Page 10, Portland Observer, February 3, 1988 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING C L E R IC A L A C C O U N T E X E C U T IV E Exceptional opportunity for a moti­ vated service-oriented individual to sell life insurance in a financial institution environment. We’re looking for an individual with sales ability, motivation, customer ser­ vice skills and high energy to help satisfy our customers' financial needs. You may be the right person for this position. Experience in ser­ vice sales and life/PC license pre­ ferred. RETURN TO WORKERS We are looking for a mature indivi­ dual for our record filing depart­ ment. Typing speed of 35 wpm, high energy level, a pleasant per­ sonality and work stability are the only qualifications. Lots of walking, standing and people contact. We offer an excellent flexible bene­ fits program and a higly competitive salary plus commission. Qualified applicants should submit their re­ sume to: OREGON BANK Personnel D epartm ent 1001 SW 5th Avenue Third Floor P.O. Box 3066 Portland, OR 97208 APPLICANT HOURS 9-1 M on-Fri Equal Opportunity Employer A C C O U N T IN G F IS C A L M A N A G E R Full charge for non-profit social ser­ vice agency. Computer skills re­ quired. Accounting degree pre­ ferred. Salary commensurate with experience. Medical/dental bene­ fits. Submit resume to: Kathy O livier O utside In 1236 S.W. Salmon Portland, OR 97205 Deadline: 2/9/88 A D M IN IS T R A T IV E C O O R D IN A T O R Industrial Parks Division The Port of Portland has an im­ mediate opening for an Administra­ tive Coordinator in the Industrial Parks Division. r ■’ ■ Preferred qualifications include the ability to organize and follow through on a variety of projects, handle a large number of incoming calls in a professional and courteous manner, a demonstrated knowledge of office proceedures, and coursework or equivalent experience affording good typing and word processing skills. Also desired is the ability to learn IBM PC. Starting salary is $13,600. . ‘ ■1 * .«**' • A/ ' A* .<-• ,4.i ■. t t* ?•» ? *-iw » •. If interested and qualified, apply in person at: -, v -,‘>w The P ort o f P ortland E m ploym ent O ffice 12th Floor 700 N.E. M u ltn om ah r, •• > •, 't. 4» All applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. Friday, February 5, 1988. The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer • */ ». * A S S IS T A N T T R A IN E R The Private Industry Council is re­ cruiting for an assistant trainer. This regular, full time position pro­ vides clerical support and training assistance to education, training, and employment directed programs and activities for youth. Preferred qualifications: two years college with coursework in education or social sciences; two years exper­ ience in employment interviewing, counseling, vocational guidance, or social service casework. Beginning salary range $15,280 to $16,957 plus benefit package. Closing date 5 PM February 15, 1988. Applications available at: K ' • » A. » ,V « . i V / « f V.», The Private Ind u stry Council 520 SW 6th St., S uite 400 P ortland, OR 97204 % An Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer - X . '. 'V ' ! E A R N $100-$450-PLU S W E E K L Y S T U F F IN G ENVELOPES A T H O M E ! Earn $1.00 per envelope stuffed per instructions. Free details, no exp. req. Send long S.A.S.E. to. 1; **•<--»« *’M g 3 í$ g .» MErL Distributors P.O. Box 1262. Dept. P Lynnwood, WA 98046 il * . We offer excellence in our work location, office environment, co­ workers and benefit package. Re­ gular hours of 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday combined with a competitive salary makes this an ex­ cellent opportunity. If you are interested, please send a brief outline of your background to: M ark Zeiger Personnel Manager Safeco Insurance 4101 S.W. Kruse Way Lake Oswego, OR 97035 EOE C U S T O M E R S E R V IC E R E P R E S E N T A T IV E S & R E P A IR S P E C IA L IS T S Positions require excellent commu­ nication skills & ability to work well under pressure. Patience, flexi­ bility, professionalism & positive attitude essential. Send resume to: TCI