Decem ber 30. 1987, Portland O bserver, Page 9 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING C O M M ER C IA L LOAN OFFICER CLERICAL Starting Salary $15,564 The Portland Development Com­ mission, dedicated to enhancing Portland's quality of life, is actively seeking a clerical assistant to pro­ vide receptionist and word proces­ sing support to the Commission's Single Family Housing Section. We have an excellent career oppor tunity for a Commerical Loan Offi cer with strong analytical skills. Candidate must have a minimum of eighteen months commercial lend ing experience with emphasis on working capital and written commu­ nications skills. The Portland Observer is a weekly minority newspaper whose purpose is to reflect the current views and concerns of the Black and minority communities in N/NE Portland and to empower these communities by providing information about issues which impact them, locally and nationally. We have an excellent flexible bene fits program and a highly compe titive salary commensurate with ex­ perience. Qualified applicants should submit their resume and sa lary requirements to: The Observer is seeking employees dedicated to these purposes, who believe in the equality of all people, and who are knowledgeable about issues and concerns of minority communities. OREGON BANK Personnel D epartm ent 1001 SW 5th Avenue Third Floor P.O. Box 3066 Portland, OR 97208 We seek experienced newspaper people to work on a part-time basis to perform proofreading, layout de­ sign, display ad design, PMT specs, and paste up tasks with a high de­ gree of accuracy and productivity. APPLICANT HOURS 9-1 M on Fri In addition, ideal candidates will be able to work swing shift hours Mon­ day and Tuesday; and on Wednes­ day until final paste up is com­ pleted. To be considered for this position you must have experience perform­ ing a wide variety of clerical duties including typing, maintaining re­ cords, light filing and answering phones. Requires excellent typing and word processing skills in typing memos, letters, contracts, and re­ ports, as well as a knowledge of general office procedures. We offer the opportunity to be an integral member of a motivated team. Apply at the address below. Portland Developm ent Com m ission 1120 SW 5th Ave. Portland, OR 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer Equal Opportunity Employer EQ U IPM ENT OPERATOR III ELIGILIBITY SERVICES SUPERVISOR BEAVERTON/GREATER SALEM AREA BRANCHES ADULT AND FAMILY SERVICES DIVISION SALARY ( $1739-2217) Excellent B enefit Package State of Oregon, AFS, needs ener­ getic and innovative persons with excellent management/supervisory skills to be Eligibility Services Super­ visors in our Beaverton and North Salem Branch Offices. This list may be used to fill other openings in these offices as well as South Salem, Dallas, Woodburn, and Mc­ Minnville as they occur. QUALIFICATIONS: You must have two years exper­ ience: . . . managing, supervising, or lead­ ing other people; OR . determining client eligibility for financial and other public assi­ stance; OR . providing and maintaining . . . providing advice and counsel to applicants/clients in obtaining and maintaining public assistance or other social services; OR, . . providing job preparation/job search/job placement to clients of a social service agency or other employment service agency; OR . providing any or all of these elements. IN ADDITION, you must have a Bachelor's degree or three more years of responsible pertinent exper­ ience. EXAM INATIO N: If you q u a lify the te st w ill be the questionnaire attached to An­ nouncement No. OC870766. Your gfade will be based upon your an­ swers on the questionnaire and your supporting explanation. Submit your State of Oregon Ap­ plication (PD100) and the question­ naire to Announcement No. OC- 870766. Follow the instructions on the back of that announcement. Obtain applications, the announce- rrtent and questionnaire at Person­ a l Center, 775 Court Street, Sa­ lem, Oregon 97310 or applications oply are at any State of Oregon Employment Office. Applications must arrive at: A d u lt and Family Services Personnel Services Section 516 Public Service B uilding Salem, Oregon 97310 and be postmarked by January 13, 1988, to be accepted An Equal Opportunity Employer PART TIM E HOM E M A ILIN G PROGRAM! Excellent income! Details, send self addressed, stamped enve lope. WEST. Box 5877, H ill­ side. NJ 07205. UNION STATION AREA DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT The Portland Development Com­ mission, dedicated to enhancing Portland's quality of life, is actively seeking an assistant to the Union Station area development Project Coordinator. You will provide technical assi­ stance for Union Station and other development projects, including providing data bases for project in­ formation, site research, develop­ ment planning and strategies. Re­ quires 1-plus years' experience with a design planning or development oriented organization, and an edu­ cation in Planning, Real Estate, or Business. Experience in working with the business community, citi­ zens group and government agen­ cies is also helpful. Salary range. $24,000-$31,000. Skilled work in operation of variety of heavy equipment including diesel powered tank trucks and field spreading vehicle used in the land disposal of BioGro. Thorough ex­ perience needed in progressively re­ sponsible equipment operation. Must possess valid OR Class 3 Chauffers license. This recruitment will establish an eligibility list through approx. May 30, 1988. Clo­ sing date is January 8, 1988 at 5:00 p.m. Apply: C ity o f Salem Pers. Dept., Rm. 225 555 Liberty St. SE S alem , OR 97301 EOE Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ gon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Equal Opportunity Employer TYPISTS Bid Date: January 14, 1988 at 7:00 P.M Survey Technician I $1499 $1823/mo. JO H N H Y LA ND CONST. INC. Call (503) 648 8607 for information. County application forms req. Ap ply by January 8, 1988 to: 6 ÍN F R .L TO APPLY N o rth /N o rth e a st C o m m unity M ental Health Center, Inc 310 N E. Oregon St Portland, Oregon 97232 (503) 239 8871 A ttn : Rodney R Harry Personnel O fficer CLOSING DATE January 6, 1988 Equal Opportunity Employer Minorities are encouraged to apply P.O. Box 7867 Eugene, OR 97403-6606 (503) 345-8100 CONTRACTOR We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub contractors and women and minority enterprises. An E O E. M ASTERCARD No one refused. Regardless of credit history. Also ERASE bad credit. Do it yourself. Call: Lower down payments. Lower interest. 