Page 4, Portland Observer Januarv 13. 1 ^ ^ m ind L e tte r to th e Editor C o n tin u e d From Page 2 of Black This Teen Abuse Discussed at Training is m entacide. Sisters and Brothers, if you knew w hat was in the pipeline now , it w ou ld blow your m inds. This beast in hum an form is believed to be c o m m ittin g genocide against us Bku k people a'«' given the belie! th a t they are citizens o f the U S Yet the reality is that Black people are slaves in this co un try. Never theless, m any Black people believe th a t they are actually first class citizens in "NIGGER bating Am er ika I sic I. Our collective m ind has been raped, violated and penetrated w ith caucasoid perceptions and cauca soid belief systems. Our behavior c a n 't help but be caucasoid inspired. W h a t o the r w ay do w e know as a people? Unless Black people change their th inking , w e w ill be phased o u t o f existence, like obso lete equipm ent. Remember w e are not needed or w an te d by the society at large. M achines provide the labor Black people used to do. M achines and co m p ute rs are cheaper and less troublesom e than people. The c ri­ minal controllers o f this society made use o f psychological warfare to erode and destroy the w ill and rights now I'm inclined to believe m ust reject the society's values. Only then can minimize the effects o f the victim s culture and the victim s m entacide. The victim s m ust develop a new consciousness, based on tru th , to replace the negative consciousness o f the victim izer. The victim s m ust seize and develop their ow n in s titu ­ tions m order to reinforce and en­ courage their belief system and be­ havior The key is victim s m ust create a new generation o f m inds w hich have been b ro ug ht into the new consciousness, to the point it is a part o f them . M any o f you w ill say these items are n ot possible, but I say to you, if w e don t dare to challenge the im possible, then we w ill die like dogs. Dr. Jam il Cherovee C om plete Brake Job I I I I I I people per axle most cars high-risk adolenscents. S u p p o rt G ro u p s in S c h o o ls offered M arch 7 11. May 16 20. June 20 24, and A u gu st 22 26, de velops group learning skills so parti cipants can create or strengthen existing support groups for recoving adolescents. Establishing goals and course w ill be held on three conse cutive days from 8:00 a m. to 3:30 p.m . at Kaiser Permanente s resi­ dential trea tm en t center, 2330 N.E. Siskiyou, Portland. All courses w ill be offered tw ice th ro u g h o u t the ground rules, encouraging coopera tive e ffo rt, w ork w ith a co facilitator, and e ffective leadership styles w ill spring and sum m er, w ith the excep tio n o f the su pp ort g ro up tra in in g w hich w ill be offered fo u r tim es. For m ore inform a tion or to register, call the A dolescent Chemical Health be ta u g h t th ro ug h actual group ex perience. CORE T e a m T ra in in g P ro g ra m w ill be offered January 1 1 1 5 and April 18-22. CORE team s are groups o f fa cu lty, counselors, and adm inistrators w ho provide student assistance program s. The course w ill fo cus on team building skills, roles and responsibilities, and action Program at (503) 249 1477. A n In tr o d u c tio n to A d o le s c e n t C h e m ic a l A b u s e a nd Its P ro b le m s plans to develop CORE teams. Kaiser Perm anente's Adolescent Chemical Health Program serves all fam ilies in the m etro po lita n area. It offe rs o u tp a tie n t and residential care to anyone betw een the ages of 12 and 18 w ith a drug or alcohol barker muffler & BRAKE SERVICE 281 4010 The Oregon Public U tility C om ­ mission has approved a plan by Pacific N orth w e st Bell Telephone Co. to w aive charges for custom ers w ho w an t to restrict their phones from dialing num bers w ith a '976 prefix. The $5 set up and $1 m on thly charges, w hich have been in effect since Nov. 1, w ill be w aived fo r 90 by children using the group c o n ve r­ 8 5 M o n d a y — S a tu rd a y days beginning Jan. 1 sation o r " a b " lines. W h e n p e o p le v o lu n t e e r . . . it s h o w s th e ir c a rin g . . . . J e n n ie P o rtis P P h o to b y R ic h a rd J . B r o w n The Center for Urban Education is sponsoring a free w orkshop, " V o lu n ­ teers: Finding and Keeping T h e m ", on January 21st, from 7 10 p .m . at the Central N ortheast N eighbors O ffice, 5540 N.E. Sandy Blvd. The w o rksh o p w ill offer practical in fo rm a tio n on how to make volunteer w ork a rew arding experience fo r citizens and co m m un ity groups. Gay Greger, volunteer program co ordin ato r fo r the Portland Park Bureau w ill focus on volunteers in neighborhood associations as she pre­ sents the ingredients o f a successful volunteer program . Several n eigh bo r­ hood citizen experts, including Jennie Portis. Livability C oordinator o f the Inner N ortheast C oalition, w ill then address the use o f volunteer energy i problem . The 976 services have been con troversial in Oregon and in other states. They w ere first allowed in Oregon in early 1985. N um erous