Page 8, Portland Observer, March 30, 1988 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ™E DAILY GAM E PLAYER'S CHOICE ON-SITE MANAGER NORTH PORTLAND APARTMENT COMPLEX — ELDERLY/ FAMILY UNITS I I1IÎYSLLIÎ FLYMOLTIf 48 — 1 bedroom 60 — 2 bedroom 12 — 3 bedroom H i e D a w n O t _AJN’cw E ra In T h e E a s t... * * ALL NEW* * PLYMOUTH VOYAGER POSITION SUMMARY: 1 9 8 8 GRAND VOYAGER LE TH E S -T -R -E -T -C ’H ' family car OF THE YEAR I' o .e g o tv fam ilies w ilti leenagers) »19,445 -2,755 List Price Discount . $ 1 A AOQ EASTER SPECIAL Play the Daily Game with NBA 3-Point Champ Downtown Freddy Brown. basketball w as my gam e, I found th a t w hen I picked my shot, th e ball would go in. N o th in g 's c h a n g e d . T h e s e days I’m playing an exciting new gam e. T he Daily Game. And I'm still using th e sam e stra te g y . I'm picking my shot. You'll like th e Daily Game. You m ake th e choices, and you choose th e odds. T he action’s hot b e c a u se you pick y o u r shot. IT S SIMPLE. IT S EASY. J u s t look for th e L o tto sign and a sk y o u r r e ta ile r for a Daily G am e play slip. Pick a n u m b er b etw een 000 and 999 th e n choose y our shot by pick­ ing a spot on th is easy-to-use plav slip. CHECK OUT THIS ACTION T h e D a ily G a m e is t h e P layer’s Choice because you ca ll y o u r o w n s h o ts . You choose th e odds. Must be 18 or older to play. Odds of winning vary from 1:100 to 1:1000. F o r in stan ce, th e S tra ig h t P lay is a longer shot th a t pays off high. T he Box Play and th e c o m b in a tio n S t r a i g h t / Box Play a re b e tte r p e rc e n t­ ag e shots. Your $1 b et w ins $500, $330, $160, $80. $50 or $40, d e p e n d in g on how you play. I t ’s quick, it’s easy. A nd if y o u 're feeling lucky, you can play m ore and w in m ore. TAKE IT FROM FREDDY. If you need m ore coaching, ju s t ta lk to y o u r re ta ile rs . T hey know th e plays. Pick up my official playbook and tell th e m F re d d v se n t you. *273 PER MW« #81 0 0 4 6 cyl. AT, conventional spare. S P E C IA L P R O G R A M S • S IN G L E P A R E N T • 1 S T T IM E B U Y E R EASTER SPECIAL 58392 $1 50 STK# 81060 81098 81091 71019 54031 71036 710 47 58002 72002 THE DAILY GAME M0. 6 0 mo a t 1 1 % APR * » 1 5 0 0 cash or trode u tm u DENIO 1 9 8 8 COLT DL W A G O N # 7 1 0 2 6 . Cloth interior, tinted glass, A M /F M stereo, PS. List.................. »10,401 Discount.......... -2,009 OAC 1988 LeBARON GTS 1988 SUNDANCE SE #56505 Lo a d e d w ith Extras List * 1 7 ,7 7 7 EASTER SPECIAL #53001 RS Pkg, tu rb o , AC. List » 1 3 ,6 1 9 EASTER SPECIAL »14,238 »10,288 EQUIPMENT 6 cyl/AT/AM-FM 5 spd/tilt/cruise 7 pass/tilt/cruise Cruise/AM-FM AT/PS/AM-FM Two tone/AM-FM/PS Buckels/4 spd Fully loaded/sumoot AC/Performance Pkg 1988 s GRANO VOYAGER SE VOYAGER VOYAGER SE VISTA 4X4 RELIANT 4 DR VISTA WGN COLT HB 5TH AVE CONQUEST TSI LIST ‘ 17,782 ‘ 13.095 ‘ 13,984 ‘ 14.355 ‘ 10.142 ‘ 13,410 ‘ 6 988 ‘ 22.729 ‘ 21.577 SALE •14,696 •11,211 •12,181 •11,295 •8,207 •10,464 5.665 *17,288 *16,588 #57515 W Salary plus apartment. APPLY AT: Housing Authority of Portland 1605 N.E. 45th Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Lisi Discount LOTTERY *18,988 NEW YORKER *21.352 -2.364 .. cc* «* HAP em ploym ent app lication must be completed. Resumes or cover letter w ill not be accepted. A pplicationsaccepted until posi­ tion is filled. . . w ,'tfV 7» L An Eaual O pportunity Employer EASTER SPECIAL All prices include factory rebates & are good thru 4/5/88 O re g o n T u rk e y Q 4< Something new is happening this summer . . . the Oregon Turkey Cooking Contest! The place to be is the Oregon State fairgrounds Center Stage Sun­ day, August 28, 1988 from noon to 3 p.m. The contest, sponsored by the Oregon Turkey Improve­ ment Association, w ill feature fivefina lists who w ill prepare and cook their favorite turkey recipes while fair-goers cheer them on. It’s easy to enter the contest. Send a recipe using turkey or turkey parts along with an entry form (or just your name, address, and telephone number on your recipe entry) to Oregon Turkey Improvement Association, P.O. Box 5324, Salem, Oregon 97304. We challenge all Oregon cooks to create new, delicious turkey dishes using breast slices or steaks, wings, drumsticks, and thighs. Experiment! Marinate, stir-fry, saute, grill, curry, bake, or braise this versatile meat. All en­ tries must be received no later than June 15,1988. The first place winner will receive $250; second place, $150; third, fourth, and fifth place, $50. LEAN G R O U N D BEEF LESS T H A N 2 0 % FAT - A ground 49 FRESH DAILY POUND PITTED CHERRIES CARROT CAKE PARTS & SERVICE OPEN SAT 9-2 PM C o o k in g C o n t e s t OREGON BRAND OREGON FARMS ROYAL ANNE OR DARK SWEET A Community Minded Dealership! CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 182ND AND DIVISION ST W Ille s i I K Plymouth 665.7121 Measure your rent against this chart: No m atter how you stack it. renting simply can't measure up to the advantages of buying a HUD home. Because HUD offers hom es with a low 3% down payment. FHA Mortgage Insur­ ance. And the investment opportunity of buying property that’s priced to be an o u t­ standing value. Plus, consider this: Over 12 year's time, $350 in monthly rent adds up to more than $50.000. Many HUD homes cost less. To find out more, check our ad in the real estate classified section of your Friday or Sunday Oregonian. Or call your real estate agent. EACH KIENOW'S THE FRIENDLIEST STORES IN T O W N HOURS wi.'snv' SINCE 1 9 0 8 WEEKDAYS 8 am Io 9 pm SUNDAYS 9:30 am to 7 pm THÉ RIGHT TO UMIT quantities jp tC IA u S j U U Ù M A R C H 30 thru A ‘ R tl 4, • 78b MEMBER OF UNI'tD > k ' u '. l RS You'll discover that owning your own home isn’t such a tall order after all. t5ï H U D =?? DEPARTMENT O f M O M M O A M ) URBAN DEVELOPMENT ® 191», H IT). Portland Office GRESHAM, OREGON new portland no 254-2076 • Must have good com m unica­ tion skills, oral and in writing; • Must have recent m ulti-fam ily apartment management exper­ ience. • Must be capable of perform­ ing light or "handym an” re­ pairs; • Must be capable of obtain­ ing phone service; • Must be able to read instruc­ tions and write reports; për- form work involving numerical data; • Must have adaptibility in deal­ ing with people and under­ standing their problems and lifestyles. COMPENSATION: PRESIDENT’S DEMO SPECIAL THE DAILY GAME IS THE PLAYERS CHOICE This is an on-site apartment management position. Respon­ sib ilitie s include: rent collection, lig h t m aintenance, lease en­ forcement, dispute resolution, cleaning of vacant units, annual redetermination of e lig ib ility of residents, and in sp e ctio n of units. SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE: 6 0 mo a l 10 5 % APR O A C «'»h » 4 0 0 0 cash or tra d e ns down ä ... t Of i/l AND RENTAL CARS RESEARCH ASSISTANT/ MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMER Duties include writing, testing, running and docum enting FOR­ TRAN program s w hich solve mathematical problems in fluid mechanics related to ocean cir­ culation, using algorithm s pro­ vided by supervisor. Other sim i­ lar and related mathematical pro­ gramming required. Candidate may be required to participate in supercomputer training. This is a 3/4 o r fu ll-tim e , fix e d -te rm , renewable-yearly position. Q uali­ fications: B.A., B.S., B. Engr. or equivalent; good background in methods of mathematical phy­ sics including numerical analy­ sis. Skill in m athematics of com ­ p u ta tio n e s s e n tia l. S a la ry : $20,000-$25,000, depending on q u a lific a tio n s . Resum e w ith names addresses & telephone numbers of three em ployment re­ ferences must be received bÿ 20 April 1988. Send to: Prof. Andrew F. Bennett COLLEGE OF OCEANOGRAPHY OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OCEANOGRAPHY ADMIN BLDG 104 CORVALLIS, OR 97331-5503 O regon State U n ive rsity, an AA/EO employer, com plies with section 504 of the 1973 Rehabili­ tation Act, and has a policy of be­ ing responsive to the needs of dual-career couples. TEACHERS PORTLAND STATE Upward Bound Summer Session, June 20th to August 3rd Speech, science, history, and career explora­ tion. Deadline: April 8,1988,5pm. Ap­ plications and positions descrip­ tions available in: Shattack Hall, Room 239 or call: 464-4010 PSU is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer. Minorities, women and membe.s of other protected groups are encouraged to apply.