Page 2. Section II, Portland Observer. February 10. 1988 Bonneville Power Administration We put a lot of “energy into developing human resources you are interested in information concerning current openings with C arter G W oodson (1875-1950) FATHER OF AFR IC AN A M E R IC A N HISTORY " If a race has no history, it has no worthwhile tradition, it becomes a negligible factor in the thought of the world, and it stands in danger of being exterm inated/’ - carter g . Woodson Bonneville Power Administration You may contact either the Equal Employment Opportunity Office, (503) 230 or the Personnel Office at (503) 2 3 0 -3 0 5 5 Carter G. Woodson (1875-1950), the Father of Black History, organized the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History in 1910. He obtained a Ph.D. from Harvard in 1912 and in 1926 he established the month of February as Negro History Week, which later became "B lack History M o n th ." or (503) 2 3 0 -4 7 0 5 Bonneville Power Administration P.O. Box 3621 Portland, Oregon 97208 EDITOR'S NOTE: With respect to Dr. Carter G. Woodson for his recognition of the interrelationship between race and history, we believe that if Dr. Wo° J s9n ^ er® ...... cimnnrt the re naming of Black History Month to Dr. William Edward Burghardt DuBois 1868 -1963 © atät V w switch and socket and wrote the first textbook on the Edi­ son electric system. During Black His­ tory Month, AT&T is especially proud of the contributions of Lewis Litimer and other Black Ameri­ cans. We re also proud to have a his­ Lew is Litimer, a tal­ tory of providing an ented Black drafts­ ust look into the environment in man and inventor history of AT&T, w hich every person 11 is draw ings accom­ and vou ¡I find that can reach his or her panied the patent the story of our fullest potential. application that beginnings could As w e l< m >k f< >r- started this whole be w ritten in Black ward to new genera­ business of tele­ history hot iks.too. tions of pioneers, it s 11 lat s because the communications. good t< > rem em ber As an associate man w ho drew the the gains that people of Thomas Edison, plans for Alexander Litimer also patented like l ew is Litimer Graham Bell’s first already have brought an electric lamp telephone set was Black history is part of our history. We shall hardly induce Black men to believe that if their stomachs be full, if matters little about their brains. N /N E C O M M U N ITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTER. INC W orking to Make a Difference 310 Ñ .E. Oregon Street Portland, OR 97232 J AT&T