t • ‘ December 23. 1987. Portland Observer. Page 9 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT AUDITOR Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ gon is currently accepting applica­ tions for an Assistant Auditor posi­ tion in the Medicare Reimbursement & Audit Department. Qualified ap- licants will perform desk review and field audits on Medicare cost reports submitted by providers. Audits are performed at the provider's site re­ quiring 1-2 weeks/month travel with audit team. Qualified candidates will have a col­ lege degree with major in account­ ing including audit course credits. Previous work in accounting or healthcare is desirable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ gon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: « Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. M a rke t Portland, OR 97201 I J t < Equal Opportunity Employer ASST. WASTEWATER SERVICES MGR. $2613 - $3319/mo. The City of Salem, Oregon, is seeking a highly skilled individual to lead the operations unit of a large, complex wastewater plant. Position serves as Asst. Plant Mgr. Plant untilizes secondary treatment processes of pure oxy­ gen activated sludge (UNOX), trickling filters and trickling fil- ter/solids contact (TF/SC). Con­ siderable progressively respon­ sible experience in the field of wastewater treatment plant ope­ rations, supervisory experience; high school graduation supple­ mented by technical/college course work in chemistry, bac­ teriology or related field; com­ pletion of operator's short courses; or equiv. experience and training. Possess valid Class 4 Oregon driver's license and ability to obtain Oregon certification as Wastewater Treatment Opera­ tor IV. Request City application and supplem ental questionnaire at: City of Salem Personnel D ep t., Rm 225 565 Liberty SE Salem , OR 97301 503/588 6162 Closing date: 1-15-88 EOE CLERICAL Starting Salary $15,564 he Portland Development Com­ mission, dedicated to enhancing »ortland's quality of life, is actively eeking a clerical assistant to pro- ide receptionist and word proces- ing support to the Commission's Jingle Family Housing Section. o be considered for this position ou must have experience perform- 1g a wide variety of clerical duties deluding typing, maintaining re- :prds, light filing and answering »hones. Requires excellent typing ¿Id word processing skills in typing demos, letters, contracts, and re­ ports, as well as a knowledge of jpneral office procedures. (Qe offer the opportunity to be an rltegral member of a motivated earn. Apply at the address below. Portland Developm ent Com m ission 1120 SW 5th Ave. Portland. OR 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer PART TIME HOME MAILING PROGRAM! Excellent incomel Details, send self addressed, stamped enve lope. WEST, Box 5877, Hill­ side, NJ 07205. W ashington State Dept. of Natural Resources Full Tim e Institutional experience preferred. Excellent benefits. Modern nursing home. Del's Care Center 319 N.E. Russet St. Portland, OR 97211 1 block north of Lombard, off Union Ave. Apply Monday thru Friday, 8:00a.m. to4:00p.m . APPLY DIRECTLY CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST Lake Grove Branch We offer an excellent career oppor­ tunity for an individual with exper­ ience in bank operations and super­ vision. Qualified applicants must possess three years banking exper­ ience, previous supervision exper­ ience, strong commitment to quality customer service, and excellent written and verbal communication skills. JOBS DEPUTY SUPERVISOR COOK Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources — immediate vacancy for Deputy Supervisor for Resource Protection and Services. Exec, level position directs the development/ implementation of policy/proce­ dures for the dept's resource pro­ tection and internal service functions. Develops legislation; represents the department at hearings and meetings with legi­ slature, public, and industry. $50,000 $55,000/yr. DOQ. Desire Bachelor's Degree in Natural Re­ sources, Pub. Admin, or allied. Five years progressively responsible line mgmt, exp., including two years in upper mgmt, (prefer natural re­ source mgmt.). The DNR is an equal opportunity employer and en­ courages women, minorités, the aged, and the handicapped to ap­ ply. Submit leeter and resume by Jan. 8, 1988 to: We offer an excellent flexible bene­ fits program, and a higly competi­ tive salary commensurate with ex­ perience. Qualified applicants should submit their resume and salary requirements to: OREGON BANK Personnel D epartm ent 1001 SW 5th Avenue Third Floor P.O. Box 3066 Portland, OR 97208 The Portland Observer is a weekly minority newspaper whose purpose is to reflect the current views and concerns of the Black and minority communities in N/NE Portland and to empower these communities by providing information about issues which impact them, locally and nationally. A rt Stearns Supervisor Dept. of Natural Resources 201 John A. Cherberg Bldg. O lym pia, W A 98504 DISHWASHER Full Time Institutional experience preferred. Excellent benefits. Modern nursing home. Del s Care Center 319 N.E. Russet St. Portland, OR 97211 Equal Opportunity Employer APPLY DIRECTLY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Immediate opening for a Computer Operator with at least 1 year exper under OS operating system and ex­ perience in IBM 3033 or 3081 com­ puter desired. Individual will operate computer, disk drive, tape drives, multiple prin­ ters, and reader/punch. Will moni­ tor system of performance by means of console terminal; will identify system or program malfunc­ tions and initiate corrective action. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ gon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. M a rke t Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM OPERATOR 2 For the Oregon Legislative Infor­ mation System of the Legislative Administration Committee. Posi­ tion operates automated equipment & systems used in processing legi­ slative applications, installs & main­ tains software & hardware, investi­ gates & resolves problems & trains employees in use of systems & software packages. Experience in­ stalling, testing & maintaining com­ puter hardware & software re­ quired. Salary range $1267-$1574 per month. A Legislative Admini­ stration Committee application is re­ quired. Application materials must be received by 5 p.m., January 5, 1988. Contact: Personnel O ffice Legislative A dm in istra tio n C om m ittee S404 State Capitol Salem. OR 97310 (503) 378 8530 In addition, ideal candidates will be able to work swing shift hours Mon­ day and Tuesday; and on Wednes­ day until final paste up is com­ pleted. Leon Harris Manager & C ontroller Portland Observer P.O. Box 3137 Portland, OR 97208 1 block north of Lombard, off Union Ave. Apply Monday thru Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. COMPUTER OPERATOR We seek experienced newspaper people to work on a part-time basis to perform proofreading, layout de­ sign, display ad design, PMT specs, and paste up tasks with a high de­ gree of accuracy and productivity. Submit resumes to: APPLICANT HOURS 9-1 M on-Fri DATA PROCESSING The Observer is seeking employees dedicated to these purposes, who believe in the equality of all people, and who are knowledgeable about issues and concerns of minority communities. Olympic Area Agency on Aging seeks expeiience in management and senior citizen programs. Ad­ minister $2M-plus budget in rural area. Diverse responsibilities in­ clude budget, supervision, commu­ nity-based planning, operation of direct service, and advocacy. Sala­ ry range: $31,500-$35,000. Contact agency for application: EEO/AA LIBRARIAN C ataloguing Section Supervisor Oregon State Library Responsible for the supervision of all cataloguing department activi­ ties; perform cataloguing & classifi­ cation of all forms of library mater­ ials. Salary range: $1739-$2217. Qualifications include a Master's de­ gree in Library Science & 2 yrs pro­ fessional cataloguing exper. For application and/or additional infor­ mation, contact: Personnel O ffice Oregon State Library State Library Bldg Salem, OR 97310 0640 Application deadline: Jan. 20, 1988 or until sufficient applications are received. P.O. Box 1062 Port Tow nsend, W A 98368 (206) 385 2564 LIBRARIAN Reference Librarian III Oregon State Library Applications due December 28th. EOE INSURANCE SECRETARY TO MANAGER Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Ore­ gon, a major health insurance com­ pany, is currently accepting appli­ cations for a Secretary in their Group Accounting Dept. Qualified applicants will possess strong technical skills including 80 wpm typing, transcription exper­ ience, 10-key, shorthand, and CRT background. Strong verbal and written communications skills are of equal value. This position requires approximately 50% daily statistical typing & cal­ culation; a strong mathematical ap­ titude is imperative. Applications and resumes will be ac­ cepted through December 18, 1987. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ gon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. M arket Portland, OR 97201 Equal Oppportunity Employer WASHINGTON COUNTY JOBS M anagem ent Analyst $1986 $2413 mo. Minorities encouraged to apply. E.O.E. MULTNOMAH COUNTY E m ploym ent Program Trainer $20,191 annually Trains juvenile offenders in effec­ tive job search techniques; tests and interviews individuals with employ­ ment barriers to assist in vocational guidance; apply by January 4, 1988. AIDS Outreach Educator $11.07 per hour Performs community health educa­ tion work directed toward intrave­ nous drug users; requires degree in health education or equivalent and one year of experience; apply by January 8,1988. A d u lt Housing Program Manager $28,564 - 37,146 annually Develops, implements and ongoing supervision of the Adult Housing Program; implements rules, poli­ cies, procedures, agreements and information systems; insures com­ pliance with the Adult Care Home Registration Ordinance; requires re­ lated BS and five years of health or social services experience or MS and two years of experience; apply by December 31, 1987. Job Developer $20,191 annually Develops employment resources for juvenile offenders; markets program to employers, develops subsidized work experience sites, provides fol­ low up services; requires two years of job development experience; ap­ ply by January 4, 1988. WHERETO APPLY Your knowledge of medical termi­ nology, ICD-CPT coding, CRT skills and experience in a doctor s office or hospital setting may qualify you for a position as a Medical Claims Analyst. If your New Year's resolution is to put your claims processing skills to good use. Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Oregon may be able to help you. Apply NOW for a position to begin January 18, 1988. Avoid the holiday rushl Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ gon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: W ashington C ounty Personnel Hundreds weekly at homel W rite: An E O E. Equal Opportunity Employer • . ' • Full-time and relief positions. Ex­ cellent benefits. Send resume to: * • / ’A.' 3 S » * Edgefield C hildren's Center ATTN: A ssociate D irector 2408 S.W. Halsey St. Troutdale, OR 97060 UNION STATION AREA DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT The Portland Development Com­ mission, dedicated to enhancing Portland's quality of life, is actively seeking an assistant to the Union Station area development Project Coordinator You will provide technical assi­ stance for Union Station and other development projects, including providing data bases for project in­ formation, site research, develop­ ment planning and strategies. Re­ quires 1-plus years' experience with a design planning or development oriented organization, and an edu­ cation in Planning, Real Estate, or Business. Experience in working with the business community, citi­ zens group and government agen­ cies is also helpful. Salary range: $24,000-$31,000. f/* -•< ?.. . I -, We offer the opportunity to be an integral member of a motivated team. Apply at the address below. Portland D evelopm ent Com m ission 1120 S W 5th Ave. Portland, Or 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer RECRUIT $1669/mo. Washington County, the fastest growing County in Oregon, is seek­ ing applicants for the position of Recruit. Our Recruits train in basic law enforcement; learn procedures, rules and regulations of Public Safe­ ty; train in and perform patrol du­ ties, crime scene and traffic acci­ dent investigations. Req. high school diploma or GED. Recruits who pass the probationary period of 1 year are eligible for promotion to Deputy Sheriff, the starting sala­ ry for Deputy Sheriff is $1929/mo. County application forms req., re­ sumes NOT accepted. Apply by January 15, 1988 to: W ashington County Personnel 150 N. First A ve., Room B-2 H illsboro, OR 97124 An E.O.E. PORTLAND OBSERVER An Equal Opportunity Employer MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYST Innovative day treatment program for 6-12 year-old emotionally dis­ ruptable children. Minimum BA plus 1 year's experience required. »* . • REAL ESTATE M ultnom ah County Employee Relations Room 1430 1120 SW Fifth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Application deadline: Jan. 20, 1988 or until sufficient applications are received. MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT COORDINATOR Equal Opportunity Employer Personnel O ffice Oregon State Library State Library Bldg Salem, OR 97310-0640 TYPISTS * ’ Rodney L. Harry Personnel O fficer N/NE C om m unity M ental Health Center 310 N.E. Oregon St. Portland, OR 97232 Phone: 503 239 8871 Closing 1-6-88 Program m er A nalyst PC S upport $12.60 -14.54 per hour Provides support services for IBM and Wang personal computer users; evaluates hardware/software re­ quirements, facilitates training and manages inventory; required two years of IBM-compatible PC exper­ ience; experience in RBase, dbase Ill-plus, Lotus 1-2-3, Panlink and Wang PC's is desirable; apply by January 4,1988. Call (503) 648 8607 for information. County application forms req. Ap ply by January 8, 1988 to: .♦ X * Case manager for adult C.M.I. clients. Ability to relate to minority population. Masters degree in men tai health field with supervised prac- ticum, or Bachelor's degree and two years' experience or any combina­ tion of experience and training. Comprehensive salary and benefits. Resume to: Provides general reference services, and also specialize reference assi­ stance in the fields of medicine, science & agriculture. Salary range: $1735-$2193. Qualifications include a Master's degree in Library Sci­ ence, strong data base searching skills & 2 yrs of professional refer­ ence exper. Highly desired charac­ teristics include a background in science/medicine & a finely deve­ loped sense of humor. For appli­ cation and/or additional informa­ tion, contact: Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. M arket Portland, OR 97201 P.O. Box 17, Clark, NJ 07066 MENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST III "The Eyes and Ears of the Community" 288-0033 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for the Science Library Asbestos Abatement project will be re­ ceived by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education at the University of Oregon Physical Plant Department, Conference Room 2, 1295 Franklin Bou­ levard, Eugene, Oregon 97403, until 2:00 PM PST, January 5, 1988. Briefly, the work will consist of the removal of asbestos from existing suspended ceiling system and lighting fixtures, and sprayed-on insulation material on concrete pan ceiling system, including overspray on mechanical system. For more information, contact: Physical Plant U niversity o f Oregon Phone 686-5243 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for construction of interior improvements for one 2-bedroom cottage, vehicle storage building apartment, and gatehouse for the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, Charleston, Oregon will be received by the Ore gon State Board of Higher Education until 4:00 p.m. PST, Thursday, Janu ary 14, 1988, in Conference Room 2, UO Physical Plant Department, 129 Franklin Blvd., Eugene, OR 97403-1276. For further information, contact: UO Physical Plant Phone: 686 5243 á u1 ' ■* I: