BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD OF OREGON COSTING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Ore­ gon is currently accepting applica­ tions for the following positions: The Port of Portland has an imme­ diate opening for a Costing and Information Systems Manager. INSURANCE ADVERTISE SALES Enjoy Portland, a Portland tourism reference booklet, is hiring ad rep s. Exp. preferred but will train. Moti­ vated individual. High sales earn­ ings — up to $100.00 per sale. No phone calls - come see me!! Thursday and Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m . or send me your resume: Oregon M k t. Manager 1238 N.W. Glisan, Suite 302 Portland, OR 97209 MARKETING TECHNICIAN Qualified candidate must have 1 year work experience in a high pres­ sure professional setting, customer service-related skills, and a strong commitment to accuracy in a fast- paced environment. Previous mar­ keting experience would be a plus. ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The Marketing Tech will type 50 wpm, have CRT experience, excel­ lent telephone manner, and possess strong professional oral & written communication skills. The University of Oregon is seeking inquiries from architects interested in providing, with the assistance of consultants such as engineers and landscape architects, all profession­ al services required for the design of an addition to and alterations of its main library in Eugene. The selec­ tion and retention of the architect will be accomplished in accordance with the Oregon State Board of Higher Education's Administrative Rule OAR 580-50-020. MEDICAL CLAIM S ANALYST Your knowledge of medical termi­ nology, ICD-CPT coding, CRT skills, and experience in a doctor's office or hospital setting may quali­ fy you for a position as a Medical Claims Analyst. Apply now for positions to begin on March 14, 1988. This project will include new con­ struction of approximately 185,000 gross square feet and the renova­ tion of about 58,600 square feet of space in existing facilities. The space will include library stacks, teaching and study spaces, offices, and support spaces found typically in research libraries. Funds for con­ struction, equipment, and all other related project costs, in a total amount of approximately $25 mil­ lion, will be provided from State and private sources. The University of Oregon will pro­ vide additional material to interested parties upon request. For further information related to the project and/or the selection procedures, phone or write within five days to: U niversity Planning O ffice University o f Oregon 1295 Franklin Boulevard Eugene, Oregon 97403-12^6 Telephone: (503) 686-5562 AVIATION FINANCE TECHNICAL COORDINATOR The Port of Portland has an imme­ diate opening for an Aviation Fi­ nance Technical Coordinator in our Aviation Finance Department at Portland International Airport. Preferred qualifications include de­ monstrated successful experience in a responsible secretarial or admini­ strative assistant position, ability to organize and follow through on a variety of projects, micro computer and word processing experience, and invoicing/accounting familiar­ Additionally, this position requires a background in healthcare delivery including understanding of alterna­ tive delivery systems (PPO, HMO, etc.). College degree in business or public administration, healthcare services highly desirable. M EDICAL REVIEWER/ COORDINATOR This position is responsible for re­ viewing professional & outpatient hospital medical claims by gathering & reviewing medical information, and communicating medical neces­ sity & utilization review determina­ tion in both verbal and written form. The qualified applicant will be a regi­ stered Nurse with a current Oregon license and have a detailed working knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and medical terminology. Excellent communication skills will be required for the purpose of assi­ sting in the training of Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Oregon personnel. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ gon offers an excellent employee benefits package and competitive salaries. Flex-time work hours avail­ able for Medical Claims Analyst position. For additional information on job openings please call our Job Information Number of 225-5402, or apply in person to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. M arket Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer ity. In addition to a comprehenseive benefit package, the Port offers a starting salary range of $14,900 to $21,400 commensurate with exper­ ience. If interested and qualified, apply in person at: The Port o f Portland E m ploym ent O ffice 12th Floor 700 N.E. M u ltn om ah All applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. Monday, February 22, 1988. The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer FIND OUT WHAT DRUGS & RADIATION ENCOUNTERED IN DAY-TO-DAY LIVING ARE DOING TO YOU Attend these free seminars: Feb. 15 & 20th at 7:30 p.m. "A ll About Radiation” "Purification: An Illustrated Answer to Drugs' C elebrity Centre 709 S.W Salm on St. Portland, OR 99R-U116. HIGHWAY ENGINEER 3 (G eotechnical Specialist) $2041 - $2606 M o n th ly The Oregon Department of Transportation is accepting applications for the above po­ sition located in Salem. To qualify, candidates must have two years of progressively re­ sponsible experience in geo­ technical engineering and a Bachelor's degree in civil or geotechnical