Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 13, 1988, Page 5, Image 5

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January 13, 1988, Portland Observer, Page 5
Multnomah County Library to
Host Small Business Workshop
Accountants to
Award $1,000 and
$500 Scholarships
County Justice System
Continues Improvements
R esponse to th e S p ecial G rand J u ry R e p o rt
J a n u a ry 8, 1988
M ultn o m a h C ounty extends its gra titud e to th e seven persons w h o
served to w ell on th e Special Grand Ju ry on C orrectional Facilities w hich
produced its report Decem ber 30, 1987.
The Grand Ju ry focused its atte ntio n on one issue w h ich M ultnom ah
C ou nty shares w ith o th e r urban counties, crim e. A n d it dealt w ith one of
the solutions counties provide to address th a t issue, jails. The response
fcility o f elected officials, how ever, extends beyond the narrow fo cus o f the
Grand Ju ry. W e m ust also be concerned w ith tax levels, crim e prevention
and relations w ith o the r governm ents, particularly the S tate o f Oregon.
" G o o d P ro g ra m s "
I note th a t th e Grand Ju ry w as "im pressed w ith the general cond itio n
o f the fa c ilitie s ." Referring to w o rk release and other non-jail program s, the
Grand Ju ry also said, "th e re are a num ber o f good program s th ro u g h o u t
the c o u n ty ." Taken together, these tw o points emphasize th a t M ultnom ah
C ounty is doing an e ffective job w ith the available resources.
I agree w ith the Grand Ju ry th a t M ultn om ah C ou nty should provide
m ore jail space. C orrections is a to p p rio rity at M ultn o m a h C ounty, receiv­
ing m ore a tte ntio n from the Board o f C ounty C om m issioners than any other
A va ila b le Resources A p p lied
M ultn o m a h C ounty has applied as m uch o f the local ta x dollar as it can
to w ard jails and justice services. V oters recently approved an additional
$14 1 m illion to w ard more jail space. Taxpayers have made it clear th a t they
w an t lim its on governm ent spending. M ultnom ah C ounty officials are right
now w o rkin g on the best w ay to establish and operate th e m ost econom ical
)dl' PThe M ultn om ah C ounty Charter gives the S h eriff, an independently
elected o fficia l, the a uth ority fo r "a d m in istra tio n o f all co u n ty jails andI c o r­
rectional in s titu tio n s ." T herefore, it is appropriate fo r th e S heriff to address
the adm inistrative issues raised by the Grand Ju ry such as t e nee
review ing various fu n ctio n s w ith in the institutio ns.
Jails N o t th e O nly S o lu tio n
It is also im p o rta n t to rem em ber th a t jail is not the o nly solution to crim e.
Even the Grand Ju ry, w h ich advocates an expensive jail co nstructio n pro­
gram , acknow ledges "p erhaps w e cannot build ourselves o ut o f our present
s itu a tio n ." W e c a n 't. T hat is w h y the co u n ty m ust make sure to support
those services w h ich prevent crim e and im prove the q uality o f life fo r a .
Those services include juvenile counseling, health clinics, w ell baby pro­
grams, m ental health program s and drug and alcohol rehabilitation pro-
W ondering h o w to sell your
m ade-m-Oregon p roducts to fede­
ral, state, co un ty or city govern­
w ho
careers in a ccou ntin g are invited to
apply for scholarships to be award
ed next spring by the Oregon A sso ­
ciation o f Public A cco un ta nts S ch o ­
larship Foundation, according to
Raym ond, A. Cass, A lbany, Foun
W ant to bid on the $550 m illion
that is expected to be spent in the
Pacific N orthw est by federal, state
and local governm ent agencies in
Then plan to attend the next
small business conference "Y o u
Can Sell To G o ve rn m e n t," on
Thursday, Jan. 21 at the M u ltn o ­
mah C ounty Library, 801 S W .
Tenth, Portland.
R egistration for
the all-day w orkshop begins at 8
a m. w ith the first session planned
to begin p ro m p tly at 8:30 a.m.
