January 13, 1988, Portland Observer, Page9 Economics: Have Blacks Been Tranquilizad Perspectives I love it! I love it! In Dec. 30, 1987 Portland Observer on page 7, I wrote about the billions of dollars contributed to this nation's eco nomy by just three of the thousands of inventions patented by Blacks: namely, the refrigerated box car and truck, and the automatic lubricator. Coincidently, on page 3 of the same edition, there was an article quoting 'William Julius Wilson' to the effect that the Black ''underclass" of America's urban areas lost their jobs in great part because industry adop­ ted tech n olog ica l innovations (read 'inventions'). However, in­ ventions are known to create new jobs beyond imagination; I cite the automobile! The difference in our approaches is that I related the Black economic ECONOMICS conditions to the failure of a group to recognize the significance of their own genius; and a failure to create institutions for financing, licensing and distributing this technology. On the other hand, Professor Wil- son cites the familiar litany of rea­ sons for the development of a 'Black underclass". Americans bought over 330 tons of tranquili­ zers last year. I suggest that over the past twenty-five years of 'pover­ ty programs', Blacks and whites have bought more than their share of social and economic tranquili­ zers, the rhetoric and epithets of "escalating the quality of life of the poor": 'upward mobility, more elected Black officials, forge broad- based urban coalitions, urban re­ newal, minority business, desegre­ gation, and affirmative action'. Understand my point. It is not that each of the above 'solutions' was not in itself an honest attempt to further the economic opportunity of Blacks - at least on the part of most participants. But, rather, there was a long series of convul­ sive, uncoordinated and egocentric assaults upon every tip of an iceberg that came into view. "Tranquili zing rhetoric" came about as the re suit of the public relations efforts of the programs and from media-hype in the major press. Understand­ ably, everyone wanted success, to believe (and wanted 'cash flow'). However, when we analyze the US. Government publication, "Summary Characteristics of the "I relate the Black econo­ mic conditions to the fail­ ure of a group to recognize the significance of their own genius.” Black Population and Selected Counties and Places: 1980", Series PC80-S1-21, we find just the dis­ astrous economic conditions that Professor Wilson projects: "A Per­ manent Culture of Poverty.” Do Blacks have an excuse? This is a 'real' world. Did the dinosaur have an excuse for becom­ ing extinct? Should these creatures have requested an "Affirmative ac­ tion Program"? What we do know is that they failed to evolve 'sur­ vival' characteristics in face of a changing environment — Dinosaur gone, gone Dinosaur! During the great era of 'Social Programming , Blacks did not develop a ‘united front’ of coordinated planning. They formed or gravitated toward egocentric cliques that did not ex­ change vital information or person­ nel with special skills. Black social agencies, businesses, media and academic programs did not work together to develop a common data base and language (a few excep­ tions). Many Black university pro­ fessors who did not have grants or school-allocated resources found themselves dependent to some ex­ tent upon breweries, distillers and tobacco companies for their African America "Great Blacks in History" series, used by these firms to build their consumer base. It need not have been this way, nor should it be so now, or in the future. To say that Blacks were caught by surprise is to beg the question. During the past week, I have detailed what is an in-common Black heritage of scores of exper­ ienced-proven models for econo­ mic, educational and tecnological development — Black conceived, initiated, and implemented; systems and role models extending from emancipation to the space age. The entire world has taken advan­ tage of them; why shouldn't Blacks? Finally, and in the same vein, I had a number of conversations during the 1970's with Mr. David Crosthwait, the Black inventor who is responsible for the fact that we have heating, air conditioning, and plumbing above the 15th floor in the world's highrises and skyscrapers (97 patents). Having developed the control systems for the Rockefeller Center in New York and the Ken­ nedy Center in Washington, D.C., he was complaining bitterly that the social engineers and "poverty pimps" paid no attention to his offer to donate his patents and royalties to provide training, scholarships and business incubators for a greater Black participation in America's economy. And he cited similar experiences of his talented peer group. I was reminded of similar exper­ iences on a much smaller scale. In 1948 I set up Union Avenue Finance Company for a group of Union Avenue car dealers who were my accounting clients. I persuaded these businessmen to include Blacks in the structure (ownership and employment), but Albina lead­ ers and organizations were less than willing. Ten years later in Los An­ geles, I pioneered the concept of approaching highrise