Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 03, 1988, Page 8, Image 8

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    Page 8 Portland Observer, February 3, 1988
Send nonce o f your church
activities and events to.
Religion Editor. Portland Observer
P O Box 3137
Portland OR 97208
of the W eek:
R om ans, CH. 10
In God's Loving Care
several birds appear "out of the
blue." As I sat quietly and watched,
the birds began to swoop and dive.
Then more and more gathered.
They flew in formation and broke
away, continuing a ritual far greater
than any strategic air command per­
formance. Their target was a large
chimney that is more or less un­
noticed by all but the more obser­
vant. This chimney is the resting
place of literally thousands of tiny
The birds seemed to have a sys­
tem of communication and a com­
plete teamwork as they gathered
into their resting place. They flew
and swooped past the chimney
again and again. As I watched,
however, I noticed that a few of the
birds dropped into the chimney
while their companions flew on
swiftly to camouflage their secret
haven. This went on for at least
an hour. These tiny well-organized
birds even had a sentry or control­
ler. There was one bird that flew
apart from the others. As I centered
my attention on him, I noticed that
he worked very hard, for over and
over again he flew up very high,
and then dropped straight down
very fast, only to rise again, and to
If ever you doubt that there is
a "power and intelligence greater
than yourself at work in you and
in your life, perhaps this story of
the swallows that migrate to Mis­
souri every spring will impress you.
I delight in walking about the
beautiful countryside, for it is a very
peaceful experience. Those of you
who have visited Missouri will relive
pleasant memories, I am sure. In
the spring and summer flowers are
in bloom, and the fountains send
out a fine mist that often contains
a rainbow. A gentle breeze may
spray the mist on you if your walk
too close!
I like to walk across the beautiful
bridge of faith and pause in the
middle. From this point there is a
breathtaking view of the lovely
buildings, the shady walkways, and
the neatly kept laws.
My favorite time of day for a walk
is dusk, for at dusk a hush settles
on the earth. Here and there a rab­
bit may be nibbling clover. The
birds begin their good night chirps.
One day, I discovered a place and
an activity that not many know
I looked up into the sky, and saw
drop again. As he continued his
flight pattern, he sounded a loud
chirp repeatedly that must have
been the call for all swallows to
come home. I watched this ritual
for several nights.
The routine
never varied; the ritual never chan­
ged. When complete darkness of
night had arrived, the swallows
were inside the chimney, and all
was quiet.
The thought occurred to me that
these little birds have God-given in­
telligence and instinct to protect
themselves. How can I ever doubt
that if God so cares and provides
for the swallows here in Missouri,
He also cares and provides for me?
When we see the birds of spring;
the flowers with their fragrances
and beauty; the showers — fresh
and clean — and all the baby ani­
mals coming out for the first time,
we behold the handy work of the
wonderfully gentle — yet mighty
. "For Io, the winter is past,
the rain is over and gone. The
flowers appear on the earth, the
time of singing has come, and the
voice of the turtledove is heard in
our land." . . . Song of Solomon,
2:11 & 12.
Singing and Perform ing Talent Sought for Gospel Choir
J S S T R ^ e r t s leads a group of 25 Portland gospel singers last
Chapman « o o
Rjchard j Brown
M onday at IFCC.
The noted Broadway Musical
Director, Chapman Roberts, will
hold the second of a series of Mon­
day night singing auditions and
workshops at
(Dance Room) February 8th, 7:00
p.m. to 9:30 p.m., as a part of the
city's Black History Month activi­
ties. This will be for the remaining
Monday nights in the month, for
what Roberts envisions to be the
beginning of "a mega-voice (one
hundred) chorus, that he tentatively
has dubbed, "The Oregon Gospel
The search is on in the Pacific
Northwest, for singing and perform­
ing talent, by Roberts, whose long
list of Broadway credits includes
such Broadway hits as, "Your Arms
Are Too Short To Box With God,"
"Bubblin' Brown Sugar" and
"D on't Bother Me, I Can't Cope.'
Mr. Roberts was Associate Produc­
er, Casing Director and Music Di­
rector of the 1982 Tony nominated
Broadway musical, "Blue In The-
Night," starring Leslie Uggams,
which is currently playing to "sold-
out" audiences in London's West
End. The show has been nominated
for the Laurence Olivier Award, En­
gland's most coveted theatrical
A production featuring some of
Roberts' biggest Broadway hit show
tunes that was originally produced
at the New York Lincoln Center,
under the title, "Broadway Soul",
is being planned for the Rose Festi­
val time in Portland, followed by a
tour of the Pacific Northwest. Sin­
gers and musicians from all back­
grounds and training, are being en­
couraged to apply and tryout during
the coming Monday evening ses­
For further information, contact
Production Coordinator and Media
Associate, Garland Lee Thompson,
care of Cheryl Honey, owner of the
Talent Warehouse, 925 NW 19th
Street, Suite A, Portland, OR
Thank You
One Day
At A Time
by Marie Gippner
by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears
One day at a time,
with its failures and fears.
With its hurts and mistakes,
with its weakness and tears,
With its portion of pain
and its burden of care;
One day at a time
we must meet and must
please include me in your daily pray­
ers. And, I will pray for you.
I have been writing for The P ort­
land Observer since the last of
November. I would like to take this
time out and thank all of the readers
for their calls and letters of congra­
tulations and well-wishes.
We hear so much negative con­
versation and unmentionable talk
each day, I hope that the articles
from the Christian Community and
from the Word of God has inspired
(and will inspire) you, my readers.
I further hope that you will feel
free to write to me more often and
One day at a time
to be patient and strong;
To be calm under trial
and sweet under wrong;
Tho its toiling shall pass
and its sorrow shall cease;
It shall darken and die,
and the night shall bring
One day at a tim e—
but the day is so long.
And the heart is not brave,
and the soul is not strong,
0 Thou pitiful Christ,
be Thou near all the way;
Give courage and patience
and strength for the day.
Keep getting the paper! Keep
reading the Word! Call me or write
to me and let me know what is
happening in your church (or
church community): celebrations or
special programs. The size of your
congregation does not matter.
"Little is much in God's sight.
The Portland Observer is a
paper that cares.
Again, Thank
To all the Friends o f Benny,
The Talley & Plummer Families
Not yesterday's load
we are called on to bear,
Nor the morrow's uncertain
and shadowy care;
Why should we look forward
or back with dismay?
Our needs, as our mercies,
are but for the day.
Your Love and Support
During Our Time of Loss and Despair
Can Never be Repaid
All the Kind Words, The Cards,
Love Gifts, Plants and
Financial Contributions
Are Deeply Appreciated
One day at a time,
and the day is His day;
He hath numbered its hours,
though they haste or delay.
His grace is sufficient;
we walk not alone;
As the day, so the strength
that He giveth His own.
by Annie Johnson Flint
Spaghetti Dinner
A spaghetti Dinner for the neigh­
borhood will be held Feb. 5th, at
6:30 p.m., at Redeemer Lutheran
Church, 20th and Killingsworth,
Let's get acquainted! Free will
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