January 6, 1988, Portland Observer, Page 3 NATIONAL NEWS UPDATE 12 Future Teachers at Historically Black Colleges to Receive Metropolitan Life Foundation Scholarships new YORK — Twelve future teachers attending predominately Black colleges have been named recipients of the 1987-88 Metropolitan Life Foundation Future Teacher Scholarships. These scholarships, established in 1985, are designed to attract the best and the brightest students to teaching careers in elementary or secondary education. It is the second year that 17 historically Black colleges were eligi­ ble. This year's winners were chosen competitively for their academic ability and commitment to the teaching profession. The foundation also announced plans in 1988 to expand the eligibility of the program to include 45 predominantly Black colleges. "B y enlarging the scope of these scholarships, we hope to encourage more outstanding students to pursue careers in the classroom, said Dr. Sibyl Jacobson, president of the Metropolitan Life Foundation. It is also our hope that these future teachers will inspire their students — most impor­ tantly, minority students — to pursue a college education or perhaps to be­ come teachers themselves." Citizen's Scholarship Foundation of America, Inc., a national, nonprofit scholarship organization in St. Peter, Minn., administered the program. Two schools were represented by multiple winners. Norfolk State Uni­ versity at Norfolk, Va., claimed five winners, and Virginia State University at Petersburg had three. Constance R. Meadows, an elementary education major at Virginia State, said, "One of the most crucial times in young people's lives is the elementary school experience. I want to be there to instill in them a sense of pride in their families, education, community, country, and in them­ selves." Apart from the 12 scholarship winners from historically Black colleges, 32 students from 73 colleges and universities across the country were also announced as winners in the 1987-88 Future Teacher Scholarship Program. Since the program began, the foundation has awarded more than $400,000 to 120 students to help develop a new generation of teachers. The Metropolitan Life Foundation, established in 1976 by the Metro­ politan Life Insurance Company, has contributed nearly $50 million to date to support a variety of activities in the areas of health, education, civic affairs and culture throughout the country. The 1987-88 Metropolitan Life Foundation Future Teacher Scholarship recipients from historically Black colleges are: Kathleen C. Edwards, Dover, DE; Betty A. Negron, Miami, FL; Patricia A. Cromwell, Baltimore, MD; Stephanie S. Booth, Washington, D.C.; George E. Fausel, Virginia Beach, VA: Martha R. Frye, Portsmouth, VA; Dale M. Knight, Suffolk, VA; Amanda D. Moncur, Nassau, Bahamas; Barbara L. Hildebrand, Stuttgart, AR; Robin P. Cole, Disputanta, VA; Constance R. Meadows, Wakefield, VA; and Sonia L. Nichols, Colonial Heights, VA. _ , , LOU R a w lS P a r a d e O t o t a r S "For the eighth consecutive year, the 'Lou Rawls Parade of Stars tele thon has made a signficant contribution to higher education, Edley said. "W e sincerely appreciate the efforts of the stars who appeared on the show, the sponsoring corporations, and especially the thousands of viewers who * Telethon success! The 1987 "Lou Rawls Parade of Stars telethon to benefit the United Negro College Fund ended successfully as cash and pledges topped the $10 m illio n mark. Jo in ing an ecstatic Rawls in celebrating the results are co-hosts Leslie Uggum s and Robb W el­ ler. The telethon, u n d e rw ritte n by Anheuser Busch Companies, Inc., was televised nationally during the Christmas holidays. LOS ANGELES — Preliminary totals show that more than $10 million is cash and pledges was raised during the 1987 "Lou Rawls Parade of Stars tele­ thon for the benefit of the United Negro College Fund (UNCF). The annual holiday special, viewed this year by over 20 million people, was televised the day after Christmas on more than 80 television stations nationwide. Over fifty superstar entertainers appeared on the benefit pro­ gram. Christopher F. Edley, president and chief executive officer of the UNCF, said proceeds from the telethon help UNCF schools keep tuition low for some 45,000 students. C hicago , ill — Most parents have a hard time talking with their children about sex, drugs and death, which makes it difficult for them to discuss AIDS because these topics must be included says the National Parent- Teacher Assoication. Regardless, the National PTA is encouraging all parents to talk to their children and teens immediately about Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and is making it possible for them to do so more easily with the help of a new bro­ chure, "H ow to talk to your teens and children about AIDS." "The only way to prevent the spread of AIDS is through educa­ tion," said National PTA president Manya Ungar. "Parents must be informed about AIDS and willing to speak with their children. They can­ not hope that their children will learn all the facts they need some­ where else. That would be gamb­ ling with their children's lives." The PTA brochure provides basic information about the health pro­ blem and how it is spread in a frank and easy-to-understand manner. It answers such common questions as, "H ow do you get AIDS," "How is AIDS n ot spread," "W ho can get AIDS," and "H ow can you pro- This certificate entitles each new patient with: $40.00 OFF ForDnbr NEW DENTURES • Preventive Family Dentistry • Special Attention to Children