Page 8, Portland Observer, March 16, 1988 RELIGION SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK EZEKIEL: CH. 43 Jesus Against Drugs and Alcohol by Mattie Ann CallierSpears Jesus Against Drugs and Alco­ hol (JADA) is a christian-based program founded by the Rev. Roy L. Tate. The program began in 1987 as an outreach for the c h u rc h (C h ris t M e m o ria l C.O.G.I.C.). There are many program s throughout the com munity deal­ ing with alcohol and drug abu­ sers; however, there are none as unique as JADA. When all else fails, this program has proven to be totally successful. Drugs and alcohol are the ma­ jor causes of the crimes, deaths, and diseases. JADA focuses pri­ marily on trusting God’s love, God’s caring, and praying for all people regardless of the indivi­ dual circumstances. The pro­ gram serves as a support group for family members who are deal­ ing with various addictions. Anyone and everyone is wel­ come to attend the very moving and enriching gatherings each Monday night at 6 p.m. The ad­ dress is 1552 N. Killingsworth Avenue. Everyone shares his/her mira­ culous recovery and gives all the credit to the Lord Jesus Christ. Much of the credit is also given to the counseling staff. The majority of the walk-in par­ tic ip a n ts involved in C h ris t Memorial’s JADA Program, are now living Christian lives and are actively participating in various churches throughout the city of Portland. Here are some of the testi­ monials: Come and experience the Lord's saving, healing and deli­ vering power from addictions of all kinds. When you visit our facility, you w ill find a spirit-filled staff of pro­ fessionals, some of whom were once alcoholics, drug abusers, drug dealers, prostitutes and pimps, and others with criminal backgrounds who have chosen to follow Christ instead. Theresa Strong — 32 years old — this is her second day sober. She said that she went from alco­ hol to weed, to cocaine. Sheask- ed God to help her. She spent 9 1/a m o n th s in the St. V in c e n t dePaul's program and even tried the Alberta/Albina Program, but to no avail. It wasn t until she Fred Douglas — " I ’m talking to God every chance I get. At one time, all I could dream about was where to get more drugs. Yes, I was in church, but a slave to drugs. Thank God for this church. The old man dies, and you're reborn in Christ. God is in control. Sin is the root of the pro­ blem. Scheming, lying, cheating and the rackets in prison are all sins. Let Jesus guide you into perfect peace. I’m so full of Christ — I don’t need anything else." David Bell — once a big time drug dealer on N.E. 15th and Killingsworth. He said, “ I have my wife and kids now. I thought that I liked them — but I love them so much now. How can you say that you love someone and steal from them. My children were coming to church with big holes in their shoes. I was taking so much drugs until my speech was slurred. Then the slurring stooped and mv brain was gone. I had friends that started trusting me to do responsible thinqs. You see, before no one turned it com pletely over to God that she has seen any kind of re­ sults. She decided she couldn't trustpeople. S hecouldonlytrust God. God has caused her to "We here at the JADA Program loose her desire. PRAISE THE are not going to tell you where to LORD! go, but we can tell you where you We are making an appeal to the must stay — stay with the people community: We need finances to of God." successfully continue this pro­ gram. Please send your dona­ Marcus Pollard — off drugs since September of 1986. He tions to the JADA Progrm, 1552 N. K illin g s w o r t h A v e n u e , said, “ I had to come out from Portland, OR 97217. among those people that pulled For more inform ation about me down. I found out that the on­ the Program, call: Jack Kelly, ly way that I could grow was to let counselor, (503) 681-0596; Crisis Christ grow in me. I couldn't call Hot Line, (503) 285-1676; or the any of my old friends. I had to call church phone, (503) 286-9624. someone cleaner than myself.' trusted me to do anything, be­ cause they knew that I was not going to follow through with it. If you entrusted something to me, I sold it My wife couldn't trust me to do with the money what I said I would do. The dope man came to me and asked me to use my garage and I told him — NO. They grabbed me out of my house and beat me