•b “< Page 10, Portland Observer. January 27, 1988 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING HELP WANTED EDUCATION ASSOCIATE LEVEL 10 Western Center for Drug-Free Schools and Communities — North­ west Regional Educational Labora­ tory. The Center is funded by a grant from the US Dept of Education to provide assistance to public and private elementary and secondary schools, students, parents and other community members in the area of prevention of drug abuse. The Associate will be responsible to the Center Director. Duties: schedule, plan, and coordinate con­ sultation sessions, technical assi­ stance, workshops, and other train­ ing sessions in the Northwest area; meet with other agencies to plan for service delivery; maintain docu­ mentation and conduct evaluations of services provided; assist in deve­ lopment of resource materials and preparation of reports; conduct on­ site training with school teams and training of facilitators. Qualifications: doctorate degree in education, however a master's de­ gree and broad experience may be considered; knowledge of drug abuse agencies and education agen­ cies in the Northwest Region; broad knowledge and competence in the area of drug and alcohol abuse; experience providing training and technical assistance in the area of prevention and elimination of drug and alcohol abuse; demonstrated effectiveness in providing technical assistance to schools; experience in curriculum and material develop­ ment; able to travel frequently, usually by air, and spend consider­ able time in the field; experience working as a team member. CONVENTIONAL INSPECTOR (2 positions) This is a temporary position not to exceed six months. This position involves public contact and inspection work of HAP-owned living units. Persons occupying this position are responsible for making field inspections to identify and re­ port on unit and building conditions. QUALIFICATION: • Two years experience in Building Mainenance Field; • Skill in interpreting codes, guide­ lines, and instructions and apply­ ing them to inspection and en­ forcement problems; • Skill in ascertaining facts by ob­ servations, personal contact, and examination of records; • Skill in maintaining records; • Skill in expressing ideas effective­ ly orally and in writing; • Skill in establishing and main­ taining effective working relation­ ships with other HAP staff, and tenants; • Prefer skill in estimating main­ tenance repairs; • Prefer 1 to 2 years experience in performing housing inspections; • Prefer experience or education in rehabilitation methods or prac­ tices. • Prefer working knowledge of Housing Quality Standards • Prefer working knowledge of Building Systems, Plant Mainten­ ance and correct maintenance procedures. • Valid driver's license, automobile, and evidence of state minimum liability insurance. COMPENSATION: $1506 per month Salary: $29,971 $32,000 depending on background and experience — excellent benefits. APPLY AT: Letter of application and resume must be received in the Personnel Office by 3 pm, Jan 29, 1988. In letter, indicate you are applying for the above position. Apply to: between 8:30-4:00. Monday thru Friday. Must complete HAP em­ ployment applications; no resumes accepted. Deadline for applications is February 5, 1988. Personnel Office Northwöst Regional Educational Lab 101 SW Main St, Suite 500 Portland, OR 97204 An Equal Opportunity Empoyer Equal Opportunity Employer ALCOHOL/DRUG CONTRACTOR Contractor needed through June 30, 1989, to provide alcohol/drug treatment to Black inmates within adult correctional facilities in Salem, up to 16 hours weekly. Qualified agencies or individuals will be con­ sidered. To receive specific con­ tractor requirements, write by Feb­ ruary 3 to: Thomas Lester Unit Director Correctional Institution Treatment Services Correctional Treatment Program Oregon State Hospital 2600 Center Street, N.E. Salem, Oregon 97310 Indicate agency of individual inte­ rest. Equal Opportunity Employer COMMUNITY SERVICES COUNSELOR II $10.246-$12.473/Hr. Professional liaison work between citizen groups and city government, provide support to neighborhood associations. Two yrs. experience with community oriented programs, 4 yrs. degree with major in the social sciences or any equiv. exp. and training. Considerable knowledge and ability in group process and ef­ fective citizen participation tech­ niques. Possess valid ODL. Closing date: 2-5-88. Apply: C.ty of Salem Pere. Dept., Rm. 225 566 Liberty SE Salem, OR 97301 EOE Housing A u th o rity o f Portland 1605 N.E. 45th INSURANCE BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD OF OREGON Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for the following positions: Medical Claims Analyst Your knowledge of medical termi­ nology, ICD-CPT coding, CRT skills, and experience in a doctor's office or hospital setting may quali­ fy you for a position as a Medical Claims Analyst. Apply now for positions to begin on March 14, 1988. Utilization Management Program Analyst/Statistician Ideal candidate will have demon­ strated knowledge as a Programmer Analyst with system