The w orkshop, w hich is sponsor
ed by the Library, the Small Busi-
dation chairm an.
Cass said b oth $500 and $1000
grants w ill be made. Scholarships
w ill go to a ccou ntin g students w ho
are qualified residents o f the State
o f Oregon and w ho are enrolled or
pian to enroll in an "Oregon college,
co m m un ity college or university.
Scholarship application fo rm s are
available from high school counsel
ing offices and college and com m u
nity college financial aid o ffices,
or may be obtained by w ritin g to
Cass at P.O. Box 1806, A lbany,
OR 97321, enclosing a stam ped,
A p p li­
cations m ust be returned to him by
A pril 1, 1988. Names o f successful
applicants w ill be announced by
Rat er,
we should make sure to provide the fu ll range o f g overnm ent program s -
justice services and hum an services - so th a t people do n ot c o m m it crim es
in the first place.
S ta te R e s p o n s ib ility
Finally, I w a n t to emphasize the responsibility o f the state in providing
adequate prison facilities fo r dangerous felons. M uch o f the local jail pro­
blem we face is caused by a shortage o f state prison space. The State of
Oregon has already appropriated fu nd s to build m ore jail space. C ounty
o fficials are actively participating in the process to locate a new state fa cility
in th is region.
Gladys M c C o y , M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty C hair
Toll-Free Numbers for
Taxpayer Assistance
SALEM _ The Oregon D eparm ent of Revenue w ill be p roviding to ll-free num
bers fo r taxpayer assistance during the upcom ing tax filin g season The toH
free num bers w ill be available only from January 4, 1988, to A pril 30 1988.
Taxpayers w ho have questions about Oregon taxes may call M onday
th rouqh Friday from 8 a.m . to 4:45 p.m .
The to ll-free num bers are: from Portland, 243-2833; from Salem , 371-
2244- elsewhere in Oregon, 1-800 356 4222.
From outside of O regon, call Salem (503) 371-2244 at all tim es.
from outside the state are n ot toll-free.
A fte r A pril 30, call Salem 1-371 2244. There w ill be no to ll-free num bers
after A pril 30.
The Elks Scholarship program is
open to all high school seniors.
They are judged on the basis of
scholarship, leadership, and fin an ­
$5000.00 a year fo r fo u r years are
A p p lic a tio n 's are avail­
able fro m your high school guidance
counselors or the Elks Lodge in your
jurisdictio n. The deadline fo r accep­
tance o f applications is January 20,
1988. Last year over $260,000.00
was given fo r scholarships in Ore
gon by the Benevolent and Pro
cial need. Scholarships range up to
tective Order o f Elks.
Oregon State Elks
M em bers o f the Scholarship
Foundation board also include Ro­
bert Boden, Portland; A lberta Cass,
Albany; Gail DeLozier, H illsboro;
and Robert G ordon, Bend.
• P o lice M is c o n d u c t
• W o rk e rs '
C o m p e n s a tio n
• Real Estate
• S m all Business
• D iv o rc e
415 N .E. 18th A V E N U E • P O R T L A N D , O R E G O N 97209
— A ID S — it's n ot an easy subject
to discuss w ith your kids because it
involves sex. But it also involves
life and death — and w ha t your
children d o n 't kn ow about A ID S
literally can kill them .
In a one-hour FOR KIDS' SAKE
special airing W ednesday, January
20, 7:00-8:00 p .m ., KPTV w ill give
parents and children an o p p o rtu n ity
to explore this sensitive to p ic to ­
Hosted by basketball great Ju lius
Erving w ith reports from Health and
Science Editor M ax Gomez, TEACH
prim er on the A ID S crisis fo r teens
and pre-teens and an a tte m p t to
p ro te c t a generation th a t, fo r the
m ost part, has not yet been touched
The Portland W o m en 's Crisis Line
(PW CL) is pleased to announce
openings fo r its W in te r Volunteer
Direct Service W orker training.
