Page 12. Portland Observer, March 23, 1988 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TEMPORARY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 2 NEW JOBS UNIT ADULT AND FAMILY SERVICES DIVISION SALARY ($1435-1818 MONTHLY) Exciting and challenging new human services program seeks highly s k ille d A d m in istra tive Assistant. Tremendous oppor­ tu n ity for professional, take- charge person with outstanding organizational and com m unica­ tion skills. Position w ill support six executive positions and coor­ dinate office operations. Quali­ fied applicants need to be per­ sonal com puter literate, type 60 wpm. Shorthad or brief hand perferred. Potential exists for a lim ited duration position. QUALIFICATIONS: You must have: . . . four years of progressively responsible clerical experience involving coordination and/or technical evaluation. College level coursework may be substi­ tuted on a year for year basis for up to two years of the experience. Submit your State of Oregon ap­ plication (PD100) to: New Jobs Unit Administration 417 Public Service Building Salem, Oregon 97310 In d ic a te T e m p o ra ry Ad­ m inistrative Assistant 2 in the box provided. An Equal Opportunity Employer M em bership C oordinator, Vi- time, at com m unity radio station KBOO, skills in data entry, detail work and bulk mailing W orking w ith volunteers and direct mail experience a plus. Salary $7,000 per year plus V2 benefits. Send resume and cover letter to: Station Manager KBOO 20 SE 8th Ave. Portland, OR 97214 Women and M inorities Encouraged to Apply Equal Opportunity Employer ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ADMINISTRATOR Oregon Bank has an excellent op­ portunity for a person with work­ ing knowledge of accounts re­ ceivable lines of credit. Respon­ sib ilities incl assisting in the ad­ m inistration and m onitoring of all aspects of accounts receiv­ able and inventory lines of credit. Qualified applicants w ill have 1 yr previous banking experience and knowledge of note dept func­ tions. Must be able to work well under pressure, make sound de­ cisions, and have demonstrated strong client relations and inter­ personal skills. Experience with personal com puter and 10 key ad­ ding machine preferred. OREGON BANK Personnel Dept. 1001 S.W. 5th Avenue Third Floor P.O. Box 3066 Portland, Oregon 97208 222-7558 APPLICANT HOURS 9-1 p.m., Mon-Fri Equal Opportunity Employer CASE MANAGER For adult chronically mentally ill clients. A bility to relate to mino­ rity population, Masters degree in mental health field with super­ vised practicum, or Bachelors de­ gree and 2 years experience, or any equivalent com bination of experience and training. Com­ prehensive salary and benefits. Resume to: Rodney R. Harry Personnel Officer N/NE Community Mental Health Clinic 310 NE Oregon Street Portland. OR 97232 Closing: 4-2-88 M inorities encouraged to apply Equal O pportunity Employer ySV ítÁ.'i' • Exceptional opportunity for a motivated, service oriented indi­ vidual to sell life insurance in a fin a n c ia l in s titu tio n e n viro n ­ ment. We’re looking for an in­ dividual with sales ability, m oti­ vation, custom er service skills, and high energy to help satisfy our customers financial needs. You may be the right person for this position. Experience in ser­ vice sales and life/PC insurance is preferred. Positions available in the Port­ land and Lincoln City areas. Selection Committee SIB P.O. Box 1009 Olympia, WA 98507 We have an exc flexible benefits program and highly com petitive salary commensurate with exp. Qualified applicants should sub­ mit their resume and salary re­ quirements to: DATA PROCESSING INSURANCE PROGRAMMER or PROGRAMMER/ ANALYST BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD OF OREGON Immediate opening for Pro­ grammer or Programmer/ Analyst to work on large scale enhancements to on­ line claim s processing sys­ tem. Candidate w ill work with user & EDPS personnel perform ing analysis, de­ sign, coding, testing & im­ plementation activities. MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYST APPLICANT HOURS 9-1 pm, Mon-Fri Your know le dge of m edical term inology, ICD-CPT coding, CRT skills, and experience in a doctor’s office or hospital set­ ting may qualify you for a posi­ tion as a Medical Claims Analyst. Apply now for positions to being on April 25, 1988. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em­ ployee benefits package and com petitive salaries. Flex-time work hours available for Medical Claims Analyst postion. For ad­ ditional inform ation on job open­ ings, please call our Job Inform a­ tion Num berof 225-5402, or apply in person to: GROW TH O P P O R T U N I­ TIES A V A IL A B L E FOR TECHNICALLY SKILLED & MOTIVATED INDIVIDUAL. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an ex­ cellent employee benefits package, fle x -tim e w ork h ou rs, and c o m p e titiv e salary. Please apply in per­ son or send resume to: Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF SALEM RECRUITING FOR POLICE OFFICER Including 4-6% educ. incentive pay plus fu lly paid benefits pckge. Q ualifications: Must be 21 or over; a U.S. citizen, high school grad or GED plus m ini­ mum of 90 credit hrs. basic lib. arts curriculum. Closes: April 8, 1988. Apply: » City of Salem Pers. Dept., Rm. 225 555 Liberty St. SE Salem, OR 97301 M inorities and women encourag­ ed to apply. EEO. INSURANCE BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD OF OREGON Blue Cross and Blue Shield of | Oregon is currently accepting ap­ plications for the follow ing posi­ tion: l q u a l O pportuni!y t m p lw e r LEAD DIRECTOR Director of College Relations & F o u n d a tio n fo r L in n -B e n to n C om m unity C ollege, sta rtin g June 15, 1988. Starting Salary: $24,105-$29,408 plus fringe bene­ fits. Requires: BA/BS degree with emphasis in journalism, En­ glish or public relations/market- ing; background & training in public relations, management, fund raising and/or grant deve­ lopment & at least two years prior work experience in com m unity c o lle g e a d m in is t r a tio n or instruction, preferably including public relations experience in other public agencies. Applica­ tion deadline: 5:00 pm, May 2, 1988. Apply with LBCC Applica­ tions, resume, transcripts & two letters of reference at: Human Resources Office (503) 967-6502 LBCC CC-108C 6500 S.W. Pacific Blvd. Albany, OR 97321 EOE HELP WANTED NEWS-REGISTER needs a retail sales manager immediately. Di­ rect six-person retail, handle ma­ jor accounts. Resumes to: Roger Heller, News Register, P.O. Box 727, McMinnville, OR 97128. GROUP A C C O U N ­ TANT Duties include assisting super­ viso r in overseeing m onthly balancing of group accounts., handling telephone inquiries, r e c o n c ilin g m o re d i f f i c u l t groups, and assuming respon­ s ib ilit ie s in s u p e r v is o r 's absence. Requirements are knowledge of state laws governing insurance and underw riting regulations, and strong general accounting background; degree perferred. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em­ ployee benefits package, flex­ tim e work hours, and com petitive salary. For additional informa­ tion on job openings, please call our Job Inform ation Number of 225-5402, or apply in person to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal O pportunity Employer HELP WANTED GOVERNMENT jobs! Now hiring in your area, both skilled and un­ skilled. For list of jobs and appli­ cation call (615) 383-2627, ext. J-503. Fee. - • TEACHERS PORTLAND STATE Upward Bound Summer Session, June 20th to August 3rd. Speech, math, science, history, journal­ ism, and career exploration. Ap­ plications and positions descrip­ tions available in: BUILDING MATERIALS POLE BUILDING KITS: 24x36x10, $1925; 24x48x12, $2600; 30x60x12, $3571; 40x60x12, $4384. Financing, labor, delivery, other sizes available. Free bro­ chures. (503) 263-6953; 1-800-872- 0070. OR40703. PERSONALS Shattack Hall Room 239 or call 464-4010 Deadline: April 8,1988, 5pm. PSU is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirm ative Action Employer. Minorities, women and members of other protected groups are encouraged to apply. BANKRUPTCY, $75, stops bill collectors, lawsuits and garnish­ ments. Divorce, $65, no court ap­ pearances. Com plete prepara­ tion of all legal docum ents. Paralegals. Legal Alternatives, 1-800-445-6985, (503) 255-7435. PERSONALS ADOPTION: An infertile young couple seeks infant to fill our hearts and country home. Can you help us? All medical, legal and pregnancy-related expenses paid. Call our Oregon attorney collect, (503) 222-2474. OFFICE SPACE WANTED STATE OF OREGON PERSONALS Wants to lease office space in N.E. Portland for a Human Re­ source Center w ithin an area bounded by Interstate 5 on the west, N.E. Colum bia Blvd. on the north, N.E. 42nd Ave. on the east, south to N.E. Mason St.; west to N.E. 21st Ave., south to N.E. Fre­ mont St., east to N.E. 26th Ave.; south to N.E. Broadway, west on Broadway to the W illa m e tte River. MEET Christian singles the sen­ sible way! Local, worldwide by phone or mail. Find love, dating, meaningful com panionship to­ day! Free brochure, samples. Call: 1-800-323-8113, ext. 290. HELP WANTED DRIVERS OTR experienced: Top pay and great benefits. Good work record/MVR. Modern equip­ ment. Werner Enterprises, Inc., 1-800-544-9442. 5 to 7 year term. Beginning ap­ proximately July 1st, 1989. 