PORTL A N D ’ÔBSERVER _______ _______________________________ _” ------------------- ------------------------------------------ - " Special Edition Volume XVIII, Number 1 3 , ________________________ ____ ___ _____ __________ February 10, 1988 — - 1988 AFRICAN-AMERICAN HISTORY This special is being called "African American History." Black people, wherever they are, come from the land called Africa. We have been called by many different names — colored, Negro, Black, etc. Most people are known by the land which they or their ancestors lived in or came from. Germans are called Ger­ mans because there is a land named Ger­ many. Irish are called Irish because there is a land called Ireland. Chinese are called Chinese because there is a land called China. Mexicans are called Mexicans be­ cause there is a land called Mexico. Now look at a map. Is there a place called Colorland? Negroland? Blackland? No. There is a land named Africa, which is where we came from. We should, there­ fore, refer to ourselves as Africans, African-Americans, or Africans in America. SPECIAL EDITION