M arch 30, 1988, P ortla nd O bserver, Page 7 SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK ..... ST. JOHN, CHS: 19 & 20 « risen , all KUM. RELIGION by Mary L. Kupferle T h e re is a r e s p o n d in g presence that hears your every call, dear friend. There is a responding power that fu lfills your every need. This responding presence and power is within you, ready and w illing to move through any situation in your life — to heal, illumine, and bless. This presence and power is God the Father, who hears and answers — always. No matter the kind or the cause of the dilemma, God hears and answers always. Regardless of how im possible a solution may appear, the loving Father hears and answers every call. God is responsive to every seeking mind and heart, supply­ ing the light and peace, guidance and healing, harmony and order for which you long. Be assured in tis very moment: “ The Lord hears when I call to Him ” (Psalms 4:3). Begin releasing any concern about having the knowledge, strength, or faith required to help yourself or another. Remember instead that Jesus of Nazareth, the greatest healer of time, look­ ed consistently to the respon­ ding love of the Father for the answer to everything in life. W ithout exception Jesus taught and proved that the Father's in­ fin ite love is instantly respon­ sive. God’s wisdom responds quickly to strengthen the most hesitant human grasp of spiritual understanding. God's unceas­ ing, encompassing peace comes quickly in response to every reach for inner calm. The Master clearly and power­ fu lly te lls us! God alw ays responds! Jesus taught and pro­ ved that God is responsive. Our Father is responsive, everywhere and always available to any call, whether the need seems small or great. This is the nature of the one Presence and Power of whom Jesus spoke, to whom He spoke, w ith whom He com ­ m unicated! If outwardly there seems to be no response to your prayers at this time, know absolutely and positively that you can count on the ever-responding presence and power of God. God is with you now, listening to your every audible call and to your most silent and inexpressible desires of heart. God w ill answer as you listen and give thanks, as you boldly accept the truth. God hears and answers — always. Not long ago, a devoted and concerned m other called for prayer support for a daughter who faced a second competence examination for the position she held. She said her daughter seemed to “ freeze” at such times, unable to measure up to her usual ability. "Just everything is at stake,” the anxious parent commented, "in clud ing her self­ esteem, her job, her whole fu­ tu re !” We prayed together, holding firm ly to the thought, "God hears and answers — alw ays!” The needed feeling of calm and re­ newed faith came through. W ith­ in a few days the mother report­ ed: “ All is well! My daughter passed the test easily and suc­ cessfully! How thankful I am to re m e m b e r G od h e a rs and answers — always!” Release now, for a time, your own anxieties about any lack of response from those you love, your body temple itself, or a challenging situation at hand. Refuse to linger in negative feel­ ings. Instead, assume a con­ sistently calm, confident way of thinking and acting. Daily exer­ cise and encourage your faith by affirm ing: “ Thank You, Father, for hearing and answering — always! I listen and I follow! Persistently give thanks to God, the total, vibrant life that eternally abides everywhere, ready to respond to your call for healing for yourself or another. Give thanks that God’s infinite wisdom is continually at hand, that God is com passionately hearing your quietest prayer. Give thanks that G od's all- sustaining love is already pro­ viding a perfect response to your earnest seeking fo r desired fulfillm ent. Remember often the assurance of the Creator, voiced through the Psalmist, "When he calls to me, I w ill answer him ” (Psalms 91:15). Often your own intellectual reasoning may tell you there is no “ scientific proof” of the respon­ siveness of the Creator. Then re­ mind yourself that as the spiri­ tual offspring of a loving God you have the privilege and the choice of communing with God as a « «ISEN .AllH-WA/ffi^fc^fo ecause He Lives God Hears and Answers Always! friend and as “ Our Father’’ (Matt. 6:9). You need no longer anxiously question what you can do for lov­ ed ones or how you w ill have suf­ ficient means to meet the nees of business or schooling or invest­ ment. Beyond your human vision and intellectual reasoning lie the vast and lim itless creations of God. You can have and maintain a calm and confident attitude in each prayer you pray, for God - by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears The God that we serve is the same here in the United States as He is in other countries through­ out the