•nd Observer Decemher 30, 1987 IP Z r EDITORIAL / Freedom & Social Justice EDITORIAL In recent statements to the press, the Martin Luther King Street Naming Committee said it believes the objections to renaming Front Avenue in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King are related to the street's historical significance. Acknowledging that concern, the Committee said it wanted the renaming process to be a positive and learning experience for those who may not recognize the ideals for which Dr. King stood. In keeping with that spirit, the Committee is now re­ questing that Union Avenue be named in honor of Dr. King. The Committee's decision is commensurate with its concern about the livability of Portland. It believes that Portland should be in the forefront in terms of the image it projects to our children, to visitors to this City, and to citizens throughout the State of Oregon. In its statement, the Committee says that Portland is a beautiful and progressive city and the time has come for us to join the ranks of those who believe in providing visible reminders of what we want our world to be. Dr. King has already received honors from around the world — including the Nobel Peace Prize. The renaming of a street, while a tri­ bute to Dr. King, is really a tribute to our City. It is a reminder that truth, justice and peace are important as we attempt to build a better tom orrow." The Portland Observer agrees with the Committee's wisdom and totally supports it's request that Union Avenue be named in honor of Dr. King. As the Committee has pointed out, Union Avenue connects the Northeast and Southeast sides of Portland and it is part of our State highway system. The length of Union, the location of signi­ ficant landmarks (the Convention Center) and the traffic flow clearly meet our criteria. What's in a name? History, pride, heritage, and positive change. To íame Union Avenue in honor of Dr. King is to bring about a historical auge we all can be involved in. Not only that, it gives us all a chance to ■ lerstand the process and know exactly how to implement it when the ,,(.j arises again. It gives our children the important chance to be involved th a pro. ess they will be required to keep in place decades from now. Theit-f-ire The Portland Observer requests that the City Council of jrt a n d and Governor Neil Goldschmidt support the efforts of the Martin King Street Naming Committee to rename Union Avenue in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. OREGON'S OLDEST AFRICAN AMERICAN PUBLICATION Established m 1970 A lfred L Henderson Publisher Leon L. Harris PORTLAND OBSERVER Gen Mgr./Controller IS published weekly by Exie Publishing Company, Inc. 5011 N.E. 26th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97211 P.O. Box 3137 Portland. Oregon 97208 Phone Number (503) 288-0033 Richard J Brown Editor Gary Ann G arnett Business Manager Richard J. Brown Photographer Writer M a ttie Ann Callier Spears A rnold Pitre Religion Editor Sales Representative Kendel Bryan C ovington Vivian E. Richardson Entertainment Editor Sales Representative Joyce W ashington Rebecca Robinson Typesetter/ Production Sales Representative Lonnie Wells Distribution Deadlines fo» all submitted materials Articles M o n d a y 5 p m T fe » . 1 w tiand Observer welcomes freelance submissions Ads Tue sda y 5 p m Manuscripts and photographs should tie dearly labeled f>e rntijinnd ♦ accompanied by a self addressed stamped envelope Stib«“ • ptmns $15 00 per year in the Tri County area m ’ I AND OBSERVER Oregon oldest African American Publication is a member of The National N e w s ..p