Z . • ■■-.r - - t ^ — --»•*■*«—*■— ** *—***— >—^ -* January 20, 1988, Portland Observer, Page 9 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CHRAN is accepting proposals for the provision of marketing services. A Dpadvantaged Enterprise Goal of 20% has been assigned to this contract. Copies of the Request For Proposals may be obtained from: • C-TRAN P.O. Box 2529 Vancouver, W ashington, 98668-2529 (206) 696-4494 Proposals will be accepted until 12:00 noon, Wednesday, February 10, 1988. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS e * Sealed bids for Science Facilities A dd itio n s and A lteratio n s, Science VI, University of Oregon, will be received by the Oregon State Board of htigher Education until 4:00 p.m. PST, February 23, 1988, in Conference Room 2, UO Physical Plant Department, 1295 Franklin Blvd., Eugene, OR 97403-1276. ■ Briefly, the work includes the co nstru ctio n o f a 3-story, w ith basement, sc ie n tific research and teaching fa c ility o f reinforced concrete w ith brick m asonry veneer, and including rem odelling o f the Science Li­ brary and a p ortion o f an existing science research building. Per further information, contact: UO Physical Plant Phone 686-5243 COMPUTER PROGRAMMER FOR IBM S/36 Experience with RPG, II/III and SSP OCL and related utilities required. Experience and knowledge of IBM/ PC and file transfer concepts pre­ ferable. Duties include the deve­ lopment and maintenance of local and corporate system software and backup for operation in small shop. Benefits and pay are excellent. Qualified and interested persons should send resume to: Reynolds M etals Sundial Rd. Troutdale, OR 97060 ATTN: Personnel Manager An Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer EDUCATION ASSOCIATE LEVEL 10 Western Center for Drug-Free Schools and Communities — North­ west Regional Educational Labora­ tory. The Center is funded by a grant fitom the US Dept of Education to provide assistance to public and private elementary and secondary schools, students, parents and Other community members in the area of prevention of drug abuse. • The Associate will be responsible tb the Center Director. Duties: schedule, plan, and coordinate con­ sultation sessions, technical assi­ stance, workshops, and other train­ ing sessions in the Northwest area; rheet with other agencies to plan for service delivery; maintain docu­ mentation and conduct evaluations of services provided; assist in deve­ lopment of resource materials and preparation of reports; conduct on­ site training with school teams and training of facilitators. • Qualifications: doctorate degree in education, however a master s de­ gree and broad experience may be ¿onsidered; knowledge of drug abuse agencies and education agen­ cies in the Northwest Region; broad knowledge and competence in the grea of drug and alcohol abuse; experience providing training and technical assistance in the area of prevention and elimination of drug end alcohol abuse; demonstrated effectiveness in providing technical assistance to schools; experience in Curriculum and material develop­ ment; able to travel frequently, usually by air, and spend consider­ able time in the field; experience working as a team member. Salary: $29,971 $32,000 depending On background and experience — excellent benefits. Letter of application and resume must be received in the Personnel Office by 3 pm, Jan 29, 1988. In letter, indicate you are applying for the above position. Apply to: Personnel O ffice N o rth w e s t Regional Educational Lab 101 SW M ain St. S uite 500 Portland, OR 97204 SENIOR REAL ESTATE MANAGER The Port of Portland has an im­ mediate opening for a person to supervise the management of Port Aviation Properties and to direct the Aviation Real Estate sales/leas- ing program. Preferred qualifications include commercial real estate sales and property management experience, supervisory experience, a broad knowledge of real estate principles and practices and experience in planning, project development and management. Qualified individuals should also have the ability to ana­ lyze complicated legal documents and develop negotiating stategies. A knowledge of airport property management would be helpful. In addition to a starting salary range of $34-43,00, the Port offers a com­ prehensive benefits package includ- • ing liberal vacation and holiday poli­ cies, a fully paid health care pack­ age and substantial professional growth opportunities. HOMEWORKERS WANTED! TOP PAYI C.l. 121 24th A ve., N.W. Suite 222 Norman, OK 73069 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT 3 PROJECT MANAGER ADULT AND FAMILY SERVICES DIVISION SALARY ($2300 2923) Excellent Benefits State of Oregon, AFS, needs an