Page 10, Portland Observer, January 13, 1988 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT AUDITOR EMPLOYMENT SPECIALIST HOMEWORKERS WANTED! PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY DIRECTOR OF BOOST PROGRAM PSYCHIATRIST Needed to work full or part time with CMI population in a commu­ nity mental health setting. Provides psychiatric evaluation and consul­ tation to a multi-disciplinary staff. STAFF ASSISTANT Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods The Northeast Coalition of Neigh­ UNIVERSITY: Portland State Uni­ borhoods has a contract opening for versity invites applications and C.l. a Staff Assistant to the Northeast nominations for the position of 121 24th Ave., N.W. Youth Gangs Task Force. Director of BOOST Program. The Suite 222 Must have experience working with Position responsibilities include: University, part of the Oregon State Norman, OK 73069 Preferred qualifications include CMI population and inter-team. Establishing a Gang Information System of Higher Education, is lo­ coursework or equivalent exper­ Hotline, designing and developing, cated in downtown Portland, and Excellent opportunity for growth. ience affording exposure to per­ in conjunction with the Northeast enrolls 16,000 students, including Salary: $80,000 to $90,000 annually. PART TIME sonnel management, employee re­ Coalition of Neighborhoods' Youth the largest proportion of minority Excellent benefits package. HOME MAILING cruitment, counseling, interviewing students in the state. The Univer­ Gang Task Force, a public aware­ PROGRAM! and/or other types of interpersonal Opportunity to teach and gain facul­ ness program, and long term fund­ sity offers a number of academic communications. Knowledge of Excellent income! Details, send ty appointment at Oregon Health ing development for community- programs at both the undergraduate EEO laws and affirmative action re­ self-addressed, stamped enve­ Sciences University, Department of Qualified candidate will have a col­ and graduate levels. based youth gang services. gulations, concepts, and implemen­ lope. WEST, Box 5877, Hill­ Phy. lege degree with major in account­ BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The Direc­ This is a temporary position, gene­ tation is helpful. Also preferred is side, NJ 07205. ing including audit course credits. tor of the BOOST Program is fede­ Send resume to: rally 20-40 hours of work per week, a demonstrated ability to interview Previous work in accounting or rally funded, full-time, 12-month, for approximately 1040 hours (6 and screen applicants with a wide Hiren Rana, M .D . fixed-term position with no acade­ healthcare is desirable. months). variety of backgrounds. PRIME TIME CUSTOMER Medical Director mic rank. A fixed-term position is Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ SERVICE N/NE Mental Health Center Applicants should possess the abili­ one which is offered only for the life In addition to a comprehensive gon offers an excellent employee REPRESENTATIVE 310 N.E. Oregon Street ty to articulate ideas, orally and w rit­ of the current contract and can be benefit package, the Port offers a benefits package, flex-time work Portland, OR 97232 ten, effectively, before groups of renewed yearly, depending upon starting salary range from $19,700 Excellent opportunity for individuals hours, and competitive salary. Phone: 239-8871 citizens/parents, public entities satisfactory performance and con­ to $24,300, commensurate with ex­ with strong cash handling skills and Please apply or send resume by (City and County agencies), schools tinuation of grant funds. The Direc­ the desire to work a flexible part- Equal Opportunity Employer perience. Friday, January 15 to: and community-based organiza­ tor will report to the Vice Provost for time schedule at premium hourly If interested and qualified, apply Blue Cross and tions. Further, applicants should be Student Affairs. The BOOST Pro­ rates. Qualified applicants must in person at: Blue Shield of Oregon gram is designed to assist low- familiar with issues impacting the have a minimum of six months cash RECEPTIONIST Human Resources Dept. ioncome/first generation individuals Inner Northeast area and know­ The Port E m ploym ent O ffice handling experience, famility with (70% time) 5th Floor complete secondary school and go 12th Floor ledgeable of services to youth. 