and Gum Disease • Free Denture Cleaning • Ab Charge Consultation • Relme & Repairs u'hile you wait E dw ard E. W ard, DMD Mary's Place 5700 N.E. Union GOOD FOOD GOOD FUN GOOD ATMOSPHERE This w eek featuring Cliche' FEATURING Michael Holladay and Rosiland Home o f the O riginal S tuffed Baked Potato 281-1176 possible." Anheuser-Busch has underwritten the production of the "Lou Rawls Parade of Stars" since its inception eight years ago. Through its Budweiser brand, Anheuser-Busch also provides national promotional, advertising and marketing support for the program. The Kellogg Company, national co-sponsor for the third year, contri­ buted $1 million. In addition, Kellogg hosted five celebrity fundraising din­ ners throughout the country for the United Negro College Fund. The tele­ thon also received support from Kellogg employees who work as volunteers during the program. American Airlines was the telethon's contributing sponsor, and the Polaroid Corporation and Tylenol were contributing co-sponsors. The predominately Black colleges of the United Negro College Fund have graduated thousands of students who are making valuable contribu­ tions to society. Nearly 90 percent of the students attending these schools require financial assistance to complete their college education. SATURDAY 8AM-5PM tect your teens and children from AIDS?". Thr are separate sections for parents of preschoolers, 5-to-8- year-olds, preteens and teens advi­ sing how to discuss AIDS with each age group. Among the suggestions the PTA makes is for parents to find out what their children or teens think they know about AIDS and correct any misinformation. Learning accu­ rate information about AIDS is criti­ cal before starting such talks. The PTA tells parents not to wait for their kids to begin the discussion and urges them to take the first step. The brochure is designed to help parents answer questions and guide them in telling youngsters how they can reduce the risk of con­ tracting the virus. The PTA also stresses the need to give support, compassion and understanding to those who have AIDS or carry the virus. The eleven-page brochure is available through local PTAs or by sending a stamped, self-addressed long envelope to AIDS Brochure, National PTA, 700 N. Rush St., Chi­ cago, IL 60611. Savon Auto Repair 4550 N.E. Alberta 223-0583 Clutch Service Wholesale Discount Rebuilt Transmissions Engine Rebuild $650-5700 Installed Professional golfer Lee Elder, w ho has had a successful 30 year career, helps disadvantaged students w ith his scholarship fund financed by the Lee Elder Invitational Golf Tournam ent. The 17th Annual event held at H ilton Head, South Carolina a ttra c t­ ed celebrity p articipants such as Julius "Dr. J. Erving, Calvin Peete. and Mrs Bob Hope. Elder talks about his advice on edu­ cation to young althetes, and expresses his concern about the decline in Black g o lf pros. "W hen I firs t started on the profes­ sional to u r, we had tw e lve Black professionals on the tou r. To­ day, we only have tw o . So w e are decreasing w here w e should be increasing. And I th in k the reason w hy gets back to co rp o ­ rate Am erica. It is such an expensive sport and unless you have help from the beginning then it's (num ber o f Black play­ ers) going to continue to be on the decline." Host Deborah Crable (C) gets a grip on gold w ith pro Lee Elder and his w ife Rose. 36 month guarantee on all parts and labor Convenient, affordable dental care for your family. 610 SW Alder, Suite 1008 • 228-3009 HOURS: M-F 7AM-7PM entertainment special. "W e at Anheuser-Busch know the importance of education, and we are proud to be a supporter of the 42 colleges and unversities of the UNCF, said Wayman F. Smith III, vice president of corporate affairs at Anheuser- Busch Companies. "Young people who are willing to earn a college degree deserve the opportunity, and it's great that the telethon helps to make that Parents Get AIDS Help from PTA 2VEIF PATIENT SPECIAL***** Dr Edward E. Ward generously contributed to the UNCF. Among the stars appearing on the show were Bill Cosby, Sammy Davis, Jr., Nancy Wilson, Lynn Redgrave, AI Jarreau, Ben Vereen, Jody Watley, Pia Zadora, Bob Hope, Whitney Houston, Anita Baker, George Benson and Earl Klugh. National segments of the telethon were broadcast from Holly­ wood and Las Vegas, with local segments originating in cities across the country. Anheuser Busch Companies, Inc., the founding and national sponsor ot the "Lou Rawls Parade of Stars," underwrote the production of this year's Platters on a "M in n ie " Tour - Eloise W h itaker and Paul Robi, mem bers o f the rh yth m and blues group, "T he P la tte rs," sere­ nade M innie M ouse during a recent visit at W alt Disney W orld Epcot Center. The group was in Central Florida fo r a five -n igh t perform ance. Robi, the only original m em ber still w ith the group, said The P latters had ju s t finished a to u r o f South A m e­ rica and China. EXAM, BITE-WING X-RAYS, ROUTINE CLEANING o Telethon Raises Millions Expires Dec.31. 1987; Open 9am to 5pm Complete Brake Job ALPHONSO'S SANDWICH SHOP $5995 MOST CARS/LIGHT TRUCKS FEATURING Homestyle Food Daily Menu Changes Dirty Rice - $2°° ft $4°° Bolo Sandwiches — $1°° Deep Fried Catfish - Every Friday 3940 N. Williams Phone 281-1679 PER AXLE MOST CARS ■ SM Includes: pads/shoes, resurface rotor/drum s, check fluid level, road test. Additional parts extra. —■ ""™ —™ __ ___ BARKER MUFFLER & BRAKE SERVICE 4525 N.E. UNION 281 4010 HOURS: 8 5 M onday - Saturday PORTLAND OBSERVER The Eyes and Ears of the Community" 288-0033 j