Cablevision (ATTN: M. Henriksen P.O. Box 8677 Portland, OR 97207 An Equal Opportunity Employer C O N S U M E R LOAN O FFIC ER We have an excellent career oppor­ tunity available for an individual with a minimum of 2 years exper­ ience in direct consumer lending. Qualified applicants must possess strong skills in documentation and compliance, preferably in a com­ mercial banking experience. Ex­ cellent verbal and written communi­ cation skills are required. This position is located in our Con­ sumer Loan Center, which proces­ ses loans from throughout our statewide banking system. We offer an excellent flexible bene­ fits program and a competitive salary commensurate with exper­ ience. Qualified applicants should submit their resume and salary re­ quirements to: OREGON BANK Personnel D epartm ent 1001 SW 5th Avenue Third Floor P.O. Box 3066 Portland, OR 97208 APPLICANT HOURS 9-1 pm M on-Fri ELIGIBILITY SERVICES SUPERVISOR (X7012) HOMEW ORKERS W ANTED! SPRINGFIELD & GREATER EUGENE AREA BRANCHES TOP PAYI ADULT AND FAMILY SERVICES DIVISION (AFS) SALARY ($1739-$2217— M o nthly) Excellent B enefit Package State of Oregon, AFS needs ener­ getic and innovative persons with excellent management/supervisory skills to be Eligibility Services Super­ visors in our Springfield and Greater Eugene area offices in Springfield and Eugene, Oregon area. There is a current opening in Springfield Branch. The recruitment may be used to fill other openings in the Eugene, West Eugene, Springfield, and Cottage Grove branches. The person filling this position will be responsible for first-line supervision of staff providing delivery of ser­ vices in the Public Assistance Pro­ grams. QUALIFICATIONS: You must have two years exper­ ience: • managing, supervising, or leading other people; OR • determining client eligibility for financial and other public assi­ stance; OR, • providing advice and counsel to applicants/clients in obtaining and maintaining public assistance or other social services; OR, • providing job preparation/job search/job placement to clients of a social service agency or other employment service agen­ cy; OR • providing any or all of these ele­ ments. IN ADDITION, you must have a Bachelor's degree or three more years of responsible experience. Obtain the State of Oregon Appli­ cation (PD100) and Announcement No. OC880059 from Personnel Cen­ ter, 775 Court Street, Salem, Ore­ gon 97310. FOLLOW THE IN­ STRUCTIONS ON THE ANNOUN­ CEMENT. Applications with attachments must be submitted to: A d u lt & Family Services Personnel Services Section 516 Public Service Bldg. Salem. Oregon 97310 Applications must be postmarked by February 16, 1988 to be ac­ cepted. An Equal Opportunity Employer H ELP W A N T E D Mail Forwarding. Earn good money at home. Weekly paychecks. SASEto: Jones P.O. Box684-P M arcóla, OR 97454 Equal Opportunity Employer M A IN T E N A N C E W O R K E R ELIGIBILITY/ASSESSMENT SPECIALIST The Private Industry Council (PIC) is recruiting for an Eligibility Spec­ ialist. This regular full time position is responsible for assessing appli­ cants for PIC programs and ser­ vices. It involves heavy contact with applicants and collection of detailed information based on JTPA and fund requirements. Preferred requirements include a Bachelor's degree with major coursework in counseling, sociology or related field; experience in employment in­ terviewing, counseling, vocational guidance, education, or social case­ work; knowledge of vocational test­ ing. Beginning salary range $16,603 to $18,550 plus benefit package. Closing date 5PM Friday, February 12,1988. Applications available at: The Private Ind u stry Council 520 SW 6th Ave, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97204 An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer For the Legislative Administration Committee. Responsible for per­ forming carpentry, and repairs re­ lating to the maintenance of the Oregon State Capitol. Experience in carpentry and maintenance work required. Salary range $1574-$2016 per month. Legislative Administra­ tion Committee application and other materials required. Applica­ tion materials must be received by 5pm Feb 16, 1988. Contact: Personnel O ffice Legislative A d m in istra tio n C om m ittee S-401 State Capitol Salem, OR 97310 (503) 378 8530 P A R T T IM E R E C E P T IO N IS T Answer switch board for two (2) operations, greet guests, sort and distribute mail. Must type 40 wpm. Send resume to: A dm in. Asst. P.O. Box 22125 Portland, OR 97222 Equal Opportunity Employer C.l. 121 24th A ve., N.W. Suite 222 Norm an, OK 73069 HELP W A N T E D Auto mechanic for repair shop. Good location and pay partnership available with dental plan. 4550 N.E. A lberta St. 223-0583. leave message INSURANCE M E D IC A L C L A IM S ANALYST Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ gon currently is accepting applica­ tions for the position of Medical Claims Analyst. Your knowledge of medical terminology, ICD —CPT co­ ding, CRT skills and experience in a doctor's office or hospital setting may qualify you for this position. Apply now for positions to begin on March 4, 1988. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ gon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Please apply in person or send re­ sume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon Human Resources D ept., 5th Fir 100 S.W. M arket P ortland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer M E N T A L HEALTH S P E C IA L IS T North/Northeast Community Men­ tal Health Center Inc seeks a per­ sonable individual to work full time in a vocation-oriented day program that serves chronically mentally ill population. Education & exper­ ience preferred, but not essential, minorities are encouraged to apply. Comprehensive salary & benefits. Resume to: Rodney R. Harry Personnel O fficer N /NE C o m m u n ity M ental Health Center 310 NE Oregon St. Portland, OR 97232 Phone: 239-8871 Closing: Feb 19,1988 An Equal Opportunity Employer M E N T A L HEALTH TREATM ENT C O O R D IN A T O R C o m m u n ity Services M anager Developm ental disabilities Program $28,564 - 37,146 annually Administers residential, vocational and educational services to clients through subcontracts; coordinates the development of new services; supervises staff and day-to-day pro­ gram operations; requires related BS and five years of experience with at least three years experience in the field of developmental dis­ abilities or an MS and two years of experience; apply by February 12, 1988. C o m m u n ity In fo rm a tio n Technician $9.67 per hour Provides information and education on means of avoiding transmission of AIDS virus to intravenous drug users not currently involved in drug abuse treatment; requires six months of experience; apply by February 12, 1988. EXCELLENT BENEFITS PACKAGE State of Oregon, AFS is recruiting for a Program Executive C, Branch Manager position in our Klamath Falls Branch office in Klamath Falls, Oregon. The person filling this posi­ tion will be responsible for mana­ ging the Klamath Falls Branch office and the Lakeview Satellite office of AFS. We are especially looking for applicants with the ability to manage people and programs. QUALIFICATIONS: You must have: • four years of progressively re­ sponsible administrative or mana­ gement experience or four years of experience in a staff techni­ cal or professional function re­ lated to an agency program. In addition, your background must have given you the knowledge and abilities outlined in the que­ stionnaire attached to announce­ m ent num ber OC880073. IN ADDITION, you must have a Bachelor's degree, or three addi­ tional years of responsible exper- lence. WHERETO APPLY M u ltn o m a h County Employee Relations Room 1430 1120 SW Fifth Avenue P ortland, OR 97204 An Equal Opportunity Employer O R E G O N P U B L IC E M P L O Y E E U N IO N SEIU Local 503 representing over 1,700 public employees, seeks ap­ plicants for Field Representative positions. Includes internal and ex­ ternal organizing, negotiations and contract administration. Resumes due no later than Feb. 15th. Send to: Giles Gibson Field Services D irector OPEU P.O. Box 12159 Salem, OR 97309 Phone: (503) 581-1505 Needed for immediate placement: • Receptionist • Light Industrial • Secretarial Please call: Tem porary S ta ffin g , Inc. 221 0338 E A R N E X C E LLE N T M O N E Y In Home Assembly work. Jewelry, Toys & Others. FT & PT Avail. CALL TODAY! 