The PW CL is a fem inist organi
zation serving com m unities th ro u g h ­
out M ultn om ah , W ash in gton and
Clackamas counties and com m itte d
to ending voilence against w om en
and children th ro ug h : • The m ain­
tenance o f a 24-hour telephone hot
line to provide support, service, and
education about their o ptions to
w om en in the event o f rape, bat
tering, incest or sexual harassment;
• The endorsem ent and support of
related program s intended to pre­
vent the crim es of rape, battering,
incest and sexual harassm ent; and
• The provision o f an education
program fo r the co m m un ity at large
on the problem s o f d om estic and
sexual violence.
Volunteer positions are available
in all aspects o f Crisis Line w ork.
No experience is necessary, how
ever only a lim ited num ber o f spaces
are available fo r the training.
Practicum students are also w e l­
come to apply, credit is available
232-9751 during business hours to
receive a job description and in te r­
view a ppointm ent.
Training classes are scheduled to
begin January 24, 1988.
The PW CL is an equal oppor
tu n ity em ployer. S urvivors o f v io ­
lence and w om en o f colors are par
ticularly encouraged to apply.
by the AIDS virus.
W hile the program w ill profile
young people coping w ith the dis­
ease, its em phasis is on education
fo r the m ajority w h o can still avoid
contracting it.
Teens them selves
help present the inform a tion , in­
cluding actresses Tracey and Missy
Gold. Tracey is best know n fo r her
current role in the netw o rk sitcom
"G ro w in g P a ins"; M issy starred in
the hit TV com edy series "B e n s o n ".
Parents co ntribu ting to the p ro ­
gram include actor M ike Farrell of
"M a s h ” , w ho discusses the respon­
sibility of parents in educating their
children about A ID S , and Dr. A rt
Ulene, medical correspondent for
N BC 's "T o d a y " show , w ho pro­
vides more specific advice that
parents can pass along to their kids.
W h y all this atte ntio n to the
younger generation's understanding
o f AIDS? "T h e transm ission o f this
disease by the sharing o f I V. drug
needles and sexual co nta ct is run­
ning unchecked th ro u g h our so­
ciety, "H o s t (and parent) Julius
Erving says.
"U n le ss parents do
som ething and do it soon, AIDS
could become the 'V ietn am ' fo r a
w ho le generation.
"M y
basketball ta u g h t me th a t the best
offense is a good defense.
same rule applies to the battled
against A ID S .
If w e 're going to
beat this disease, w e m ust com e out
strong in the first period and lead all
the w a y ." The good news, Erving
adds, is th a t there is hope.
"T each Your Children W e ll' was
• C ivil R ights
Women's Crisis
Line Volunteer
Training Available
Did you kn ow that for alm ost 30 years you could have b ou gh t some erf
your groceries at w holesale prices? The Bee Com pany, fo r over 30
years” has offered the public w eekly shipm ents o f name .brand
qrocenes at genuine wholesale prices
You II find ca^ned and
packaqed qoods, pet foods, as w ell as frozen and close-dated deb
p ro du cts on the shelves. The best feature is that you do not have to
buy by the case. You buy just w hat you w ant to buy. '“ f / J V h T v
you need Located at 800 N K illingsw orth. lu s te a s t o f I 5 they are
open M on da y th ro u g h S aturday 9:30 am to 6:00 pm . Isn t it about
tim e you save on your grocery bill?
PHONE 283-3171
V zX ’
s r*;
gon, 97204 2882.
* • •
‘ '
-'•-L i
o f the fa cts about A ID S is vital.
• Since January 1, 1987 nearly
15,000 new cases o f A ID S in adults
and adolescents have been reported
to the U .S . Center fo r Disease C on­
tro l. Of th a t to ta l, 830 are people
AT •.
\ ».
• V.
under the age o f 19.
• Anyone w h o is sexually active
can acquire or tran sm it th e AIDS
virus th ro u g h unprotected sexuai
co n ta ct.
D irect
b lo od -to-blo od
transfer (such as the sharing of
hypoderm ic needles by drug users)
is th e other m ajor know n means o f
•r *
sound by Craig R uxton.
