Page 6, Portland Observer, February 24, 1988 RELIGION Scripture of the Week Proverbs Ch. 27 Send notice o f your church activities and events to HeliRion Editor. Portland Observer P O Box 3137 Portland O B 97206 Revival THE FINE He is the vine, He is the life, There is a boundless flow. Oh infinite love that calls to me, His wondrous grace to know. Realize that somehow, in some wonderful and miraculous way, the love of God is continuously flowing into your mind, emotions, and body, touching all with life- giving power and renewal. Let go! Let God's love do the work! Give that love an opportun­ ity to work through you and your life and affairs. Take the time needed to "consider" again and again the miracle-working love of your Father. Continue until you find yourself accepting it more and more naturally. Results will speak for themselves. You will be encouraged to find new aware­ ness of God’s presence and new comprehension of God s spirit moving within you. Do not try to understand how this is happening or the means by which the answers will follow. Just — for this time — be willing tc accept being loved. Take no thought — just “consider“ the presence and power of God s love. Letting go, you will let divine love harmonize the feelings within your heart, the thoughts within your mind, the functions within your body, and the ac­ tivities and relationships within your life. A friend who experienced this process of love said that through “letting go and letting God's love do the work,” pains that previ­ ously had defied all treatment to­ tally disappeared. A long­ standing. unhappy feeling that had "ruined a fine friendship" was suddenly dissolved and the way was opened to communication and easy resolution of difficulties. Another wrote, “ I think the har­ dest thing of all for me has been letting go.” This man had been involved in an automobile a obile accident some years before and was considered the worst case ever brought into the emergency room. Through his own growing understanding of letting go and letting God do the work, there was a complete and miraculous healing that as­ tounded the neurosurgeon. The patient, prayerfully and persis­ tently learning to walk and talk again, is now in his second year Paradise Missionary Baptist Church 4735 N. Commercial 1st Service — Feb. 24, 1988 — 7 p.m. Guest Speaker: Rev. Flex Woodson Zion B a p tist C hurch, Los >( Take hold of that love right now and let go every struggle or feel­ ing of defeat. Take hold of this love, dear friend, in total assur­ ance that God’s love will do the work. Let go! Let go! Let go! Let God's love do the work! All you feel you have been unable to do, God shall accomplish. God’s love will do all that your willingness will let it do. Let God’s love reach into the very roots of your being. Let God’s miracles of love begin — NOW Let go! Let God’s love do the work! PRAISE THE LORD!!! YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT Tuesday Bible Band 7 30 p m Thursday Choir Rehearsal 7 00 p m Sunday Sunday School 9 15am 84 N E K illin g sw o rth • 281 0499 of Rev. Pastor Charles Hill True love within you. This way the key to the miraculous ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. In Jesus' own long quiet times of listening within, He let go of the problems and became attentive to the Father’s love. He let go and let God’s love do the work. He let go of trying to humanly supply and fill the lacks and urgent needs of others by letting God’s love take over and do the work. He let go of those who constantly failed Him and of those who de­ nied or ridiculed Him. He gave them all to the Father’s love for right outworkings. Jesus gave His days and nights, words and actions, thoughts and feelings, prayers and teachings to the Father, knowing that the Father through miracle-working love could do the work freely. He gave himself mentally, emotionally, and physi­ cally to that same wonderful love and became the visible example of love in action that overcame every limitation of humankind. He came to demonstrate that this is what happens when we turn away from burdensome thinking and struggling to the quietness of letting go and letting God and His love do the work. The love of God is greater than any opposition, any ap­ pearance of evil, AND ANY CLAIM OF LIMITATION. The love of God is your safety, your security, your guide, your com­ fort, your assurance, your clear vision, your accomplishment, your peace, and your light for every path of life. "A warm spirit of fellowship always” 18th Anniversary From as a proofreader with a publisher of law cases. He is following the continuing dream of a career — letting go and letting God con­ tinue to do the work! “ Divine love is the force.. that smoothes out every obstacle that presents itself,", wrote Charles Fillmore. Yes, dear friend, it is the strongest smoothing-out force in and throughout the universe. It is a nurturing life activity, miracle-working movement that reveals and illumines, restores and rebuilds, vitalizes and em­ powers your growing awareness of oneness with the Father and with His Presence everywhere and in everything. Not long ago, a young basket­ ball player who was being inter­ viewed on television was asked how he felt about the acclaim he had received because of the amazing flying leaps he per­ formed in putting the ball into the basket. The response came with a bright smile, "I don’t really know that I am doing that. It’s just such a great thing to play basketball." Film was shown following the in­ terview of this young athlete who seemed to walk on air as he leaped toward the goal. This amazing and joyful per­ formance is symbolic of the pro­ cess of letting go and letting something above and beyond the normal human ability take over. There is a superceding of one­ self, a rising aboe the statements of what can be done or has been done. There is a point of joyous knowing that there is a greater sufficiency within the soul and mind and body of any person