Page 16, Portland Observer, January 13, 1988, Section II MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR Fred Meyer is honored to salute one of the most courageous Americans of this century, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia. He was ordained a Baptist Minister in 1948. In September, 1948, King entered Crozer Theological Seminary where he explored Mohandas K. G handi’s ideas for instituting social change through non-violent protests. In 1955 and 1956, King organized a year­ long non-violent bus boycott to protest enforced racial segregation in public trans­ portation. The boycott ended with a m an­ date from the Supreme Court outlawing all segregated public transportation in the city. This non-violent victory brought King to the forefront of the Civil Rights Movement and led to the massive 1963 Civil Rights Campaign in Birmingham, Alabama, and to Kind’s receiving the Nobel Peace Prize ; ' v '' Your Best Clioice For W M F Selection, rC K Low Prices& One-Stop Shopping 1 ■i.