Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 30, 1987, Image 18

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King Fluoride's
Against Cavities
King fluo ride is a preventive dental health program
available in elementary schools, grades 1 through 8.
It includes optional daily dry brushing for all kids,
and weekly fluoride rinsing for children with signed
parental consent.
The program is incorporated directly into class­
room activities, and takes only a few minutes a day.
It's easy for everyone, fun for the kids, and there's no
cost to parents.
Fluoride is a natural nutrient that works to
strengthen tooth enamel, and can prevent an average
of 35% o f cavities in children. With King Fluoride,
your child w ill have fewer cavities and better checkups,
and you'll have lower dental bills.
King Fluoride is sponsored and endorsed by the
Oregon State Health Division and Oregon Dental
Service in cooperation with state and local dental
societies, local health departments, and school
So if your child is not yet enrolled in the King
Fluoride program, call your school today. If your
school doesn't have the program, or if you'd like more
information, contact your county health department
or the Oregon State Health Division, Dental Health
Program, P.O. Box 231, Portland, OR 97207,
phone 229-5636.