Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 30, 1987, Page 7, Image 7

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    Page 6. Portland Observer, December 30, 1987
of the W eek:
Psalm s — C hapter 9
Séptima Clark, Grandmother-
Teacher of Civil Rights
Movement Passes at Age 89
"W e have lost one of the grandmothers and great teachers of the civil
rights movement, ' says Reverend Joseph Lowery, as he mourned the death
of Sept.ma Clark in Charleston, South Carolina nursing home on Decern
ber 15, 1987
Mrs. Clark was 89 years old
Mrs. Clark served on the executive staff of the Southern Christian
Leadership Conference for nine years. She traveled the south as an instuc
tor in the SCLC Citizenship Education' program which trained thousands
of Blacks for voter registration
enabling them to pass literacy tests.
Prior to joining the staff at SCLC, Mrs Clark worked at the Highlander
Folk School in the mountains of Tennessee. The school pioneered learning
experience for Blacks and whites long before it was legal and or popular.
It was at the controversial Highlander Center Martin Luther King. Jr. met
Mrs Clark. She later joined the SCLC staff.
SCLC s citizenship education projects were conducted in eleven south
ern states. One of Clark's associates in the citizenship education work was
Atlanta's Mayor, Andrew Young, who directed the SCLC project for several
years. In one of her several books, "Ready From Within Mrs. Clark quotes
Young as saying the citizenship schools were the base on which the whole
God Will Show You How!
by Mary L. Kupferle
Whatever you need to know or
understand or do in this moment,
dear friend, God will show you how.
God will show you how to have
more faith, patience, courage, wis
dom, and strength. God will show
you how to pray more effectively
for yourself and for those you love.
God will show you how to have
greater control over your thoughts,
words, emotions, and life.
Is there something you seek to
accomplish that demands greater
wisdom than you feel you possess’
God will show you how to handle
any difficulty, surmount any chai
lenge, and find any answers or solu
civil riqhts movement was built.
A very important cornerstone of that civil rights building has passed
on . . . but not before she had a chance to see her labors help to raise a mag­
nificent structure respected by all.
Mrs Clark is survived by one son, nine great-grandchildren and six
grandchildren . . among them Yvonne Clark Cook, who now works for
Southern Christian Leadership Conference as Reverend Lowery s executive
State-W ide
From December 27th to Decem­
ber 31st, 1987, the Jurisdiction
No. 1 of the Church of God in
Christ, is presenting a "Christmas
Crusade" State-Wide Revival at the
Solid Rock COGIC.
Located at
N.E. 17th and N.E. Dekum Streets,
the Revival is being conducted by
Elder Mack Walker. The doors open
at 7 p.m. each night.
Bishop A.R. Hopkins is the pastor
of Solid Rock COGIC.
W atch Night
by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears
On December 31, 1987, the
"W atch Night" service will be held
at the Allen Temple CME Church
located at N.E. 8th Avenue and N.E.
Skidmore Street. Service begins
at 10:00 p.m. promptly.
The Rev. Milton Green, pastor
of the Bethel AME Church, will be
the speaker of the evening. His
words of wisdom and inspiration
will bring us into and through the
New Year.
New Year's Eve dinner will be ser­
ved to the public at 6:00 p.m. at the
Bethel AME Church located at the
corner of N.E. 8th and N.E. Jarrett
For more information, call (503)
288 5429.
5 .
. s
'Candles of Peace'
Bridge Iron Curtain
W a s h in g t o n — Candles of peace
bridged the Iron Curtain Dec. 6 to
begin a four-day vigil of prayer for
the first superpower summit meet
ing here in 14 years.
The tongues were varied, but the
words all expressed the same hopes
for peace as a delegation of Soviet
church leaders joined with U.S. Pro­
testant, Orthodox and Roman Ca­
tholic leaders and worshipers in
the service sponsored by the
National Council of Churches (NCC)
and Washington Cathedral. Rena
Yocom, a United Methodist dia
conal minister from Prairie Village,
Kan., and NCC vice president, led a
litany of peace as the vigil fire was
lighted. Bishop Felton E. May of
Harrisburg, Pa., represented the
Council of Bishops.
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Basic Financial
Askings Developed
Brief Attention to
Farm Crisis Feared
H a y e s v il l e . N.C. — The 1988 Metho­
4*. '
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dist General Conference probably
will "lubber-stamp" a proposed
statement on the farm crisis, then
forget about it, a rural church lead­
er has warned.
The Rev. Melvin E. West, Colum­
bia, Mo., based his prediction on
the fact that the rural crisis was not
listed among the 15 "most impor­
tant" issues named by General Con­
ference delegates in a recent poll.
The National Network on Town and
Country Ministries, which Mr. West
addressed here, is seeking support
for the statement developed by the
boards of Church and Society and
Global Ministries
If their top legi­
slative body approves next spring,
United Methodists will be asked to
contribute about $11 each annually
during 1989-92 to underwrite basic
domestic and international pro
grams of their church.
The General Council on Finance
and Administration said Dec. 3 here
that the four-year total of almost
$399.6 million for six apportioned
funds in 13.67 percent higher than
comparable totals for 1985 88. Lar­
gest single amount in the recom
mendation is a total of $211.1 mil
lion for World Service, the church’s
basic program fund. The compar
able 1985 88 figure is $167.7 mil
W hy do more
fam ilies call
¡ A $
in tim e of need?
information on the latest findings
relative to AIDS.
The fourth function of the group
will be to advise the Archbishop
on actions that the Archdiocese it­
self might take to assist persons
with AIDS and their families.
On the occasion of the release of
the Administrative Board of the
United States Catholic Conference
statement on AIDS,
The Many
Faces of AIDS:
A Gospel Re­
sponse," the Most Reverend W il­
liam J. Levada, Archbishop of Port
land, has announced two local re­
The AIDS task force will include:
sponses by the Catholic Church in
Very Rev. Gregory Moys, Chair
man; Rev. Raymond Carey, Ph.D.;
western Oregon.
Archbishop Levada has announc­
Mr. Robert Castagna; Mrs. Holly
ed the formation of a special task
Denman; Dr. Thomas Eberle, M.D.;
force on AIDS for the archdiocese.
Dr. Thomas Faller, Ph D.; Dr. Char
He is also releasing the guildlines of
les Gardner, M.D.; Mrs. Joanne
the Office of Total Education for the
Jackson; Rev. John McGuire; Rev.
Portland Archdiocese for use in par
Elwin Schwab; Rev. Jim Thornton,
ishes and school educational pro
CSC, Ph D.; Sr. Clare Murphy,
SNJM; Rev. David Eidem, OFM
The task force will have four ma­
Cap.; and Miss Shirley Loesch.
jor functions. First, it is to plan the
In announcing the formation of
Archdiocesan response to the
Archdiocesan Task Force on
USCC Administrative Board's state
Archbishop Levada said,
ment, "The Many Faces of AIDS:
"AIDS is a critically important social
A Gospel Response."
problem in our nation and in our
Secondly, it is to recommend po­
archdiocese. I believe that we have
licy for the Portland Archdiocese.
assembled an especially talented
This will pertain especially to
and well-informed group which will
schools and also to Church em­
be invaluable to the Catholic com
ployees who might contract AIDS.
munity as well as the wider citizenry
Thé third function of the task
force yvUI be to gather together edu­
t this time I am not defining a
cational materials from sources na­
date when the work of
tionally so as to provide up-to-date
M ethodist
The Sm allest
The United Meth
odist Board of Pensions said Dec. 9
it is divesting from three more com
panies doing business in South Afri
God hears the very smallest
Nor sends a cross too great
to bear,
And though we stumble now
and then,
He always picks us up again.
