Page 6, Portland Observer, April 6, 1988 RELIGION SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK Read entire Book of Hosea for it is small but powerful. A Juliblee Reunion The ACT-SO Committee Presents Precious Moments by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears The moments I spend with You, God, are more precious than gold to me, for it’s You who keeps my ship afloat on life ’s every turbulent sea. The ACT-SO Committee has planned a gospel concert that will be held at the Maranatha Church on N.E. 12th and Skidmore Streets. On April 23rd at 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., there w ill be guest solo­ ist, trios, duets, and choirs from all over the city of Portland. When the waters are dark and foreboding, and storm clouds loom ahead — if I turn to You, the waters are blue, with bright, sunny skies instead. The purpose of this concert is to raise funds to send the winners of the ACT-SO competition to Washington, D.C., in June. It is the hope of the committee to pay for the full expenses of each quali­ fying young person. This concert w ill be only one of many fund rais­ ing efforts that have been plan­ ned. W ithout You, God, I am nothing, a ship without a sail, a life without a purpose, my efforts — of my avail! The competition will be held on May 13th at the Cascade PCC campus, 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. The public is invited. You are the light that guides me across life's turbulent sea, and each moment I spend with You — is more precious than gold to me! _ by Doris A. Orth What does ACT-SO mean? ACT-SO means: Afro-Academic Cultural Technological — Scien­ tific Olympics. The ACT-SO pro­ gram is a brainchild of the He/she must have it on board and ready for May 13th. NAACP, conceived some 15years ago. There are four areas of competition, each having its own categories. They are as follows: Humanities: music compostion, Mr. Kenneth Edwards, co-chair of the ACT-SO committee, stated “ Our intention is to support the scholastic and academic endea­ vors of our young people and to create a forum from which they can showcase their talents and skills.” original essays, playwriting, poet­ ry; Performing Arts: dance, drama­ tics, music (instrumental), music (vocal), oratory; Sciences: archi­ tecture, biology, chemistry, elec­ tronics, energy, mathematics, physics; Visual Arts: drawing, film making, painting, photography, sculpture. The success of ACT-SO de­ pends on the total and generous support from the Portland and Vancouver com m unities. “ We need your support and participa­ tion to make the ACT-SO com peti­ tion a success,” says Mr. Kenneth Edwards. The young people involved in the com petition are in grades 9 through 12 and must be enrolled in high school. The competition will be a joint contest with the Vancouver, Washington NAACP and the Vancouver High School students. Remember the dates: April 23rd, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. and May 13th, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. For further information, con­ tact Ju lia H icks, Vancouver, Washington, (206) 696-4545; or Kenneth Edwards, Portland, Ore­ gon, (503) 280-2600. Aside from having a coach, each student is totally responsi­ ble for each project: its operation, function, and its lack of defects. Nine years ago, a group of Christians got together and de­ cided to form a group of singers who would like to sing the new and innovative style of gospel singing of today. The place is Mount Olivet Baptist Church. The year is 1980. When the group first got toge­ ther, they had to decide what to do about members. So, they had a membership drive. It was just tre­ mendous. The choir stand was packed with eager and w illing young and middle-aged Chris­ tians w anting to sing G od’s praise. The pianist/director, Claude Bowles, and the then-Minister of Music, Dr. Barbara Williams- Thompson (now Whitener), enthu­ siastically taught the choir, play­ ed the music, held very involved rehearsals, and directed the choir on its way to success. It was a long and arduous jour­ ney — but, beginning with 1980 and each year to follow, the choir has given concerts to packed pews, concerts at the Oregon State Prison, TV appearances and many more. Last year was the first year that the concert was professionally taped. Cassettes were sold and all-in-all everyone who partook of the gospel given through song had a wonderful time. This year, on April 17th, 1988, at 5:oo p.m., the Jubilee Singers of the Mt. Olivet Baptist Church will present a Reunion Concert. All members who have been with the choir and those who have mar- ried, moved on to bigger and bet- ter pastures, moved because of jobs or couldn’t sing any longer because of an increase in the family are being called back for a reunion performance. Don’t let this date pass without coming to hear an evening of in­ spirational music. For more information, call (503) 284-1954, Mt. O live t B a p tist Church, 116 N.E. Schuyler and 1st Ave., Rev. Dr. James Martin, Pastor. We’re New in the Neighborhood k I I ATrTr ‘ i ‘ * *■*■■* 11 A * 1 1 ' * "*■*"* *■■*■■ * * Q / ic a t Hair Elegance Designers For the Whole Family th e S iW ★ _ Skin Deep , find g/ientPij to be pMised Psofms 48 d c tl Leisure C u r l...........560 Relaxers . $25°° and up is k Beauty & Barber Supply 1761 N.E. Dekum Portland, Oregon 97211 LzAÄusicaß Sotu/idag, Qtíi. 1988 00 1 Wholesale Children Discounted with Family Special J 283-5573 QJouth ScMicc Sundoy. u4p/iif IGtii, 1988 3 :30p.m. guest speote/i Make Over with Relaxer and Trim Retail QUICK, COURTEOUS SERVICE 7:30p. lvi. • • F R E E ! ! • i Gospel Tvlusical / I «»h Annual For The Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation êCdcfi Joseph C. ôdivo/fds ¿/rom recomo, QVoshington 284-2374 603 N.E. Killingsworth I uMeu/Bestohient Chu/reh 1237ner?oiftnd «MMMM y«?ur ‘Veit« * <=>< Jesus Loves You! n Allen Temple CME Church 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue Saturday Albina Ministerial Alliance (comer of 8th & Skidmore) 285 0493 Portland, Oregon 97211 MARANATHA CHURCH (503) 287-0261 Psalm 34:3 Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor April 1 6 __6 P.M. 4222 N.E. 12 th A Public Service of the Portland Observer B r in g Y o u r F rie n d s Free Will Offering To Benefit The Portland Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation Walnut Park Lock & Key 533 N.E. Killingsworth 503-288-6338 “ The End of Your Search For a Truly Friendly Church ZION SPIRITUAL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilburn Richardson, Pastor 5029 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, OR 97211 "Choose Ye This Day Whom Ye Shall Serve: As For Me And My House, We W ill Serve The Lord. Joshua 24.15 If You Need Prayer Call 283-1026 (Home) 24 hr. Emergency Service YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT 84 N.E. K illin g s w o rth • 281 0499 " A warm spirit of fellowship always" aft The Ark of Safety Church of Ciod in Christ ’Vfci'r'f/'n»*» B"Vv>p b Piw.or DC A-.,. - 4- -- M V i/C fe 4 the. Udkc illou’ peace with all mcn.Cr holiness without which no man shall see Ihe « L o r d Tuesday Bible Band Thursday Choir Rehearsal Sunday Sunday School Morning Worship Y P W W Evangelistic Worship Tuesday Friday 7 30 p m Catch (he Spirit “%/ood(aa>tt “U nited THctkodiiC 7 00 p m 9 15am 11 15 a m 6 30 p m a m u lti-e th n ic c o n g re g a tio n s e e k in g to to to and to grow in fa ith be a c a rin g com m unity w o rk to r ju s tic e end peace c e le b ra te G o d s lo ve to g e th e r “ Before You Must’ ’ “tfou asi ntojt TCefconti ! — Make a Decision — 8 00 p m Noon Day Prayer Friday The Pastor Speaks 7 30 p m. “ Inquire about the services we offer“ Sunday ¿ehedult — 9 45 (?kusc& School n o o "ivontiifi Cox Funeral Home, Inc. 24 Hr. Service Saturday Morning Prayer 9 00 a m mryrwig ’L>