A MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE OF OREGON FROM DR. LENORA B. FULANI INDEPENDENT PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE DR. LENORA FULANI Dear Sisters and Brothers: Reverend Jesse Jackson's success within the Democratic Party indicates the power that we, the Af­ rican-American people, have to provide leadership to all people struggling for progressive social To^make the most of this opportunity we need to understand that "Two Roads Are Better Than One." While we support Reverend Jackson in every way we can, we must be prepared to go a sec­ ond road, the independent road, if Jackson is denied the nomination. That's why I m running as an independent candidate for President of the United States. i,ind« In lanuarv I became the first African-American woman ever to qualify for federal matching fu . I plan to be on the ballot in all 50 states and the District of Columbia in November. And everywhere I go I find that poor and working people, farmers, environmentalists and students support my p an for Rainbow empowerment. _, To make the "Two Roads Are Better Than One" plan a reality, I need your help. To appear on the ballot here, an independent Presidential candidate must hold a nominating convention of a thousand registered voters by August 30, 1988. Will you support my right to be on the ballot so that the vot- ers of Oregon can have a choice in November? C a ll 1 -8 0 0 -4 5 8 -1 2 1 5 . Yours for the Rainbow, Lenora Fulani LENORA B. FULANI'S COMMITTEE FOR FAIR ELECTIONS Regional Headquarters 1331 Third Avenue #523, Seattle, WA 98101 (206) 623-4864 Paid for by Lenora B. Fulani's Committee for Fair Elections