Page 4, Portland Observer, February 3, 1988 Daniels and Associates, Inc., Chooses Daryl Henderson The Helping Hand That is Your Own On behalf of the board of direc­ tors of the Black United Fund of Oregon (BUFO) I want to express our sincere appreciation to everyone who invested their resources in the form of ideas, skills, energy, mater ials, time and money to make the BUFO's 1987 fundraising campaign a successful one. The contributions form the em­ ployees at Portland Public Schools, St. Andrew’s Legal Clinic, Portland Community College, IBM Corpora tion, N/NE Community Mental Health Clinic, and Tri-Met are espe cially important to us because the BUFO has worked very hard to gain equal access to workplace solicita­ tion, in an effort to provide employ­ ees with more charitable giving op­ tions at their workplace. Your contribution demonstrates your commitment to self-help through self-investment and your willingness to assist those less for­ tunate than you are. We also want to acknowledge Delta Sigma Theta Sorority for their generous contribution and the Ore­ gon Alliance of Black School Edu­ cators for their support. In truth, the BUFO could not have survived its critical first year had it not been for the help received from many places. The successful inclusion of the BUFO in the marketplace of private sector and government employees has had, and will continue to have, a dramatic impact on our ability to provide meaningful and tangible support for a wide range of pro­ grams that otherwise would receive little or no funding. If the BUFO is to have the impact that our challenge demands and the importance that our mission de­ serves, we cannot remain Oregon s best kept secret. We therefore ask that you share your knowledge and support of the BUFO with others. Encouraging the community at every economic level to contribute a small portion of their resources to support community programs is a critical step in moving the Black community towards social and eco­ nomic self-sufficiency. We believe that the BUFO and this form of self investment will help break the cycle and pattern of eco­ nomic dependency and social powerlessness that have character­ ized Black organizations and com munities. As we begin our second year, we hope that you are as proud of us as we are of you. A m ina Anderson D irector Black United Fund of Oregon Daryl Henderson, son of Joseph and Mary Henderson of Portland, was recently selected as the first Afican-American to enter Daniels Associates General Management Training. Daniels and Associates is head­ quartered in Denver, Colorado, and is one of the nation's largest multi­ ple-cable systems, with over a quarter-of-a-million subscribers. Daryl is a graduate of Parkrose High School and a 1985 graduate of Brigham Young University, where he majored in Business and Mar­ keting. He will complete an inten­ sive general management orienta­ tion in Houston, Texas, and then return to Denver, Colorado, where he will assume his duties as Mar­ keting Manager in the Corporate Office. PORTLAND OBSERVER "The Eyes and Ears of the Community" 288 0033 RAGIN’ CAJUN MAHKtT 2 4 2 8 N.E. BROADWAY PORTLAND. OR 9 7 2 3 2 MON FRI 10 6 PM SAT 9 -7 PM 10% OFF OUR SELECTION OF PACKAGED MIXES AND SPICES LET YOU SAVOR THE GOOO NESS OF CREOLE COOKING QUICKLY AND EASILY PREPARE DELICIOUS MEALS FROM GUMBO AND JAMBALAYA TO HOT AND SPICY CHICKEN AND FISH WITH CREOLE SEASONING WHY SHOP ANY WHERE ELSEEt WHERE THE BEST OF NORTH AND SOUTH COME TOGETHER" ANY PURCHASE WITH THIS COUPON Expires 2 M arch 88 R a n d a ll R o b in s o n a t P S U groups fighting the Pretoria Govern­ ment. After working in Tanzania as a Ford Foundation fellow, he re­ turned to Boston and worked for several years as a public interest lawyer. In 1975, Robinson jour­ neyed to Washington, D.C., where he worked as an aide to two U.S. representatives. Randal Robinson, a staunch ad­ vocate of human rights who is cre­ dited with turning the plight of Black South Africans into one of the hottest foreign policy issues in Ame­ rica, will present a free public talk on "Divestiture As a Tool For Poli­ tical, Economic and Social Change in South Africa," Friday, Feb. 5, at 12 noon in the Smith Center third- floor ballroom at Portland State Uni­ versity (S.W. Broadway between Montgomery and Harrison Sts.). Robinson, who is executive direc­ tor of TransAfrica, an American lobbying organization for Africa and the Caribbean, is regarded as a highly visible American spokesman against current South African apar­ theid policies. As a young Harvard Law School graduate, Robinson first became ac­ tive in the Southern African Relief Fund, which raised money for Robinson — whose brother is Max Robinson, former anchor at ABC Television News — has had articles published in several leading publications including The New York Times, The Boston Globa and The Washington Post newspapers as well as Ebony, Black Scholar and Essence magazines. He has been honored for his achievements with the Martin Luther King, Jr. Distinguished Ser­ vice Award, the Johnson Publishing Company American Black Achieve­ ment Award, the Congressional Black Caucus Humanitarian Award and the Southern Christian Leader­ ship Conference Drum Major for Justice Award, among others. Robinson is also a member of the board of trustees at Hampton Institute, is a member of the Council of Foreign Relations, a member of the Calvert Social Investment Fund Advisory Council, a co-founder of the Free South Africa Movement and a member of the Massachu­ setts State Bar Association. His appearance at PSU is spon­ sored by PSU's Black Cultural A f­ fairs Board. Fds/iiciis. iVlurii' Viilentnh' Mary's Place MENTHOL 5700 N.E. Union GOOD FOOD GOOD FUN GOOD ATMOSPHERE This w eek featuring Randy Starr & Flirt Home o f the O riginal S tuffed Baked Potato 281-1176 ALPHONSO'S SANDWICH SHOP SUMS virgins SUMS FEATURING Homestyle Food Daily Menu Changes 136 brands o f fat cigarettes fit men. Virginia Slims are m a d e slimmer to fit you. - - y 'b ' _________ _ _ I ’ H 1F 1 I k n ir tv Rice — $2°° & $4°° • Deep Fried Catfish — Every Friday ¿JK 3940 N. Williams Phone 281-1679 t VALENTINE SPECIAL ’•’s % < WE LOVE OUR CLIENTS W ith Every Hairstyle Receive a * FREE M IN I MAKEOVER and 1. *1* < ?• A FREE 5x7 COLOR PHOTOGRAPH FEB 12th & 13th, 1988 Menthol 14 mg "tar." 0 9 mg nicotine—Lights Menthol 8 mg "tar," 0 6 mg nicotine av per cigarette, FTC Report Feb '85 >V>.« 9 M- l ¡ You’ve co m e a long way, baby. 4 SURGEON GENERAL'S W AR N IN G : S m oking By P re g na n t W om en M ay R esu lt in Fetal Injury, Premature Birth, And Low Birth W eight. Call for Appt. 249-1940 .“ t i r.f» * !» *, f*" 4M -A.-- ■— -- Visit Our New Boutique for Unique & Beautiful Accessories Earrings, Hats, Belts, Etc.