Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 13, 1988, Page 7, Image 7

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    January 13, 1988, Portland Observer, Page 7
of the Week:
God W ill Show You How!
God Gives Martin A Plan For Mount Olivet
Continued from last week
by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears
After many weeks, days and
hours; interviews, screenings and
meetings — the Pulpit Committee
of the Mount Olivet Baptist Church
found a young man with a plan.
His man is James E. Martin, from
Bluefield, West Virginia.
Rev. Dr. Martin is the product of
a Christian family; who, at an early
age, learned to love and respect his
fellow man. More importantly, he
learned to respect God as the Crea­
tor of mankind and this extra­
ordinary universe in which we live.
He was born May 9, 1947, to Ola
Martin and the late Riley Martin in
Bluefield, West Virginia. He gained
prominence and notoriety, to some
degree, because of his academic
and athletic abilities in the Taze­
well County Public School System.
He entered West Virginia State Col­
lege _ on a basketball scholarship
- in the fall of 1965, then trans­
ferred to Bluefield State College and
earned a B.S. degree in Business
Administration while working as an
attendant for the Sinkford and Rich­
ardson Funeral Home in Bluefield.
In 1974, Dr. Martin became the
owner-operator of Mr. J s Mens
Wear, a high fashion clothing store
for young men. The store had lo­
cations in Bluefield and Welch,
West Virginia, and continued to
operate until economic conditions
forced termination in December of
Dr. Martin was employed by the
Bluefield City Police for three years.
He rose to the position of sergeant
in his third year.
During that year, he made a sin­
cere rededication to his life to Jesus
Christ and received his Divine Call
into the ministry.
He preached
his initial sermon on the first Sunday
in August of 1979. He began prea­
ching at revivals and other services;
but, the strain of both professions
was tremendous. After much pray­
er by his mother and many Christian
friends, God opened an unseen
door. In August of 1980, Dr. Mar­
tin was offered the position of
teacher/coordinator of Marketing
and Distributive Education at Blue­
field High School - a position that
had only been created a short time
prior to that date; but, a position
that God foresaw. Give God the
It was at this time that Dr. Martin
realized his need for professional
studies to help bolster his ministry.
He enrolled in an off-campus pro­
gram at Trinity Theological Semi­
nary in Newburgh, Indiana, in the
fall of 1980.
The first of March, 1981, Dr. Mar­
tin was called as the associate past­
or of Union Baptist Church in Blue­
field. The very next week, he was
called to the pastorate of Laurel
Creek Baptist Church in Wolfe,
West Virginia.
He served these
churches on alternating Sundays.
He was ordained on May 9, 1981.
In November, Dr. Martin became
the pastor at Union Baptist and con­
tinued to serve both churches until
he resigned Laurel Creek Baptist in
May of 1982 to become full-time
pastor of Union Baptist.
During this time period, the ambi­
tious and energetic Dr. Martin re­
ceived a second B.S. degree in
As an example of this, a friend
wrote: "Things had finally come to
a point of crisis; my life seemed to
be totally out of control. I couldn't
eat, think, or pray, and finally de­
cided to stop struggling. I didn't
try to meditate or pray about speci­
fics. I just held onto the works 'God
is healing everything now.' Miracles
began coming through in less than
twelve hours. It was as if every­
thing quietly and peacefully fell into
place! I am so very grateful to God
for this astounding experience, for
His showing me how to do my part
so He could do His the better!"
Jesus Christ indicated clearly by
His own words and actions that
there were many different ways of
communicating with the Father.
Jesus often prayed by listening
quietly within. At other times He
spoke aloud, powerfully, the words
that were needed to catch the atten­
tion of those who were held in a
habit of disbelief. Again, He was
often gentle and patient in helping
His followers learn how to accept
their healing, supply, or security,
he was constantly showing how to
Rev. James E. M a rtin and Family.
Photo by Richard J. Brown
Criminal Justice Administration
from Bluefield State College.
Dr. Martin entered seminary,
earned his Master of Ministry de­
gree and a Master of Divinity de
gree. His ability to deliver his ser­
mons improved; the church grew
spiritually, numerically and finan­
cially. There arose a strong motiva­
tion for him to enter the doctorate
program and specialize in Christian
This task required
everything he had had and more,
but with God as the forerunner,
there was always consolation and
assurance in knowing that there
would be no failure in this endeavor.
The task was demanding, study­
ing everyday and many hours of
neglect to the family; but, he con­
tinued until he reached success. On
August 10, 1985, he graduated
Suma Cum Laude with a Ph.D. de­
gree (Doctor of Philosophy) in Chri­
stian Counseling from Trinity. His
doctoral dissertation was entitled,
"The Christian Faith and the Dilem­
ma of Teenage Commitment.
In addition to all the above ac­
complishments, Dr. Martin has re­
ceived his teaching certification
from Marshall University in Hunting-
ton, West Virginia, his Master's de­
gree in Vocational Technical Educa­
tion from Marshall University in
1986 and was featured on Union
Baptist Church's outreach radio
broadcast called, "Soul Outreach ,
heard every Sunday morning on
WKOY (AM 1240) at 8:00 a.m.
Dr. Martin is married to the lovely
Lynetta Patterson Martin of Pulaski,
Virginia. They have three beautiful
Why do more
families call
time of need?
daughters: Tiffany, 11 years old;
Tara, 5 years old; and Ashley, 7
months old. Dr. Martin is a devoted
husband and loving father.
The Mount Olivet Baptist Church
is truly blessed to have Dr. Martin
as their new pastor.
The plan that God has given Dr.