There is no moment day or
When we are hidden from His
No wall to high nor door too
To keep His loving care with
His ways are wiser than our
His strength remains when
ours is gone,
We must not doubt nor ques
tion why,
He sends the answers by
and by.
And this I know within my
All darkness fades and
shadows part,
And that sometime, some­
how, somewhere,
God sees and answers every
by Grace E Easley
The three are being sold because
they failed to achieve standards of
conduct under the Sullivan Princi
pies as prescribed by the pensions
agency for continued investment.
The companies are Harnischfeger
Industrial, Ingersoll Rand and Inter
national Flavors and Fragrances.
Board of Pensions holdings in the
three had a market value of about
$1.4 million on Oct 31, according to
Deanna Armstrong, the Board's
communications director.
This latest action makes seven
firms to have been divested this
year. In late summer a total of $27 6
million in seven companies was
As of Sept. 30, the board held
about $339.7 million in stocks of 58
South African related companies,
about 20 of which have announced
plans to withdraw from that coun
try. In November the board started
a time clock running that could lead
to divestment in four major energy
corporations early in 1990.
84 N E Killingsworth • 281 0499
o f &***
The Ark of Safet\
Church of
God in Christ
Z'-rr.y^r ••sKrpt.yh-*-'
t>: ’ -
j* S4*»
Cox Funeral Home has a staff dedicated to the families in
their hour of need with low cost funerals.
ric in i
2736 N E Rodney • 1503)281 4891
Portland, Oregon 97212
you how to listen, how to under
stand, and how to find your way.
Affirm repeatedly, God is show
ing me how
Build and rebuild
this idea strongly within your think­
ing. Take it with you into the bust
est day and follow
as obediently
as you can
the smallest inner
leading, the quietest inner bidding
of love and wisdom.
when you least understand yourself,
your moods, your reactions, or
what is happening in your life, make
a habit of telling yourself, "G od is
show ing me how ! Thank you,
God, fo r show ing me h o w !"
Your Father's love for you, His
offspring, is greater than any hap-
pening that lias caused you to be
lieve yourself uncared for or un­
worthy of His attention, guidance,
and encouragement.
Stand firm
upon the foundation, God is s h o w ­
ing me how !
In the face of any persistent an-,
xiety, rebellion, fear, disbelief, or
unhappiness decree insistently,
God is show ing me how ! With
each declaration of this affirmative •
thought, you will find your confi-,
dence increasing.
Learning, mo- ..
ment by moment, to listen w ithin;,,
for the Father's direction, you wili,.p
hear more and more clearly the as-..;
surance for which you have longed.
(To be continued next w eek !-
Catholic Establishes AIDS Task Force
"A warm spirit of fellowship always
V r->’
: '
tions you have felt were beyond
your grasp.
Accept reassurance
right now by declaring in fajth God
is show ing me how l
You need not listen for your Créa
tor to shout divine directions in a
commanding voice or blow a truNi
pet's blast to catch your attention.
Divine guidance most often comes
in gentle movements as a still, small
voice within your mind, as a gentle
nudge within your heart
guidance may, at times, seem in
conspicuous amid the noisy clamor
of demanding situations confront
ing you, yet God will make His pre
sence known. God will get a mes­
sage through to you. God will show
the PiWx AtLtjA-
T o llo u ’ peace U'ltll
all men ù holiness
u'ilhoul ivb icli no
ivan shall sec llie
C o ró
. •
B ible Band
C hoir Rehearsal
S unday
S und ay S< hool
M o tn m q
W o rs h ip
I ygnqeliStir
W o rs h ip
Tuesday Friday
Z 30 p m
Z 00 p m
guidelines and materials to be used ■ '
in all schools and parish religious'
educaiton programs of the Arch
These guidelines high­
light appropriate information and
Catholic Christian values for s tu -' ‘
age •
through high school. Distribution
of the materials and educational in '•
services will take place after the first
of the year.
the task force will be completed.
