Page 10, P o rtla nd O bserver, M arch 23, 1988 RELIGION SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK DANIEL, CH 12 AKA Sorority Holds Conference in Portland 6th Annual Women’s Seminar by M attie Ann Callier-Spears by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears On Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., there was a gathering at the Christ Memorial COGIC, and I can tell you that no one left the way they came. The theme was Beauty (Psalms 29:2), Brains (Philipians 2:5) and Power (Acts 1:8). The Seminar was the conclu­ sion to a whole week of wonder­ ful and in-depth discussions of the "F u lfille d Life of the Chri­ stian W oman” (or man). At the Seminar there were six sessions that lasted 20 minutes each: F u lfille d as a Person, Fulfilled as a Parent, Fulfilled S p ir itu a lly , F u lfille d W hen Single, F ulfillm ent in Marriage, and Fulfillm ent in Your Youth. Each seminar was not only inte­ resting but spiritfilled. I here was a male and a female speaker for each topic. The women split up and went to each group of their choice and then rotated each 20 minutes. The men's groups did likewise. Following the seminar ses­ sions, there was a delicious lun­ cheon that was very fillin g and tasty. As we finished ourdessert, our luncheon speaker, Evanelist Ruby Fridge, spoke on the “ Beau­ ty of it a ll” (Ecc. 3:1). The first lady of the church, Sister Dianne Tate, gave closing remarks and presented each per­ son in attendance with a cer­ tificate. All in all, this was a very full weekend. One that was filled with Beauty, Brains and Power. Emmanuel Temple’s Concert by M attie Ann Callier-Spears Each year the Emmanuel Tem­ p le ’s M usic Departm ent pro­ duces the most high-spirited concerts in thecity. Thisone was not different. There was music to sooth any ailm ent of the soul. The soloist sang as if they were trying to lift everyone up into heavenly space with each note. The excitem ent of the choir’s en­ thusiasm spilled over into the au­ dience. Every year it seems there is not enough space. Two years ago, to be exact, the concert was held in the Jefferson High School Audi­ torium, but it was filled to capa­ city, also. I guess next year’s move w ill be to the Civic Audi­ torium. Emmanuel Temple Full Gos­ pel Pentecostal Church is truly blessed to have such a talented young director as M inister C lif­ ton Wells. This year’s concert, “ H a lle lu ja h is the H ig h e s t Praise” , was very inspirational and very well put together. The concert featured guest ar­ tists such as soloist Virginia She­ pherd of Kings Temple, and a well-known group from Mt. Sinai COGIC, “ W itness". Em m anuel T e m p le ’s ch o ir consists of 40 to 50 members on a regular basis. Bishop Adolph Wells, pastor, welcomes everyone to set aside the month of March next year and keep their ears opened for the date. Adoptive Families Needed Easter/Springtime — Now is the season to celebrate new life. Perhaps you can give a new beginning to a child who needs a family. Adoptive parents are sought for Oregon’s older and “ special needs ” children. These include siblings, m inority children, child­ ren over age six, and children w ith handicaps. No fees are charged for the adoption study. A coaliton of state and private agencies has been form ed to help locate potential adoptive families. For more information, please con­ tact Claudia Hutchison at the Special Needs Adoption Coali­ tion office, 222-9661. The ad­ dress is 2301 N.W. G lisan, Portland, Oregon 97210. It was truly a sight to behold. It all started on Wednesday the 16th; and then on Thursday the 17th — "PHEW !” . The Red Lion (Lloyd Center) played host to one of the most exclusive women’s Greek sororities in the nation — The Alpha Kappa Alphas. They arrived, their luggage ar­ rived and the busses kept com ­ ing. By the weekend, everyone knew that the AKA’s had arrived in town. The most beautiful, the most intelligent and the most prestigeous Black women in the United States of America were all in our city. Truly Portland was humbled by their presence. There was so much to do and so much to see. On Friday, there was the Public Meeting and the dance; where young, college- aged men were invited to attend. At the Public Meeting, several dignitaries from the Portland area were presented with awards of excellence and achievement for the work that they are doing and have done in the Northwest area. Saturday was busy, busy, busy. There were seminars and meetings held all day, and the evening yielded a banquet featur­ ing the dynamic Rep. Margaret Carter as the speaker, and an elegant Ball. In Rep. Carter’s speech, she said that there was enough money assembled in that one room to feed an entire starv­ ing nation. We look forward to their return. Neighborhood Crime Contact Persons & Telephone Numbers Women Working For Christ WOMEN, WOMEN, WOMEN, We all have work to do “ 911” should be used for re­ porting a crime and/or crime- related activity. The first two references and the numbers may be used for all crim inal-related activities and concerns: City Wide Crime Prevention Co­ o rd in a to r — D e n n is Payne, 248- 4519, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Northeast Area Crime Preven­ tion Coordinator — Sharon Mc­ Cormack, 248-4575, Youth Gang Task Force. If you have any inform ation concerning gang activity or invol­ vement, call this number: Gang Resource Department — Portland Police, O ffice r Neil Crannell, 248-5720. The numbers for the School Police are to be used for the re­ porting of school-aged youth and other related persons of school age or any person or persons con­ tributing to their delinquency or participating in criminal activi­ ties in or about the school area: Portland Public Schools Police — M ac L o c k e tt, 249-2000, 24-hours, or Sgt. Steve H ollings­ w orth or Sgt. Dan Leedom, 249- 3307 or 248-5703. We don’t have time to be lazy, because Jesus is watching you We don’t have time to relax Because our work is never complete WATCH OUT! — orthe devil w ill trick you As we strive to gain a heavenly eat WE DON’T HAVE TIME TO BESLOW FUL.................. WE DON’T HAVE TIME TO BE SAD ............................. WE DON’T HAVE TIME TO BESORROWFUL............. WE DON’T HAVE TIME TO B E M A D ............................ The Lord made us all so u n iq u e ly. . . None of us is exactly the same But le t’s forget about our differences As we lift up and praise His Holy Name!!! By Sister Dianne Tate Jesus Loves You! Allen Temple CME Church 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue A lbina M in isterial A llian ce (comer of 8th & Skidmore) P ortland, O reg o n 97211 285 0493 (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -0 2 6 1 A Public S ervice of th e P o rtla n d O b server Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor Psalm 34.3 DON’T WAIT TILL IT HURTS Periodontal disease is painless. It affects 87 ot the population and often victims are unaware There are warning signs, and the American Dan- tai Association and our staff want you to ba If the answer is yas to any of these questions, you owe it to yourself to bring it to the attention of “ The End of Your Search For a Truly Friendly C h u rch " »our duntist or h»«ionl»t. Acl now »nd keep »our ZION SPIRITUAL BAPTIST CHURCH teeth for a lifetime aware Yas 1 Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth or toothpick No 5 Are your perm anent Rev. W ilburn Richardson, Pastor 5029 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, OR 97211 teeth or separating? between them? 6 2 Are your gums red. swollen, or Are your gums pulling away from your teeth? 4 Do you see pus between your teeth and your gums when the "Choose Ye This Day Whom Ye Shall Serve: As For Me And My House. We Will Serve The Lord." Joshua 24:15 you bite? fender? 3 Is there any change in the way your teeth fit together when 7 Is there any change in the fit of If You Need Prayer Call 283-1026 (Home) your partial dentures9 8 Do you have bad breath? V ■ ► Hf BtvSdL HI W y The Harlem Boys Choir Photo bv Richard J. Brown by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears On Sunday, the 20th, I and one thousand other peopple w it­ nessed a spectacular perfor­ mance at the Benson High School auditorium. This was the most organized, the most professional, and the most unique stage presentations I’ve ever seen. The Harlem Boys Choir con­ sisted of 34 voices, 2 pianists, 1 bass guitarist, 1 percussionist and the director — Dr. W alter J. Turnbull. The program, in its entirely, was dedicated to the memory of Leodis McDaniel and Joseph S. Bowman, former Portland Public Schools principals. The audi­ ence paused for a moment of si­ lent prayer at the opening of the program. Thechoirdid24 numbers.They held us spellbound with the clas- sicals, sent our hearts leaping with the spirituals, had the au­ dience (especially the young girls) out of the seats with the popular songs and the jazz num­ bers, and literally had us on our feet with several renditions of “ freedom ” songs. Not only did they sing, but they also danced and jumped and just gave a classy off-Broadway