and threw me out of the car, but I didn't rent my garage to them. I am to the place now wheie my wife can lay $3 on the table, and it w ill be there the next day ... untouched.” PRAISE THE LORD! The list goes on and on and on. Rev. Tate told the group, ’’God is your keeper. You don’t have to bow and stoop to thedevil.” Then he told the story about the ant and the piece of straw. "There was this ant trying to cross the sidewalk with this piece of straw, but he couldn’t cross the crack in the sidewalk. The straw was too large a burden for him. So, he took the straw and put it down across the crack and he crossed over on the straw, safely to the other side.” The morale to this story is that sometimes your burden is your way to get over. Neighborhood Crime Contact Persons & Telephone Numbers 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebrated ON March 12, 1988, Gertrude and Roger B. Morris celebrated fifty years of marriage. In honor of this occasion, many family members and friends from all areas of the country have gather­ ed to help them, along with their children and grandchildren, re­ member the vows made between then fifty years ago. Mr. & Mrs. Morris were married in Oklahoma in 1938. They are the parents of two sons, one daughter and eight grandchildren. "911" should be used for re­ porting a crime and/or crime- related activity. The first two references and the numbers may be used for all crim inal-related activities and concerns: City Wide Crime Prevention Co­ o rd in a to r — D e n n is Payne, 248-4519, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Northeast Area Crime Preven­ tion Coordinator — Sharon Mc­ Cormack, 248-4575, Youth Gang Task Force. If you have any information concerning gang activity or invol- vement, call this number: Gang Resource Department — Portland Police, O ffice r Neil Crannell, 248-5720. The numbers for the School Police are to be used for the re­ porting of school-aged youth and other related persons of school age or any person or persons con- tributing to their delinquency or participating in crim inal activi­ ties in or about the school area: Portland Public Schools Police - Mac L o c k e tt, 249-2000, 24-hours, or Sgt. Steve H ollings­ w orth or Sgt. Dan Leedom, 249-3307 or 248-5703. Vit GOD’S CALL TO WHOLENESS by Mattie Ann Callier Spears This past weekend, I attended a very spiritual and well-attended workshop. It was held at the Mount Olivet Baptist Church. Don’t you know that every good and perfect g ift comes frorp. God? Check your life for unused . gifts. Nothing would enlightep ; the heart of God so much than i f we all had a grand unw rapping, party — yes — unwrapping all the gifts that He has given us and that we are not using. There were women there from all over the Portland area: young women, older women, middle- aged women. They all came to listen, take part in, and taste what God had in store for them. How can you serve your fami­ ly? How can you serve y o u r' church? How can you serve your community? We must discover our spiritual gifts and use them to the glory of God, if God w ills it to be done. The question that was asked was: "What w ill make us whole?” First, we must ask God to help us so we can be prepared to receive the answer that He has for us. Se­ cond, we should work for God no matter what the cost, though working is very costly. If you can sew, then, when you sew, with every stitch, do it in the name of the Lord. Allow the spirit of the Lord to use you. “ Lean not to your own understanding . . • The gifts that God has given you has nothing to do with what youi grandmother’s gifts were, but rather, where does your g ift fit. The songwriter wrote: "W hat can make me w hole again? N o th in g but th e b lo o d of JESUS!” When we set out io be leaders in the community, in the name of our Lord and Savior, we must have a purpose. Tune yourself in to the w ill of God. Focus solely on God. Then, you w ill be able to focus not only on others but on your own concerns. We must study the Word to show our­ selves approved before the Lord. We must forget ourselves and take up the cross and follow Christ. A good leader is a person who is group-centered rather than self-centered. Faith is the greatest asset to have, but believ­ ing helps to make it happen. Where do we feel com fortable in the body of Christ as far as ser-.. vice is