custom ers have contacted the PUC Consum er Assistance section, m ainly protesting the availability o i adult entertainm ent calling and com plaining about high bills caused Includes: pads/shoes, resurface rotor/drum s, check fluid level, road test. Additional parts extra. specific neighborhood projects. m _ :_ u Ms Portis fo rm e rly C om m unications Assistant at the O ffice o f N eigh-, borhood Associations, w ill discuss the im portance o f vo,^ ers d u " ng N eighborhood R ecognition W eek, w hich she coordinated in 1986 and 1987. "W h e n people v o lu n te e r," says Portis, " it show s their caring, th eir c o m m it­ m ent, and their w illingness to get the job done w ith o u t m onetary reward. Portis is well aware o f the im portance o f volunteers to the success o f the neighborhood program ; "th e y bring a diversity o f talents and perspectives th a t m ay w ell be m issing fro m the bureaucratic structure. "V olu nte ers: Finding and Keeping T h e m " is the first in a senes o f free and low cost w orkshops and conferences designed to help em pow er P ort­ land citizens w orking to make their city a better place to live. For inform a tion on any o f these w orkshops, call Phyllis Cole at the Center fo r Urban Edu­ cation, 231 1285. Savon Auto Repair Sears PERFORMANCE TIRES Stop by now for your copy of The Big Sale booklet, featuring savings effective Jan. 19—23. ' v *. ‘ * fam ily m em bers in the assessment process, and the characteristics of PNB Temporarily Waives 976 Charges MOST CARS/LIGHT TRUCKS HOURS w ill be offered February 23 24 and May 2 4 Som e o f the topics to be covered inclu de e ffe c tiv e assess m ent in te rv ie w s , in v o lv e m e n t of w ill be offered February 9, 11 12 and again April 27-29. The course w ill explore the e ffe cts o f chem ical use, abuse, and dependency on adole­ scents and their fam ilies. Drug classification, the differences b e t­ ween adult and adolescent depen­ dency, enabling, denial and the re­ covery process w ill be discussed. $5995 4525 N.E. UNION A d o le s c e n t C h e m ic a l U se The problem s of adolescent che mical abuse, including id e n tifica tio n and treatm ent, w ill be exam ined at a series o f training program s offered by Kaiser Permanente s Adolescent Chemical Health Program . The training program s are specifically designed fo r school personnel, te a ­ chers, school adm inistrators, c o u n ­ selors, and other youth service per sonnel in the co m m un ity. Each Free Workshop For Volunteers 4550 N.E. Alberta 223-0583 Clutch Service Wholesale Discount Rebuilt Transmissions Engine Rebuild $650 $700 Installed u' Our best radial for imports and compacts J * . 4? : ‘ ¿3D • 2 ru g g e d steel belts • S p e e d -ra te d for im p rove d h a n d lin g , c o rn e rin g , b ra k in g 34" ’7‘i S Wednesday January 13 through Saturday. January 16 wheel alignment 7- ' - : ' • ?• < •>- r f *»• i i * Buy 4 RoadHandler Tredloc tires at our low everyday price and get all this at NO EXTRA CHARGE: ; »f : „ *• • • .»• TREDLOC 50.000-m ile w earout warranty 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I I Each Substituted tor P I85/70TR 13 ’ P I6 5 /8 0 R I3 PI95/70TR 13 ; P 1 75/8 0R I3 P205/70TR13 P1B5/80R I3 P195/70TR tit P I8 5 /7 5 R I« P205/70TR14 P195/75R14 P215I70TR I5 P 205/75R I5 P225,7OTRt5 P2IS P235/70TR I5 P 225/75R I5 h YES! In clud ed is o n e -y e a r e m e rg e n cy tire change and road service . . . a dm in iste re d by the Allstate Response High Pertormance May be Substituted tor M otor C lub See yo u r local store. P185/70TR13 P195Z70TR13 P185/70TR14 P195/70TR14 P205/70TR14 P215/ 7O1R14 P 2 25/7 0TR I5 P215/65TR15 P195/60TR14 P215/601R14 P195 60TR15 P 205-60TR I5 P225/60TR15 P165/80R13 P175/80R13 P175/75R14 P185/75R14 P I9 5 ,7 S R t4 P205/75R15 P215/75R15 Road hazard coverage 89 99 ’W • “ T ” speed rated . tested up to 118.1 m ph W hen a tire perform s this w ell at this speed, im agine how w ell it w ill perform on yo u r fam ily car at legal speeds A LL-S E A S O N TREAD for all k in d s of w ea th er c o n d itio n s H speed rated Raised black outline letters 40.000 m ile w earout wa ranty J $89 99 I 1 94 99 89 99 J ' ........... .. ( ( % , „ iv to ,th e I '« Sears 60 month car battery 49" Up to 500 cold cranking power for dependable all weather stai ting Sears Horne of the Di»* Ha» d battery 59 99 $58 99 61 99 64 99 68 99 72 99 75 99 79 99 74 99 64 99 74 99 64 99 69 99 69 99 With the New Gl Bill and the Army National Guard. 280-6007 - Clackamas 11800 S E 82nd Ave 652 2280 I Ib ilily and excellent tractior Heavy Duty shocks INSTALLED FREE' G reat ride con tro l Q99 119" ONLY each 40-.imp Iasi chaiqe- 200 amp stati 'ale Rwi »1 19 9' *5 O FF 10/2-amp automatic charger Stock up ou 10W40 10W 30. S A E 30 ot 5W30 motot oil $2 99 S p e c tru m o il liite, 1 90 «, * of a gas shock INSTALLED MacPherson C artridges 40/2/200-amp wheel charger Spectrum motor oil INSTALLED FREE! The supe rb h an dling *5"$20 O FF SAVE 42% Heavy Duty Gas shock S truts. . Sears. 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