3,700 to 4,500 square-feet office and 200 parking spaces. HELP WANTED LOSERS wanted! To try new, d o cto r recom mended, revolu­ tionary fat absorber product. Lose 10-30 pounds per month. No diet, exercise or drugs. Call In­ grid: (303) 237-4778. Fee. $1761-$2382/Mo. Equal Opportunity Employer Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Ska Cross OREGON BANK Personnel Dept. 1001 SW 5th Avenue Third Floor P.O. Box 3066 Portland, OR 97208 222-7558 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting ap­ plications for a: A p p lic a n t m ust have a minimum of 1-2 years ex­ perience in the following areas: • CICS • VSAM • COBOL • OS/JCL • TSO/ISPF BusSNtM We have an exc flexible benefits program and highly com petitive salary commensurate w ith exp. Q ualified applicants should sub­ m it th e ir resume and salary requirements to: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE The State of W ashington is ac­ cepting applications for the posi­ tion of Executive Director of the State Investment Board. Posi­ tion manages the investm ent program for approximately $13 billion. Requires BA degree in finance, economics, or closely allied field; a post-graduate de­ gree is preferred. Applicable ex­ perience w ill be considered in the selection process. Salary based upon qualifications. Sub­ m it resume or application no later than April 15, 1988 to: Good oral & written com­ m unication skills a must. BANKING INSURANCE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COORDINATOR SOUL RADIO STATION HELP WANTED Kris Bennett Broadcasting, Inc. is now accepting applications in the Portland, Oregon, area for in­ novative, aggressive, drug free, self-starters for an urban, con­ temporary (soul) radio station. We are looking for sales person­ nel and air personalities. Exper­ ience helpful but not necessary. Please send resumes and air tape with references to: Kris Bennett P.O. Box 22462 Seattle, WA 98122 MULTNOMAH COUNTY Personal Property Tax Collector $9.88 per hour Collects taxes on personal pro­ perty, serves legal documents, inventories property, conducts sales; requires one year of ex­ perience collecting delinquent accounts; apply by April 1, 1988. Program Development Specialist Developmental Disabilities $11.69 per hour D u tie s in c lu d e re s e a rc h , developm ent, evaluation, pro­ gram monitoring, fiscal manage­ ment, and coordination of voca­ tional, residential and early in­ tervention services; apply by April 8, 1988. WHERE TO APPLY Multnomah County Employee Relations Room 1430 1120 SW Fifth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 An Equal O pportunity Employer Existing facilities or build to suit. Single story structure pre ferred. Full service lease. Must be fully handicapped accessible and useable. Proof of ownership or full authority to represent pro­ perty required. HELP WANTED LOSERS wanted! To try new fat absorber. I lost 47 pounds in GO days. No drugs. No exercise. Doctor recommended. Recent cable broadcast. Amy, (303) 989-8311. Fee. Inform ation on available fa cil­ ities or sites must be received by 4-15-1988 by the: Department of General Services Real Property Division 1225 Ferry Street SE Salem, Oregon 97310-1562 Contact: ROGER STOLL Phone: 378-2864 LOANS AND FINANCING NEED MONEY? Equity loans on all types of real estate, easy quali­ fying! Rapid funding! We buy contracts. Call now! Toll-free, 1-800-537-5498, O regon Land Mortgage. RETIREMENT LIVING AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE SENIOR CITIZENS: A ttractive and convenient apartment living. Beautiful Bitterroot Valley. A ffor­ dable rent, Government subsidiz­ ed, all u tilitie s paid! Bitterroot Manor, 401 North 10th, Hamilton, MT. Im m e d ia te o p e n in g . 1-401-363-6354. IN C R E D IB L E in f o r m a tio n : Jeeps, cars, 4x4s seized in drug raids for under $100? Call for facts today! 1-800-247-3166, ext. 625. Fee. BUILDING MATERIALS POLE BUILDING KITS. Complete building packages, 1/sliding door, 4/colored walls, 6x6 poles, 24x36x10 $1,875; 24x48x12 $2,512; 30x60x12 $3,533. Many other sizes. Labor and financing available. 1-800-331-0155, (503) 263-1805. B u ild e rs ’ Board #L44526. HOMES FOR SALE GOVERNMENT seized homes from $1.00, you repair. Also pro­ perties for back taxes. For com ­ plete details and foreclosure list call: (615) 822-2770, ext. 355. PICKUPS ATTENTION CRAFTERS Gallery now open every Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Nineteen 8'x10’ spaces at $50.00. Highest tra ffic . Send S.A.S.E.: Town Center Mall, 300 Broadway, Seaside, OR 97318. earn excellent money AT HOME. Assembly work. Je­ welry, toys, others. Call: 1-619-565-1657 ext T3026OR 24 hrs 450 TOPS, $260 up: Aluminum, plastic, steel, wood. Famous brands. Buy discount. Free price list. Phone free, 1-800-452-9113, 9-5:00, seven days. Totem Mfg, Salem, OR. HELP WANTED A WONDERFUL Family exper­ ience. Australian, European, Scandinavian high school ex­ change students arriving in, August. Become a host fam ily for American Intercultural Student Exchange. Call 1-800-SIBLING. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES '79 27’ PACE Arrow: Loaded. 6.5 gen. dual coach air, twin beds. Less than 27,000 miles. $19,450. Oceanway RV, Dayton Junction, Hwy-18 & 99W. (503) 434-6505. MASTERCARD No one refused. Regardless of credit history. Also ERASE bad credit. Do it yourself. Call: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1000 SUNBEDS, toning tables: Sunal-Wolff tanning beds. Slen derQ uest passive exercisers. Call for free color catalogue Save to 50%. 1-800-228-6292. 1-619-565-1522 Ext. C 30260R 24 hrs. , ’ f • - 'L A ».t í * * . » <•"