’S w Page 6, P ortland O bserver, January 13, 1988 C o m m u n ity M e n ta l H e a lth Speak Out by Danny Bell 4, 2 Physicians: Two physicians may place a hold Ion an ¡ndJ v ^ a . for reasons of both danger to se.f/others or due to inability to care for basic Community Crisis Services by Arnold Pitre Some Dreams Never Die The observance of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday as a national holi­ day commemorates an extraordinary man of an extraordinary era whose work and dedication to the civil rights movement inspired a generation, and which will continue to inspire generations to come. Martin Luther was both a man and a symbol. Not only must we com­ memorate Martin Luther, the man, for his many courageous deeds but we must strive to uphold the symbol, freedom, that he so unselfishly dedicated hlS " As we struggle through the calamities of life, as we bicker with our owm as we criticize those that we place in positions of power, as we are horrified at the plight of the adolescent drug user, as we are amazed at the ease with which our children are taught to be uneducated, we are, and should be, con­ stantly reminded of this most unusual man and his dream. This man dared to reveal to the world his dream, a dream that seemed to be uncomprehensible to a hostile society, a dream that appeared to be so out of context that, for what seemed to be an eternity, it fell on deaf ears This man was not one to be quieted. This man could not be held back. This man was a man of utter determination, and continued to voice the con­ harm to others or the possibility that an individual may cause injury himself/herself, there are various procedures in place that may avoid a tragi ° UtCTheere are four ways to put into action the procedure for what is called if a commitment hearing is needed. If there is a hearing and the person is committed, they will be placed in the State Hospital for a period of time not cussed in this column. to excee2dJ 8 0 dapv^ ice may be a(erted tQ p|ace a person in a hospital psychia Readers of the Com m undy M ental Health colum n are invited to w rite to us in care of James Edmondson. N NE C om m unity Menta, Health Center, Inc.. 310 N.E. Oregon Street, Portland. trie unit if a N/NE Community Mental Health Center crisis team member determines that the individual is a danger to himself/herself or others. Oregon 97232. NAACP Monthly Meeting Jan. 17, 1988 4 p.m., Bethel AME Church, 5828 N.E. 8th Ave., Port­ land, Oregon. Principle speaker: Dr. Jessica Bailey, Vice President, Portland Community College. Naz Ebrahim to Speak Friday, January 22, 1988, 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at PSU, Smith Center Ballroom, about her experience with demolitions and forced relocation of communities by the Apartheid Re­ gime. Ebrahim is the Chairman of Residents and Ratepayers Associa­ tion in South Africa. Donations welcome. Call 464-4452. waive...»- — Jesse Jackson Campaign O ffice Grand Opening Friday, Jan. 22, 1988 , 6 to 9 p.m., 3024 N.E. Union Ave., Union Plaza, $10 donation. Benefit features. Calvin Walker, Janice Scroggins, Street Corner Singers, Dee Wig- gens and Black Velvet. One o f th e Largest S elections in th e N o rth w e s t 10% - 30% OFF ENTIRE WIG STOCK $40.00 OFF NEWDENTURES » •- ”• » ) K Sale Ends Jan. 31, 1988 V IS A Free Denture Cleaning So Charge Consultation Rehne & Repairs while you wait Preventive Family Dentistry » Special Attention to Children and Gum Disease i M ASTERCARD 1105 N.E. Broadway Edward E. Ward, DMD (Near Lloyd Center) Convenient, affordable dental care for your fam ily. - f . •*» - , ». 610 SW Alder, Suite 1008 • 228-3009 HOt 1RS M-F 7AM-7PM SATURDAY KAM-5PM 282-1664 Expires Dec .31. 1987 » . OPEN M O N . - FRI 10 a.m . TO 6 p .m . • S A T . 10 a.m . TO 5:30 p .m . • GOOD NEWS • GOOD NEWS • •« M a ry 's P lace ‘ 5700 N.E. Union 1 ’ --V (X p.. __________ _____________ __ ________________________ —---------- CLEARANCE SALE T h 's certificate entitles each new patient with: r 'tz a k a D IT C t l / i w r . Y R A Y h « EXAM. BITE-WING X-RAYS, it involves family members. m bi ,« ♦« hrinn to The N/NE Community Mental Health Center, Inc., would like to brng to ,he attention of concerned individuals, organizations, and agentses mat .the, staff are available to make presentations regarding any of the issues WIGLAND MEW PATIENT S P E C IA L ^ ^ rk‘n^. City r. ¡i efforts are then made to find a foster care home placement. N/NE Commu nity Mental Health Center, in addition, owns "Sacramento House , w ic a resDite home used in case of emergency stabilization. ' On the road to recovery, it is vital that the person returning to the com munity finds a resource that is supportive and encouraging. However, pro­ fessionals in the clinical field have observed that Black ¡,1 when are less than adequately receptive to the predicament of the mentally .11 when the most peaceful warrior of our time. s.* \ , y. Sciences University and Providence Medical Center. The N/NE Community Mental Health Center is an advocate ol return, g the in X d u a l to the,, family after hospitalization. If this ,sI n o £ Possible, the "involuntary commitment program. 1) Police- The police can place an individual in a psychiatric un . 