engineering; OR three more years of civil or geotechnical engineering ex­ perience. Contact ODOT Per­ sonnel, 419 Transportation Bldg., Salem, OR 97310, (503) 378-6281 for employment ap­ plications and recruitingd an­ nouncement. Apply now, since this recruitment may close at any time without no­ tice. MULTNOMAH COUNTY Public Guardian $31.487 40,925 annually MARINE DEPARTMENT This person will be responsible for: • Managing, developing, reviewing and coordinating the Marine De­ partment's financial and opera­ tional information systems. • Develop system requirements. • Perform financial analysis on marine functions. • Coordinate and represent the Ma­ rine Department in internal and external audits and examinations. • Develop cost systems and esta­ blish cost standards. In addition to a comprehensive benefit package, the Port offers a starting salary range of $31,200 to $39,300 commensurate with exper­ ience. ine Oregon Department of Transportation An Equal Opportunity Employer JOB OPENING EARN EXCELLENT MONEY At Home Assembly Work. Jewelry, toys, others. Call 1-619-565-6513 ext T3026OR 24 hrs EARN EXTRA MONEY to a weekly (503) 288 0033 HELP WANTED Radio Talk Show Host. Must be qualified and have at least five years experience in radio or TV setting; must also demonstrate ability to operate complex broadcast board. Send tape & resume to: Brian Jennings KXL Radio P.O. Box 14957 Portland, OR 97214 Equal Opportunity Employer INSTRUCTORS AND RESIDENT COUNSELORS For U of O Upward Bound Program, Summer Session. June 19th thru Aug. 14th, 1988 Job description available at: and application 1859 E. 15th Eugene, OR 97403 Deadline: M onday, M arch 8,1988 Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer Minorities and Women Encouraged to Apply MASTERCARD AN EQUAL O PP O R T U N IT Y EM PLOYER WHERETO APPLY M u ltn om ah County Employee Relations Room 1430 1120 S.W. Fifth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 The Port of Portland E m ploym ent O ffice 12th Floor 700 N.E. M ultnom ah or call 231-5000, extension 700 The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer No one refused. Regardless of credit history. Also ERASE bad credit. Do it yourself. Call 1 619 565 1522 Ext. C30260R 24 Hrs. POSITION S U M M A R Y : This is an on-site apartment manage­ ment position. Responsibilities in­ clude: rent collection, light mainten­ ance, lease enforcement, dispute resolution, cleaning of vacant units, and annual redetermination of eligi­ bility of residents. Responsibilities include policy deve­ lopment, program planning and evaluation, data analysis and ser­ ving as a liaison between Aging Services and other agencies; re­ quires one year of program plan­ ning, development and/or evalua­ tion experience in the area of social services; apply by February 26, 1988. MT. HOOD CO M M U N ITY COLLEGE for complete application materials. All applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. Monday, February 22, 1988. 48 -1 bedroom 60 - 2 bedroom s 12 - 3 bedroom s Planner - A ging Services Division $11.69 per hour If interested and qualified, apply in person at: Sell subscriptions newspaper. Call: N orth P ortland A pa rtm e n t Com plex - E lderlv/F am ily Units Serves as a public fiduciary or tru­ stee over assets and/or lives of pro­ tected persons as declared by Pro­ bate Court; requires a BS in health care, social services or business ad­ ministration plus five years of guar­ dianship or protective service case management experience or a MS in health care, social services or busi­ ness administration and two years of human services program mana­ gement experience or a law degree and two years of human services program management experience; apply by February 26, 1988. The preferred candidate will have work experience equivalent to a B.S. in accounting. MBA prefer­ red. Also preferred is five to ten years of progressive business ex­ perience and responsibility, broad knowledge of financial theory and practice, specific experience in general ledger, cost accounting, in­ ternal auditing and systems devel­ opment; and successful demonstra­ ted analytical skills, computer mo­ deling and communication and in­ terpersonal skills. REAL ESTATE LOAN COUNSELOR ON-SITE MANAGER ASSOCIATE DEAN HEALTH, PE & RECREATION POLICE OFFICER Portland Inte rn a tion a l A irp o rt DUTIES: M anagem ent duties include, but are not limited to: • Follow up on delinquent rent; • Resolution of resident com­ plaints and distrubances; • Show units to prospective re­ sidents; • Provide lock-out service; • Enforce resident lease; • Schedule use of community space; • Post and order removal of in­ operable vehicles; • Maintain resident information file; • Resident check-in and comple­ tion of Exhibit " A " ; • Complete annual housekeeping inspection; • Maintain tenant roll; • Distribute flyers and informa­ tion as needed; • Issue eviction notices; • Complete annual redetermina­ tion of eligibility for each re­ sident. We have an opportunity available for individual with previous real estate collection experience. Re­ sponsibilities include collection of delinquent real estate loans, prepa­ ration of default notices, foreclosure bids, reinstatements, payoffs on de­ linquent loans and preparation of FHA/VA/PM I claim for loss. Will follow loans undergoing bankrupt­ cy, observing bankruptcy collection laws. Applicants must possess 1 year real estate collection exper­ ience and working knowledge of FHA I VA I FNMA / FHLMC / Oregon Housing Agency require­ ments. Position also