1 619 565 1522 Ext. C30260R 24 Hrs. Economics PROJECT COORDINATORS E xcitin g New P rojects With The Portland Development Commission! You will implement a development strategy in cooperation with public/ private agencies to maximize the use of the new convention center to be opened in 1990, and to provide support facilities including transportation and commercial projects You will also be responsible for development section finance. We require 5 years' experience in a development or urban renewal agency, and an education in Economics, Planning, or Real Estate Financing. A thorough knowledge of development finance, budgeting, grants, bonding, as well as experience in public/ private negotiations essential. Salary range: $33,000-$43,000 SALARY RANGE Comprehensive salary and benefits. Everybody knows water and electricity don't mix. Touching any elec­ tric appliance with wet hands, or while you're in the bath or shower, is a no-no. So why are we reminding you? Be­ cause a “repeated" re­ minder can t hurt you as much as a moment's forgetfulness. Better safe than sorry'. FOR W A SH IN G TO N COUNTY JOBS Equal Opportunity Employer QUALIFICATIONS: Masters de gree in the mental health field with supervised practicum or a Bache lors degree and two years exper ience or any equivalent combination of experience and training. Water and elec­ tricity don't mix. A ir Force Para-Rescue Facility For nearly 30 years, the Portland Devel­ opment Commission has been dedicated to enhancing Portland's quality of life through a variety of programs. We have several new long-term projects in the works that have created the following positions: DESCRIPTION: Casemanager for adult clients with chronic mental illness. Must have the ability to re late to the minority population in N/NE Portland. RULE NO. 2: SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Hundreds weekly at home! Write. P.O. Box 17, Clark, NJ 07066 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. M arket Portland, OR 97201 M ENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST III An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer Safety rules to live bv. EEO/AA M ED IC A L C LA IM S ANALYST If your New Year's resolution is to put your claims processing skills to good use, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Oregon may be able to help you. Apply NOW for a position to begin January 18, 1988. Avoid the holiday rush! The Private Industry Council 520 SW 6th Ave. Suite 400 Portland, OR 97204 Portland Developm ent Com m ission 1120 SW 5th Ave. Portland, Or 97204 Leon Harris M anager & C o n troller Portland Observer P.O. Box 3137 Portland. OR 97208 W ashington C ounty Personnel Your knowledge of medical termi­ nology, ICD-CPT coding, CRT skills and experience in a doctor's office or hospital setting may qualify you for a position as a Medical Claims Analyst. The Private Industry Council is re­ cruiting for a youth advocate for STEP (Summer Training & Employ­ ment Program). This position is responsible for year-round in school activities of youth in East Multno­ mah County Private Industry Coun­ cil Program. Preferred requirements include a Bachelor's degree with major coursework in education, counseling, sociology, or closely re­ lated field; 2 years' experience with low-income, at-risk youth in a tea­ ching, counseling and/or vocational guidance position. Experience with public school system, social service agencies, employers and JTPA pro­ grams is desirable. This is a regular full-time position through Dec. 31, 1988. Renewal is subject to funding availability and program continua­ tion. Salary range: $16,603 to $24,391 plus benefit package. Clo­ sing date: 5:00 p.m., Jan. 8, 1988. Applications available at: We offer the opportunity to be an integral member of a motivated team. Apply at the address below. Submit resumes to: $9.133 $10.713/hr. YOUTH PROGRAM ADVOCATE REAL ESTATE JOBS Convention Center Area Project Coordinator lg a HUD home ball game. Waterfront Development Project Coordinator You will be responsible for the completion of the Waterfront Park improvement protects, as well as coordinating possible public/private ventures with other city bureaus. Requires 5+ years experience with a development o, urban renewal agency, and education in Planning/ Design or Real Estate Development. Experience with publicly oriented design and construction projects is essential. Salary range: $33,000-$43,000. We offer the opportunity to be an integral member of a motivated, successful team. To apply, request a Commission appuca tion packet by calling (503) 796-5295. pix : Portland Development Commission 1120 SW Filth Ave. Portland. ÓR 97204 H HUI D U IH \ l l« H A ll > r i rtlM b M * •' Equal Opportunity Employer yj Buy an FHA-insured HDD-owned home now and enjoy a lower down payment ond interest rate with our all new Double Play offer. Now for a limited time, HUD has dropped the down payment to just 3% for owner-occupants and 10% for investors on all HDD-owned properties eligible for I'll A Mortgage Insurance. Plus, Hl’D will pay up to 6 additional points to help cut your interest rate up to one full percent . . . or more' Check the HDD listings ad in the classified section ot your Friday or Sunday Oregonian. Then for details, see any real estate agent. Lower down. Lower interest. Our all new Double Play will help you come home a winner. HUD and your real estate agent. We’re The Home Team.' a J HDD department of housing ANO URBAN DEVELOPMENT