10-key adding machine, excellent 100 S.W. Market on to post-secondary education. 700 N.E. M u ltn om ah For Domestic Relations law office. customer relations attitude and SALARY RANGE: $8.00 - $9 00 Portland. OR 97201 BOOST currently serves ten Port­ or call Heavy telephone and client contact basic math skills. Positions current­ per hour. land Public High Schools as well as 231 5000, extension 700 involved. ly available in the Tigard area. Equal Opportunity Employer adults referred from agencies Applications can be picked up at: for complete application materials. Min. 1 yr. exper. required. Salary Qualified applicants should submit throughout the city. Seven hun­ ACCOUNTANT II The NE Coalition of All applications must be received by dependent on exper. Good medical their resumes to: dred individuals from throughout $1952 $2478/mo. Neighborhood Office 5:00 p.m. Friday, January 15, 1988. and other fringe benefits. Send the city are served by the program OREGON BANK 4815 N.E. 7th resume by Jan. 21, 1988, to: Professional accounting work per­ The Port is an Personnel D epartm ent each year. King Neighborhood Facility forming and supervising complex QUALIFICATIONS: Master's de­ Equal Opportunity Employer Carla Mustell 1001 SW 5th Avenue accounting functions. 4-yr. degree gree in Guidance and Counseling, Resumes are required with the ap­ Legal Aide Service Third Floor MULTNOMAH COUNTY with major coursework in account­ Education, Student Personnel or a plication. Applications are available P.O. Box 3066 310 S.W. 4th Ave. ing, finance or business admin, or related field. Applicant must have a between 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. All Portland, OR 97208 Portland, OR 97204 Case Manager 2 - M R /D D any equivalent exp. and training. minimum of five years professional applications must be returned by $8.91 per hour APPLICANT HOURS Equal Opportunity Employer Exp. using microcomputers; spread­ experience including working with January 27, 1988 at 5:00 p.m. Provides case management services 9-1 p.m. Mon-Fri sheet software desired. Govern­ racially and culturally diverse stu­ for mentally retarded and develop- mental accounting a plus. Closing dent groups; possess excellent ver­ Equal Opportunity Employer mentally disabled clients; requires SENIOR ACCOUNTANT date: 1-22-88. Contact: bal and written communications bachelor's degree in a social ser­ TYPISTS skills including grant writing; and We have an excellent opportunity vices/sciences field with either a) a City of Salem have two years experience in pro­ PRODUCTION available for a Senior Accountant in practicum and 1 year experience or PERS. Dept., Rm. 225 Hundreds weekly at home! Write: gram administration and community EMPLOYEES WANTED our Investments Department/Secu­ b) 2 years' experience; apply by 555 Liberty SE P.O. Box 17, Clark, NJ 07066 relations. rity Pacific Securities of Oregon. Salem, OR 97301 January 22, 1988. The Oregon Saw Chain Division of DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES: Position will be responsible for pro­ WANTED Omark Industries has several pro­ Community Information EOE 1. To prepare and submit grant viding highest quality service and Technician duction openings in its Milwaukie proposals for funding; Articles, photos, poetry and graphic for keeping accurate records of all $9.67 per hour manufacturing plant. Assignments DATA PROCESSING 2. To implement program goals art. The Spirit magazine is request­ transactions. Will comply with may include operation of production Performs community information and objectives according to COMPUTER OPERATOR ing writers, photographers and gra­ standard accounting principles and machinery, parts handling, packag­ and education work in the area of federal guidelines; phic artists to submit materials for accounting policies. Position re­ AIDS/STD; requires 6 months of ing, janitorial or other related work. Immediate opening for a Computer 3. To supervise resources, re­ publication. The Spirit magazine quires discipline, self-motivation, experience providing public infor­ The starting pay is $5.46 an hour to Operator with at least 1 year exper cords, files, and hiring of per­ would like material that reflects con­ and demonstration of commitment. mation or education; apply by Janu­ $6.60 per hour; includes a compre under MVS operating system and sonnel; structive social change in the spirit Requires a 4-year accounting de­ hensive benefit package with medi­ exper on IBM 308X to 3090 com­ ary 22, 1988. To coordinate career and edu­ of Martin Luther King Jr. and what gree, familiarity with Lotus 123, cal and dental insurance. puters desired. cational counseling services; Dentist he exemplified. ten-key by touch, strong interper­ $36,895 - $48,045 annually 5. To supervise the expenditure of Individual will operate computer, To qualify you must: sonal skills, and excellent verbal The Spirit is a regional publication program funds; Requires a degree in dentistry, a • Be available for all shifts (days, disk drive, tape drives, multiple and written communications skills. focusing in on the achievements of To coordinate selection of current Oregon State license to printers, & reader. Will monitor swing, and graveyard); Two years securities accounting ex­ residents in Oregon and Washing­ BOOST staff in accordance • Be available to lift at least 40 practice; and 3 years of dentai system performance by means of perience preferred. ton to be issued on April 4, 1988. with Affirmative Action guide­ clinic or relevant professional dental pounds to waist level repeatedly; console terminal; identify system or We offer an excellent flexible bene­ lines; • Have high school level skills in work; apply by January 22, 1988. program malfunctions & initiate cor­ Deadline for submitting material is fits program, and a highly competi­ 7. To publicize the philosophies, math & writing; March 11, 1988. There will be no rective action. WHERETO APPLY tive salary commensurate with ex­ goals and services of the • Have verifiable work experience compensation other than publica­ Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ perience. Qualified applicants Multnomah County BOOST Program; or references which may verify tion for the materials selected. gon offers an excellent employee should submit their resume and Employee Relations 8. To develop and maintain posi­ reliability, timeliness, etc.; benefits package, flex-time work Send a SASE with submission to: salary requirements to: Room 1430 tive public relations with stu­ • Pass a pre-employment health hours, and competitive salary. 1120 SW Fifth Avenue dents and personnel of high evaluation including drug test; Danny Bell SECURITY PACIFIC Please apply or send resume to: Portland, OR 97204 schools, community agencies, • Pre-employment testing is re­ Managing Editor SECURITIES OF OREGON post-secondary institutions, quired to be considered for this Blue Cross and N.E. Business Center Oregon Bank An Equal Opportunity Employer and other TRIO Programs; Blue Shield of Oregon 828 N. Killingsworth job. Personnel Department 9. To evaluate program staff; Human Resources Dept. Portland, OR 97217 1001 SW 5th Avenue Applications will be accepted Mon­ 10. To coordinate educational MARKET PLANNING 5th Floor Third Floor day, January 11, through January workshops; MANAGER 100 S.W. Market HOUSE FOR RENT P.O. Box 3066 15, at the: 11. To provide guidance and coun­ Port of Portland, Aviation Portland, OR 97201 Portland, OR 97208 One month free. 2 Bdrms. $310 seling services to students in Oregon City The Port of Portland has an im­ Equal Opportunity Employer APPLICANT HOURS per mo. Sec. 8 OK. 1056 N.E. Ma- five local high schools. Employment Division Office mediate opening for a person to drona. Remod. Kit, Range, Dish­ 9-1 p.m. Mon-Fri CONDITIONS OF EMPLOY­ 506 High Street develop strategic, business, and washer, Gas Heat, Hardwood MENT: This is a twelve-month Oregon City EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Equal Opportunity Employer market plans aimed at achieving Floors, Some Carpet, Basement. fixed-term, nontenure track, unclas­ strategic mission objectives within between 8:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Full time, $18,000. Feminist dome­ Sm. dog OK, No cats. Nice Yard. sified appointment without rank the Aviation Department and to or­ stic and sexual violence program. or 1:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Key and water dep. $60. $10 appl. from April 18, 1988-June 30, 1988 ganize the implementation of mar­ STAFF ENGINEER Administrative, supervision, and fee. and July 1, 1988 September 30, (Civil - Mechanical) keting strategies that obtain aviation fund raising experience necessary. 