requires typing at 50 wpm, 10-key by touch, CRT experience and excellent communi­ cation skills. Cleaning duties include, but are not limited to: • Common areas; parking lots; stairs; hallways; and walks; Other areas as designated; • Cleaning and repair of vacant units. The Port of Portland has an imme­ diate opening for a Police Officer to be responsible for the protection of life and property at Port of Port­ land International Airport, to ensure the convenience and well-being of the public while traveling through airport facilities, and to respond to the needs of airport tenants in a prompt and professional manner. Qualified applicants should: • Be capable of learning to operate various equipment associated with police work (ie., firearms, patrol car radios, camera, resus- citator, typewriter, teletype, etc.) • Have the ability to work on any shift, and be subject to possible standby in the event of emer­ gencies. • Be in good physical condition and within acceptable height and weight limitations. • Be willing to attend training and in-service schools as assigned and be certified by BPST within one year of hire date as a con­ dition of continued employment. Qualified applicants must also be at least 21 years of age, have U.S. citizenship and a high school dip­ loma or GED (not waived). This position requires a combination of highly developed interpersonal and public relations skills and the ability to perform all aspects of police work. Candidates will be selected for interview on a competi­ tive basis. If interested and qualified, apply in person only at: The Port o f Portland E m ploym ent O ffice 12th Floor 700 N.E. M u ltnom ah A Port of Portland application form must be completed in order to apply for this position. Applications will be accepted for this position begin­ ning Tuesday, February 16, 1988 at 8.00 a.m. This position will not be open for application before that date. All applications must be made in person; no previously submitted applications will be considered; no application packets will be mailed. All application materials must be received in the Employment Office by 5:00 p.m., Monday, February 22, 1988. The Port is an Eaual Opportunity Employer General M aintenance includes, but is not limited to: • Mow lawns; weed planting areas; fertilize lawn; lights; stop water leaks; unclog toilets; un­ clog and repair faucets and drains; test and clean smoke detectors; wash windows in common area; and other minor repairs as authorized. We offer an excellent flexible bene­ fits program and competitive salary commensurate with experience. Qualified applicants should submit their resume and salary require­ ments to: OREGON BANK Personnel Department 1001 S.W. 5th Avenue Third Floor P.O. Box 3066 Portland, OR 97208 APPLICANT HOURS 9-1 pm Mon-Fri Equal Opportunity Employer RESEARCH ASSISTANT IN FOREST ECOLOGY Full-time, 6 months-extension con­ tingent on funding and perfor­ mance. Pay $16,000/year. Qualifi­ cations must include: BS in Bo­ tany, Forest Biology or related field, experience in supervision of field personnel, use of microcomputers for data management and statistical analyses, and identification of northwest plants. Send letter indi­ cating qualifications, complete re­ sume, transcripts, and three letters of recommendation by February 26, 1988 to: Em ergency Repairs includes, but are not limited: • Board up broken windows; re­ set breakers; stop running water. Not all duties specifically de­ scribed. SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE: • Must have good communica­ tion skills, oral and in writing; • Must have recent multi-family apartment management exper­ ience; • Must be capable of performing light or "handyman" repairs; • Must be capable of obtaining phone service; • Must be able to read instruc­ tions and write reports; per­ form work involving numerical data; • Must have adaptability in deal­ ing with people and under­ standing their problems and lifestyles. COMPENSATION: Salary plus apartment. APPLY AT: H ousing A u th o rity o f Portland 1605 N.E. 45th Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. HAP employment applica­ tion must be completed. Resumes or cover letter will not be accepted. Applications accepted until position is filled. Dr. Logan N orris Head D epartm ent o f Forest Science College o f Forestry Oregon State U niversity Corvallis, OR 97331 An EEO/AA employer. Complies with Sec. 504 of Rehab. Act 1973. Oregon State University has a policy of being responsive to the needs of dual-career couples. SECRETARY Need sharp Secretary with excel­ lent clerical, people, & organiza­ tional skills to provide support to the Downtown Development De­ partment. You will be a member of a highly visible team in one of Port­ land's top notch public agencies. We require word processing skills & several years experience as a secre­ tary. Salary: $17,652-$19,248 to start, annual increases, excellent benefits. To apply, fill in applica­ tion at: Portland Development Commission 1120 S.W. 5th, Suite 1102f Portland, OR An Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer WASHINGTON COUNTY JOBS An Equal Opportunity Employer Intergovernmental Relations Specialist $2467-$3084/mo. US FOREST SERVICE Program Auditor $2534-$3081/mo. Needs 3 individuals, male or female, over 55 with limited income for ground and building maintenance, also clerical. Call (503) 648 8607 for information County application forms req. Ap ply to: Please Contact: J e ff M onroe 695 2276 Washington County Personnel An E O E.