Pace 10, Portland Observer, December 16J987 PO RT OF P O R T L A N D P O B O X 3529 P o rtla n d , O reg o n 97208 P O R T L A N D D E V E L O P M E N T C O M M IS S IO N ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Sealed bids fo r the Dixon Recreation Center W e ig h t Room A d d itio n project w " be received by the Oregon State Board o f H igher Education until T R A N S P O R T A T IO N /P A R K IN G A N A L Y S IS P O R T L A N D IN T E R N A T IO N A L A IR P O R T M E R C H A N D IS IN G S H O P C O N C E S S IO N S 2:00 PM, PST, January 5, 1988. P ro p o s a ls d u e 3 00 p .m .. J a n u a ry 6. 1988 REQUEST FOR MINORITY AND WOMEN OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (M/W BE) PARTICIPATION Request fo r Proposal was advertised December 6, 1987 asking fo r sealed p ro ­ posals no later than 5 pm PST February 1, 1988 for Portland Internat.onal A irpo rt M erchandising Shop Concessions consisting of. 1. N e w /g ift shops 2. D uty free shop 3. Specialty Shops (a to ta l o f nine individual specialty shops) In accordance w ith federal guidelines and Port goals, m ajor proposers are required to include a percentage o f M /W B E participation in th eir proposal. The Port is seeking names o f interested loca l/re g io na l M /W B E retailers suppliers, m anufacturers to assist m ajor proposers in reaching the goals established fo r these concessions. The basic requirem ents necessary to qualify as a bona fide M /W B E are that: (a) A business m ust be and ow ned at least 51 percent by one or m ore m in o ­ rities or w om en, as the case may be, or in the case o f a corp oratio n, at least 51 percent o f the stock m ust be ow ned by one or more m inorities or w om en, and w h o co ntrol the m anagem ent and daily business operations. (b) M inority(s) m ust be citizens or legal perm anent residents o f the United States th a t q ualify in one o f the fo llo w in g groups: The Portland Developm ent Com m ission (PDC) is seeking proposals from tra n s p o rta tio n /p a rkin g consultants fo r preparation o f tran spo rtatio n and parking studies related to the Pioneer Place Parking Garage Project in d o w n ­ to w n Portland. The parking garage is part o f the proposed Pioneer Place Project, a three and three quarter block, p u b lic /p riv a te , m ixed use redevelopm ent initiative. The garage site is the northerly three-quarters o f Block 51, an area bounded by S W T hird and Fourth Avenues, Yam hill Street and tw o existing buildings on Taylor Street. The garage w ill have 425-550 public, retail related parking spaces above ground. 175 200 private, office-related parking spaces below ground and a m inim um o f 11,000 leasable square feet o f retail space at street level Ingress/egress fo r the below ground, o ffice parking w ill be on T hird Avenue, w hile ingress/egress fo r the above g ro un d, retail parking w ill be on Fourth Avenue. The consultant w ill be required to assist in preparing a developm ent program for the project; undertake studies o f parking dem and and supply in th e v ic i­ nity o f the project; prepare an analysis o f tra ffic im pacts and recom m ended access points; review the incom e potential o f the project, including the deve­ lopm ent o f in co m e /o pe ra tin g assum ptions fo r th e project; and assist in the A d ditio na l info rm a tio n may be obtained by c o n ta ctin g ; C o rvallis, OR 97331 or telephone 503 754 4921 • Black: having origins in any black racial groups o f A frica . A com plete RFP package is available from Stacey Deitz, Portland Develop- me“ c o m m is Sion „ 2 0 S .W . Fifth Avenue, Suite „ 0 2 . Pur,land. Oregon • Hispanic: Having origin in M exico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central and 97204-1968, (503) 796-6950. A P P L IC A T IO N S D U E 5 P .M . (P S T ), J A N U A R Y 15, 1988 C O N S U L T IN G S E R V IC E S REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL M etro and the C ity o f Portland are establishing a Public-Private Task Force on Future Transit Finance in the Portland region and w ish to engage consul­ tin g services to provide inform a tion on the "s ta te o f the art fo r delivery o suburban transit services and to assist the Task Force and sta ff in establish­ ing an overall o rd er-o f-m a g nitu de level o f service and cost fo r th is area. For a com plete Request fo r Proposal, c o n ta ct Karen Thackston, T ra n s p o rta tio n D e p a rtm e n t M e tro 2000 S W First P o rtla n d , Or 97201 (503) 220 1159 Proposals m ust be received by 5:00 p .m . (PST) on Friday, January 15, 1988 Postm arks are n ot acceptable. METROPOLITAN SERVICE DISTRICT (M etro) A p p lic a tio n s D ue 5 P .M . (P S T ), J a n u ary 8. 