than he or she ordinarily takes time to perceive. This is what Jesus pointed out to His listeners who sought healing, supply, peace, and happiness. He told them the way to “ seek first his kingdom" (Matt. 6:33) so that all else may be added. Letting go and letting love do the work within you and within your life is seeking the kingdom. It is learning to stop giving habitual power to limited apper- ances and learning to begin turn­ ing to the Father's kingdom of A ngeles, (fo il I he A r k o f S a fe ty C h u r c h o f G o d in C h r i s t f 0 u t/C ( e the BibU T fo llo u ’ peace u'ilb all n ic n .f r h o lin ess u 'ilb o u l w hich no nian shall s e e Ihc C o r d -iiRtws: Feb. 24, 25, 26 Climax — 3 p.m. Feb. 28th Y P W W Evangelistic Worship Bishop b V ft-iersoc DO P~o" - Tr,---- Tuesday Friday CA 3 Evenings — Starting at 7 p.m., Morning Worship Beginning the 28th day of February and ending the 4th day of March, the Mount Zion Bap­ tist Church, located at 831 N.E. Fremont Street, w ill host a com ­ munity-wide Revival. The visiting evalgelist for the week w ill be the renowned and dynamic Rev. Charles L. Taylor, pastor of the Maranatha Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas. Services w ill begin at 7:00 p.m. nightly. Everyone is welcome to at­ tend. Come to hear the Word! Come to pray! Come to shout and have a joyous time! F o r fu rth e r in fo r m a tio n , please contact: Rev. Percy Manual, pastor of Mount Zion, at 281-0608 or 284-2864. He is the vine, I can depend On Him to hold me fast. I try so hard myself to stay, My strength shall never last. Let Go! Let God’s Love Do the Work! by Mary L. Kipferle Let go, dear friend, and let God's love do the work. Give up all striving and struggling to ac­ complish. Whatever has been dif­ ficult for you to handle, hard for you to release, or impossible for you to solve can be given to the loving Father. God s love will do the work and bring about the heal­ ing, the answer, the blessing you cannot accomplish of yourself. Let go! Let God’s love — God s love — do the work! God has created this beau­ tifu l universe and knows how to help you surmount any doubt or disbelief. God’s love has fashioned you and has given you infinite wisdom that you can call on, unlim ited peace that you can accept, and unceasing goodness that you can experience, about a delay in receiving a phys­ ical healing, turn this specific challenge over to-the love of the Father. Tell yourself, “ I let go ano let God’s love do the work.’’ Ac­ cept the help of that love. Let it think through you. Give up the be­ lief that you must struggle and fight your way through any chal­ lenge. Let the Father take over. Put all in the light of love. Again and again, let go and let God s love do the work! To help yourself begin the pro­ cess of letting go and letting God's love do the work, take a few minutes now and daily — as often as needed — to consciously assume a quiet, receptive state of being. You are physically quiet as you turn your thoughts to the Master's words, “ Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow . . . (Matt. 6:28), and relax every muscle of your body in readiness to receive. Patiently wait upon the Father's love as a growing plant waits upon the light of the morn­ ing sun. “ Consider" how the rays of light and warmth enfold a plant and move down through the leaves and stalk into the roots within the soil. Think about the invisible working of the sunlight, reaching to the depths of the plant and encouraging its growth, strength, and enfoldment. by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears He is the vine, Himself He gives- His riches too, full and free. To His bosom with open arms In His welcome to me. He is the vine, Oh blessed thought, Grafted to His wounded side. His strong love ever holds me fast In Him I do abide. by Ken Peters W o rld Day of Prayer Epiphany Church of Miracle Rivival Comes to Hazeldell, WA The theme of the World Day of Prayer, sponsored by Church Women United, this year is ‘‘Open Doors” . Over 170 countries participate in this world wide praying event, scheduled this year for March 4. You may participate at several d iffe r e n t lo c a tio n s in the Portland Metropolitan area at various tim es of the day: Southwest: St. Andrews Pres­ byterian Church, 3228 S.W. Sun­ set Blvd., 10 a.m., contact per­ son, Lucy Mischler, 645-8057. Northwest: St. Rita Catholic Church, 10029 N.E. Prescott Street, 1 p.m., contact person, Jeanne Kirk, 253-6904 Southeast: Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church, 2828 S.E. Stephens, 1 p.m., contact per­ son, Dorothy Norgard, 232-4588. North: Bethel AME Church, 5828 N.E. 8th Avenue, 10 a.m., contact person, Alyce Robinson, 281-4850. Childcare w ill be provided at each location. Remember to bring used eye glasses in frames to be used in Latin America and the Carib­ bean Islands by the missionary and the medical groups. Epiphany Church w ill open its doors February 28 with a week of revival. Services are nightly, excluding Wednesday night, at 7:00 p.m. at 8100 N.W. 9th Ave., next to Jason Lee M iddle S c h o o l, V a n c o u v e r, W A. Faith Tabernacle Church —Apostolic—Pentecostal w urna ■ ins i rat n at SWMT SUU M l M N O T H :« Ml I M l ’ amos iMxrti I Ml I Mt M •1 P res erv in g th e Pest end P ursu in g th e Futu re GRACE C. OSBORNE. PASTOR LOUIS W. OSBORNE, SR.. BISHOP 282-8071 11 15a m 6 30p m 8 00 p m Noon Day Prayer Friday The Pastor Speaks’ 7 30 p m. Saturday Morning Prayer 9 00 a m . S/X J W T« of by Bishop Lewis W. Osmond S t r ä r y morrwig 1(HJD A M S w o o r K A A P 148UAM Out your ability tothink more clearly! A lbina M in isterial A lliance 285 0493 A Public Service of the Portland Observer Jesus Loves You! <=>< <=>< $13 00 $20 00 “ “ “ “ “ i W OUL 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 Cremation • □ n $20 $13 State/Zip___ City __ (503) 287-0261 Order your copy today from: Psalm 34:3 Phillip S. 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