per­ formance. I can certainly see why they have received so much re­ cognition internationally. They have perform ed in Europe 5 times, in the Mid-West, South­ west, Southeast, and South; but this is their first tim e ever in th q (O Northwest. They’ve even been to=n the Caribbean. n5 The boys in the group rangedoi’ in ages from 9 years old to 19ub years old. They have to maintain certain grade point average, or^«-' they don’t get to goanywhere. Dr. Turnbull shared, "98 percent of the boys that have been in th é '^ choir have gone to college.” Re- 2 member that these are sup­ posedly unteachable ghetto kids ' — problem makers — rabble rousers. If you could have seen these boys on stage, heard their^,,- beautiful, whistle-pitched v o ic e s .^ and seen the organization and,,3 discipline . . . Well, you woulCL3| have been astonished, just as was lup . eb ’ OO ow Obituary Joseph S. Bowman ris ance of Black School Educators, Joseph S. Bowman, a NE resi­ holding the office of President o fd l dent, passed away at the age of the Oregon Chapter in 1982;-'< 63 on March 4th in Portland. He member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fra*’-’ was born January9,1925 in Beau­ ternity, holding the office of Pre--'- mont, Texas. sident in 1983; and memberof Phi Mr. Bowm an received his Delta Kappa. He wasalsoamem-<'-’ Bachelors degree at Dillard Uni­ ber of the National Association versity in New Orleans, LA and of HighSchool Principalsand the his Masters degree from Portland Portland High School Principals State University. He moved to Association. Portland in 1951 and worked for Mr. Bowman served on the Frieberg Electric Company. In Board of Directors of G oodwill In­ 1951 he joined the Portland dustries, Catholic Services for __ Police Bureau and worked for 13 Children, and Holiday Park Hos-'"' years in the Juvenile Division. Mr. pital Advisory Board. Bowman worked for the US Services were held W e d n e s-'' Forest Service at Timberlake Job day, March 9, at St. Mary Magda­ Corp Center as a Corpman Super­ lene Catholic Church followed b y ’A visor before jo in in g Portland a private interment ceremony at Public Schools in 1968. During W illam ette National Cemetery. his 20 years w ith P o rtlan d Joseph Bowman is survived by Schools, he has served as a his w ife , D olores; his sons teacher at Benson and Roosevelt Joseph S. Ill of Austin, Texas, High Schools, officer with Michael R. of Portland, Charles School D istrict Police, specialist B. of San Diego, and Wayne E. of in Personnel Services, Vice Prin­ Olympia, WA; his daughter Ja- cipal at Washington-Monroe & neen S. Bowman of Portland; and Grant High Schools, and Prin­ his sister Lillie Mae Morehead of cipal of the Portland Evening Spokane, Washington; and hisi High School at Benson. two grandchildren, Joseph S lV Mr. Bowman was named 1987 of Seattle and Donel Brown of Senior Role Model by Oasis. He Portland. was a member of East Portland The family suggests contribu1 Rotary Club, bearing the office of tions be made to Bess Kaiser Peri President from 1981-1982; mem­ manente Hospice Program. ber of Oregon and National Alli- gum s are pressed9 ----- NEW PATIENT SPECIAL This certificate entitles each new patient with: EXAM, BITE-WING X-RAYS, ROUTINE CLEANING $35.00 • Preventive Family Dentistry • Special Attention to Children and Gum Disease n 'Z $40.00 OFF NEW DENTURES • Free Denture Cleaning • No Charge Consultation • Rehne & Repairs while you wait YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT 84 N E K illin g s w o r th • 28T 0499 Faith Tabernacle Church —Apostolic—Pentecostal k lama « ins um m II. a 9 m it aim »» * «an» ire w t mm man mom « I Ml I I S M P res erv in g th e Pest end P u n u in g th e Futu re Edward E. Ward, DMD Convenient, affordable dental care for your family. 610 SW Alder. Suite 1008 • 228-3009 HOURS: M-F 7AM-7PM Dr Edward E. Ward SATURDAY 8AM-5PM Expires March 31, 1988 GRACE C OSBORNE.PASTOR LOUIS W OSBORNE. SR . BISHOP 282-8071 " A w arm spirit of fellow ship alw ays” The Ark of Safety Churc h of God in Christ r V tnbop b DO /La.* -6 T uesday *— — 7 30 p m Bible Band Thursday Choir Rehearsal 7 00 p m Sunday Sunday Schoo, 9 1 5 a m Morning 11 15 a m Worship 6 30 p m Y P W W Evangelistic 8 00 p m Worship Tuesday Friday Noon Day ■ : Prayer t k f Bdkc 40.44- T o llo u ’ pCQEC U'ltb all incu t, holiness u'ilboul u’hicb no man shall sec Ibc C o ri) ....... Friday The Pastor Speaks 7 3 0 p m. Saturday M orning Prayer > ■ » 9 00 a m. ShuwWSU* fUm-w^p ’«»«try ’UUD A M t - r _irfc — ’»Wimr R AAR 14RJAM LMW » >