday Oregonian. Or call your real estate agent. You’ll discover that owning your own home isn't such a tall order after all. Cl Exceptional opportunity for a motivated, service oriented indi­ vidual to sell life insurance in a fin a n c ia l in s titu tio n e n viro n ­ ment. W e’re looking for an in­ dividual with sales ability, m oti­ vation, customer service skills, and high energy to help satisfy our customers financial needs. You may be the right person for this position. Experience in ser­ vice sales and life/PC license is preferred. T O H il OREGON BANK Personnel Dept. 1001 SW 5th Avenue Third Floor P.O. Box 3066 Portland, OR 97208 222-7558 APPLICANT HOURS 9-1 pm, Mon-Fri ,H U ) ; * ovAMTMBrr or wxi—w Equal Opportunity Employer c 19»». H IT ) Portland Oflkx I J Salem Area Mass Transit District 216 High St. NE Salem, Oregon 97301 An Equal Opportunity Em ployer RESEARCH ASSISTANT/ MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMER Duties include writing, testing, running and documenting FOR­ TRAN programs w hich solve mathematical problems in fluid mechanics related to ocean cir­ culation, using algorithm s pro­ vided by supervisor. Other sim i­ lar and related mathematical pro­ gramming required. Candidate may be required to participate in supercomputer training. This is a 3/4 or fu ll-tim e , fix e d -te rm , renewable-yearly position. Q uali­ fications: B.A., B.S., B. Engr. or equivalent; good background in methods of mathematical phy­ sics iic lu d in g numerical analy­ sis. Skill in mathematics of com ­ p u ta tio n e s s e n tia l. S a la ry: $20,000-$25,000, depending on q u a lific a tio n s . Resum e w ith names addresses & telephone numbers of three employment re­ ferences must be received by 20 April 1988. Send to: Prof. Andrew F. Bennett COLLEGE OF OCEANOGRAPHY OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OCEANOGRAPHY ADMIN BLDG 104 CORVALLIS, OR 97331-5503 O regon State U n iversity, an BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AA/EO employer, com plies with 1000 SUNBEDS, toning tables: Sunal-Wolff tanning beds. Slen- derQ uest passive exercisers. Call for free color catalogue. Save to 50%. 1-800-228-6292. section 504 of the 1973 Rehabili­ tation Act, and has a policy of be­ ing responsive to the needs of dual-career couples. EXECUTIVE DEAN OPEN CAMPUS Portland Community College in­ vites applications for Executive Dean - Open Campus. The Execu­ tive Dean w ill provide leadership to all Open Campus programs in­ cluding Economic Development, Small Business Development, A p p re n tic e P rogram s, ABE/ GED/ESL, Community Education - noncredit courses and off- campus credit programs distridt- wide. The Executive Dean reports to the president. M Responsibilities: • Develop and implement pro­ gram goals for all areas of responsibility • Supervise all instructional and management personnel • Develop and manage the cam­ pus budget • Supervise the Open Campus physical facilities • Serve as a member of the president’s staff Represent the college to the campus community and to out­ side agencies Perform collegewide responsi­ bilities as assigned by the pre­ sident A Qualifications: • Earned doctorate preferred; Master’s degree required • Emphasis in educational ad­ ministration, community col­ lege, or higher education pre­ ferred • Four years in educational ad­ ministration required; commu­ nity college or university ex­ perience preferred • Budgeting, supervision and educational planning required Position Information: • Anticipated starting date, July 1,1988 • Salary Range - $48,000 - $52,000 with starting salary commensi> rate with experience Excellent fringe benefits inclu­ ding prepaid retirement with some cash options The Open Campus is becoming an increasingly important part of PCC’s commitment to carrying education beyond the bounds of the traditional campus and into neighborhoods and businesses throughout the district. I • The college serves about 60,000 students annually with an in­ creasingly part-tim e, female, o ld e r and e th n ic a lly /ra c ia llÿ diverse student population. ♦ « Write or call: I Portland Community College . Personnel Services Department 12000 S.W. 49th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97219 Phone (503) 273-2823 fo r a p p lic a tio n in fo rm a tio n . Deadline for receipt of applica­ tion materials is April 18,1988. S An Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Institution ? J BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTOR :« The Multnomah Education Ser­ vice D istrict is seeking a Director of Business Services. Starting salary $38,469. A p p lic a tio n deadline 4-22-88. Starting date 7-1-88. Finalist w ill be interview­ ed M a y9 ,10, & 11th, 1988. For ad­ ditional inform ation and MEQD application forms, call Jeanedn (503) 255-1841 ext. 207 or write? e Personnel 220 S.E.102nd Portland, OR 97216 e ♦ EOE HELP WANTED NANNIES w anted: Relocate. Florida, Connecticut, New York, others. Apply, start anytim e. Screened families, salary, board. Mom’s Helpers Licensed Agen­ cy, 1315 Grand Avenue, Baldwin, NY. 11510. (516) 378-5311.