1988 C O N S U L T IN G S E R V IC E S Proposals are due at the PDC o ffice no later than 3:00 p .m ., W ednesday, January 6, 1988. South Am erica, Spain and Portugal, regardless o f race. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL . Asian: Having origin in th e Far East, S.E. Asia, the Indian S ub-C on­ tin en t or the Pacific Islands. • Native Am erican: Having origin in any o f the original peoples o f N orth Am erica. Interested firm s w ho m eet these basic qualifications but have not been c e rti­ fied by the Oregon D epartm ent o f Transportation (ODOT) as bona fide m in o ­ rity- or w om en ow ned firm s please co n ta ct the Port o f Portland Purchasing D epartm ent (503) 231-5000, Ext. 263. fo r ce rtifica tion assistance. Interested M /W B E firm s w ho are currently certified w ith ODOT and have not yet responded to the December 6, 1987 Request fo r Propose should also co nta ct th e Port at the same num ber to insure inclusion on the lists provided to the m ajor proposers. i M etro and the City o f Portland are establishing a Public-Private Task Force ° ,u ,e Transit Finance in th e Portland region and wrsh to. engage PUBLIC NOTICE The annual Grantee Perform ance Report fo r the H ousing and C om m unity D evelopm ent (HCD) Program is available fo r inspection. This report covers the expenditures and accom plishm ents fo r the fiscal year 86-87. Interested persons may obtain copies fro m the City o f Portland, Bureau o f C om m unity D evelopm ent, 1515 S .W . 5th, Suite 800, Portland, Oregon 97201 during services of a Transit Finance C onsultant. The Frnancral Consu ta n , w rll assist the Task Force in developing and evaluating alternative public and private fm anc-ng m echanism s relative to the benefits received from spec.^^,c trans t proposals. For a com plete Request fo r Proposal, c o n ta c t Karen Thackston, T ra n s p o rta tio n D e p a rtm e n t M e tro 2000 S W First P o rtlan d, OR 97201 (503) 220 1159 regular business hours. T im o th y L. G allagher D ire cto r, Bureau of C o m m u n ity D e v e lo p m e n t P r n n n c a ls C ity o f Portland PO RT OF P O R T L A N D G ary A . K anz, C .P .M . Purchasing M a n a g e r D ec em b e r 11, 1987 ___ METROPOLITAN SERVICE DISTRICT (METRO) preparation o f a parking m anagem ent plan. The Portland Develom ent Com m ission encourages p articipation o f M '2 ° r'tv W om en Business Enterprise co ntractors in its projects. The established Com m ission goal fo r participation is nine percent (9% ) fo r M in o rity Business Enterprises and nine percent (9% ) fo r W om en Business Enterprises. o s u p h ys ic a | p )ant s w 1gth S tre e t m ust be received by 5:00 IP R T ) n n Fridav. January 8, 1988. Hu«/?/ PORTLAND OBSERVER The Eyes and Ears of the Community 288-0033 Savon Auto Repair SAVE *10 ' SAVE *2 2293 N. Interstate 223-0583 61 /2-ft. Balsam 3-ft. Canadian Pine Clutch Service Wholesale Discount Rebuilt Transmissions Engine Rebuild $650-6700 Installed Reg. $49.99 Reg. $99.99 3b montn guarantee on all parts and labor Easy to a s­ semble. Only 35 branches w it h 4 - i n . branch width Includes plas­ tic stand Open 9am to 5pm Add a touch of Christmas cheer to any room of your house! Hairpieces Bring the beauty of nature into your home without the mess or fuss of natural trees. 95032 97930 Beauty Supplies Sale & Restyling BIG BUY! SAVE *5 Miniature 50-Light Set 12-pc. Nativity Set BfG BUY! 98500/1 Christmas Wrap ■ Reg. $2.49 Choose from juvenile or traditional. Single roll. Reg. $19.99 94112/13 Porcelain figures *2 mail-in rebate 3 roll Christmas wrap 32% OFF Miniature 35-Light Set Icicles Reg. Sep. Price Miniature Light Set Less Mail-In Rebate r Eva Gabor • Rene o f Paris • / Z urv and m o re Reg $3.99 Store Hours 10:00 a.m . 'til 6:00 p.m . M onday Thru Saturday 1105 N.E. Broadway (across from Safeway Lloyd Center) Tel 282 1664 End connectors. Multi color or clear 94094/5 Clackamas 11800 S.E. 82nd Ave 652-2280 98970 93816 Vancouver Mall 4911 N.E. Thurston Way 256-8333 W ashington Square 9800 S.W. W ashington Blvd 620-1510 9