1-518-459 3535 (Toll-Refundable) EXT. B6061A 24 Hrs. P A R T T IM E H O M E M A IL IN G PROGRAM! Excellent income! Details, send self addressed, stamped enve­ lope. WEST, Box 5877, H ill­ side, NJ 07205. TO APPLY: Obtain a State of Oregon applica­ tion (PD100) and the announce­ ment at Personnel Center, 775 Court St. NE, Salem, Oregon 97310. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE ANNOUNCEM ENT. Submit your State of Oregon appli­ cation (PD100) and attachments to: Personnel Service Section 516 Public Service B uilding Salem, Oregon 97310 Indicate the announcement num­ ber and the position applied for in the boxes provided on the appli­ cation. Applications must be postmarked by February 23, 1988 to be accep­ ted. An Equal Opportunity Employer Full time and relief positions avail­ able. Excellent benefits. Equal Opportunity Employer SALARY ( $2333-$2976- M O NTH L Y ) HVAC C o n structio n Specialist $11.69 per hour Provides project management ser­ vices to oversee HVAC remodeling and construction projects; position is temporary with the possibility of a future permanent opening; requires one year of experience affording the necessary knowledge and abilities; apply by February 12, 1988. Min. B.A. plus 1 year experience required. Resume to: Edgefield C hildren's Center, Inc. ATTN: A ssociate D irector 2408 S.W. Halsey St. Troutdale, OR 97060-1097 ADULT AND FAMILY SERVICES DIVISION (AFS) C linic Health Services Technician $7.38 per hour Provides paraprofessional health as­ sistance in a clinic setting; prepares patients for medical provider, charts results of vital signs and lab work, performs related clerical tasks; re­ quires one year of training or exper­ ience in community health or social services; apply by February 12, 1988. All serious applicants must be com­ mitted to developing rank and file empowerment. Pay and benefits are good. Salary level will be based on experience. Monthly range: $1,827 to $3,120. Hours are long; work is hard. Innovative day treatment program for 6-12-year-old emotionally dis­ turbed children. PROGRAM EXECUTIVE C (X0033) KLAMATH FALLS BRANCH MANAGER M U LTN O M A H COUNTY G E R IA T R IC A S S IS T A N T (part time, 16-20 hours per week) This position provides personal assi­ stance and housekeeping services to participants of the Congregate Housing Services Program, operat­ ed by the Housing Authority of Portland (HAP). The duties for this position include performing services such as: • assisting and/or giving bed baths; • assisting with shampooing hair; • assisting with showers and/or tub baths; • assisting with wheelchair and bed transfers; • assisting with dressing, personal hygiene tasks and grooming; • changing occupied beds; • general light house cleaning; • cleaning ovens and refrigerators; • shopping; and • cleaning bathrooms and kitchens (including floors) QUALIFICATIONS: T Y P IS T S Hundreds weekly at homel Write: P.O. Box 17, C lark, NJ 07066 D E V IC E IN C R E A S E S G A S M IL E A G E BY 22% Now available in Oregon and Washington through: Masters/Washington Advanced Automotive Technology Oregon Customers call 289 3964 Washington Customers call 696 1704 Guarantee If within 6 months of purchasing the produce, you are not 100% satisfied, simply return the unit for a full refund. • Nurse-Aide training and certifica­ tion by a recognized certification program; • A genuine desire to work with the elderly and handicapped and a sensitivity to their needs; • Must have a respect for individual differences in standard values and lifestyles. COMPENSATION: $5.87/hr. For more information, call Carol Steinel, (503) 241-7227 Monday thru Friday 8:30 - 4:30. Apply at: Housing A u th o rity o f P ortland 1605 N.E. 45th Avenue between 8:30 - 4:00, M onday th ru Friday. Only HAP application accepted. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. An Equal Opportunity Employer i j.-: it4* ;» • • V i M M V I*. *•' * ' LXv