December 16, 1987, Portland Observer, Page 7 Scripture of the Week: M atthew , Chap. 2 RELIGION Puget Sound Conference---------------------- — Sends Green to Bethel-------------------------- -— God Calls One of His Angels Back Home by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears Mm e. Alice Contralto. Hayden, by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears Gospel Alice Louise Hayden was born in Zanesville, Ohio, July 10, 1906. On Saturday, December 5, 1987, Madam Alice Hayden — as she was known in professional circles — was called home. Alice Hayden had been singing since she was very little girl. Her parents, Sophia and Joseph Spears, knew that their child had very special talents. Alice grew up and married Clar­ ence H. Hayden in 1925. Two years later a little girl, named Sopia Louise, was born. One day Louise was stricken with malaria, after they'd taken a trip to Knoxville, Ten­ nessee. She was so ill until Alice thought she would lose her only little girl. She took her daughter to a Pentecostal Faith Church in New York City, New York, on 130th and Lenox Avenue. There she met and prayed with Mother Horn, the minister of the church, and her daughter, Sister Gladys, that the little girl may be healed — in the name of the Lord. The fever was so high until it was hard to even touch her little body. But after prayer and singing and meditating, the fever broke. The bed that the little Louise was in was soaked as if someone had poured a bucket of water over it. The fever was gone and Louise was truly healed. Until this day, Louise has never even felt the side effects of a malaria victim. PRAISE THE LORD! Alice remained in Mother Horn's church until 1943. She sang as the church soloist every Sunday morn­ ing when they would broadcast over WABC. Alice and Mother Horn's congregation were heard on the radio every Sunday night in New York City, for as long as Louise could remember. Alice sang in competitions at the Golden Gate Ballroom in New York City in a “ Gospel Concert". She also sang with and was a member of "The Harmonaires", which was a well-known quartet. She also sang with the “ Five Blind Boy", "The Dixie Hummingbirds", Ernestine Washington and many others. Her rich contralto voice was often mistaken for that of the great Maha- lia Jackson. Alice and her daughter, Louise, moved to Vanport City, Oregon, in 1943. She found a church home with the Vanport Community Church where she continued to sing. She moved to Portland in 1953 and united with Good Samaritan Church of God in Christ where she was an active member for 34 years. She serves as President of the Choir, Sunday School Secretary, Church Mother and Home and For­ eign Mission Board. She was a member of The Amer- Methodists Make News Work Complete on 1989-92 Theme' DAYTON, OHIO — “ Celebrate God's Grace: Witness for Jesus Christ” is being recommended as an overarching theme for everything the United Methodist Church does during 1989 92. The General Council on Ministries, chief program coordinating unit of the denomination, approved in its meeting here Dec. 1-3 the theme and a recommended funding of $145,000 to produce resource materials for submis­ sion to the 1988 General Conference. The "Theme" is proposed in lieu of a specific quadrennial "missional priority." Warning Sounded on Toys WASHINGTON D C. — Both religious and secular groups have joined forces this year to alert parents to violent toys. The United Methodist Board of Church and Society reintroduced the 1986 "Parents' Guide to Non-violent Toy-buying" at a news conference as the shopping season began. "Captain Power" and "Gotcha! Gun were cited as examples of undesirable items being sold. ica's Singers Association, Portland, Oregon, Local 9. She played a big part in helping to promote the radio ministry pro gram over stations KGON, KVAN, KLIQ, and KGAR. Her voice was heard all over the city of Portland, Newberg, Oregon, Vancouver, Washington, Nevada, California and as far away as Australia. Alice was a faithful servant and volunteered wherever her services were needed. She worked with children's groups throughout the city of Portland. Rev. Dr. F. J. Crear officiated over her most spiritual homegoing on Friday, December 11th. In his deli­ very of the eulogy, he said, "Pre­ cious in the sight of the Lord is the death of one of His saints." She is survived by her daughter, Louise; 3 grandchildren, Brenda Alice Venable, Michael Edward Nowlen, Deborah Carson Taylor; two grandsons-in-law, Harry E. Ve­ nable, Whitfield Taylor, Sr.; and one granddaughter-in-law, Deborah Nowlen; and 10 greatgrandchildren, Kim, April, Swan, Felicia, Ian, Ame­ lia, Homani, Harriet, Whitfield, Jr., and Kalilah. She also leaves to mourn adopted children, Rosemary Anderson, Ariella Waddy, Merle Jean Stewart and Emily J. Harris and adopted grandsons, Ronald Young and Ray­ mond Shepherd. Alice Hayden's voice and labor upon this earth is done but her voice shall never be forgotten. She reached many souls with her singing and her words of encouragement. She will be truly missed. In Him You'll Find Peace Rev. M ilto n Green. Photo by Richard J. Brown The Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church is a member of the Puget Sound Conference in the 5th District. There are 21 districts and the 5th District is the largest with 7 conferences: California, South California, Colorado, Kan­ sas/Nebraska, Northwest Missouri, Missouri and Puget Sound. Each pastor is an itinerant pastor, which means, they must move on to another church when the Bishop sends orders that a pulpit is empty. When the spirit is heavy. And burdened with care. The Rt. Rev. Henry W. Murph, presiding Bishop, sent for an able- bodied, learned, and capable man. He sent for the Rev. Milton Green. At the time, Rev. Green was pastor­ ing Greg Tabernacle Church in Kan­ sas City, Missouri, where he'd been for three years. Now he had to leave, again. Be not afraid and. Know that He's there, Granting you strength, To bear, with His grace, The trials and problems, That each of us face. Prior to Rev. Green's placement in Greg Tabernacle Church, he has moved five times: 1 year at Pacific Union Circuit in Missouri; 3 years at Wayman Temple in St. Louis, Mis­ souri, where he was the assistant pastor and youth minister; 3 years at Brown Chapel in Poplar Bluff, Mis- His love will sustain you, Giving release, To all anxious thoughts, In Him, you'll find peace. Grace Collins homeless were housed at Greg Tabernacle Church. Rev. Green taught school for 20 years in St. Louis, Missouri. He became a principal. Then he ans­ wered the call to the ministry. He has always loved working with children — counseling them, guid­ ing them. He tried desperately to juggle both teaching and pastoring. He had to chose between the two and his ministry won. He hasn't taught since 1970. He is totally committed to the ministry. When asked, was he aspriring to, one day, become a bishop, he said, "I feel that my calling is to preach and I thank God for the strength to do well at what I am doing. At 51 years, I am not aspiring to be a bishop. Becoming a bishop would be a glorious position, but I would miss the people. Because, you see, I'm a people person. The real work of the church is at the local level." by Colette Fedor Memorial Center YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT Day Care 84 l\l E. K illin g s w o r th • 281 0499 "A warm spirit of fellowship always" ttrie g & ip • Kindergarten I he Ark of Safely Church of God in Christ • Pre-School fOutsCfO ’VArms/YwY' Bnhep 17 a-*” ".» - t rC»*- the BtWx ‘Latch Key Program Children 6 wks. to 11 yrs. • Breakfast • Hot Lunches • Snacks f o ll o u ’ peace with all m holiness tvilboul which no man shall see the 4-year old kids at Grace Collins Memorial Center learn how to make cookies. Tuesday Bible Band Thursday Choir Rehearsal Sunday • S unday S chool M o rning W o rsh ip Y P W W Evangelistic W o rsh ip ITuesday Friday 7 30p m 7 00pm . 9 15am 11 15 a m 6 30pm 8 00 p m Corel -tMNA : »4 Sh o w w i o f Celebrate The King The Mt. Olivet Chancel Choir will present "Celebrate The King", a Christmas musical by John W. Peterson, on Sunday, December 20, 1987 at 5:00 p.m. at 116 N.E. Schuyler Street, Portland. Carl T. Harris is the Director of the Chancel Choir and Scott Harris is the organ­ ist. The Rev. Dr. James Martin is Minister of Mt. Olivet Baptist Church. N oon Day Prayer Friday The Pastor Speaks 7 30 p m . S aturday M o rn in g Prayer souri; 4 years at Allen Chapel in Sacramento, California; 4 years at Grant Chapel in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This Homer, Louisiana-born prea­ cher may not have ever traveled outside the United State of Ameri­ ca, but with all the moving he has done — PHEW!!! Even though Rev. Green moved around a lot, it did not hinder his ability to achieve, succeed and/or help his fellow man. Helping the poor and destitute to rise above their situations is not a new concern to Rev. Green. In the last three churches he pastored, there were feeding programs (ex­ cept in Albuquerque, New Mexico). Eighty to one-hundred-and-twenty people were being fed hot meals three times per week. Kansas City had a number of feeding stations located throughout the city. During the winter months, many of the 9 (X) a m . Send notice o f your church activities and events to. Religion Editor, Portland Observer P .O Box 3137 Portland OR 9720ft hmertr«* Strntey ■’■ m n y HMD A M Rev. Green states he really likes his new church and the northeast community. He has had to work day and night to catch up; working hard setting up the budget for the new year, organizing programs, and trying to touch bases with each group in the church, because Bethel was without a pastor for several months. He loves fishing, and, for that reason alone, he wants to stay here. Rev Milton Green is scheduled to preach for the "W atch Night" ser­ vice on New Year's Eve. The theme is "Growing in Grace and Know­ ledge." ‘And beside this, giving all dili­ gence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to tem­ perance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brother­ ly kindness; and to brotherly kind­ ness charity. For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.' - II Peter 1:5-8. Why do more families call 6:30 am • 6:00 pm Cox Call in time of need? A lbina M in isterial A lliance 281-6930 y e a r. Swtwo K AAR 14BUAM CM A Public Service of the Portland Observer Mon-Fri “ When Bishop Murph told me of my new assignment, I had one week to get everything together and drive (2 cars) to Portland. It took my wife, my daughter and I from Thurs­ day to Saturday to reach Portland. Then, I had to preach Sunday morn­ ing, meet all the people . . . then I went home and fell in the bed." "M y wife and I are a real team. She was the president of the Con­ ference Branch Missionary Board for three years in Kansas City, Missouri. I value her views and judgement very highly. She's a hard worker and a real friend. Right now, we're still trying to get out of boxes." "W e suffered some hardships be­ fore we came to Portland; but there are always going to be hardships in life, and we, as Christiams, are not exempt from them. Once you make a commitment, you must be pre­ pared to stand there, because 'Man doth not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God.' (Deut. 8:3). Milton and Essie Green are the proud parents of six children. Their 16-year-old daughter, Karen, is the last sibling at home. Karen is atten­ ding U.S. Grant High School this 285 0493 128 N.E. Russell St. 5-year old kids at Grace Collins study hard on school work before going outside to play. <=>< Grace Collins Memorial Center Day Care Jesus Loves You! Cox Funeral Home has a staff dedicated to the families in their hour of need with low cost funerals. Allen Temple CME Church 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue Shipping (c o m e r o f 8th & S k id m o re ) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor • Cremation • Burial 2736 N.E. Rodney • (503)281 4891 Portland, Oregon 97212 P salm 34:3