apartment builders when they first filed for a permit and contracting to install an in-house laundromat for the 'cap­ tive' clientele before the foundation was dug. "Industrial Automatic Service" lasted two years until the white established competition used its leverage to cut off my financing at the banks. I appealed in vain for support from Black institutions and leaders. There have been 'thou­ sands' of others like Mr. Crosth­ wait and myself. Are we ever to learn? Most poverty is in the mind. Argue with that, if you will. JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INFORMATIONAL ADVERTISEMENT PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION SUB-BIDS REQUESTED REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR Gresham Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement BID DATE: January 28, 1988 - 2:00 P.M. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Hoffman construction company of Oregon P.O. Box 1300 Portland, Oregon 97201 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub contractors and women and minority business enterprises. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS C-TRAN is accepting proposals for the provision of marketing services A Disadvantaged Enterprise Goal of 20% has been assigned to this contract. Copies of the Request For Proposals may be obtained from: C-TRAN P.O. Box 2529 Vancouver, Washington, 98668-2529 (206) 696-4494 Proposals will be accepted until 12:00 noon, Wednesday, February 10, 1988 The Portland Development Commission is seeking proposals from qualified geotechnical engineers for soils studies related to the Pioneer Place Parking Garage Project. The parking facility will be located on the northerly t ree­ quarters of Black 51, which is bounded by S.W. Third and Fourth Avenues Yamhill Street and two existing buildings on Taylor Street. The garage will have 425-550 spaces above ground; 175-200 spaces below-grade; and, a minimum of 11,000 leasable square feet of commercial space at street level. A complete RFP package is available from Stacey Deitz, Portland Develop­ ment Commission, 1120 S.W Fifth Avenue, Suite 1102 Portland, Oregon 97204-1968, (503) 796 6950. Proposals are due at the PDC office no later than 3:00 p.m., January 19, 1988. The Portland Development Commission (PDC) is soliciting proposals from qualified consultants to provide the necessary asbestos inspection services, perform the necessary laboratory analyses, and provide conclusions, recom­ mendations and cost estimates fro abatement for structures on the Union CEILING TILE REMOVAL Bids Due. January 26. 1988 at 2:00 P M. Bid No.: B61-700 1853 Sealed bids will be received by the Director of County Purchasing Section, 2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Portland, «OR 97202! for. Removal of asbestos containing tiles on the 8th floor of the JK Gill Building. The work consists of approximately 10,000 sq ft of 2x4 lay-in ceiling tile to be Write HUD for this free pamphlet. Eugene, OR 97403 1276. Briefly, the work is described as the addition of approximately 1.400 feet of 16-inch diameter chilled water pipe, 160 feet of 12-inch diameter steam pipe, 160 feet of 6-inch condensate return pipe, 260 feet of 8-inch diameter steam pipe and chilled water supply and return pipe, 260 feet of 4-inch diameter condensate pipe, and also sea water and reverse osmosis water. Approxi­ mately 70 feet of 4- nch condensate and 8-inch steam pipe are to be re­ moved. Other pipe is to be installed as part of this contract. Coordination with the Owner on the shutdown of existing utilities will be extremely im­ portant. The Owner has definite time frames within which shutdowns can occur. For further information, contact: UO Physical Plant (phone: 686-5243) Plans and Specifications are filed with the Purchasing Director andlcop.es may be obtained from the above address for a $5.00 non-refundablefee. CHECKS AND MONEY ORDERS ONLY. Plans and Specifications will not be mailed within the Tri County area. PREBID CONFERENCE: January 14, 1988, 9:30 AM, J.K. Gill Building, 8th Floor break room, 426 SW Stark, Portland, OR. Asbestos removal. Preaualification applications or statements must be prepared during the period of one year prior to the bid date. Prequal.fication application or proof of prequalification by the Oregon Department of Transportation must be actually received or postmarked to Multnomah County not later than 10 days prior to bid opening. Details of compliance are available from the Purchasing Section, Department of Administrative Services, 2505 S.E. 11th Avenue, Portland, OR 97202, (503)248 5111. NO NDISCRIM INATIO N: Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the provisions of Federal Executive Order 11246. The requirements for Bidders and Contractors are explained in the Specifications. No bid will be received or considered unless the bid con\a' " 8 a s^ te™ n' '° V the bidder as part of his bid that the requirements of 279.35U, 2/B.4OZ, 279 355 and 279 356 shall be met. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to Multnomah County certified by a responsible bank, or in lieu thereof, a sure y bon,, to, an a,noun, equal ,o .en percen, 1,0% I of .he aggregau, prapowE The successful bidder shall furnish a bond sat.safactory to the Board in the full amount of the contract. Multnomah County reserves the right to reject any or all bids. U.S. Dept. of H IT ) P.O. Box 777 Portland, OR 9720”’ Sealed bids for the Utility Tunnel Piping Addition, Science Facilities Addi­ tions and Alterations, University of Oregon, will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 2:00 p.m. PST, February 9, 1988, in Conference Room 2, UO Physical Plant Department, 1295 Franklin Blvd., removed by certified asbestos workers. PREQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS: Pursuant to the Multnomah County Public Contract Reve.w Board Administrative Rules (AR 40.0301 Prequalifi- cation shall be required for this project for the following class(es) of work. How can you afford a home o f your own? Telescoping Gym Bleachers for Jeffer­ son High School. Feb 9 1988 Louvers For Various Schools (Require­ ment Contract). Feb. 9. 1988 Home Economics Supplies For Ware­ house Stock, 1988-89. Feb. 16, 1988 Electronic Dimmer System for Madison High School. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CALL FOR BIDS January 28, 1988. Feb. 2, 1988 The Portland Development Commission encourages participation of Mino. rity/Women Business Enterprise contractors in its projects. The established Commission goals for participation is nine percent (9%) for Minority Busi­ ness Enterprises and nine percent (9%) for Women Business Enterprises. ASBESTOS SURVEY OF STRUCTURES ON UNION STATION PROPERTY Proposals are due at the PDC office no later than 1:00 p.m., Thursday, DESCRIPTION Formal announcement, detailed specifications and bidding document may be obtained at the above address* F o r a d d itio n a l in fo r m a tio n , p le a s e c o n ta c t M ich a e l J. H u tch e n s. D ire c to r of P u rc h a s in g . 249-2000, Extension 581 MULTNOMAH COUNTY Copies of the proposal package and submission requirements are available at the PDC office, attention Beckie Spurger, 1120 S.W. Fifth Avenue, Suite 1102, Portland, Oregon 97204-1968, (503) 796-5303. BID FILING DATE The geotechnical engineer will conduct field investigations; prepare labora­ tory tests of soils; conduct engineering studies and analysis that will lead to the formulation of conclusions and recommendations concerning site pre­ paration feasible type of foundation, allowable bearing pressures; bearing strata; and, any other design or construction considerations that may arise during the course of the investigation. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The Portland Development Commission encourages participation of Mino- rity/Female Business Enterprise contractors in all its projects. The esta blished Commission goal for participation is nine percent (9%) for Minority Business Enterprises and nine percent (9%) for Female Business Enterprises. CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received until 1:00 p.m. on the dates indicated in the Purchasing Department, Multnomah County School District #1 J, 501 N. Dixon, Portland, Oregon for the items listed herein: Proposals due 3:00 p.m ., January 19,1988 CITY OF PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Station property owned by PDC. PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS FRANNA RITZ. ACTING DIRECTOR PURCHASING SECTION January 13, 1988 PORT OF PORTLAND INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids will be received bv the Purchasing Manager of the Port of Port- land 700 N.E. Multnomah Street, Portland, Oregon (mailing address. .0. Box 3529 Portland, OR 97208) for items detailed herein until the individually specified dates and times indicated, and thereafter publicly opened and read. Plans and specifications may be examined and/or obtainedat the above address. Contact the Purchasing Department at 231-5000, Ext. boo. Bids must be on the bid form provided to prospective bidders and when Bid Surety is required, must be accompanied by a cart,f,e^ ° rpca®h'®rpSo^ ® ^ drawn on a United States bank, or a bid bond payable to the Port of Portland in an amount equal to at least 10 percent of the total amount bid. When prequalification is required, the prequalification statements should be received at least 5 days prior to the time set for bid opening. Applications for prequalification may be submitted less than 5 days before bid opening, but consideration by the Port cannot be assured. Attention is called to the provisions of the Oregon Revised Statutes 279.350, providing that workers be paid prevailing wage rates. DESCRIPTION PDX Airtrans Center, Telephone Cable Relocation BID OPENING DATE ^ a5\uarv 26 ’ 1988 2:00 p.m. SCOPE: Construction of underground duct bank concrete encased and non-encased between existing manholes. The work includes taxiway exit ramp pavement crossings and 12 inch casing jacked under Taxiway E A prebid conference will be held on Monday, January 18 1988, at 10:30 a m. at the Port of Portland Aviation Construction Office, 7267 N.E. Airport Way, Portland, Oregon, to discuss all phases of the work. Please direct technical questions to the Project Engineer, Franko Martinec, (503) 231 5000, Ext 705.