energetic and innovative person with excellent management skills to lead the development, negotiation, execution, and implementation of contracts for managed health care systems for AFS clients, and ex­ pand the program to new geo­ graphic areas and categories of eli- gibles. This position is located in Salem, Oregon. We are especially looking for applicants with good negotiation skills. QUALIFICATIONS: You must have four years of pro­ gressively responsible managerial experience or experience in a staff technical or professional function which has given you the know­ ledge, skills, and abilities identified in the examination questionnaire. Some of this experience must be in designing, implementing, evalua­ ting, or managing health care or social service delivery systems. In addition, you must have a Bache­ lor's degree or three additional years of pertinent experience. A Masters or Ph.D. degree in Health Care Economics, Health Care Ad­ ministration, Pharmacy, Business Administration,d Public Administra tion, Social Work, or a similar area may be substituted for up to two years of the experience. Application materials may be ob­ tained at: The Port E m ploym ent O ffice 12th Floor 700 N.E. M u ltnom ah or by calling (503)231-5000, ext. 700 Submit your State of Oregon Ap­ plication (PD100) and the question­ naire to Announcement NO. OC- 880025. Follow the instructions with that announcement. This job will remain open until suf­ ficient applications are received, but may close any time after 5:00 p.m. Friday, January 29, 1988. Obtain applications, the announce­ ment and questionnaire at: COMMUNICATION MANAGER Current opening, State of Oregon Employment Division in Salem. $2333 - $2976 per month plus liberal fringe benefits including fully-paid family health and dental insurance; full-paid long-term disability and term life insurance; a fully-paid re­ tirement program; and generous paid holiday, vacation and sick leave. Requires strong background in communications (TV, radio, newspaper or public relations), mar­ keting, community relations, or work involving substantial public contact; and an extensive know­ ledge of policy development and program administration. This is an executive service posi­ tion, serves at the discretion of the administrator of the Employment Division and will be a direct appoint­ ment in accordance with Oregon Personnel Division policies and pro­ cedures. For recruiting announcement and required state applications, call (503) 378-3253. Applications must be returned to: Em ploym ent Division Personnel and Training 825 Union St. NE Salem. OR 97311 by 5 p.m . February 3.1988. An AA/EEO Employer If you are interested in providing quality service to families who need your help, please complete an ap­ plication at: M e tro Family Service 2281 N.W. Everett Portland, Oregon 97210 A m erican Red Cross 3131 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR 97219 Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer Equal Opportunity Employer Help families of our assisting families in families to cope and management and skills. Must have community by crisis; helping improve home child rearing transportation. PART TIME HOME MAILING PROGRAM! Excellent income! Details, send self-addressed, stamped enve­ lope. WEST, Box 5877, H ill­ side, NJ 07205. ___________ DATA PROCESSING PROGRAMMER ANALYST Immediate openings for individuals interested in program design and development. Incumbent will gather & analyze information for system development or modifica­ tion, design, and specified system requirements; construct, test & im­ plement system; and prepare sys­ tem operation and user documenta­ tion. Qualified applicant should have a minimum of 2 years OS and COBOL experience, preferably in large DP shop. College degree desired, pre­ ferably in computer science with training in systems analysis. Struc­ tured analysis and design exper­ ience highly desirable. On-line pro­ gramming & design or ADABAS/ NATURAL preferred for one posi­ tion. Applications must arrive at: A d u lt and Family Services Personnel Services Section 516 Public Service B uilding Salem, Oregon 97310 and be postmarked by January 29, 1988, to be accepted. An Equal Opportunity Employer LANE CO M M UNITY COLLEGE AUTO PAINT INSTRUCTOR WELDING TECHNOLOGY INSTRUCTOR GRAPHIC DESIGN INSTRUCTOR/CWE COORDINATOR — R APPLIED DESIGN ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Full-time position available to act as administrative assistant for our Director of Blood Services. Re­ sponsible for the coordination of all medical office functions. Compile and process information for assess­ ment of program services and acti­ vities, maintain medical technical and administrative records, develop & implement forms and procedures, organize schedules, prepare corre­ spondence and documentation. Qualified applicants must have demonstrated skills in modern office methods, developed skills in com­ position, ability to organize, priori­ tize and implement oral and w rit­ ten instructions. Must have medical terminology, word processing and spreadsheet experience highly desir­ able. Starting salary range: $1293 to $1616 a month plus full benefit package. Apply by 1-29-88 at: A m erican Red Cross 3131 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR 97219 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ gon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competetive salary. Please apply or send resume to: An Equal Opportunity Employer Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. M a rke t Portland, OR 97201 “The Eyes and Ears of the Community" Equal Opportunity Employer SECRETARY Safety rules to live by. RULENO.4: Personnel Center 775 C ourt S treet Salem, Oregon 97310 or applications only are at any State of Oregon Employment Office. PHELBOTOMIST Full-time position available for an individual to perform venipunctures, vital signs and hemoglobin/hemato- crit determinations. Must have completed basic phlebotomy train­ ing and be capable of passing national certification. Willing to travel on week-long overnight nobiles and work irregular hours. Starting salary range: $1108 to $1385 a month plus full benefits package. Apply by 1 -29-88 at: Excellent Benefits EXAM INATIO N: If you qua lify the te st w ill be the questionnaire attached to An nouncement No. OC880025. Your grade will be based upon your ans­ wers on the questionnaire and your supporting explanation. The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer DOMESTIC HELP WANTED Playing around substations could be an electri­ fying experience. PORTLAND OBSERVER MASTERCARD No one refused. Regardless of credit history. Also ERASE bad credit. Do it yourself. Call: 1 619 565 1522 Ext. C30260R 24 Hrs. TELEMARKETING SALES REP Part Time We are looking for an individual who is eager to learn new skills and would like to work in one of the fastest growing occupations. If you are enthusiastic and motivated, we have an opportunity for youl Re sponsibilities include scheduling ap­ pointments for professional sales­ people, providing customer service and generating referrals for con­ sumer bank products and services. Must be articulate and have a plea­ sant telephone manner. Requires telephone sales ability, the demon­ strated strong customer relations and interpersonal skills. Previous experience and knowledge of bank consumer products perferred. We have an excellent flexible bene­ fits program and salary of $5 per hour plus competitive commission. Qualified applicants should send resumes to: OREGON BANK Personnel D epartm ent 1001 S W 5th Avenue Third Floor P.O. Box 3066 Portland, OR 97208 APPLICANT HOURS 9-1 p.m . Mon-Fri. Equal Opportunity Employer TEMPORARY CASE MANAGER $7.00 per hour; 30 hours per week. Starts Feb. 10th through June 30th. Call: Council fo r P ro stitu tio n A lternatives 281 6833 Equal Opportunity Employer 288-0033 TYPISTS Duties to include general ecumeni­ cal administrative work, typing, re­ ceptionist, mailing, word proces­ sing, errands and related tasks. Do not send resumes. Request position description & application after 1/18/88: Ecumenical M in istries o f Oregon 0245 SW B ancroft St. Portland, OR 97201 Position may close anytime after noon on Monday, January 25. Posi­ tion requires availability for full-time work (40 hrs) and demonstratable skills and/or experience in job duties. Fences around electric substations are there for good reason: to keep people and animals away from possible harm. The high voltage equipment inside the fence is not there to play with—it means business. Better safe than sorry. Hundreds weekly at home! Write: P.O. Box 17, Clark, NJ 07066 WASHINGTON COUNTY JOBS Sr. C o m m unity Health W o rke r $1218-$1481 mo. P robation & Parole O ffice 2 $1937-$2355/mo. Graphics Specialist $1801-$2189/mo. Call (503) 648-8607 for information County application forms req. Ap­ ply by January 29, 1988 to Wash­ ington County Personnel. An E.O.E. How can you a ffo rd a hom e o f your own? DEPARTMENT CHAIR - A rt & A pplied Design Application and job description are available at: Personnel Services Lane C o m m u n ity College 4000 East 30 Ave. Eugene, OR 97405 Write HUD for this free pam phlet LCC applications must be post­ marked no later than February 15, 1988. Telephone num ber: 1 726-2211 I'.S. Dept. o f HIT) P.O. Box 777 Portland, OR 97207 An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Institution Equal Opportunity Employer »MM