The medical research on AIDS, its
prevention, treatment and cure, are
all developing rapidly. At this point,
I need to have the input of the task
force on an ongoing basis.
The education guidelines were
developed over the last five months
by the Archdiocesan Office of Total
Education after reviewing materials
from the Center for Disease Control,
the Oregon Department of Health
and the Beaverton School District
as well as information and guide
lines received from the National Ca­
tholic Education Association.
The major topics deal with pro­
cedures to be followed in the event
that an employee is found to have
contracted the HTLV III virus or if a
student in the system has contract­
The procedures clearly define a
system of communication between
the local school or religious educa­
tion program and the Archdiocesan
Director of Education. The guide­
lines guarantee the confidentiality of
medical records and the right of pri­
vacy of the person who has contrac­
ted AIDS.
The Office of Total Education is
The central curriculum library of
the Office of Total Education will ,
serve as a clearing house to distri
bute additional materials that are
educationally effective and appro
priate for adult and parent groups
as well.
According to Sr. Molly Giller, OP.
Director of Education for the Arch
diocese of Portland, It is our intent
that all curriculum materials meet
the guidelines set up by the Bishops
of the United States, set forth clear
ly the moral teaching of the Church,
and foster the Gospel spirit of com
passion toward those affected by
AIDS. The appropriate information
for our young people within the
context of Christian moral values is
considered paramount in this AIDS
education program."
Spring Classes
O ffered by United
Sem inary
W orld-W ide
Sim ultaneous
Prayer and
M ed itatio n Slated
by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears
UTS, Portland Extension, will be
offering the following classes begin
ning January 28, 1988:
The Book of Hebrews, Rev.
Eugene Boyd, Jr., instructor; Lead­
ership Counseling; Church History,
Rev. Hampton Calloway, instruc­
tor; and Homiletics (continuation
class held only on Saturday), Rev
Joe S. Hardie, instructor.
All scheduled classes will be held
at St. Mark Missionary Baptist
Church, 103 N.E. Morris Street,
Portland, Oregon 97212, (503 ) 287
7457, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
on Thursdays and Fridays, and
from 10:00 a m. to noon on Satur ,
Staff members include: Rev. Joe
S. Hardie, Director; Rev. Eugene
Boyd, Jr., instructor; Rev. Hamp
ton Calloway, instructor; Rev. Larry
Lee Schlott, instructor; Mrs. Lucy
Ellen Thomas, secretary/instructor;
Mrs. MAC Spears, publicity; and
Rev. O.B Williams, Chairman of
the Advisory Board.
U.M.C. is joining with millions of
people all around the world who will
participate in a multi cultural, ecu
memcal, SIMULTANEOUS prayer
and meditation for world healing
and peace. The Northwest Service
Center. 1819 N.W. Everett St.,
Portland, OR will be one of several
sites of meditation which will occur,
in our Time Zone, from 4.00 a.m.
to 5:00 a m. on December 31, 1987,
with participants gathering at
3:45 a.m.
Local times for this meditation
have been coordinated to allow peo­
ple from all countries and cultures
to join together AT THE SAME
TIME to share a spirit of unity
among all people of the Earth in a
desire for peace.
Send notice o f your church
activitiesand events to.
Religion Editor, Portland Observer
P O Box 3137
Portland OP 97208
A lbina M in isterial A lliance
285 0493
A Public Service of the Portland Observer
9 16 a in
11 IS a rn
Jesus Loves You!
0 30 p n i
H 00 p rti
N oon Day
Th»* Pastor Spnafcs
Z 30 p n i
Allen Temple CME Church
4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue
(corner of 8th A Skidmore)
Portland, Oregon 97211
S aturday
M o rn in g Prayer
9 00 a rn
*/w » m . •’ fHwvw Ql » r-
'I) A M
Psalm 34:3
Phillip S Nelson, Pastor
M W » » AAR ’ « » A M Owl
S7»> O
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