world. The . Catholics, the Protes­ tants, the Baptists, the Episco­ palians, the Pentecostals and all of the other Christian religions profess to know the way to eter­ nal life. Each one of the religions mentioned have based and hears and answers — always! founded their service and wor­ ship on different doctrines, but they all lift up and call on the St. Luke C.O.G.I.C., 2700 N.E. same Savior — Jesus Christ. S u m n e r, P o rtla n d , O re g o n , There is no greater power than presents its Yearly Easter Pro­ the Power of God Almighty. gram which w ill include singing, There are, however, other powers poems and worship beginning at in this world that can cause you a 12:00 noon. Come celebrate the lot of woe — if you are unable to resurrection of Jesus with us - discern who is talking to you. the members of St. Luke. Pastor There is a spiritual warfare that is going on right now. (Eph. 6:13) Eld. Leanell Adams. Our battle is not with flesh and blood, but with spiritual powers and principles. The songwriter says, "For it's the Power of God . . . Every man must believe . . . ” MyGod is real,and weasChris- tians have to stand together and shout out our Christian beliefs from the highest mountains — if "911" should be used for re­ need be. Don't just sit there and porting a crime and/or crime- be satisfied with not knowing or related activity. with your own selfish piousness. The first two references and Each of us has a responsibility as the numbers may be used for all a Christian. GO TELL!! At the crim inal-related activities and time when you accept Christ in concerns: your life, you should have an un­ City Wide Crime Prevention Co­ easiness about your wanting to o rd in a to r — D e n n is Payne, tell someone about the new and 248-4519, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. wonderful things that have be­ Northeast Area Crime Preven­ gun to take place in you and in tion Coordinator — Sharon Mc­ your life. Cormack, 248-4575, Youth Gang God was, and still is. so con­ Task Force. cerned about us that He sent His If you have any information only begotten Son to take upon concerning gang activity or invol­ Himself the sins of the entire vement, call this number: world. Just so we could have a Gang Resource Department — chance. Jesus was born, He was Portland Police, O ffice r Neil crucified, He died. He was buried Crannell, 248-5720. and He rose; but, according to The numbers for the School the actions of many (so-called) Police are to be used for the re­ Christians, it seems Christ never porting of school-aged youth and rose. Are you guilty of leaving other related persons of school Christ in the grave? Let Him rise age or any person or persons con­ in your life, today! tributing to their delinquency or All of you who have accepted participating in crim inal activi­ Christ as your personal Savior... ties in or about the school area: close your eyes and mind to the Portland Public Schools Police worldly things and confess your — M ac L o c k e tt, 249-2000, sins to the Lord. He w ill forgive 24-hours, or Sgt. Steve H ollings­ each one and throw them intothe w o rth or Sgt. Dan Leedom, Sea of Forgetfulness, never, ever 249-3307 or 248-5703. to be retrieved. Unbeliever — re­ Easter Program Neighborhood Crime Contact Persons & Telephone Numbers write someone and tell them pent! The Kingdom of God is at about God’s saving grace. Tell hand. " . . . if any man be in Christ, them how God saved you one he is a new creation. Old things day. Tell them how terrible you are passed away and BEHOLD! were before God came into your all things shall become brand life. Tell them how peaceful you new. . . ” are inside. Yes — and how God Many of you would like to never, ever turns His back on us. become Christlike, but you feel “ .. .Because He lives, we can filthy, unworthy and inadequate? face tomorrow. Because He So you don’t go to church or pray lives, all fears are gone. Because or anything. You continue to we know who holds our future, practice sinful deeds until you our lives are worth living; just feel you’re ready. Don’t you know because He lives!" that if we had everything all toge­ ther, already, God would not have had to send Christ here among us to save us in the first place? Christ came to save all those who are lost. He didn’t come pointing a finger. He didn’t run around talking about those Fellowship with us this Easter whose lives weren't put together Sunday Morning. in the right way, either. So, what Sunrise Service begins at 6:30 did God do? God in His compas­ a.m. Easter Sunday. sion and wisdom saw and knew Breakfast is served at 7:30 a m that man — in the flesh — was and prepared by the Unite weak and susceptible to the for­ M ethodist Men. Join with us ft ces of evil; so, He sent His son, good fellowship. Jesus Christ, to live among us. C hildren/Y outh Easter