Page 6, Portland Observer, January 6, 1988 S c rip tu re o f th e W eek: RELIGION Psalms: C hapter 91 God Will Show You How! Prayer Changes Things (Continued from last week) A friend, past retirement age and in need of employment, shared re­ cently how God had shown her how to receive the help she urgently needed. Holding fast to the faith that God's love would guide her, she was led through a series ol events to "a wonderful job, just what I wanted and more. Besides having all expenses paid, I receive a good salary every week. Only God could have worked things out so perfectly!” Another friend said that God had shown him how to meet the dis­ appointment over a delay in travel plans — a trip that he and his wife had looked forward to for over two years — and an unexpected finan­ cial loss. He wrote: "From this experience came a firm commit­ ment to 'let go and let God' and to know that God's plans for us are even better than we can humanly picture. As a result, my wife and I were shown how to handle every detail with wisdom. The financial loss was recovered, and exciting new travel plans were set. We know God will be with us every moment, assuring a delightful ex­ perience!” God is always showing you how to find the good in any challenge of life. He will continually show you how to grasp the best thoughts to think, the right prayer to pray, the most helpful attitude to assume, and the wisest path to travel. The loving Father does not expect you to go through any experience of life without His help and support. He wants you to know that you do not go through it alone. God is with you always, helping you surmount every challenge. Jesus Christ gave to His followers clear and specific examples of the unlimited ways in which divine help comes. These examples, which are recorded in the Bible, are given to you also. Today, He urges you to rely on Him as a "good shepherd," always at hand to protect and com­ fort His flock. He asks you to think of Him as a "d o or" that is always open to anyone willing to walk through into His ever-enfolding love. He is saying, in effect, "The Father and I will show you, always, how to find, accept, and experience every good you seek!" By His own personal life-example — His works and teachings — Jesus Christ continually shows you how to think as a child of God can think, how to live as a beloved child of God can live. He is reassuring you that the Father will show you how to do wisely and well anything re­ quired of you in this life. He is showing you, as the Father showed Him, how to move forward at the right time, how to quietly trust, how to constantly rely upon the Father's love and direction. If you feel critical of your ability to hear and understand God's gui­ dance, take heart, for some of the greatest leaders of all time felt the same. Moses questioned how he, feeling so incapable, could lead the Israelites to freedom. Yet, as he continued to pray, to listen, and to In te r-D e n o m in a tio n a l W o m e n 's Revival S em inar and Roman Catholic churches and will speak about the various aspects of Hope in Jesus. Each session will include music, testimony, and teaching from the Word of God. The REVIVAL is here! January 9, 10, and 11th at the Ramada Inn, 10 N. Weidler, Portland, OR. Women from all denominations will join together to host Portland's first Inter-Denominational Women's Revival." Every Christian woman is hereby challenged to bring one non­ church female friend or neighbor to the free meetings Friday, jan. 9th at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 10th at 9:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, Jan. 11th at 2:00 p.m. You won't want to miss even one! The speakers from the Seattle area fellowship at Christian Fellow­ ship of Assemblies, Episcopal, Methodist, Non-Denominational, For more information, call Janis, 248-2812 or Mary Ellen, (206 ) 771- 4174. This is the second Inter-Denomi­ national Women's Revival to be sponsored by the non-profit organi­ zation of the same name. Already the incorporated revival group, which operates with a core of four individuals representing different denominations, is planning similar revivals in Denver, Dallas, and De­ troit. YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT 84 N E K illin g s w o rth • 281 0499 "A warm spirit of fellowship always" T uesday Bible Band Thursday C hoir Rehearsal f Q V l/PfP T u esda y Friday (V tr nr- : Prr.r *»•/ of < fo -a L J ^ -W w s o c tke Bibk 40.44- Fallou’ peace u'ilh all holiness without which no man shall see the 0 vù See next week fo r the c o n clu ­ sion. D evelopm ent Fund Keeping In tere st Rate — Interest paid to invest­ ors in the United Methodist Deve­ lopment Fund will remain for the present at 6 percent. new york Directors of the fund said they reaffirmed the rate because of un­ certainty about the future of the stock market. Churches borrowing from the fund are charged either 9 or 10 percent, depending on the project. Associated with the Board of Global Ministries' National Divi­ sion, the fund makes first-mortgage loans to congregations for construc­ tion and major improvements of church facilities. by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears The Mount Olivet Baptist Church has planned a gala celebration for the installation of their new pastor and his family for the 16th and 17th of January, 1988. On the 16th, which is a Sun­ day, there will be a concert fea­ turing a choir from California at 7:00 p.m., and then on the 17th, the 11:00 worship speaker will be the Rev. Curtis Mitchell. At the 3:00 service the same day, there will be the installation ceremony of the new pastor. The speaker of the evening will be the Rev. Dr. O.C. Jones. Rev. Dr. James Martin and his family arrived in Portland, officially, on New Year's Day. He, his wife and their three young daughters have come to a brand new city with brand new* people and brand new concerns. Why do more families call Cox This Is The Day "This is the day . . ." As the moon-deep night Breaks into tawny gold, As stars fade away in the dawning light, 1 wonder what it will hold. "Which the Lord has made. . ." Each magic word Gives courage to face new hours, As God's sun wakens the sleeping birds, Dew bonnets the nodding flowers. "Let us rejoice . . God is in me I'm filled with thanks for this day! May 1 help someone some- how to be Happy 1 came his way. "And be glad in i t . . ." As hours and days and bright years come and go, With God'sloving hand may 1 Help someone God's love to know. This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalms 118:24 - • « • • • « • A lbina M in isterial A llian ce 285 0493 A Public Service of the P o rtla n d Observer <=>: Jesus Loves You! <=>: Allen Temple CME Church 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue time of need? (comer of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 Psalm 34:3 Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor Cox Funeral Home has a sta ff dedicated to the fam ilies in their hour o f need w ith lo w cost funerals. PORTLAND OBSERVER The Eyes and Ears ot the Community 288-0033 S aturday M o rn in g Prayer 9 00 a m . of SiRRwya tjoarkr — ‘ «»rtry •’ rjm n y HMD A M S w n r KAAR ’ « Installation Celebration Planned choir. His four sons — Wayne, Larry, Steve and Ray — have all worked dutifully helping their father with his Kingdom building. Three years ago, from a sugges.i; tion of one of the members, Mis sionary Melvina Jackson, the Prayer Room was born. In this room, many have been saved, filled with the Holy Ghost, demons cast out, people have been healed and many miracles have been worked. You don't even have to be a member of the St. Luke COGIC to use this' room. All that is required is that you have a need that you cannot' handle. The power of prayer is wonder fully real — just ask some of the per­ sons who have experienced the Prayer Room at St. Luke. Mother Bromfield was healed from terrible headaches and Mother Brock couldn't walk — but now she can. "Prayer is the Key to heaven but Faith unlocks the door. Words are so easily spoken — for prayer without Faith in like a boat without an oar. Have faith when you speak to the Master. That's all He asks you for! Yes, Prayer is the Key to heaven but Faith unlocks the door." (Unknown) The results of prayer are strength, reassurance, energy, joy, peace, or­ der, prosperity, security, love understanding and much, much more. Try it! N oon Day Prayer Friday The Pastor Speaks 7 3 0 p m, - îsuws : * Leanell Adams came to Portland, Oregon, 23 years ago, became or­ dained by the Bishop W.L. Mc­ Kinney (now deceased), and then began his associate pastorate under Rev. Roosevelt Thomas. Rev. Adams served in this position for 18 years until the Lord called Rev. Tho­ mas home — seven years ago. The St. Luke Memorial Church of God in Christ, located on Northeast Sumner Street and Northeast 27th Avenue, has been blessed by and has been a blessing to Rev. Leanell Adams and his family. While serving as a pastor and driving a bus for the Tri-Met Transit Company, Rev. Adams and his family set about doing good in the sight of the Lord. His wife, Mrs. Pinkie Ridgle Adams from Montrose, Arkansas, serves as Sunday School teacher, State Mission Board member. Trea­ surer of the Mother's Aid Board and the Program Director of the States Women's Department. His brother, Eugene Adams, serves as Deacon; and his sister, Mrs. Gloria Adams Jones, serves as Church Secretary. The other members make up the congregation and the 7 00 p m I he A rk o f S afetv C h u rc h o f G o d in C h r is t JTe by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears move forward, he found God was showing his how. Joshua doubted that he was wise enough to follow in Moses' footsteps, yet he, too, was shown how, as he daily listen­ ed and did his consistent best to "be strong and of good courage” (Deut.31:8). It is not always easy to persist in listening, in speaking positively, in praying with absolute conviction of your oneness with God when life's challenges keep clamoring for atten­ tion. Pain is distracting, and so is anxiety about those you love. Be­ cause of such distractions, it is especially important to have a strong idea to affirm and reaffirm until your faith begins to speak louder than your misgivings. The words "G od w ill show me h o w !" will serve this purpose and keep you centered, focused in the direction of healing, ready to receive your gui­ dance, help, and other blessings. If you find yourself becoming im­ patient because there seems to be no outward evidence of change, no indication of immediate improve­ ment to your human eye, remember that every prayer is productive. Release all judgement regarding your efforts. Focus you attention upon knowing again and again, God is show ing me how ! You will find that whatever is best for your personal help and progress will be shown, and that good will result. 7 30 p m S unday S und ay S chool 9 1 5 a m M o rn in g 11 15a m W o rsh ip 6 30 p m Y P W .W Evangelistic 8 00 p m W o rsh ip s - a A M 0« S h ip p in g • Cremation • Send notice o f your church activities and events to. Religion Editor. Portland Observer P O Box 3 137 Portland OR 97208 Burial 2736 N.E. Rodney • (503)281 4891 Portland, Oregon 97212 Quality Copies - Wholesale Pricing On Groceries Gone Public DELIVERED! 284-2129 ««0SNI7TN OPEN 7 DAYS 223-2056 iw.Mnmsow im i OPEN 24 HOURS You a r gn f la . 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