Martin is three words: Trust, Co­
operation, and Prayer. If the church
family will - trust the pastor's lead­
ership, cooperate with the pastor
and with each other and pray daily
for the success of God's program —
Mount Olivet will be undefeatable.
In one of Rev. Dr. Martin s ser­
mons, he parallelled a Christian s
life to that of a salmon. He said,
"A salmon lives in the safety of the
ocean for many years, but some­
thing inside of him causes him to
strain against all obstacles to get
hom e. As he swims against the
current, he may encounter a fisher­
man, some of his friends may get
caught and eaten by a bear, some
may get caught in snares that have
been set ever so carefully for them
and the horrible water falls — with
gallons and gallons of water pound­
ing against their bodies; but, still
they struggle against all odds to get
home. Then they get home, lay
their eggs and die. They sacrifice
themselves that others might live.
One day, we - as Christians - will
see the fresh waters of heaven and
we will have reached our goal.
Then, and only then, will we receive
our prize." (Philippians 3:10-14)
"There is much work to be done
here in Portland and in Mount Oli­
vet. I am here because the Lord
sent me."
potentials as expressed by the One
communicate, express, and receive
who proved that every "Gethse
responses from the Father.
mane" is but a door to new life, to
In using the idea 'God is s h o w ­
resurrection of the divinity within.
ing me how ! I have found that
Take hold now, my friend, of this
needs were met quickly.
simple way of attuning yourself to
words have brought a greater feel­
your Father's plan of good for you.
ing of release regarding concern
Let His wisdom show you how to
over those dear to me, and have
accept it. His love will enfold you in
been a simple tool to use in any
a manner you cannot humanly ima­
urgent need for guidance and cou­
gine. His peace will manifest itself
within your heart without any need
"Thank You, God, for showing
to understand how it can be so.
me how !" has also helped me to
God will reveal His processes of
understand that so-called dry or un­
healing, even now, as you quietly
productive periods are but fore­
turn to Him with the words. Thank
runners of the greatest and best
You, Father, fo r show ing me
fulfillment. When I thought human
how !
hesitancy and feelings of inade­
The clouds will lift. Your feelings
quacy were hindering or delaying
of aloneness will fade, and you will
my good, I found the Father was in
be warmed and comforted anew.
reality helping me during th a t tim e
Your fears of change and your
into greater strength, faith, and
apprehensions over demands, loss,
God is, indeed,
or the future will give way to cou­
always show ing us how !
rage and assurance. You will find
Remembering this will deepen
that nothing can prevent the Father
and quicken your own faith, dear
from showing you how to accept
friend, and awaken you to a new
your good. Let go and let His love
awareness of your true oneness
enfold you. Your Father cares for
with the Father. It will help you to
you and is show ing you how !
realize that you are a spiritual child
— The Beginning
of the Most High, with the same
Fiorine Brown Fisher Passes
Love is a blessing
So hard to explain
It flows from the heart
Like the pouring of rain
Such a gift from our Lord
That lights up each day
To be capable of it
Is what we must pray
There are so many loves
That a person can render
The love for your wife
Is one oh so tender
So much love that we have
For our daughters and sons
For our parents and friends
And for everyone
But the love that surpasses
All the others we know
Should be for our Savior
That would constantly grow
Albert N. Theel
Funeral for Florine Brown Fisher
of West Linn will be at 1:00 p m.
Friday in the Greater Mt. Calvary
Church of God in Christ at 1234
N.E. Killingsworth, Portland, OR.
She died Saturday in a Portland
hospital at the age of 61.
Born in Parson, Kansas, on May
10, 1926 to the parents of Alfred
and Bonnie Jean Brown, she was
the eldest of 4 daughters.
moved to Vancouver, WA, after
completing high school.
pursued and obtained a degree in
nursing and lovingly gave 21 years
of her life to nursing the Veteran's
at the Portland Veterans' Hospital.
Surviving are her husband, Mr.
84 N E K illin g s w o rth • 281 0499
by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears
"A warm spirit of fellowship always"
The Mount Olivet Baptist Church,
located at 116 N.E. Schuyler Street,
is having a two-day celebration for
their new pastor's installation cere­
On Saturday, January 16th, at
7:00 p.m., there will be a "Gospel
Concert" featuring a 100-voice choir
from the Antioch Progressive Bap­
tist Church in Sacramento, Califor­
nia. The public is welcome to come
The Ark of Safety
Church of God in Christ
A -» -- *• •
2736 N E. Rodney • (503)281 4891
Portland, Oregon 97212
285 0493
A Public Service of the Portland Observer
4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97211
(503) 287-0261
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A lbina M inisterial A lliance
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of fi° a
and enjoy.
Then, on Sunday, January 17th,
at the 11:00 morning worship, the
Antioch Choir and the Mass Choir
from Mt. Olivet will be singing.
The Rev. Dr. Curtis J. Mitchell,
pastor of the Antioch Church, will
deliver the morning message.
To conclude the celebration, the
installation ceremony will be held at
3:00 p.m. Rev. Dr. O.C. Jones,
representative for the Ministers and
Missionaries Board from Upland,
California, will be the speaker for
the evening.
Jesus Loves You!
The family suggests that remem­
brances be contributions to the
American Cancer Society.
Internment will be in Rose City
Cemetery at 5625 N.E. Fremont,
Portland, OR.
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Albert Fisher, 2 sons, Mark Stanley
Lewis and David Wayne Lewis of
Portland, OR; 2 sisters, Mary Love
of Kansas City, MO., and Minister
Adeline Jeffries of Portland, OR;
2 brothers, Raymond Brown of Tul­
sa, OK., and Robert Brown of Port­
land, OR; 5 nieces, 6 nephews, 5
grandchildren, 3 great-grandchild­
ren and a host of relatives and
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