2) Two Party: Any two people in the community can initiate the pro^ cess by c^lmg their local mental health agency and filling out a Notice o Mental Illness" statement, stating the behavior they feel ,s dangerous. This win result ^n an investigation of the person in the community to determine Insta lla tio n o f the Rev. Paul R. Swanson as Bishop Saturday, Jan. 16 at 1:00 p m . there will be a service to install The Rev. Paul R. Swanson as Bishop of Oregon Synod, Evangelical Luthe­ ran Church in America at Trinity Episcopal Church, 147 N.W. 19th Ave., Portland, OR. The installa­ tion will be conducted by The Rev. Herbert W. Chilstron, Bishop, Evan­ cal Lutheran enuren m America. «menoa. gelical Church in • team will work with a person for up to a period of 90 days. If ^cessary the team will refer the person for on-going therapy. In some cases a medical Staff Derson is available to assist with and evaluate medical needs. In Z a h o n s where grave consequences may arise, such as imminent tents of his dream until he was heard by all. Martin Luther King did not live to see his dream fulfilled, but h.s words live on- and all mankind has been touched by his words. We are now charged with the awesome responsibility of continuing the struggle. Our struggle has been made easier, but it is not complete. The path has been shown to us; we must make the journey. We must follow in the footsteps of CALENDAR • • Would you know what to do if a crisis situation arose concerning , de- , Following the placement of an individual in a hospital psychiatric unit, Oregon swte9 .aw requires that the individual s behavior be investigated press,on, schizophrenia, alcohol, drugs, emotional d'stresS_ SU'J d®' hc° m. c,dal behavior or a crisis involving your family or children? The N NE Co within five working days. Consequently, an investigator rePres« ^ ke a Mental Heabh Can«., Inc., can help w „b se,v,ces sp ed,call, county will interview the client and appropriate parties '" volved Recommendation to the court. A hearing, in turn is held usuaMy wrthm a desioned to assist people confronted with such dilemmas The N NE Community Mental Health. Inc., serves the area hounded week, at which time a judge determines whether the individual concerne b¥ X ™ « . and Columbia Rivers ,o .be west and north, and by to receive further hospitalization or be returned to the community. Private hospitals and state hospitals have different approaches to ac.^ u r dav r ? dressing this problem. However, in the case of the indigent and I lowincom e p iHa You mav reach N/NE Community Mental Health Center, Inc., by individuals, the N NE Community Mental Health Cente, h a s develops,s ? n g 23 887 T n answering service refers calls to an on-call person program that works well with both sectors of the health cate held. The cen during otherthan office hours on a 24 hour-a-day basis, 7 days a week in ter has had a long standing work,ng relationship with Holiday case of emergency. Depending on the severity of the situation, a staf Holiday Park has been very open and receptive in working w th clients f ro ber or members will see a client immediately or as soon as possi e wi ,he N/NE Community Mental Health Center's area' a ioint staffing to determine follow-up treatment and housing. Other Io 3 rea Aspecial ^ a m o f ^ X s i o n a l clinical workers, which makeup thecrisis h o X S that work in cooperation with the Center are Oregon Health G O O D FO O D G O O D FU N GOOD ATM OSPHERE . ** ” • < * > '< ? ••* * ’ . This w e e k fe a tu rin g Cliche' ALL P R O F E S S IO N A L H A IR S T Y L IS T S !!! The Regional Editor for SALON TOMORROW L O N N IE J E N K IN S w ill be visiting your salon fo r intervie w s concerning TH E C A L IF O R N IA FEATURING M ic h a e l H o lla d a y and R osiland Home of the Original Stuffed Baked Potato LIGHTEN UP. 1 A ll-N e w fo r 1988 20% Faster • Even H e a lth ie r J o in n o w and save •> / $5° ff Reg fee $15 W eekly fee 7 Reg fee $10 W eekly fee 7 Total $17 k<7 NEW QUICK SUCCESS ■V k This offer good in participating areas only NORTHEAST PORTLAND M a r a n a th « C h u rc h FiraS'dr R u n t” ■ *•' V W 422? N F Tuaariay -, - ' if c s æ s »2»»’ C,AM> 7 (O p n 7 00 p r 5 nop r 1 00 p r M on Tu«» Thur» |r . 9 3 t)a - D irty Rice - $2°° & $4°° NORTH PORTLAND S. .« ’ » im T. lla m r4 )k P ark Btdq 2 ’ 0G N F 41M Ayr W ad Homestyle Food Daily Menu Changes Tam plp B a p t'M C h u rc h 1 H 9 N F -1» » •5 **; FEATURING FIRST RISE IN REGISTRATION FEES SINCE 1983 (No Increase in W eekly Fee) .•'i k Total $22 -------------------------PROGRAM--------------- --------- 'M ♦ v ALPHONSOS SANDWICH SHOP Fr 9 JO a •” R iv e rs a ta C o m m u n ity C hurch 4 737 N Lombard St Tue«. 7 (10 p m U n iv ers ity o t P o rtlan d am »rtiM "'«ne D iv i Columbia Hall f F n t « from Portsmouth 1 . »' "• Bolo S a n d w ic h e s — $1°° D e ep Fried C a tfis h - E very Friday 5 OOp ' A»»«f 3940 N. Williams JOIN ANY CLASS ANYTIME ' iki- V I Naw an tpnew ng members please arrive 20 mm earlier For more information and additional C.IMS locations Can m ile, t .«131 297 102* ’ O U 't 1< W K ‘.yUi l F SS W. F Phone • /y. lb ’ W D b ‘ a**v -r 4 .. « - ■ - ’ u ; • . a.-4 -• rV a ' *"• i -er,; " ■m a 281-1679 no So be prepared For fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n , co n ta ct Lonnie • 283-4123 MRS.C’s WIGS WEAVING HAIR $18.50 ft up or by the ft 54 & up BULK HUM AN HAIR $23 95 & up WIG STYLING $7.50 & up Featuring w igs by N AO M I SIMS, ANDRE DOUGLAS. NATALIE COLE f t M ICHAEL WEEKS BRAIDS $2.95 I Long or specialty styles slightly higher I MRS. C ’s WIGS 707 N.E. Fremont 281-652S Closed Sun. 4 Bon. 0F1M Tuot. thro Set. 11:30 AM to 6:00 FM