KPTV acknow ledges the support
o f True Value Hardware and Dairy
Queen in its "F o r Kids' Sake cam ­
• School activities and o’ her
casual co n ta ct pose no th re at, ac­
cording to m edical authorities. A t­
tending classes, shaking hands,
co ug hing ,
school cafeterias and sw im m ing in
public pools can be done w ith o u t
risk o f g ettin g A ID S .
Facts A b o u t C hildren and A ID S
• There is no cure fo r A ID S at
th is tim e. T herefore, although edu­
cating yo un g people a bo ut A ID S ,
h ow it is spread and h ow it can be
avoided is a relatively new (and
som etim es unco m fo rtab le) respon­
sibility fo r parents, it is one w e dare
• A ID S , the fam iliar term fo r A c ­
quired Im m une D eficiency S yn­
drom e, strips the body o f its ability
to resist life-threatening diseases.
• Teenagers and younger c h ild ­
ren are not im m une to the virus.
For th a t reason, an understanding
not neglect.
T each Your C hildren Well.
Are you prepared to answer your
children's questions about AIDS?
Learning m ore is our only hope
for a safe and healthy future.
Jan. 20th
F or
K ids '
.S ake
the Sunflow er Group
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spreading the A ID S virus.
T b iy ll Tell You All About It
w ritte n and produced by Derek
M uirden o f K Y W -T V in Philadel­
A year in the m aking, the
program was shot on location in
Philadelphia, in New York (where a
candid classroom discussion in a
Bronx public school was taped),
San Francisco, M innesota and the
w ine co u n try o f N orthern California
w here residents o f "S ta rcross, a
small C atholic lay m onastery, care
fo r infants a fflicted w ith A ID S .
M ax Gomez served as w rite r/
associate producer o f the special;
Lisa Nee was w rite r/e x e c u tiv e p ro ­
ducer; Suzanne Hansberry, asso­
ciate producer; camera and editing
perform ed by Bill W illiam s w ith
Pricing .
On Groceries
Gone Public
h r 4 }'
shops have filled quickly.
To register, send $35 to SB A-
SCORE, Federal Building, Room
676, 1220 Third A ve ., Portland, Ore
i - t :.,
R egistration fo r the Jan. 21 w o rk ­
shop is $35 per person, w h ich in ­
cludes lunch and m aterials.
gistration at the door is $40 but
conference organizers suggest pre­
registration because previous w o rk ­
Julius "Dr. J" Erving hosts " For Kids' Sake Special
June 1,1988
Aw ard w inners are selected on a
basis o f financial need, scholastic
achievem ent, personal q u a lifica ­
tio n s and professional prom ise. The
Oregon Association o f Public Ac
countants initiated the awards p ro ­
gram in 1981 and since then has
granted approxim ately $40,000 in
fo r this w ork.
Interested w om en
state, co u n ty and c ity purchasing
departm ents w ill also be availab'e
at the w orkshop. Those expected
U .S . General Services
A d m in istra tio n; D epartm ent o f the
Interior-Fish and W ild life Service;
U .S. D epartm ent o f T ransportation;
U .S .D A. Forest Service; Bonne
ville Power A d m in istra tio n ; U .S.
Corps o f Engineers; U .S. Naval
V •• • I.
"Teach Your Children Well” Addresses
Sensitive Topic of Children and AIDS
^ " T h e true long-range solution to jail overcro w ding is not sim ply to lock
up m ore and m ore o f our citizens after they have harm ed victim s.
ness A d m in istra tio n and the S er­
vice Corps o f Retired Executives
(SCORE), w ill include step-by-step
instru ction in techniques and me
thods o f selling to the governm ent.
Instructors Al and Frances Lede w ill
/also be available fo r individual co n ­
Supply Center (B rem erton, W ash­
U .S
A irfo rc e
M cC hord Field; Oregon N ational
Guard and Oregon A ir N ational
Guard; Oregon S tate D epartm ent o f
M ultn om ah
C ounty Purchasing; and Portland
V /
' •