design, com­ puter program development, sys­ tem installation, and project man­ agement experience. Minimum of 2 years experience using 4GL in mainframe & microprocessing en­ vironments required. Strong stati­ stical background a must. Additionally this position requires a background in healthcare delivery including understanding of alterna­ tive delivery systems (PPO, HMO, etc.). College degree in business or public administration, healthcare services highly desirable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ gon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. For additional information on job openings, please call our Job Infor­ mation Number of 225-5402, or ap­ ply in person to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Orson Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 DEVICE INCREASES GAS MILEAGE BY 22% Now available in Oregon and Washington through: Masters/Washington Advanced Automotive Technology Oregon Customers call 289 3964 Washington Customers call 696 1704 Guarantee If within 6 months of purchasing the produce, you are not 100% satisfied, simply return the unit for a full refund. ECONOMIST To research public finance issues for Oregon State Legislature. Must have a master's in economics or completion of course work for PhD, experience in quantitive research and knowledge of state and local taxation. Salary depends on exper­ ience and qualifications. Applica­ tion and resume must be received by 5pm, Feb 22, 1988. For appli­ cation, contact: Personnel O ffice Legislative A d m in istra tio n C om m ittee S404 State Capitol Salem, OR 97310 (503) 378 8530 Auto mechanic for repair shop. Good location and pay partnership available with dental plan. 4550 N.E. A lberta St. 223-0583, leave message MILLWRIGHTS. PIPEFITTERS AND WELDERS James Rivers at Wuana Mill has openings for Millwrights, Pipefitters and Welders. Proof of Journey- level status must be provided. 5 years pulp and paper will experience preferred. Journey-level rates: $18,765 with fringe benefits. Appli­ cations will be considered only if a current resume is attached. Appli­ cations will be accepted in person only at: Oregon E m ploym ent Division 444 8th St. A storia, OR or W ashington E m ploym ent Service 711 Vine Street Kelso, W A during office hours, from Friday, Jan. 22 to Friday, Jan. 29 at 5 p.m. Equal Opportunity Employer USER SERVICES SPECIALIST Standard Insurance Co. has imme­ diate openings for Records Techs in our home office. SYSTEMS INTEGRATION GROUP These individuals will pull, sort and file company records. Also will pick up and deliver files and cor­ respondence using a messenger cart. University Computer Services seeks a personal computing specialist to evaluate hardware, software, net­ working and communications pro­ ducts; assist users in installing and using such products; and teach workshops for faculty, staff and stu­ dents. BS/CS degree (Masters de­ sirable). 3 years experience with microcomputers. (IB M & PC/DOS). PASCAL or C programming ex­ perience. Mainframe experience desirable. Local area network ex­ perience required (prefer NOVELL). Good communication & organiza­ tional skills required. Salary range: $27-$30,000. 12 month academic appointment without rank. These positions require the ability to file right handed, due to file posi­ tioning, the physical ability to lift 40 lbs., and work standing for most of the shift. Previous office experience is prefer­ red. Apply in person, 9 a.m. thru 1 p.m., thru Wed., Feb. 3rd: Third Floor Personnel O ffice Standard Insurance 1100 S.W. 6th Ave. Portland, OR Send resume with names of 3 refe­ rences to: Equal Opportunity Employer Joe Snyder U niversity C om puting Services Oregon State U niversity Corvallis, OR 97331 TYPISTS Hundreds weekly at home! Write: P.O. Box 17, Clark. NJ 07066 by 2/10/88. Oregon State University is an A ffir­ mative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and complies with Sec­ tion 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. OSU has a policy of being responsive to the needs of dual­ career couples. TECHNICAL MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR U nified Sewerage Agency $12.86-$15.79/hr. Plans, schedules and supervises the repair, maintenance and installa­ tion of electrical systems and elec­ tronic, hydraulic, mechanical and pneumatic instruments in an indust­ rial wastewater treatment plant. Req. training in electrical or in­ strumentation technology and in­ creasingly resp. technical industrial exp. as a journey-level electrician or instrument technician, with exper­ tise in both areas preferred. Agency application forms req., resume NOT accepted, Apply by February 5, 1988 to: DATA PROCESSING PROGRAM ANALYST HOUSE FOR RENT Free month's rent. 3 Bdrms. $350. 4312 N.E. 9th Ave. Range, Ref, Carpets, Wood Stove, Gas Heat, Yard & Basement. Sm. dog OK, No cats. Dep. $60 — water & key, $10 appl. fee. Blue Stone & H ockley Realty 4445 S.W. Barbur Blvd. Portland, OR 97211 222 3807 HOUSE FOR RENT One month free. 2 Bdrms. $310 per mo. Sec. 8 OK. 1056 N.E. Ma- drona. Remod. Kit, Range, Dish­ washer, Gas Heat, Hardwood Floors, Some Carpet, Basement. Sm. dog OK, No cats. Nice Yard. Key and water dep. $60. $10 appl. fee. Blue Stone & H ockley Realty 4445 S.W. Barbur Blvd. Portland, OR 97211 222-3807 TWO HOUSES FOR RENT 5!6 Bdrms, 2 Bths, carpet, W&D Hkup, foster care. $495 & Sec. 8 OK. 616 N.E. FI Bsmt, w /w 01 Ht, ideal for Dep. Ref. req. M orris. 