inuary 13 1988 Section II ro L ive Martin Luther i ROM thi the D ream A merican F ederation oe T eachers K in g 1929-1968 F "I JL/we a sometimes takes a dream to > honor the man who gave k and white, a share of his dream. a dream that one day the nation will rise up and live out the true mean­ ing of its creed...all men are created equal. 11 natic King courage turn a reality. By join together the face of vi millions that plate in a de understand t to celebrate t spirit of his ■- designed by for elem enta help them r< peace and to in their live W/fAT YOIL\ slack and w! and civil - have inspired our Or. Martin Luther ritual and political lity and justice into also f all races to peace - even in King convinced to utalitv have no ur children will ng it is im portant . that highlight the ng activities were ration of leat hers ■chool students to King s work for h n.l his importance CAN DO They sang: We shall overcom e We shall overcom e We shall overcom e someday Oh deep in my heart I do believe We shall overcom e someday Black and white together We'll walk hand in hand som eday s how your support for Dr. King's plea tor justice, freedom and peace by hanging our nation's Bag outside your home. alk to relatives that lived through this historic era. Ask them to share their memories. WHAT OLDER CHILDREN CAN DO cad Dr. King's speech, "I Have a Dream, that he delivered the day of the March of * S< >ng sung bv 1963 March on people, both ht for hum an om mit yourself to a cause or volunteer time to an organization that reaches out to those less fortunate. Possibilities include me of the same causes that Dr. King fought for — earn more about Dr. King and his crusade for hum an and civil rights. Suggested ______ reading: Stride Toward Freedom, by Martin Luther King, Jr. Why Wc Can't Wait, by M artin Luther King, Jr. L Dreamers come in two vaneties: wishful thinkers and visionaries. But what separates those who just wish from those who manifest their dreams? An education, for one thing. T hat’s why the Miller Brewing Company helped develop the Thurgood Marshall Black Education Fund. Miller truly believes that this scholarship program, devoted to funding public Black colleges, can make a lot of dreams come true. These 35 colleges do not get the same corporate backing that some private colleges do. Yet, public Black colleges have been a major catalyst of Lincoln Kniy — A Critical Biography, by David L. Lewis Eyewitness: The Negro in American History, by VVilliam Loren Katz WE ALL CAN PL EDGE... T o keep the Dream alive by taking the "Living the D ream ” pledge: In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and work, I pledge to do ei'erything that I can to make America and the world a place where equality and justice, freedom and peace will grow and flourish. On January 19, 1988,1, ----------- -— ---------------------> commit myself to: Living the Dream by: Loving, not hating, Showing understanding, not anger, Making peace, not war, and Helping freedom exist for all people ei'erywherc in the world. SOME DREAMS NEVER DIE. Miller Brewing Company p . . Founding Sponsor of the Thurgood Marshall \ Black Education Fund, / in Support of ‘ ¡Public Black Colleges. Because a future should be something everyone c i^ itffo f M iller High Life • M iller Lite • M.lter Genuine Draft e 1988 Beer Brewed By Miller Brewing Company Mitw : r I w a n t to help send som eone to p u b lic college. Here's m y d o n a tio n of $ 1 l NAME J ADDRESS I C ITY____ STATE Black ZIP 1 Please send check or money order (do not send cash) to: i jood Marshall Black Education Fund, One Dupont N W , Suite 710ML, Washington, D.C.___________ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. lived his life in struggle so that m illions after him could live their lives in pride. The struggle to achieve equality through civil action. The struggle he faced every day as a man of faith. The struggle that was recognized with the cherished Nobel Peace Prize. What could be more appropriate than to designate his birthday asa national holiday?