concerned? You know, it doesn’t always happen on Sun»’ t day. So, we should focus in one what can we do — what can we», do to bring about positive results into the new day. Unwrap your gifts today and swer God's call to wholeness. Tree of Life If ever I should not be me, I think I'd like to be a tree. Trees never seem to need the thought That they should be what I they are not; I They are content. When 1° winds blow loud, I They bow, and they are not lie too proud I To let birds roost among f" their boughs t Or share their shade with sheep and cows. They love the sun, and also love The rain, and w ithout push I I or shove, I Just by the fact that they I breathe there, They give the world a a sweeter air. Trees live a century or so, And all the while they live, they grow! by James Dillet Freeman The hour is late. We must dis­ cover what our spiritual gifts are, and we must learn how and when to use them. We must move out into the forefront and carry the message. As a child of God, we must ask for God’s strength to move ahead. God is a giver. His gifts are essential. God’s gifts help deter- m inethe w orld’sendurance. Itis, now, time that we unwrap the gifts that God has given to us. I I i PORTLAND OBSERVER "The Eyes and Ears ot the Community" 288-0033 Jesus Loves You! DON’T WAIT TILL IT HURTS Allen Temple CME Church A lbina M inisterial A llian ce 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue 285-0493 Portland, Oregon 97211 (comer of 8th & Skidmore) A Public Service of the Portland Observer (5 0 3 ) 1 2 8 7 -0 2 6 1 Psalm 34:3 Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor T uesday Bible Band Thursday C hoir Rehearsal YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT 84 N E. K illin g s w o r th • 281 0499 •'A warm spirit of fellowship always" I h e A rk o f S a f e t y C h u r c h o f G o d in C h r i s t fO a ts C fB %*>!ihopbJiVi«'».,or DC P-»* ■ ■ S unday S unday S chool M o rn in g W o rsh ip Y P W W E vangelistic 7 00 p m 9 15am “ The End of Your Search For a Truly Friendly Church” 11 15 a m 6 30 p m 5. Are your permanent or separating? teeth 6 Is there any change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite? 3 Are your gums pulling away from your teeth? 7 Is there any change in the fit of 4 Do you see pus between your teeth and your gums when the 8 your partial dentures? Do you have bad breath? gums are pressed? Rev. Wilburn Richardson, Pastor 5029 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, OR 97211 N oon Day Prayer "Choose Ye This Day Whom Ye Shall Serve: As For Me And My House, We Will Serve The Lord." Joshua 24:15 If You Need Prayer Call 283-1026 (Home) 9 00a m. S f« j* n n o l Hiwcwxjs Stndey teeth for a lifetime. ZION SPIRITUAL BAPTIST CHURCH 8 00 p m W o rsh ip S aturday M o rn in g Prayer C o ró -(•■««ft '■* 2. Are your gums red, swollen, or your dan tltt or hyglanial. Act now and kaop your tender? Friday The Pastor Speaks 7 30 p m . ToUou’ peace with all holiness without which no man shall see ihe Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth or toothpick between them? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, you owe it to yourself to bring It to the attention of 7 30 p m T u esda y Friday the. BiWx Periodontal disease is painless It aflects 87 of the population, and often victims are unaware There are warning signs, and the American Den- tai Association and our staff want you to be aware Yes No troedceoi 'OLD A M K AAR 148UAM DM NEW PATIENT SPECIAL This certificate entitles each new patient with: EXAM. BITE-WING X-RAYS, ROUTINE CLEANING F„„w $35 00 • Preeentue Family Dentistry • Special Attention to Children and (lam Disease $40.00 OFF NEW DENTURES • Free Denture Cleaning • No Charge Consultation • Relme N Repairs while you wait Faith Tabernacle Church —Apostolic—Pentecostal K unifl ■ (SB wt ms 1.1. »1 H N M T S C M a lM M I M R ) » 11 45 AM I 7 M r« l a i M N P res erv ing th e Fast and P ursuing the Futu re Edward E. Ward, DMD Convenient, affordable dental care for your family. 610 SW Alder. Suite 1008 • 228-3009 HOURS M-F 7AM-7PM Dr Edward E. Ward SATURDAY HAM-5PM Expires March 31, 1988 “ Before You Must” — Make a Decision — stows m a t GRACE C OSBORNE PASTOR LOUIS W OSBORNE, SR BISHOP 282-8071 “ Inquire about the services we offer” Cox Funeral Home, Inc. 24 Hr. Service ■» I I 281 4891 We are interested in your problems.