* f •* '' Section II. January 13. 1988, Portland Observer, Page 13 •9 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr: The Private Man IN CELEBRATION OF M ARTI n T j UTHER K -J. j x i n g . o r •< $ >[■ . JANUARY 15, 1929-APRIL 4, 1968 My country, tis of thee Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing: Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrims' pride, From every mountainside Let freedom ring. The many facets of the private side of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. are showcased in a special section, "The Intimate King,” in the January Ebony. Ebony shows rare photographs ranging from Dr. King sharing a pri­ vate humorous moment with his wife Coretta Scott King, to his Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebrations Around Town The Portland Observer Staff Photo Exhibit "Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement.” A photo exhibit courtesy of the Oregon Committee for the Humanities. The exhibit, which will be on display from Jan. 9-23, will feature 65 black-and-white photographs, documents and quotations that chronicle the Civil Rights Movement from 1955-68. Multnomah County Library's Black Resource Center, North Portland Branch Library, 512 N. Klllingsworth. Friday, January 15, 1988, Frank­ lin High School, 5405 S.E. Wood­ ward, Portland, OR 97206, (503) 280-5140, 2 assemblies, 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Sunday, January 17, 1988, Be­ thel AME Church, 5828 N.E. 8th Avenue, Portland, OR 97211, 4:00 p.m. Sunday. January 17, 1988, KBOO Radio (90.7 FM), Afro-Ame­ rican Program Advisory Board Com­ mentary on King Programs About Town. M onday, January 18, 1988, Whitaker Middle School, 5700 N.E. 39th Avenue, Portland, OR 97211, (503) 280-5620, 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. M onday, January 18, 1988, KBOO Radio (90.7 FM), 14 Hour Tribute, 8th Annual Program, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 a.m. (Tuesday). M onday, January 18, 1988, Mallory Avenue Christian Commu­ nity Church, 126 N.E. Alberta Ave­ nue, Portland, OR 97211,7:00 p.m. With One Bus, He Moved An Entire Nation. In honor o f Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 1929-1968 (iSTRI-MET C.Jfi-WrlHi In Honor of His Dream UNION'AVENUEó Ó ias V company ' All Types of Auto, Plate and Window Glass V S» " " Doors and Windows LORRAINE HLAVINKA Woman Owned „ J- Portland Oregon97211 Phone 289-8W7 "W e've Got to Keep the Dream Alive" LINDA SEVIER 2 8 7 0 2 6 2 R . D . S E V I E R Sc S O N , I N C g a r b a g e s e r v ic e Heating Oil blowing out the candles on his 36th birthday cake. The January Ebony also features: "The Continuing Struggle For A National King Holiday," "Remem­ bering The Young King," and Ad­ vice For Getting What You Want In 1988." , 1O1 N . E . A l b e r t a PO R TLAN D "The Professionals Hartley Oil, Inc. we've Moved! O R 97211 Industrial Fuels T he Benj. Franklin is proud to join the members of the community we serve to remember Martin Luther King, Jr. The Benj. Franklin Dr. King Celebration Program The Oregon Commission on Black Affairs is hosting a Dr. Martin Lu­ ther King, Jr. Holiday Celebration program at the State Capitol Build­ ing, Monday, January 18, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. in the Senate Chamber. There will be a reception in the gallery area on the first floor following the program. Special Luncheon to Honor PSU Student W inners o f the First Annual M artin Luther King, Jr. C ontest On Friday, Jan. 15, all entrants and winners of the first annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Contest for PSU students will be honored at a special luncheon in Room 323 of Smith Memorial Center. Students have been invited to submit original works in any appropriate medium which focus on the life and works of the slain civil rights leader and which honor his memory and vision. First prize is a $500 scholarship award. Second and third prize scholarship awards will be announ­ ced at the luncheon. Friday, January 15, 1988, Martin Luther King, Jr. E.C.E.C. presents the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Assem­ bly at 9:00 a.m. in the King School Cafetorium, 4906 N.E. 6th Avenue. Call 280-6155. Community invited! Dr. King Dinner Program The dinner program will be held at Shenanigan's Restaurant, 4574 N. Channel Street, Saturday, January 16. A no-host cocktail hour will begin at 6:00 p.m. and the program will begin at 7:00 p.m. The guest speaker is Judge Jack Edward Tan­ ner of Washington. Students to Observe M artin Luther King Jr. Day The Afro-American Student Union (AASU) at Mt. Hood Community College, in a joint effort with MHCC Associated Students, will honor Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Jan. 18, with a one-hour program in the Town and Gown Room at noon. For more information on MHCC's observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day call student activities coor­ dinator Ozell Hazzle at 667-7260. JENKINS AUTO SERVICE Specializing in Auto Transmission Complete Engine Overhaul & Accessories 3945 N. Williams A ve., Portland, OR 97227 Phone: 284-9061 AUTOM OBILE "DOCTORS” Brandel's Killingsworth Foods His Dream Still Marches On FEDE «A l SAVINGS AMD LOAM ASSM I fslk Different Location, But the Same Good Service 1616 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, OR 97211 1130 N.E. Alberta St. (503) 282-8745 I 284-3507