Pro­ He witnessed and experienced gram w ill be presented at 9:30 the pull or force that evil had on a.m. Join with these talented human beings. He (Jesus) then Young People as they give praise took it upon himself to be scourg­ on this Easter Morning. ed, beaten, spat upon, have Regular Morning W orship Ser thorns ripping into His forehead, vice w ill be held at 11:00 a.m. and and be nailed to a cross just for w ill be conducted by Reverend us — we who are not even worthy Curtis Kirkpatrick. to step on the same ground An Easter Egg Hunt w ill follov where He had walked. Then, the 11:00 service. when He died in our place, on the The Reverend C u rtis Kirk cross, for our sins, He nailed the Patrick is Pastor of Hughes power of sin to that old cruel M e m o ria l U n ite d M e th o d is t cross. Yes, He died. But, He rose C h u rc h , 111 N .E. F a ilin g up — having all power in His Portland, Or97212. hands. We have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. So, no one can claim to be so clean and more A depiction of the Last Supper w orthy than his/her brother w ill be held Thursday. March 31. and/or sister. 1988, at Mt. O live t B a p tis t Oregon is a state with the low­ Church, 116 N.E. Schuyler St., est number of people in the Portland at 6 p.m. in the Upper Christian churches. We have Room. enough people and we have This is a 20 year celebratior enough churches! So what's the feast to prepare you for the truf problem? No wonder crime is on meaning of the Easter Season the rampage. and is presented by the Youth Those of us who are claiming Department of Mt. Olivet Baptist Christ as our Savior should set Church. out this Easter season and reach The service is so meaningful out to as many unsaved people as that the church looks forward to we possibly can. Our duty as this service each year. The pro­ Christians is to “ . . .GO and gram begins with preparation SPREAD the g o sp e l. . . ” Are you and then the feast. saved by God's grace and just Come join us. For more infor keeping it to yourself? Then, get mation, call 284-1954. up today, pick up the phone or Hughes Memorial Church Easter Sunday Maundy Thursday Confirmation Classes Offered Jesus Loves You! n Allen Temple CME Church 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue Albina Ministerial Alliance (comer o f 8 th & Skidmore) 285-0493 Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 Psalm 34:3 Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor “ The End of Your Search For a Truly Friendly Church Good News of Easter Presented in Song ZION SPIRITUAL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilburn Richardson, Pastor 5029 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, OR 97211 -Choose Ye This Day Whom Ye Shall Serve: As For Me And My House, We W ill Serve The Lord." Joshua 24:15 If You Need Prayer Call 283-1026 (Home) YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT 84 N E K illin g s w o rth • 281 0499 Tuesday Bible Band Thursday Choir Rehearsal "A warm spirit of fellowship always" The Ark of Safety Churc h of God in Christ Bishep ft w-sor Dt ,<».»-F ><■ r t 'ilC F e ho!’V~'. f ' - n x /■**! _ the JitWí L ToUou’ peace u'ilh \ all men.fr holiness ’ u’ilboul which no man shall see the ,«.s C o r d 7 30 p m 7 00 p m Sunday Sunday School 9 1 5 a m Morning 11 16a m Worship 6 30 p m Y P WW Evangelistic Worship Tuesday Friday 8 00 p m Noon Day Prayer Friday The Pastor Speaks Saturday Morning Prayer A Public Service of the Portland Observer 9 00am SbcmiTB n l B h m rg rrw n riy ’I) UI) A M SWWnr K AAR UBUAM CM Berean Baptist Church invites the com munity to an Easter musical celebration featuring the Hallelujah Chorus, gospel ren­ ditions of “ G lorify the Lord," “ No Greater Love ", and more, ac­ companied by full orchestra, Sunday, April 3rd, 10:00 a.m. and 12:45 p.m., 4822 N. Vancouver, Portland, OR, 281-0530. Are you a Methodist? Are you a Black Methodist? Do you know who Anne Sweitzer, Gabriel Pros­ ser and Denmark Vessey were? Do you know what the “ Great A w akening” was that swept North American Colonies bet­ ween 1740-1790? To find the answers to these questions and others you are in­ vited to attend C onfirm ation Classes, Hughes Memorial Uni­ ted M ethodist Church, 111 N.E. Failing, Portland, Oregon 97212, Rev. Curtis Kirkpatrick, Pastor, every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. begin­ ning March 20,1988 through May 1, 1988. The authors of the FREE book that you w ill receive by attending these classes writes, and I quote, " . . . Black Heritage in the United M ethodist Church was shaped by a variety of forces. These forces include the cultural, social, p o li­ tical, economic and educational experiences of Black people. The result of these classes w ill pro­ vide you with a sense of our an cestry and a better understand ing of the present.”