4 Bdrms, 2 fl Bths, FI Bsmt, W&D Hkup, Ol Ht, $425 & Dep. Sec. 8 OK. Ref. Req. 34 N.E. Ivy. Call 287 5656 INSTRUMENT TECHNICIAN 2 Unified Sewerage Agency $12.25-$15.04/hr. Performs service, repair, installa­ tion, testing and maintenance of electronic, hydraulic, mechanical and pneumatic instruments used for metering, recording, analyzing, controlling and monitoring waste- water treatment processes. Req. industrial exp. in the above and training in instrumentation techno­ logy. Agency application forms req., resumes NOT accepted. Ap­ ply by February 5, 1988 to: W ashington C ounty Personnel 150 N. First A ve., Room B-2 H illsboro, OR 97124 An E.O.E. Immediate opening for individual interested in program design and development. Incumbent will gather & analyze information for system development or modifica­ tion, design, and specified system requirements; construct, test & im­ plement system; and prepare sys­ tem operation & user documenta­ tion. Qualified applicant should have a minimum of 2 years OS and COBOL experience, preferably in large DP shop. College degree desired, pre­ ferably in computer science with training in system analysis. On­ line programming & design, ADABAS/NATURAL, structured analysis and design experience highly desirable. Excellent income! Details, send self-addressed, stamped enve­ lope. WEST, Box 5877, H ill­ side, NJ 07205. HOMEWORKERS WANTED! TOP PAY! W ashington County Personnel 150 N. First A ve., Room B-2 H illsboro, OR 97124 C.l. 121 24th Ave., N.W. Suite 222 Norm an, OK 73069 An E.O.E. s & w Construction Er Distributing Specializing in the Sale of Brick Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. M arket Portland, OR 97201 • FOR EVERY PURPOSE • • 55 DISTINCT COLOR/TEXTURE COMBOS • • PAVING BRICKS • • GAS-FIRED FIREPLACE BRICKS • • HIGH QUALITY • Equal Opportunity Employer RECEPTIONIST Mental Health Center seeks an ener­ getic and hard-working individual to work full-time, greeting and sche­ duling patient appointments witn the clinical team. Must type, an­ swer phones, retrieve patient charts and perform general clinical duties. Some data entry skills helpful. Comprehensive salary and benefits. Resume to: M ary Jo Thomas N /NE C om m unity M ental Health Center 310 N.E. Oregon St. Portland, OR 97232 Phone: 239-8871 Closes: 2-8-88 Equal Opportunity Employer WASHINGTON COUNTY JOBS M ental Health Nurse $1897-$2307/mo. B uilding M aintenance Superintendent $2534-$3081/mo. "The Eyes and Ears of the Community" Call (503) 648 8607 for information. County application forms req. Ap­ ply by February 5, 1988 to: 288 0033 W ashington County Personnel PORTLAND OBSERVER PART TIME HOME MAILING PROGRAM! Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ gon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: An E.O.E. Equal Opportunity Employer RECORDS TECHNICIAN DATA PROCESSING "A Team Committed to Excellence” 5707 N.E. 10th Ave. • W ashington • (206)256-8186 Calendar Continued fro m Page 5 Keep Your S w eet-H eart Healthy February is a month when you usually pay special attention to the romantic state of your heart. It s a good time to focus on its physical condition, too. Portland Parks and Recreation helps keep hearts heal­ thy with CPR training and free blood-pressure checks. CPR Train­ ing: Learn life-saving techniques for heart attack and choking vic­ tims. Portsmouth Community School, at Sitton, 9930 N. Smith. Instruc­ tion from Portland Fire Bureau. Wed. 2-3, 6 9:30 p.m . Fee. $5. O ckley Green C om m unity School. 6031 N. Montana. Certi­ fied by the American Heart Asso­ ciation. Preregistration required. Thursday, 2-18, 6:30 9 p.m. $10. Whitaker Community School, 5700 N.E. 39th. M onday, 2-22, 5:30 9:30 p.m. Free plus $15 mater­ ials. Portland, Oregon 97211 P ortland • (503) 281 3938 ''P re v ie w s '' Group A rt Exhibit Pat De Caro, Deborah De Wit, Frank Okada, & James Schoppert. Also featuring Ronna Neuensch- wander, "African Revisited", recent ceramic sculpture. Thursday, Feb. 4 throu g h 28th, Monday through Saturday, 10-5:30. Opening recep­ tion: Thursday, Feb. 4th, 5:30 to 9:00 p.m. Lawrence Gallery, 842 S.W. First Avenue, Portland, OR 97204. Taxpayer Assistance The Oregon Department of Re­ venue will provide a toll-free number for tax assistance from Jan. 4 - A pril 30, 1988 , 8 a m. - 4:45 p.m. Portland: 243-2833; Salem: 371- 2244; elsewhere in Oregon: 1-800- 356 4222. Parents o f Future Students Invited to PSU Reception Parents intersted in what their sons and daughters can learn if they choose Portland State University are invited to attend a special recep­ tion Tuesday, Feb. 2nd from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. in the third-floor ball­ room of Smith Memorial Center, lo­ cated on S.W. Broadway between Montgomery and Harrison Streets. Ml