1988. Employment after that date $2,940. $4,035./per mo. Blue Stone & Hackley Realty traffic growth larger than regional NURSE At least 2 years experience with is contingent upon renewal of fede­ 4446 S.W. Barbur Blvd. population growth. this type or similar non-profit or­ A minimum of three years of exper­ PSYCHIATRIC NURSE OR ral funding and satisfactory per­ Portland, OR 97211 ganization required. Send cover ience in planning, design, construc­ PHYSICIAN'S ASSISTANT formance. Preferred qualifications include a 222 3807 tion and maintenance of engineer­ letter and resume to: degree in business administration, YEARLY SALARY: $23,000 24,000 With prescriptive privileges needed ing projects as applied to -'ectric, marketing, or related field; demon­ APPLICATION PROCESS: Letter Portland Women's Crisis Line HOUSE FOR RENT to work in the Mental Health Clinic water, steam and hydroelectric utili­ strated successful experience in a of application, a current resume', P.O. Box 42610 under the supervision of the Medical ty systems under the guidance of a Free month's rent. 3 Bdrms. $350. business environment that requires and two recent letters of recom­ Portland, OR 97242 Director. Will provide crisis inter­ Registered Professional Engineer. Sec. 8 OK. 4312 N.E. 9th Ave. preparation and implementation of mendation should be sent to: vention, on-going treatment, and Graduate of a college or university by 5 p.m., January Range, Ref, Carpets, Wood Stove, business and marketing plans; and BOOST Search management of chronically, mental­ four year accredited engineering Gas Heat, Yard & Basement. Sm. airline or airports management ex­ O ffice of S tudent A ffa irs Equal Opportunity Employer ly ill clients. Work closely with curriculum in specific discipline, or dog OK, No cats. Dep. $60 - perience. Also preferred are air­ Portland State U niversity multi-disciplinary team. Compre equivalent combination of exper­ water & key, $10 appl. fee. line product management exper­ P.O. Box751-OSA hensive salary and benefits. Re ience and preparation. Five addi­ ience, strong presentation and com­ Portland, OR 97207 Blue Stone & Hackley Realty EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR sume to: tional years of specified experience munications skills, and a strong par­ DEADLINE: Application materials 4446 S.W. Barbur Blvd. may be substituted for education. Hiren Rana, M .D. ticipative management style. Org seeks individual with strong (including the two letters of recom­ Portland. OR 97211 Valid driver's license, Engineer-in- Medical Director mendation) must be received by leadership qualities & experience 222 3807 You may apply for this position Training Certification required. N/NE Mental Health Center 5:00 p.m., Friday, February 12, in innovative work with non-profit at: 310 N.E. Oregon Street 1988. Letters of nomination must mgmt, urban issues, program deve­ Send resume to: Portland, OR 97232 The Port Employment Office lopment, work with relig communi­ also be received by this date and MASTERCARD Eugene Water & Electric Board Phone: 239 8871 12th Floor nominees must submit application ties. Responsibilties include: ad­ P.O. Box 10148 No one refused. Regardless of 700 NE Multnomah materials by 5:00 p.m., Friday, Feb­ ministration, development, fiscal Equal Opportunity Employer Eugene, OR 97440 credit history. Also ERASE bad mgmt, planning, Board support. ruary 26, 1988. All application materials must be re­ ATTN: Personnel credit Do it yourself. Call: Salary negotiable from $30K. Pick Portland State University is an equal ceived in the Employment Office opportunity, affirmative action em­ I Position closes on Monday, Feb up application at: 1 619 565 1522 by 5:00 p.m., Friday, January 15, ployer. Qualified minorities, women ruary 8, 1988 • 5:00 p.m. Ext C30260R Center For Urban Education 1988 PORTLAND OBSERVER and members of other protected 24 Hrs 1135 SE Salmon Street Equal Opportunity Employer The Port is an "The Eyes and Ears of the Community groups are encouraged to apply. 2nd Floor Equal Opportunity Employer 288-0033 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ gon is currently accepting applica­ tions for an Assistant Auditor posi­ tion in the Medicare Reimbursement & Audit Department. Qualified applicants will perform desk review and field audits on Medicare cost reports submitted by providers. Au­ dits are performed at the provider's site requiring 1-2 weeks/month tra­ vel with audit team. The Port of Portland has an im­ mediate opening for an Employment Specialist to recruit entry/profes­ sional level positions. TOP PAY!